Blake Gray Imagine

By aaweaverr

9.6K 184 17

--- More

The Walk Home
Umbrellas and Blue Eyes
Always By Your Side
Broadcasting With Blake
Dad & Kyle
Cross the Universe
Whenever You Need Me
Whatever Makes You Happy
Polaroid Pics

I love you too...

614 15 1
By aaweaverr

You walked hand in hand with Blake, he ran his thumb over the back of your hand. You looked up at him and smiled, you were glad you had him. But what if people didn't like you guys together.

"Whats on your mind?" He said, breaking the silence.

"How did you know I-" He cut you off.

"Your eyes got all dark, it happens when you get worried." He simply said.

"You noticed that?" You asked, he chuckled.

"I notice a lot of things. When you are nervous your face gets all red and you chew on your nails."

"Oh, uh..." You blushed. He does really pay attention. Looking up you saw the school a few streets away. You tightened your grip on Blakes hand.

"Hey, look. We will be okay," he stopped you and his voice went to a loud whisper, so only you two heard him, "I love you, you are my princess, and nothing will change that."

"Why are we whispering?" You whispered back. He giggled, which made you smile. You grabbed his hand again and you both walked to school.

As soon as you walked in you got glares, looks, and stares. You felt Blake pull you closer to him.

"Remember what I said, okay?" You nodded. He walked up to his locker and you followed, he never let go of your hand.

"Blake!" You heard someone yell. Shelee... Before you could do anything she pushed Blake up against the locker and their lips made contact. You put your hand over your mouth, and the tears came instantly. You ran, straight to the exits. You weren't mad at Blake, but you couldnt bare to see him on any other girl. You ran to the bench on the side of the road and began sobbing.

"Y/N! Y/N!" You heard. It was him. You stood up and ran straight to him, jumping into his arms.

"I can't Blake." You choked.

"What do you mean you can't" He said. He was crying too.

"This, everything. I just, just can't" You turned to run home but he grabbed you and pulled you to him so you were inches apart.

"You are mine Y/N, I am yours. You are my world, my happiness. You have my heart, please don't take it from me." He was shaking, he looked so out of it. Like if you left he would die without you.

"I couldn't go on without you, I need you and I-" you stopped him. "Just shut up and kiss me."

So he did. He closed all of the space between you two.

"Come on," he said, holding your hand, you both began walking back into the building. "This is Blake and Y/N, and no one else. I love you."

"I love you more." You said, that stopped him in his tracks. He turned and looked at you. He pulled you closer once again. His voice went to a whisper,

"I love you most."  He planted a kiss on your forehead, then your cheek, and eventually your lips.

"You are mine." He said, "I am yours."

"Blake?" You asked. He looked at you a smiled widely.

"Yes princess." He smirked. You weren't even sure what to say. You sighed and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back even tighter and guided you back inside.

As soon as you got back inside the building you saw Shelee crying. She gave you a rude glare, which Blake must have noticed because he pushed you up against the locker and started to make out with you. He smiled through the kiss and whispered,

"Making her jealous will be fun." He smirked. You laughed,

"Come on pretty boy lets get to class." You smiled and took his hand.

"Oh so you think I'm pretty?" He asked yanking you back in to his arms.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." You smirked know this was driving him crazy. The warning bell rang.

"Come on we are actually going to be late." You said wiggling out of his grip

"Wait!" He said. He pulled you back into his arms one last time. He planted a soft kiss upon your lips.

"You are such a dork." You said pushing him off you.

"I'm your dork." He replied smoothly.

"Yeah okay whatever I guess so." You said kissing his cheek.

"Bye Y/N... I love you."

"BLAKE!" You said pushing him towards his class.

"What?! I do!" He said pouting.

"Get to class!" You said.

"Fine fine, I'll miss you." He said sprinting down the halls. He was gone when you whispered to yourself.

"I love you too..."


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