Unfinished Business [Disconti...

By awndrayuh

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It's been almost a year since Janelle and Michael's relationship tragically ended along with the life of thei... More

Author's Note!
♦ Prologue
♦ Chapter 1
♦ Chapter 2
♦ Chapter 3
♦ Chapter 4
♦ Chapter 5
♦ Chapter 6
♦ Chapter 7
♦ Chapter 8
♦ Chapter 9
♦ Chapter 10
♦ Chapter 11
♦ Chapter 12
♦ Chapter 13
Not A Chapter But...
♦ Chapter 14
♦ Chapter 15
This Is Important!
♦ Chapter 17
♦ Chapter 18
♦ Chapter 19
♦ Chapter 20
◆ Chapter 22
◆ Chapter 23

♦ Chapter 21

6.6K 315 19
By awndrayuh

Michael | Three Months Later

"So how are you and Janelle doing?" Chris asked as he shot the basketball and made it in.

"We aight. Matter fact we better than aight. I'm glad I got her ass back here, I needed her back with me. She kept me cool."

"Yeah I see. Y'all ain't even got into yo' little petty arguments or nun."

"I was surprised at that too but I guess that when we finally realized what it's like to be without each other, we stopped fighting over stupid shit and just calmly talked it out."

"Calmly? There ain't no calm with Janelle."

"Word, it's weird because like every time a conversation would begin to escalate, she'd just fall back and be like 'I can't afford to be stressed out'."

"Yo..." He passed the ball to me, "It sounds like she pregnant."

"Nah... it ain't that. I'm sure."

"Really? 'Cause I remember after I knocked up C, she calmed her little ass down because she didn't wanna stress out the baby. I mean, has J been getting her period?"

"Nah, now that I think about it no but I ain't really pay attention to none of that."

"Nigga, you know you pay attention to when Janelle ain't giving it up? She been holding back?"

"I guess not."

"She pregnant then."

"You really think so?"

"Nigga I'm ninety percent positive. I mean damn, her and Chelsea are out shopping for baby clothes right now."

"Nig, that's 'cause you got a child."

He shrugged and snatched the ball away from me, "It doesn't mean that you ain't got one in her right now either."

Damn, was he right?


"Oh my goodness Chelsea, this little man is so cute." I cooed as I snuggled Christian.

"I know, my baby boy is gunna be macking so hard when he gets older. He better not get no young hoe pregnant though because I'm not tryna raise another baby."

"Calm down Chels, it's too early to be getting mad over that."

"I know, I know. I just can't help but think of the future when I'm holding him... or talking to Chris... just being around my family has me so happy all the time. Even with all the shit that Chris goes through all the time, I'm trying to help him and he's helping me as well."

"Aww, that's so cute." I wiped away an invisible tear and Chelsea flipped me the bird.

"So what's good with you and Ty? How have y'all been?"

"We've been really good actually, no fights... nothing. We're in a really good place and everything just feels really good. I'm getting so attached to him and King and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing."

"Bih! You know that's a good thing, you love that little boy and eventually you and Ty are going to get married so it's good that you're already close like you are. Then after your married you're gunna start popping out babies and you'll be happier than ever."

"Imagine." I laughed, "I'm not getting pregnant for a long while. The first one took a toll on me and I'm not ready for that again."

"You sure?  'Cause I could've sworn you were knocked up right now."

"What?! Why?"

"Because you've been so happy lately and you're glowing forreal, so I just figured you might me."

"Aw, that's sweet but I'm not. I'm on the shot so there's no way I'm getting pregnant no matter how many times Michael wants to fuck."

"Do you think he wants more kids?"

"I know he does but he hasn't said anything about about it... it's just a sore spot for us to talk about still. That time period just wasn't good for us."

"Yeah I feel you." Chelsea took Christian from my arms and placed him in the stroller. "What are y'all getting into tonight?"

"Nothing much. Passionaye is visiting for the week but wanted to spend quality time with her grandson so King's with her tonight. I think I'm just going to cook Mikey dinner and we'll just chill out."

"You guys are so cute, it's ridiculous."

"Oh please, so are you and Chris. What are you doing tonight?"

