A Wolf?

Bởi BloodWolf15

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Silvia has been on Earth for 5 years, alone and afraid. She travels to Tokyo to find some strange people that... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 : The End

Chapter 9

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Bởi BloodWolf15

Boss POV

"I'm going to kill her!" August yells angrily.

"Not if I get to her first," Gilbert hisses.

"Now gentlemen, we can't let a woman get to us this way," Sebastian smirks.

"She killed Sam!" August yells back.

"Sebastian is right," I interrupted loudly, getting their attention. "This girl, Silvia, will regret what she has done to Sam and us, but if you want to continue to fight like children, then you are of no use to me."

In one quick fluid motion, I take out my gun and shoot August and Gilbert in the head. They go down in a heap and Sebastian makes his way to me. I order him, "Find me some new men and find the girl."

"Very well," he said before walking away without making a sound.

I turn around to a table behind me. I pick up a picture of Silvia Lightning.

You are mine...

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Lakshmi POV

"Lakshmi you got to concentrate," Maou scolded.

"I am," I growled.

Maou is teaching me on how to use my magic and I let him since it's been awkward between us. "Maou is my half-brother" I repeated mentally, still not used to the thought of it. I shake my head. I'm never getting used to the sound of that. Daichi was always my only brother, but now I learned that Maou is my half-brother.

Let's say it's hard to concentrate since then. Maou orders, "Create a portal to Ente Isla."

I stare at him, a bit reluctant. Emi told me what he has done in Ente Isla so let's just say I'm not sure if making a portal to Ente Isla is a good idea. I sigh and try anyway, I feel my magic circling around my center. I hold out my hand and I feel something starting to form. Then I hear Chiho yell, "Lakshmi! I got you a burger!"

My concentration disperses immediately and I turn to Chiho, staring at the MgRonald bag with my stomach growling. Maou made me skip breakfast, the devil. I rush over and grab my burger, but just as I was going to bite into it, it was taken away. I growl at Maou and he says impatiently, "You can have this back when you create a portal to Ente Isla."

I hold out my hand and instantly create the portal. "Can I have my burger back?" I asked a shocked Maou.

He gives it back and I grin widely, I wave my hand at the portal and it dispenses. I walk back to the apartment, eating my burger and leave the two awestruck people behind. I walk inside and see Urushihara by himself. I sit down by him and look at what he's doing. "What are you doing?" I asked curious.

"Looking for ways to get fear," he answered bored.


"We replenish our magic that way. Don't you?" he asked confused.

"Oh right...," I trailed off in realization.

We stare at each other until we hear the door open. I look to see Maou and my mate. I smile once Ashiya looks at me before looking back at the computer. Maou asks, "Lakshmi have you ever created a portal before?"

I tense up as I remember how they chased me and... how Ashiya almost killed me. "Why do you ask?" I ask nervously.

"My Lord says that you were able created it without thinking and were able to disperse it, " Ashiya said impressed.

"It's nothing you should worry about. It was probably because I was angry at Maou for taking my burger," I said strained.

Neither of them seemed to believe me, but they didn't ask again when Emi and Chiho came in. Chiho asks, "Do any of you have plans today?"

"No, why?" I asked quickly, thankful for a change of subject.

"You guys never spend time outside," she remarks, eyeing us.

"Unless you count the times where they take me to the dog park," I added.

"Doggie," I hear Urushihara mutter under his breath.

I grab him in a choke hold and ask Chiho, "What did you have in mind?"

"Aren't you going to let him go?" Maou asks nervously.

I flash him my eyes and he holds up his hands in surrender. Chiho proposes shyly, "Why not spend the day at the mall?"

"Hello everyone," Suzuno greets.

We all greeted her and she looks at me with Urushihara in my arms. "Miss Lakshmi, Urushihara is turning blue. Don't you think you should let him go?" she said in a technical voice.

I look down to see his entire face blue. "Whoops!"

I let him go and he falls to the ground, twitching. Ashiya scolds, "You went too far Lakshmi."

I change into my half human form and give him my puppy eyes, tearing up. He quickly runs to my side and wraps me in a hug, whispering he didn't mean it. I hear Emi mutter, "She got him wrapped around her finger."

I chuckle at her remark and turn around in Ashiya's embrace. "We should go to the mall. What do you guys think?"

"I'm tired though from training you. Can't we go tomorrow?" Maou asks sleepily.

"We trained for 1 hour," I retorted coldly.

He blinks, looking flustered on a witty comeback. He grumbles, "Fine, let's go to the mall."

"Yay!" Chiho cheers happily. "What about you, Emi? Suzuno?"

