Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Se...

By smileforjeon

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Will the love story continues? Or it's more of forget and move on to someone new? This is the sequel to Summ... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Back Amy
Chapter 2- He Kissed My Cheek
Chapter 3- They Keep Taking My Apple
Chapter 4- What Happened?
Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy
Chapter 6- What's With Taking People's Food?
Chapter 7- Please Don't Leave
Chapter 8- Finally
Chapter 9- Meet Emilia
Chapter 10- On The Next Flight
Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously
Chapter 12- 2 Months
Chapter 14- Bloody Finger
Chapter 15- Thinking About My Ex Not My Boyfriend
Chapter 16- Remember What We Used To Do?
Chapter 17- Except Sex!
Chapter 18- No Hugging Without My Consent
Chapter 19- He Tried To...
Chapter 20- I'm Done With Your Shit
Chapter 21- Who To Choose?
Chapter 22- This Moments
Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?
Chapter 24- That's What I Thought
Chapter 25- He's Just Being A Friend
Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake
Chapter 27- Fixing The Situation
Chapter 28- You're Sleeping On The Couch
Chapter 29- No More Chances
Chapter 30- Time To Have Fun
Chapter 31- Voicemail
Chapter 32- Make Up Sex
Chapter 33- Are We Back Together Yet?
Chapter 34- Outbursts and Returning Relatives
Chapter 36- Cousin Vs Cousin
Chapter 37- Your Fault
Chapter 38- Drunk Words Sober Thoughts
Chapter 39- Big Reveal
Chapter 40- I Still Hate You
Chapter 41- Maylor Returns
Chapter 42- I Always Get What I Want
Chapter 43- Move On Mate
Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?
Chapter 45- Next Flight To UK
Chapter 46- Flying To UK Secretly
Chapter 47- What Just Happen?
Chapter 48- Unfixable
Chapter 49- You're Lying
Chapter 50- Blocked Everyone Out
Chapter 51- She's Not Going To War
Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?
Chapter 53- Biebs & Sammy
Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places
Chapter 55- He's A Fighter
Chapter 56- Rocking Your World
Chapter 57- Next Stop: South Korea
Chapter 58- Separate Ways
Chapter 59- Letting Go Completely

Chapter 13- Bye Bye Australia

26 2 0
By smileforjeon

Amy's Pov.

"so are we going to go bowling then or not?" Hailee asked as we were all sat down apart from Luke and Michael who were continuing their dance on Just Dance.

"seriously hemmings is that all you've got"  Michael laughed at Luke. "shut up mikey! I can't help having problems with my jeans" Luke complained pulling them up again while trying to do the moves at the same time. "seriously could you get any tighter jeans, I mean doesn't that effect your performance in the bedroom" Connor joked making everyone laugh including.

"you'll have to ask Amy about that she's the one who gets to experience him"  Hailee said making me blush. "Amy's blushing" Sammy said knocking into my shoulder as she was sat from besides me. "oh shutup, what about you and Ashton eh" I teased her, she turned red. "who's blushing now" I say, Hailee and Scarlet laughed. Emilia shook her head. "can we not talk about sex please" she said crossing her arms.  "she's obviously not getting the d" Ashton joked, everyone laughed again.  The look on Emilia's face was priceless but seeing her face turn to upset. "alright guys, let's not talk about sex now" I say trying to change the topic.

"why we all have it" Ashton said. "agreed"  Sammy, Luke said together. Luke came back and plonked himself onto my lap. "why aren't  you dancing anymore luke? " Sammy asked him. "luke  is shit let's be honest" Michael said smirking at him, Luke groaned from where he was sat on my lap, I had my arms around his waist. "it's my jeans I tell ya." Luke said making Michael snicker. "don't blame your jeans your just shit" "whatever" Luke said crossing his arms. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, " you're not shit in bed that's the main thing" I said and saw him smirk.

"I heard that girl" Sammy said, looking at her she had winked at me. I grinned at her. "so about the bowling?" Hailee said again. Michael turned off the wii and sat down. "I think we should go" Brad said. When did he get here? "and who's this?" Emilia said eyeing Brad. "i'm Brad Simpson and you?"  he introduced himself to my cousin. "oh, I've heard about you. Your not good in the sack" she said, it went awkward and Brad looked to me and I placed my head on Luke's shoulder to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"let's go bowling guys" Calum says breaking the awkward silence. "yeah" everyone said standing up and exiting the room. Luke stood up and helped me as we followed the others out the room. "man your cousin is awesome did you see brad's face when she said he wasn't good in bed" he laughed. "yep I did he looked right at me." I say laughing .