"He's in the studio all night so I'll probably cook him something and visit him for a minute with Christian."

"Don't be making babies in the studio now, okay?"

She laughed, "Yes mama Janelle, I promise we won't."

I smiled, "Good."


Michael | Four Hours Later

I used my keys to open Janelle's front door. "Bae, where you at?"

"I'm in my room, give me a second!" She shouted.

"Aight." I walked over to the kitchen and looked in all the pans on the stove, shit smelled good. I felt a small hand on my back so I turned around and saw Janelle smiling at me. She looked good as hell in this tight ass short black dress and a pair of beige heels. "Damn baby, why are you all dressed up for?"

"I dunno... I just felt like getting pretty for my man. Do I look okay?"

"Babe, you know you're fucking beautiful."

She smiled wide, "Thanks. So dinner's almost ready, the chicken is still baking though so it'll be like ten minutes. That okay?"

"Yeah, sounds cool."

"Okay." She walked over to the counter, hopped up and sat on it. She looked at me and said in a sexy voice, "Come'ere." I walked over her and stood in between her legs. She pulled me closer to her and put her arms around my neck. "I love you so much Mikey."

"I love you too Nelle, you're everything I want in a woman, forreal."

"Good, now kiss me." She poked out her lips and I pressed mine into hers. She pulled my head closer to hers and hungrily kissed me back, sucking and biting all over my lips. I put my arms around her waist and smashed her body into mine; then suddenly, a thought flashed into my head. I instantly pulled back from her and looked at her. She looked at me, curiously and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, I just gotta go to the bathroom." I quickly padded to the restroom and looked in the mirror, what the fuck was going on with me?I heard soft knocking on the door followed by my baby's voice, "Michael, what's going on?"

"Nothing Janelle I'm cool."

"Open the door then."

I reached across the way and opened the bathroom door. Janelle stood on the other side of the threshold with a confused and worried look on her face. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why what's up?"

"What's up with you? I'm trying to cook and shit and we were just kissing and then you run away... what's going on? Are you not attracted to me anymore? Did you find someone else?" I heard her voice cracking, she was about to cry. Yeah, Jah was definitely pregnant, she's getting mad emotional for no reason.

"Babygirl no." I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her small frame. "Baby, I didn't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean?" She looked up at me.

"Physically, I didn't wanna go to hard on you."

"Why not?"

"Because of the baby."

"The what? What baby?"

"Our baby, you're pregnant right?"

"Pregnant? No, there's no way. I'm not pregnant Michael."

"You gotta be Nelle, you've been so calm lately, I see your glowing ass and you haven't gotten your period in a min, so wassup?"

"I haven't gotten my period in a while because I'm on the shot Michael and I've been so happy and calm and shit just because I'm with you. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant."

"But you ain't a hunned percent sure."

She looked at me and sighed, then walked away disappearing into her room. She returned moments later with an unopened pregnancy test in her hand. "I'll take this and we'll see, okay?"


She pushed passed me into the bathroom and opened up the test. "Can you just go out into the kitchen and check on the food while I do this? I don't want it to burn."

I nodded and walked into the kitchen.Everything looked and smelled fine to I pulled the chicken out of the oven and set it down on the counter. I waited a few more minutes when I heard the sink running since I went back into the bathroom and saw her washing her hands. "What did it say?" She gestured to the test that was on the side of her. I walked over to where she was and looked at the digital stick. In big, bold letters it read, NOT PREGNANT.

I can't lie and say I wasn't disappointed because I was. I just wanted go start a family with Janelle but it seemed like that wasn't happening any time soon. "I'm so sorry." I looked to my left and saw Janelle staring at me. I pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead, "Don't be, it just ain't the right time right now." She nodded, understanding then wrapped her arms around my torso and sighed into my chest. "I know a family is what you really want Michael so we can really start trying to have one."

I kissed her neck and spoke into her ear, "Let's do it then."


Yaaaaay, I finally updated ♡ Thank y'all for being so patient with me  . Anyways, Comment what you think or what you want to happen for Ty and Janelle below (; I appreciate all your comments and read them all. ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND FOLLOW ME. Don't forget to also read Beware too (:
Thanks guys, love you all 

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