My Imperfect (Various!Creepyp...

Por ATwistedFate

93.4K 2.3K 2.5K

This is a 'select your fate' kind of story. You will read through the common route, and then choose which guy... Más

Common Route 1
Common Route 2
Common Route 3
Common Route 4
Hoodie Route 1
Hoodie Route 2
Hoodie Route 3
Hoodie Route 4
Hoodie Route 5
Hoodie Route 6
Hoodie Route 7
Hoodie Route 8
Hoodie Route 9
Hoodie Route 10
EJ Route 1
EJ Route 2
EJ Route 3
EJ Route 5
EJ Route 6
EJ Route 7
EJ Route 8
EJ Route 9
EJ Route 10
Zero Route 1
Zero Route 2
Zero Route 3
Zero Route 3 Pt 2
Zero Route 4
Masky Route 1
Masky Route 2
Masky Route 3
Masky Route 4
Masky Route 5
Masky Route 6
Masky Route 7
Masky Route 8
Masky Route 9
Masky Route 10

EJ Route 4

1.8K 58 34
Por ATwistedFate

Bright sunlight envelopes me in my dreams, inadvertently waking me up to a calm atmosphere. My nose is in a high heat pocketed area. With further investigation by moving my head up to see where I am, I notice that my head has been laying partially on and next to EJ's chest. His arms are wrapped around me securely while mine is in a part fetal position. His body is usually cold in his creepypasta form, but it is oddly warm now.

I stare at his unmasked face as he appears to be sleeping, but I can't really tell because of the whole eyeless and lidless situation. His steady breathing is the only sign of life that I can hear, as his heartbeat is strangely quiet, if it is still existent. I close my eyes and snuggle up against the strange heat that was formed between us to keep warm until he wakes up. EJ, however, was already awake and just stood still and observed me the entire time.

"You're adorable." EJ spoke in his regular talking voice. I jump at the loudness and quickly look at his face to see his amused expression. "For a human."

My mouth gapes at his comment. Trying to think of a quick combat, I muster enough sarcasm to reply with, "You're a sneaky prick, you know that?"

EJ laughs at my snarky remark and tries to shut me up by pushing my head back onto his chest. I escape from his arms and get up from the bed, only to stare out the window. Thoughts from last night resurface my mind. "Am I going back to Slender? Again..?"

"Yeah," EJ replies as he changes his shirt behind me," But not until I have my fun with you. Slender needs to learn a lesson about protecting his kind and people he cares about."

"How do you know if he even cares about me? I'm pretty sure I'm just a debt being repaid." I tell him, looking back at the dressed EJ. He tosses me some clothes to change into so we can leave out into town.

"Does it matter? He can't afford to let you loose because you know his secret. I wonder why he is giving you such freedoms in his home with this kind of pressure...?" EJ ponders to himself.

"Well with whatever he is planning, the only people I can trust is him, Masky, and Sally. Everyone else is kind of... odd." I say.

"Aren't we all, Y/N?" He laughs at me, "Maybe you should just stay here with me then."

"I might just have to take you up on that offer." Those words just fly out of my mouth.

He looks at me with curious features, but then turns back into his happy state and tells me to get ready. We leave the house and walk a ways a bit down the road to get to the edge of the wooded area to take my car to town. He decides to go back to the café so we can find other victims like the easy prey last time.

I order my hot chocolate and sit down at the booth I took last time with Jack sitting next to me. I kept telling him to sit across from me so that it wouldn't be awkward, but he just tells me that he can be heard better when we sit close, so whatever.

The best part about hot chocolate though, is that nor EJ or Jack like the smell, so he moves away from me a couple inches so that I have my space. He has such a sensitive nose for chocolate... EJ hates all human food while Jack can tolerate it, but HATES chocolate.

"Soo.. Masky, huh?" Jack asks out of the blue, "I understand that you can trust Slender, being the master of the household, and little Sally, being the smallest and most adorable one there," He pauses, "OH besides you of course," He says with a smirk on his face. I scoff and stop looking at him, "but why Masky?"