*At bowling*

Sammy's POV.

I was sat waiting for my turn, I looked around and saw everyone enjoying themselves. I couldn't believe that soon I would be going back to the Uk with Ashton for two months.i wasn't going to see them for two months. Two WHOLE months. "you alright sammy?" Hailee asked me as she sat down next to me.  "yeah, well kind of. I guess I'm going to miss this when me and Ashton go to the Uk" I say sadly. She smiled slightly. "you'll be back for you know it"  I nodded my head. "I know at least I can count on Amy to hold you all together"  I say smiling. "she's the super glue of the group, I understand what that means now"  she says looking at the rest who were laughing at something down by the bowling alleys.

Eventually bowling finished and we left, Michael had won out all of us which he kept bragging about all the way home. He was told to shut up about 15 times before we all separated going home to get changed into something formal as the place we were going out for food was a formal/posh restaurant.

Luke's POV.

"amy I really hate dressing like this" I say adjusting my tie in the mirror. "luke you look really handsome" Amy said walking over to me. I turned to look at her, my jaw dropping. "fuck you look amazing" I say, she smiled. "thanks luke" she said kissing my cheek.

I couldn't wait till we started moving in to our new apartment on the weekend at the moment I was currently staying at Amy's house ready for us to move into our apartment.  "man I think I might need to be on guard tonight" I say wrapping my arms around her. "whys that?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "because you look amazing and someone might try to take you away from me"  I say frowning slightly.  She giggled while shaking her head. "if that's the case I think I might need to keep my eye on you Mr Hemmings" Amy said adjusting my tie "why is that?"  I ask. She looked up at me.

"because your looking dapper that's why" she said. I smiled. "I know but still I wouldn't want anyone apart from you amy" I say. She smiled. "good" she said.  We soon left her house and met up with the others.

Sammy's pov.

"right we must have a picture we're looking sexy af" I say smiling. "it's because I'm here" Michael said grinning. "Michael don't be so arrogant" my mum scolded him, the others laughed. "but I agree with Sammy all get together so I can get a photo" my mother said.  All of us, crowded together to take a photo.

"on 3 say cheese" my mother said taking my phone off me which was already on camera. Why do people always say, "say cheese?" What happens if you don't like cheese?

" 3. 2. 1" mother counted down. "cheese!" we all said together and smiled for the photo who have my mother took. She then handed me back the phone. She went inside while we all had some more photos taken before we followed her in.

Calum's POV.

Walking into the restaurant following everyone else, looking around you could tell it was a FANCY restaurant. " I don't feel posh enough to be here" I hear Amy say to luke. Luke must have said something because she started to laugh. We were soon escorted to our table, all of us sitting down.

I was sat next to Hailee and Amy.  We all ordered our starters and mains. We ordered drinks apart from Emilia as soon as our alcoholic drinks came Michael ended up making a toast. "raise your glasses, I'm gonna make a toast" Michael said. "oh here we go" I joked, Amy, Luke, Sammy, Ashton laughed. "shut up hood"  Michael said before starting his speech. " we're all here today as  we're going to be saying goodbye to Sammy and Ashton for two months. Enjoy yourself but don't do anything I wouldn't do" he winked at them. "we all know mikey you like to do everything" Sammy said making people around the table laugh.

"I think all of us like doing things we shouldn't, don't agree amy" he winked at her.  "we all know what you and Luke get up to" he said. "Michael shut up" Amy said hiding her face in Luke's neck. Luke laughed but was bright red.

Those two fit like a jigsaw puzzle, without each other they weren't themselves.  I know that now but sometimes I do get jealous and it does show it my behaviour. Like them moving in together I got jealous about that  but now I realise they're better together.

"anyway sammy when you go back to the Uk make sure you Skype us alright" Amy said to her. " I will girl. I will"  Sammy said, Amy smiled.

Half way through the meal Amy excused herself to  go the toilet. She was taking a very long time not that I was looking at my watch or anything now and again. "excuse me" I say leaving the table and heading towards the toilets.

