The Bet // Astro Rocky 라키 & I...

By Seek4Astro

24.1K 873 168

Rocky and Yoo Jung met at their performing arts high school but got separate after a few months. Long later... More

Chapter 1 / 12
Chapter 2 / 12
Chapter 3 / 12
Chapter 4 / 12
Chapter 5 / 12
Chapter 6 / 12
Chapter 7 / 12
Chapter 8 / 12
Chapter 9 / 12
Chapter 11 / 12
Chapter 12 / 12 ( end )
Author's Note
Just Too Cute!
10k+ price!

Chapter 10 / 12

1K 42 3
By Seek4Astro

- Yoojung's pov -

Rocky got treated and stayed at the hospital for about a week, our nurse sign the form for his operation and told me to wait in the hospital because she has a meeting going on back at camp.

2 hours later,

" Excuse me, miss " Someone woke me up.

" Oh, yes? " I stood up in a standing position.

" The patient has finish his operation successfully " She told me.

" Thank you " I said as she lead me in his room.

I sat down next to his bed and held his hand,

" Are you really okay? Sorry you got hurt because of me " I started tearing up.

I put my head down on his bed and waited for him to wake up.

" I'm fine, have you eaten? " He suddenly asked.

" Rocky ah, you're awake " I said happily.

" Have you eaten? " He asked again.

" Umm..... Not yet " I replied.

" I'll order something, I'm hungry too " He added.

" Okay, I'll pay " I recommended.

" It's fine, I'll pay this time " He said.

" I've never paid for anything " I said back.

" Don't worry, I'll pay " He closed my mouth to stop me from talking.

" Okay, Thanks " I told him as we both smiled at each other.

He ordered chicken Katsu set and paid the delivery.

" Thanks " I thank him once again.

" Eat well " He told me.

We ate our food and clean the tables up,

" I need to use the bathroom, wait here " He said.

While he was standing, he fell and I ended up hugging him.

" Ah, sorry " He whispered.

" It's fine " I replied.

The nurse took him out while I wait in his room.

He came back alone,

" Where is the nurse? " I asked.

" She left because she have a meeting with the other doctors " He said as he closed the door.

" Oh, really? You should have called me so I could help you " I told him.

" Okay, thanks " He said.

" Just sleep for now, I'll be back after I take my stuff " I turned of the light and went out.

I sat outside and suddenly start to cry, I kneel down and sat in front of his room door. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and put he's head on the right side of the shoulder.

" It's okay, It was my fault I got hurt " He whispered.

I walked home and threw myself on the bed, I couldn't sleep very well thinking about what had happen and what would have happen to myself if he didn't save me.


3am, I walked out of the dorm apartment and sat on the stairs.

" Hello, Are you friends with a guy named Rocky? " A guy with brown hair and a charming look asked.

" Yeah, he's in the hospital " I replied him.

" What happened? " His face was full of worry.

" Something happened in the park " I told him.

" Which hospital? " He questioned.

" Seoul University Hospital " I answered.

" Okay " He was about to walk away, but I stopped him.

" What's your name? " I asked.

" My name is Jung Jaehyun " He replied.

" I'm Choi Yoo Jung, since I'm going to the hospital too, let's go together " I recommended.

" Okay, I'll wait for you here " He said.

" Thanks " I said back.

I was really scared to walk in the dark alone so it was a good thing he showed up.

I quickly change into my sweater, long pants and white shoes.

" Let's go " I called him.

We started walking to the hospital with Jaehyun, it was really awkward so I decided to break the awkwardness.

" Are you Rocky's friend? " I questioned him.

" Oh, no but I'm his old step brother " Jaehyun answered.

" Step brother? " I asked again.

" 4 years ago, my mom died and Rocky's dad passed away so we moved in together as a family but not longer later our parents abandoned us and left to England, we lost contact with them until now " He explained.

" Where do you live all this time? Why didn't you live with Rocky? " I kept on getting curious.

" Because he didn't like me much, he thought I was the reason his parents left but I've been living with my close friends in a small dorm " He said.

" You must had a pretty tough life in the past " I patted his back.

" It's fine now " He smiled so I smiled back.

We were walking when I suddenly felt really dizzy, maybe it's because I haven't ate breakfast and the wind was blowing so hard.

" J-Jaehyun, I-I can't walk " I called him whom was walking past me.

He turned around and held my arm,

" Should I carry you? We still have a long way to go " He kneeled down and put my arms around his neck.

He gave me a piggy back ride through the dark alley, across the street till we were in front of the hospital,

Rocky was there staring at us seriously.............

" You... "

There's a chapter for you, wish it's Good and please vote ! Extra character: Jung Jaehyun^^

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