"Because he was the friendliest one there and was the one who actually looked after me for the short while I was there. If I can admit, I didn't like him at first, but he's okay I guess. Actually, I'm not even sure why I feel comfortable around him...." I tell EJ.

"He should be the last person on your list..." EJ says in a very quiet voice. I couldn't hear him, so I ask him to repeat it. "Oh I said that I was friends with him and the rest while I was there."

"Cool. Maybe when you return, we can all have a welcoming party." I say slyly. He looks over to me and cocks his eyebrows in a 'Not even in your dreams' kind of way. I laugh at him and use my body weight to lightly push him with my left arm. His body leans from my push and pushes back in the same playful manner as I laugh. "Just an idea."

"You know, if you keep playing with me like this, then I'm REALLY not gonna let you go back to Slender." He says with a wide smile.

"If you want me so bad, then just take me instead of waiting for prey to walk in here." I joke to him. He gets serious and leans in so that only I can hear.

"Don't you think I haven't thought about doing that already?" He says.

"What's stopping you then?" I ask him with a smirk.

"Hm.." He stops to think for a quick second, "maybe because I'm selfish and want more than your kidneys."

I stop laughing and let a soft smile grace my face for a moment, then quickly take it away when he looks at me. "Did you want my car too?"

He starts laughing at me for not understanding what he was trying to say. I understood the underlining meaning, but I'd rather joke around with him and tease him about it later.

A group of people walk in and look like they are high school level teens and are hanging out today. They look easy enough to lure. I look over to Jack who is looking down to the table and 'accidentally' bump my arm on his to get his attention. He actually took it as an accident and brushed it off by giving me a quick smile and then lowering his head again. I roll my eyes and hit him again harder. He looks over to me and says "Oww" in a sarcastic tone and laughs. I roll my eyes once more and see him thinking about something. His mind must be really preoccupied for him to forget all about this mission. His face that once held a smile is now fighting with a frown. I forget all about the mission and put my hand on his shoulder. He doesn't even flinch at my touch like he would before, but ignores me altogether.

I try to think of a way to get his attention without having to do anything I wouldn't want to. For example, I COULD wiggle my way on top of him and sit on my lap to grab his face to make him look at me. I COULD hug him and force him to hug me back in public. I COULD kiss him right here and now to shock him back into reality. BUT I also could stab myself here to make a scene, but like all the other choices I came up with, I would NEVER do any of that.

He is still acting aloof, looking down to the table and ignoring my presence. I give up on him for a split second before I go to grab my hot chocolate. Idea~

Instead of drinking my delicious beverage, I pour what remains in my cup onto his lap by pretending to 'accidentally' knock it over onto him. He immediately jumps up, hitting his knees on the table in which made a loud banging noise to alert all the customers here of what was going on. He slides out of the booth, frantically trying to wipe off any liquid with a napkin before it could soak into his pants. He gives me the most horrendous glance I have ever seen in my life- well besides Jeff's- and heads for the bathroom. I laugh at his distress as the rest of the café goes back to their own business.

I call the waitress over to give me some more napkins so I can clean the mess around me and replace my hot chocolate with a newer one. After I clean the mess up, I hear a buzzing noise from in my bag that I carry around. It looks like EJ has a cell phone and had gotten a text. I look around me before I pick it up and look at it. A text is from a person named... 'HotGuyU<3' with a message saying, "Hey babe can you do me a favor?"

I quickly set the phone down and look away from it. EJ sure is a great secret keeper...

The phone buzzes again from a lack of reply from the same person. "I know you saw the message Y/N I'm not a dumbass. Go to the car and get me new clothes."

I sigh, knowing that EJ must have pulled a prank on me and was saving this for another time to get me. I take the phone with me and go to the car a block away and pull out a bag of extra clothes and bring it in the café. I text 'HotGuyU<3' and tell him "I'm outside the bathroom." A second later after I press send Jack comes to the door and hastily grabs the bag from my hands. I text him again, "You forgot the plastic bag to put the soiled clothes in."

He gets the message and opens the door again to grab the bag away from me. I text him one last time, "Jerk." I wait for him at our table and start looking through the phone. If he has been texting me, that means that he has his own phone already and has this extra one just in his bag all the time. Why would he have both? Heck, why would he have ONE if he never even uses it?