I saw Amy outside the toilets talking to Dylan. Dylan, why the hell was she talking to him? Remembering what he was up to last time I walked over to them as quick as I could, I heard Dylan say, "you have no proof what so ever that I was blackmailing James,  Amy. No proof no one would believe a lying cheating slut" he said going to grab her when I stood in front of her.

"don't talk to her like that or even think about touching her or you'll have Luke and me to fucking answer too. So I suggest you start walking you little backside out of the restaurant and don't bother any of us again" I spat at him. He snickered. "still after your ex Calum? Tut tut. She doesn't want you now she's fucking Luke again" he taunted before he walked away.

"thanks for that Calum" Amy said, i turned to look at her. "you alright?" I asked her.  She smiled. "yeah thanks again though Calum,  I dread to think what he would have done if you weren't here" she said then walked past me heading back to the toilet while I walked into the men's room.

Emilia's POV.

I noticed Calum had gone to the toilet and Amy hadn't returned. I didn't like Calum, I preferred Luke over him. Amy came back walking to the table. She sat back down and I watched her grab her phone and do something. I then saw Sammy's phone go off moments later, she reached for and looked at it before nodding at Amy afterwards.  As soon as Calum returned we ordered desserts, talked, laughed and joked then left the restaurant all of us apart from Ciara's mother walking down the street.

"so what are we going to do now?" I ask. "you're going back home as we're hitting the club" Amy said to me as Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulder lovingly. I wish I had the with Michael but I don't know if he likes me he looks at me like he does but he hasn't asked me out yet.

"what that's not fair" I said crossing my arms. "it's fine I'll keep you company"  Michael said to me, I smiled at him. "Emilia you're not at the right age to go clubbing" Amy said. "luke can you please tell her to let me come?" I asked him. "sorry em, I'm sticking with my girl. You're too young besides like Michael said he will keep you company you can play gta" Luke said to me. " I fucking love that game" I said smiling.

"well that's settled you can come back to me and we can play gta and I can kick your ass" Michael said smirking at me. "oh your own clifford" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the others so we could play GTA.

Third person's POV.

The rest hit the nightclub to actually say good bye to Ashton and Sammy in style. "shot shot shots" Hailee said dragging Amy to the bar to order them.

"hello ladies what can I get you?" the bartender asked. " twenty shots please" Amy asked him while tapping her hand off the bar and she looked back at the table to see the others talking away. "coming right up girls" the bartender said.  Soon enough the girls were given their shots however the bartender wanted a kiss off Hailee. "sorry mate I'm not into guys I'm into girls" Hailee said and wrapped her arm around Amy's shoulder.  Amy played along with it. "think you're hitting on my girlfriend watch yourself mate" Amy said glaring at him.

The bartender's mouth dropped, Hailee grabbed the tray and they both walked over to the others, laughing about the bartender. "his face was priceless" Hailee said looking at Amy.  Amy laughed. " I know right" Amy laughed.  When they go back to the table with the shots, everyone grabbed some before downing them one at a time. The girls told them all about what happened with the bartender causing them all to start laughing.

They all ended up telling stories, making the laughter continue. They stayed at the club, dancing the night away. Till closing time,  when they were thrown out not literally but had to leave so here they were walking down the streets laughing.

*when Sammy, Ashton,  Connor, Scarlett, Sammy's mother leave for the UK*

*At The Airport*

Sammy's POV.

"right no crying! I don't want to cry!" I say to Amy, Calum, Luke and Hailee.  Michael and Emilia weren't here. Typical, Michael never around.  "we're not crying we're happy that you're going" Calum said grinning at me. "thanks Cal, love you too" I say hugging him, he hugged back before pulling away, I hugged Hailee,  then Luke.  "keep an eye on Amy alright" I say to him. "always keep an eye on Ashton" he said back.  "I will don't you worry lucas" I teased him. He groaned. "don't call me that"  he whined and pulled away.

"come on Amy,  give me a hug" I say she hugged me. "stay safe" she said as I hugged her. "I will and remain the super glue yeah" I say pulling away. She nodded her head. " I will"

"come on sammy we need to go!" mum says, I think I was too busy saying goodbye to hear that our flight was boarding.  The other said their goodbyes yo Ashton before we all heading towards boarding. "bye guys!" I stood and waved at them one more time before showing the man my ticket and walking down the plane to get ready to head to the UK.


AN. Hello think this is the longest part I've ever written so enjoy!

Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings will be writing next so stay tuned for that! :)

-Amy, @Imaginethosevamps.

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