Hetalia: The New Generation {...

By ChelsR

2.9K 70 22

It is said that in a kingdom in Japan, there were two samurais that served the king and queen have two childr... More

Chapter 1: Long-Lost Sister
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: A Comforting Kiss
Chapter 4: Who was THAT?
Chapter 5: The Allies
Chapter 6: First Mission
Chapter 7: A Red Thread
Chapter 8: The Escape Plan
Chapter 9: The Sacrifice
Chapter 10: A Born Coward
Chapter 11: Are You Sure?
Chapter 12: A Phone Call
Chapter 13: The Letter
Chapter 14: The Party
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: The Yandere and the Diary Holder
Chapter 17: Nordic Buisness!
Chapter 18: Brothers, Forever
Chapter 19: Father and Daughter, Rivals?
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: Surprise Visitors?!
Chapter 22: Lord and Butler
Chapter 23: A Bloody Cupcake?
Chapter 24: The 2ps!
Chapter 25: Alchemy
Chapter 26: Kuro vs. Maria
Chapter 27: Kiku and Maria vs. Oliver and Alex
Chapter 28: Birthday Plan
Chapter 29: Distraction!
Chapter 30: Tears
Chapter 31: Meet the Micros!
Chapter 32: Emotions
Chapter 33: Last Minute Set-Up
Chapter 34: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 35: A Key
Chapter 36: Are You Alright?
Chapter 37: The Past
Chapter 38: Missing
Chapter 39: The Oni
Chapter 40: The Jack Of Hearts vs. the "King" Of Diamonds
Chapter 41: The Keys
Chapter 42: Ambush From A Shinobi-Samurai
Chapter 43: The Fullmetal Alchemist
Chapter 44: Help From The Colonel
Chapter 45: Pocky Game
Chapter 47: Bad Apple
Chapter 48: Sudden Attack?
Chapter 49: Help
Chapter 50: Save Her By A Kiss?
Chapter 51: The Little Prince
Chapter 52: The Panda Hero Arrives!
Chapter 53: The Queen Returns!
Chapter 54: She Returned?
Chapter 55: The Jokers
Chapter 56: Prisoners
Chapter 57: Goodbye
Chapter 58: Confession
Chapter 59: Set-Up
Chapter 60: The Matsuri
Chapter 61: The Romanian Vampire
Chapter 62: A Private Conversastion
Chapter 63: 千本桜
Chapter 64: Intai-go No Sai Shūshoku No Oiwai
Chapter 65: My Perspective
Chapter 66: One Happy Family
Chapter 67: 夢花火
Chapter 68: Our Mirai

Chapter 46: Pocky Game(Part II)

44 1 3
By ChelsR

As if on cue, the Austrian and the Hungarian arrived at the conversation.
"What are you talking about?" Elizabeta asked.
"The next pair for the pocky game, aru." Yao answered. Maria smirked. She gave the pocky to the pair.
"Bite the pocky until you reach the middle. First person who pulls away loses." Maria explained quickly.
"Let's get this over. I'm still playing the piano later." Roderich said. He bit the chocolate end. Elizabeta bit on the pocky too. Not too long, their noses are brushed at the middle. Elizabeta blinked. Not knowing what to do, Roderich pulled away. Instead of kissing Elizabeta, he hugged her.
"M-Mr. Roderich?" she muttered.
"Please be my wife again, Elizabeta." he whispered, hugging her tightly. Elizabeta softens and hugs him back and smiles.
"Of course." Maria stared at Francis and smirked again. She approaches him and whispers something to him. As hearing the words, Francis laughed.
"Good one, mon ami! I'll get him any moment~~" Maria giggles.
Francis approached Arthur.
"Ohonhonhon, let's play the pocky game, Artie!" Arthur glared at the Frenchman. (A/N: Like always, Francey-pants always drinks wine.)
"I will not, you frog!" He crossed his arms. Francis puts his elbow around his neck.
"Get away from me, frog!" Arthur pushes Francis away from him. Maria goes to where Arthur is sitting and gives him a pocky.
"Go." Maria whispers. Francis bites the pocky.
"Come on, Angweterre!" called out Francis. Arthur sighed and bites the pocky. Francis follows him in biting the pocky, as well as the Englishman. 10 seconds later, Arthur pulled away. Francis just stared at him. Earlier, Maria explained it to Mustang, Edward, and Hawkeye.(Riza Hawkeye)
"You're next, Hawkeye." Riza bites the pocky. Roy bites it as well.
"I hope they kiss! I should report it to the Füher about this.." Edward chuckled. Roy glared at Edward.
"Fullmetal. I know what you're thinking." Maria said for Mustang.
back to the present•
"Well, I win, Angleterre. Kiss someone now." Arthur just shrugged.
"I kissed Alfred earlier, King Of Diamonds." Alfred sticks his tongue out. Kiku whispered something to Feliciano. Feliciano nodded and went to the stage.
What did Japan whispered to Italy? Heh, guess. I'm sorry if I wasn't online at Wattpad for a while. Also, for the Filipino Wattpaders out there, who did you vote for President and Vice President? Mine is Robredo and Roxas. If you are from other countries, you won't probably understand what I just fucking said 😆 It's just that today is Election Day at the Philippines. Well, I'm gonna deal with Prußen.
~Admin Chelsea aka Chiharu Ren
P.S. Guess what reference I used for my apple emojis?

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