Criminal Minds: Hotch and Reid

By eideticmemory

279K 5K 2.2K

Outside the BAU, Hotch and Reid progressively become more than just boss and subordinate.... established rela... More

Author's Note
1 - Argument
2 - Touch
3 - Drunk
4 - Haley
5 - The Dream
6 - Reoccurring
7 - Elevator
8 - Strike
9 - ICU
10 - Young
11 - Regret
12 - Out
13 - Truth
14 - Post
16 - Unsteady
17 - Results
18 - Kiss
19 - Us

15 - Heat

10.4K 205 195
By eideticmemory

---- hope y'all enjoy this chapter! I added a couple crossovers! ----

On the flight to Florida, Reid kept his distance from the team, and only spoke when he was spoken to.

The day was just getting started when they entered into Healy Police Department.

"Welcome to Healy," a woman walked up to the team.

"Agent Aaron Hotchner, thank you for calling," Hotch extended his hand.

"Sheriff Jody Mills! We spoke on the phone," Mills shook Hotch's hand firmly, "I apologize for how hot it is in here! Our AC system is being stubborn. It's being repaired as we speak. I am hoping it'll be back and runnin' by tomorrow, but for now we only got as much fans set up as possible."

The sheriff lead the team to an empty conference room to set up their things.

Hotch saw Reid hiding behind bulletin board full of crime scene photos, rubbing his temples.

Reid said to himself, "Just keep your head down, and stay out of the teams' way. I'll make things worse by making a scene." He could feel his clothes sticking onto his skin from sweat. It was so hot with no air conditioning working. Reid started to set up a map when he saw Hotch coming towards him.

"How's your head?" Hotch inquired.

"I'm fine, okay?" Reid lied irritably. He felt terrible and his head ached like hell.

Hotch crossed his arms over his chest, "Oh, really? You look like you just ran a marathon." Reid looked pale.

"I do not! Your over exaggerating," Reid whipped the sweat off his forehead and exhaled deeply.
He pinched the bridge of his nose.


Reid felt very lightheaded all of a sudden. Lightly on his feet he said, "It's just so hot in here." Reid's eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Spencer!" Hotch yelled as Reid suddenly buckled under his feet and crashed to the ground, hitting the side of his head on the table. "Somebody call the ambulance!"

The commotion caught Morgan's attention, and he quickly got someone to call.

Hotch took off his suit, and held it up to Reid's head, to stop the bleeding, "Spencer, can you hear me? Spencer," Hotch was at Reid's side. Worry rushed over him, and a wave a guilt came with it. He felt he should of been more strict with Reid and made him stay back in Quantico.
•• ••
"Where am I?"

Reid woke up surrounded by white walls and a drawn pale brown curtain. He was alone in a hospital bed.

He heard someone walk into the room.

"You're awake, Dr. Reid! You're in Healy Hospital. You fainted and hit your head during work. I'm Dr. Grey, I'll be readdressing your head wound."

Reid watched the woman take off his bandage on his head and replace it with a clean one. It was still morning.
"I blacked out. During work, my boss was asking me if I was okay. Where's my team?" Reid had a sudden recollection of what had happened.

The doctor assured Reid kindly, "They had to continue work, but I'm sure they'll come visit you when they can, okay?"

"I was just in the hospital a couple months ago. I've also being experiencing some headaches, do you think you guys can check that out since I'm here."

"Yes, your boss, Agent Hotchner, informed me about your headaches, and we looked at your CT and MRI scans from your last visit, doctor, there's nothing wrong," Dr. Grey explained.

"There's got to be something. What about an EEG?"

"We could, but it is an expensive test, and not typically used for loss of conscious. Not to mention headaches, Dr. Reid,"

"Please, I need to know what is causing these headaches,"

"Okay, sir, let me get the head of neuro. He will need to sign off on this," Dr. Grey walked out of the room.

Soon later, an attractive dark brown haired man appeared through the door of Reid's room, Dr. Grey was behind him.

The man stopped at the foot of Reid's bed and said, "Hi, Spencer Reid, I'm Dr. Shepherd. I will be assessing your EEG?"

"Hello and yes, doctor," Reid answered.

"Alright," Dr. Shepherd said as he closed the case file, "Are you experiencing a headache right now, Mr. Reid?"

"Yes, doctor,"

"Okay, then. Dr Grey here will prep you. It will be in a few hours,"

As Dr. Shepherd scribbled something on the chart, Reid said, "Thank you for doing this."

Dr. Shepherd smiled, and then walked out of the room.

Reid saw Hotch through the window.

"Reid, I came as soon as I could. How are you feeling?" Hotch rushed to Reid's side. He was tempted to kiss him right then and there, but soon Morgan and Greenaway stepped inside the room.

"I didn't want the entire team to know, Hotch," Reid complained. He reached for Hotch's hand which was on the bed. He stared into Hotch's dark brown eyes.

Hotch took Reid's hand, holding it with a firm grip and said, "Morgan and Greenaway are with me."

Morgan waved, "You scared us, Pretty Boy." Morgan walked to the opposite side of the bed, and hugged Reid.

Reid hugged him back. "Hey, I'm fine," Reid reassured both him and Elle.

Hotch wanted that. He wanted to hug Spencer in his arms, but right now he was his boss, his superior. He couldn't, and he was sitting there jealous watching Morgan hug him. He knew Morgan only cared for him and was his friend.

Dr. Grey came in. Reid started to sit up.

"Guys, this is Dr. Grey. She'll be getting me ready for an EEG," Reid said.

"What?!" Hotch and Morgan said simultaneously.

"It's a test that records the wave patterns in the brain, and —,"

"We know, Reid. Boy, you're way over your head now. You fainted because of the temperature outside plus the AC not working in that building," Morgan explained.

"Reid, you didn't have anything to eat or drink I imagine," Greenaway added, "There's no need for an EEG."

"You don't understand, I do. I'm getting one. Dr. Grey, please prep me,"

Just then, Morgan got a phone called, and sighed, "Look man, I don't see why you're doing this, but we got to get back now."

Elle and Morgan started to head out. Elle said, "Hotch, you coming?"

"Go ahead, I'll meet you guys out front," Hotch answered. "Excuse us for a second, Dr. Grey?" The lady nodded and left the room. He turned back to face Reid, "I wish I could stay with you, Reid."

"So do I," Reid whispered. He didn't admit it, but he was scared.

"I will come back when I can, okay?"
Hotch leaned forward, and kissed Reid's mouth. He felt Reid's lips curl into a smile.

Spencer parted his lips, kissing Aaron back, long. The kiss was heated. He knew he had to make it count knowing Hotch would have to leave.

"I'm gonna miss this," Hotch's forehead was touching Reid's.

"Me too. Kiss me again," Reid whispered under his breath looking down at Hotch's lips. Hotch brought his hands up to Reid's face kissed him again, desperately harder and longer.

Hotch broke the kiss with a sigh of content, "I'll be back later, Spencer."

"Okay, Hotch,"

"It's Aaron," Hotch said with a grin as he exited the room.

"Okay, Aaron," Reid said to himself smiling.

---- please comment any feedback/suggestions. Thanks! :)
And I apologize if there is any wrong medical information, I am not an expert.

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