He comes from behind me and uses his hands to cover my eyes. "Guess who~"

"Uh.. HotGuyU<3?" I ask with a small smile on my face.

"Haha.. Not anymore. I hate you." He says seriously to me, uncovering my eyes and throwing the bags at me.

I put the two bags to the right side of me next to the window and scoot over so that Jack can sit back down. He sits as far away from me as he can so he can gain distance from the new cup of chocolate. I laugh at him and move the hot chocolate to the other side of the table and look over to him. He gives me an untrusting look and doesn't scoot over like I wanted him to. I sign and shake my head at his childish actions.

Remembering what we came here in the first place, I scoot over to him and get to where I can whisper to him. "The group of teenagers over there. Want them?"

He looks over to where the teens are sitting and laughing, appearing to be leaving the café soon. He shakes his head no. "It would be too hard for you to get four people at once. I could take them all, but for you to lure them all to a secluded place would be difficult."

"Watch me." I say as he tries to question me again. I walk up to the group and put on my friendliness façade while thinking of a plan. There is a square shaped box in one of the guy's pocket while another guy has a cylinder shaped object in his.

The group is leaving for the door and I walk out before them. They are all chatting to each other while they each look over to me, a girl telling a guy to do something.

"Hey, do you know where we can buy some cigarettes at? I'm new to town and not really sure of the layout here." A guy form the group asks me. Them seem to feel comfortable with me already because they are all together and couldn't feel threatened at all even if they wanted to.

"Sure! Go down two blocks and hang a left, there should be a corner store that sells them cheap." I tell him. I realize my chance is now so I pipe in again, "I could take you there?"

"Sounds great." They say. We all walk down a couple blocks and they each buy a pack or two. I take this time to look at the snack isle and text Jack to come meet me by the alley beside us.

"Thanks for the help! Is there a place we could do a quick drag before heading back into town? Our hotel doesn't allow smoking." The other guy asks me.

"Yeah, there is an Alley behind this place. Just go around to the back and it should be empty of people." I tell them. They seem a little hesitant at first, but agree to it anyway.

Moments later, EJ arrived and the group disappeared to the Alley. I wait until the deed was done back at the café. I receive a text from him saying to come back to the alley. I do as I'm told and wait for him. I see my car pass by the alley way and stop, backing up to where I can see Jack driving it.

"Uhh?" I say while walking up to him.

"Find another way home. This is punishment for the Chocolate." Jack says to me, driving off down the road. He leaves me stranded on the street at rush hour. Perfect....

'Did he just steal my car?'

I continue walking around town to sight see every shop and just hang out with myself to have alone time. A text comes in from 'HotGuyU<3'. "I really need to change his name on this thing."

"What's taking you so long?" It reads.

"LOL Did you think I'm actually going to walk ALL the way back to your house?" I texted back.

"That's too bad. I'll have to come get you then." He responds.

"No thx. TTYL" I text back to him. I press send and turn the phone on silent and put it back in my bag, walking into another store.


"I'll come for you anyways. Be prepared to be mine and die." He says back, but not as a text, but as a voice behind her that has been watching her for hours. He never left, he had been watching her the whole time. Something has been picking away at his mind lately, something... unnerving.. He liked Y/N very much, but it has been turning into more of a .. possessive form. He doesn't know why, but she is giving off a strange aura and it's causing him to lose himself around her. He can only hope it doesn't get worse for him to do anything destructive.


Y/N pulls out her phone after three hours of window shopping. 13 unread messeges.... Y/N sighs and scrolls through them slowly, getting more and more scared with each message. It seems like the messages are still coming in from EJ.

5:07pm - "I see you walking into the clothing store. Pick out something nice."

5:34pm - "You aren't checking your phone? I got it just for you, my dear~"

5:55pm - "Who is that you're talking to? Three more seconds and I just might have to kill him."

6:22pm - "Did the clerk just make eyes at you? He better enjoy it while it lasts. I know I'll enjoy it."

7:03pm - "We don't have to go out into town tomorrow. I have plenty of meat in my freezer now."

7:09pm - "You aren't checking your phone still. You better have not changed my name in there."

