Chapter 9

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Boss POV

"I'm going to kill her!" August yells angrily.

"Not if I get to her first," Gilbert hisses.

"Now gentlemen, we can't let a woman get to us this way," Sebastian smirks.

"She killed Sam!" August yells back.

"Sebastian is right," I interrupted loudly, getting their attention. "This girl, Silvia, will regret what she has done to Sam and us, but if you want to continue to fight like children, then you are of no use to me."

In one quick fluid motion, I take out my gun and shoot August and Gilbert in the head. They go down in a heap and Sebastian makes his way to me. I order him, "Find me some new men and find the girl."

"Very well," he said before walking away without making a sound.

I turn around to a table behind me. I pick up a picture of Silvia Lightning.

You are mine...

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Lakshmi POV

"Lakshmi you got to concentrate," Maou scolded.

"I am," I growled.

Maou is teaching me on how to use my magic and I let him since it's been awkward between us. "Maou is my half-brother" I repeated mentally, still not used to the thought of it. I shake my head. I'm never getting used to the sound of that. Daichi was always my only brother, but now I learned that Maou is my half-brother.

Let's say it's hard to concentrate since then. Maou orders, "Create a portal to Ente Isla."

I stare at him, a bit reluctant. Emi told me what he has done in Ente Isla so let's just say I'm not sure if making a portal to Ente Isla is a good idea. I sigh and try anyway, I feel my magic circling around my center. I hold out my hand and I feel something starting to form. Then I hear Chiho yell, "Lakshmi! I got you a burger!"

My concentration disperses immediately and I turn to Chiho, staring at the MgRonald bag with my stomach growling. Maou made me skip breakfast, the devil. I rush over and grab my burger, but just as I was going to bite into it, it was taken away. I growl at Maou and he says impatiently, "You can have this back when you create a portal to Ente Isla."

I hold out my hand and instantly create the portal. "Can I have my burger back?" I asked a shocked Maou.

He gives it back and I grin widely, I wave my hand at the portal and it dispenses. I walk back to the apartment, eating my burger and leave the two awestruck people behind. I walk inside and see Urushihara by himself. I sit down by him and look at what he's doing. "What are you doing?" I asked curious.

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