Chapter 7

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Lakshmi Wolf POV

I yawn as the sun's first morning rays hits my eyes. I get up and stretch my body out to get rid of the knots. I see my mate and the other men are still sleeping. I look at my mate with his peaceful face and soft snores. My chest purrs with delight and I lick his cheek before exploring the small space.

I soon realize that I need to go, you know like go. I whine and look at the boys. I didn't want to wake them up, especially my mate. I suddenly catch the scent of soap and water. I follow the scent until it stops at a door but it's closed. It's going to be hard with my paws.

Then I remembered that I could shift halfway between human and wolf. I groan as my bones start crackling as I turn into a half human. I look at my hands to see that the claws are still there. I grab the door knob and twist it to open the door. I see some sort of chair with water inside it with a handle attach to it.

Curiosity getting the best of me and I tentatively press down on the handle. It makes a loud sound and I yelp, running away from the strange chair. I see the guys wake up but I paid no attention to them as I shift back to a wolf and hide under the small table. I whimper loudly and made myself smaller when I saw my mate look at me from under the table. He asks playfully, "Are you scared of the toilet?"

I slowly get out of the table but staying far away from the demon contraction. I shift back into a half human. I asked in a shy voice, "What's a toilet?"

I see them look at me in shock and I tilt my head in confusion. I hear something at the entrance and I growl unconsciously, my ears twitching. I hear Ashiya say calmly, "It's just someone knocking on the door."

"Who? " I asked curiously, my ears high at attention.

He smiles at me, his cheeks blushing. The other man opens the door and I see Chiho, the pink girl, and night blue girl. I said happily, "Chiho!"

She smiles at me but finally sees my appearance and looks shell-shock. "Why is everyone looking at me like that?" I thought in wonder.

I huff and test out my legs which seems harder than walking with four even though I ran with them. I stumble a little before I start getting the hang of it. I smile in satisfaction for getting it on my first try. I feel someone pet my ears and I freeze. I look to see the boy, Urushihara, looking very mesmerized by my ears. I growl lowly, showing him my teeth, and he shows his hands where I can see them in surrender.

I huff in annoyance and shift back into a wolf. I walk over to my mate and sit at his feet. The night blue girl says, "I didn't think that Lakshmi can shift into... that."

"I didn't either", the pink-haired girl agrees.

"She looked so adorable with her little wolf ears and tail, " Chiho says squealing.

"We saw her run out of the bathroom in that form before changed back into a wolf. She looked like she saw a ghost, " the other boy said.

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