7:37pm - "No clothes for you? Guess you'll die tonight in the wardrobe you have now."

7:46pm - "It's kind of cute to see you walk around without me. So lost..."

7:52pm - "I'll find you."

7:59pm - "Actually I already found you."

8:00pm - "I'm right behind you."

8:05pm - "Too bad you won't see these messages in time."

8:23pm - "Or perhaps I'll let you live a little longer to read these, then I'll come for you."

My thumb quickly deletes the entire thread of messages and I quickly turn around to see nobody behind me. EJ is playing a terrible trick on me and I don't like it.

"I'm still behind you." A new text comes in from him. I turn again to see nobody. He is definitely messing with my head....

I fast walk down the street to head back to the woods. EJ is scaring me and I don't want to be out here anymore. I reach the trees and hear wood breaking. I know for sure that it wasn't me because I didn't step on anything.. "EJ, if you're playing a prank on me, STOP."

"Aw, why should I?" A voice says from behind me. "Besides, you said for EJ to stop. Jack doesn't have to."

I face him and he is smiling down at me. This isn't the same smile he usually gives me, nor is it even close. "Are you OK?"

"Nope." He says as he swings his fist in my direction, directly hitting me point-blank in the face, knocking me out. "Are you....~?"


My head hurts... My arms hurt.. Wait.. Arms?

My arms are in chains, as well as my feet, and are stinging from the cuffs being way too tight. I look around the room and see that it is the same position and room I was locked up when I first came to EJ's house.


I hear an unlocking sound come from the door and EJ steps in. "Yes?" He says slyly.

"What are you doing....?" I ask him as sweetly as I can while trying to hide the madness building inside me.

"Locking you up and throwing away the key. Or at least I will soon."

"Okay, let's rephrase this.... WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS!?"

"Oh the answer is simple. I want you for myself, but obviously you don't want the same, so I'm going to keep you prisoner in here. I thought that you would look better dead so that I could preserve you."

"Wha-What!? NO! Unchain me NOW!"

"No can do Y/N.. I already have my knife in hand. You can't stop the progress now."

I feel so betrayed. We were getting along so well, but now he is ruining everything! He always blames it on me, but I'm not doing anything! He is acting extremely strange and it's making me feel terrible..

He swings the blade down to me and I close my eyes. I hear a clinking sound and see that a force field had stopped his swing. He looks confused and swings again. This time, the force field grows larger and emits a pulse of energy that knocks him over to the other side of the room. I stand up, afraid of what had happened and the field shuts off.

EJ looks over to me and runs at my direction. As expected, the field erupts energy blasts at him, hitting him in various spots until he falls to the ground in front of me. I am surprised and shocked at what is happening and look to him for answers.

"I... I can't kill you..?" He says with lack of breath. He looks up to me and I offer my hand to help him up. He looks at my hand for a moment and then grabs it, pulling me down to his height and stares into my eyes. He tries to stab me again, only to be stopped by my field again. He laughs. "I knew that there was something odd about you the first day I met you..."

"I still don't understand, EJ. What's going on?"

"You are the cause of my newfound insanity, Y/N. You're in way too deep now. You're mine. If I can't kill you, then I'll have you in another way."

He crawls more toward me. I back up to the wall and he stalks closer to me. As I am pinned to the wall, instead of trying to stab me again, he does something VERY different.

He kisses me. Over and over. At first it was a shock, he just went for it and pressed his lips against mine. The second time was more forceful, the third was unbearable. He keeps going and oxygen is depleting from my lungs. He won't let me breath, so a small cry comes from my throat. He disconnects from me for a second to take a breath, then going in for another kiss. I turn my head so that he can't, but he uses his hands to lock me in place. As my hands are chained, I can't do anything, and his body is on mine. His lower body is on top of mine, keeping me in a sitting position, while his torso is leaned up on mine to press me up to the wall.

The night goes on like this; his hunger for kidney's can't compare to the hunger and the need to kill me. He couldn't, so now he's taking his hunger and frustration out in a different way. I just hope this is all he wants from me. He once told me that he would never kiss me and wouldn't even dream of it...

He lied.

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