"It would be wise to learn more about the human's culture," Suzuno adds quietly.

"Fine we'll also go," Emi said reluctantly.

"What about Urushihara?" Emi asks.

He looks to still be out cold. "I can fix that," I declare.

I hold out my hand over him and my hand starts to glow softly. A few seconds later, Urushihara asks, "Is it time for dinner?"

I smile and look up at the others. They gave me the same shocked expressions that Maou and Chiho gave me. My smile disappears and ask worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"Demons can't heal others. Their powers are meant for destruction," Suzuno said suspiciously.

I gulp and leave Ashiya's embrace. "Well, um, I have to change and stuff so we'll meet in front of the building. Good. Okay bye!"

I quickly leave Maou and Ashiya's apartment, and disappear into my own. I slid down my door and look at my hand. Suddenly it blazes up with sparks, lightning sparks. I form it into a fist and hold it to my chest. I start breathing heavily as a million thoughts run through my head.

I can practically hear my father's voice berating me about not telling anyone, not even... my mate.

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Third Person POV

Lakshmi gets thrown back by a bolt of lightning. She skids across the ground before coming to a stop. Lakshmi glares up at her brother who doesn't have a single scratch on him. Shakily, she gets back up and breaths heavily. The Alpha, her father, comes into the clearing and looks at Lakshmi in disappointment.

Her heart breaks at the sight of it and the Alpha scolds, "Lakshmi, focus. You have as much potential as your brother. Tap into it, you hear me?"

"Got it," Lakshmi said breathlessly.

Daichi's hands start to spark up with electricity and he gets into a fighting stance. Tiredly, Lakshmi does the same and wait for the Alpha's signal. Thunder sounds loudly in the sky and they charge. Daichi makes the first move and throws a punch to Lakshmi's face. She moves her upper body to dodge it and punches Daichi in his teeth.

He backs away and spits out his blood and teeth. I tease, "How are you supposed to find a mate now?"

A few of Daichi's front teeth are missing and thunder erupts in the sky. Daichi's hands blazes more brightly in anger. "Now you asked for it," he growls coldly.

Then suddenly they hear dark laughter, they freeze and immediately shift into wolves. An ogre comes out from the shadows and looks down at us. Lakshmi and Daichi's father stands in front of them protectively. He yells telepathically, "You're in our territory!"

He chuckles again. "Not for long, puny wolf. The Great Demon King Jacob, shall kill you where you stand. Once I tell him about your little trick, I will be rewarded handsomely and you will be dead."

The Alpha throws back his hand and lets out a warning howl. Immediately the ogre gets torn apart by our wolf guards and Lakshmi yells angrily, "Why can't the Demon King know about our powers? We can take him!"

Her father jumps on her and bites deeply into her neck as punishment. Lakshmi cries out and Daichi runs to her rescue, but two of their pack gets in his way. He lets her go and yells, "Get that idea out of your idiotic brain of yours! We have lived safely for over 5 centuries! I will not endanger this pack because of pride! Do you hear me! Do not tell anyone!"

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Lakshmi POV

I hit my head against the door. I look at my hand again as it lights up with lightning.

That's one reason why we're called the Thunderstorm pack.

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Ashiya POV

I know that Lakshmi is hiding something from us. I want her to tell us in her own time, but I can't help feeling frustrated. I look over at her as she talks to Chiho about a blouse. Lakshmi catches my stare and her gaze softens. I suddenly feel a wave of compassion and love.

I sigh and shake my head. She makes it hard to stay mad at her. Urushihara complains, "Can we go home yet?"

"No, we haven't explored the rest of the mall yet," Emi argues.

I sweat drop, the hero seems to have a love for shopping as Chiho and Lakshmi calls it, but I don't understand why people would shop this much. Suzuno is the calm one about shopping. She stopped a while ago because she said to conserve money. I groan as I look at Emi's shopping bags. She made us pay half of it since she couldn't pay for it.

Maou says cautiously, "Ashiya don't look, but I think Sebastian is here."

I tense up and ask, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I noticed them following us for a while now. Sebastian has three other people with him."

"What do we do, sire?"

"Act natural and tell the girls. We need to get out of here," Maou orders.

A fake smile brightens up my face and I walk over to the girls. I make Lakshmi sit on my lap and wrap my arms around her waist protectively. Lakshmi asks worriedly, "What's going on?"

"Of course, I forgot she can sense my emotions", I thought scolding myself. I say still smiling, "Sebastian is here with three other men. They have been following us."

"For how long?" Suzuno asks.

"Ask Maou. He just told me recently, but we need to get out of here now," I said urgently.

"Chiho stay close to me," Lakshmi says protectively.

They get their bags and we stand up. I still hold Lakshmi by her waist and she holds hands with Chiho. I nod at Maou and he pats Urushihara to get up. Urushihara looks at us and sees our urgency, then follows with no questions asked. I watch Sebastian and his goons in the corner of my eye as we pass them.

Then we hear, "Hey Ashiya!"

We all stop before looking at each other nervously. We turn all to look at Sebastian. I give him a surprised look and ask, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Came to the mall to hang out, relax," he answers effortlessly.

He immediately looks at Lakshmi and my grip on her tightens. Sebastian asks, "Who's this rose of beauty?"

"Silvia. I wouldn't go that far about my looks though," Lakshmi says modestly.

Sebastian and his goons laugh, staring at her with an evil glint in their eyes. "She's beautiful and modest. I say you hit the jackpot, dude," the goon in glasses compliments.

I gave him a strained smile and Sebastian exclaims, "How rude of me. This is my best friend William, but you can call him Will."

He points to the two men on his other side, who look identical. "This is Edward and Edison, but we call him Ed."

"Nice to meet you," they said in sync.

We nod and I introduce, "This is Maou, Emi, Chiho, Urushihara and Suzuno."

They nodded when I said their name. "Where do you find these beautiful flowers?" Edward, I think, asks staring at the girls.

"Well, we should be going. Chiho and Maou have to go to work soon," Emi lies easily.

"Right so we shall take our leave," Maou said smiling.

Sebastian suddenly smirks and says, "Not without the scepter first."

We turn to look at them with coldness. "It seems to me brother that they all know about it," one twin says.

"I bet they're from there, brother," another says.

"You have no idea who or what you're dealing with," Lakshmi warns.

"And you do?" William asks.

She stays quiet and Maou warns, "If you succeed with your plan, you will die once you step into our world."

"Now that story time is over, can we have the scepter?" Sebastian asks emotionlessly.

I hear Lakshmi say telepathically, "Suzuno, get Chiho out of here. Urushihara go with them. I can smell gun powder on them."

"But what if one of you get hurt?" Chiho whispers worriedly.

"We'll be fine, Chiho. They won't do anything stupid with this much people around," Emi reassures.

After a few moments of silence, Chiho mutters, "Fine."

We cover Suzuno, Urushihara, and Chiho as they quickly head toward the exit. William starts going after them, but Lakshmi growls in warning and he returns back to Sebastian's side. I see Sebastian watch Lakshmi in fascination and I look at her to see her eyes are red. I squeeze her waist and she quickly shuts off her eyes. Emi asks, "What do you have planned for our world?"

"Well if they have people like Silvia there," Sebastian says absently, staring at Lakshmi. I push her behind me and she doesn't protest. He gives me a look of annoyance before continuing, "I'm sure that we can control some of the creatures there."

"Good luck with that," Maou and Lakshmi said in unison.

They look at each other in confusion before turning to our enemies. Ed starts, "We have a message from our boss..."

"Give us the scepter or else," Edward finishes.

"You have until tomorrow at 7. Meet us at the dog park," Will adds.

"You do remember where that is, right Silvia?" Sebastian asks innocently.

She doesn't answer and they walk away, we continue to watch their movements.

Damn him...


"I should've been more careful!" Lakshmi growls angrily.

"Don't blame yourself for this. We all should've been careful," Suzuno said to us all.

"It's my fault. I never should've said something about going to the mall," Chiho cries softly.

Lakshmi leaves my side and pulls Chiho into a hug. She says soothingly, "Don't say that, Chiho. You wanted to have fun with us and we did. Sweetie, it's not wrong wanting to be with your friends, especially with what's going on. Okay?"

Chiho nods into their embrace and I can't help thinking what a great mother Lakshmi will be. We all decided to get some rest after we come up with a plan for tomorrow. Chiho is walking home alone, much to Lakshmi's displeasure. We lay down in her apartment and I can't help thinking about Sebastian. I hug Lakshmi closer to me. I feel like if he ever gets his hands on her, they would have to kill me because they're never taking her from me.

I have to protect her no matter what.

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Chiho POV

I shiver of the coldness of the night. "I probably should've taken Maou's request to walk me home, but..." I thought regretfully. Then I think about being alone with him and my cheeks burn brightly. Don't go there Chiho. Then I hear something behind me, I stop and look around nervously.

I call out, "Hello?"

I suddenly get a bad feeling and start walking again. I see two men blocking my path. My eyes widen once I take in the sight of the twins from earlier. "Will you come play with us?" they ask in sync.

Everything went black...


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