Godzilla Warriors 5: Heroes A...

By captaintaco2345

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Godzilla joins with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers, to stop a primordial threat named Shinomura... More

Chapter 1: Mission Briefing
Chapter 2: Trust
Chapter 3: Caught in a Web
Chapter 4: History Lesson
Chapter 5: Avengers Assemble
Chapter 6: Bug Bite
Chapter 7: Aggro
Chapter 8: Breaking Point
Chapter 9: Hurt
Chapter 11: Appologies
Chapter 12: Nightmare
Chapter 13: The Last Stand
Chapter 14: How to be Forgiven
Chapter 15: Back to Normal
Next Time in Godzilla Warriors...
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Update (Marvel Mii Fighters)
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Chapter 10: Godzilla VS The Avengers

872 12 3
By captaintaco2345

It was now much later in the day. Godzilla had walked many miles from Avengers tower, and eventually found himself in a forest. He trudged through the trees, slicing at another one of Shinomura's creatures. He had been finding more and more recently. He knew this meant he was getting close to Shinomura's hideout. Once he defeated him, everything would be solved. They would all understand. Especially Mothra. He stopped and gave a frustrated sigh as he remembered what he had done to her. In the back of his mind, he knew what he did was terrible, but he kept telling himself it was unavoidable. He had nearly forgotten about his aggression problem. Finally, he came to a large open part of the forest. There were barely any trees trees, and no creatures in sight. There was only the grass, pebbles, and dirt beneath his feet. The dim sunlight shining through the clearing felt good on his skin, but he didn't allow himself to focus on that right now. He heard leaves crunching, and a twig snap. His head flipped around to the source of the noises. They were getting closer.
"Another creature?" He thought. "No... that didn't sound like a creature. That sounded like..."
He flinched and grunted as he felt something hit him in the shoulder. He looked down, and saw an arrow stuck in his skin. He yanked it out, not caring about the pain. He knew where the arrow came from.
"Hawkeye." Godzilla growled. He didn't think on it for too long, as the heard a soft beeping sound. He turned back to the source of the beeping, and saw it was coming from the arrow itself, along with a pulsating flashing red light. The flashing and beeping suddenly sped up. without warning, the arrow exploded, sending a shockwave out that sent Godzilla flying back into a tree. He growled angrily as he got back up. Due to the flash caused by the explosion, he was temporarily blinded. Once he shook his head, his vision returned. He looked up and saw Hawkeye aiming another arrow at him.
"You followed me?" Godzilla growled, getting into a battle stance.
"Yeah, but it wasn't just me." Hawkeye explained. He let loose another arrow, but Godzilla dodged to the side, leaving the arrow to hit the tree behind him. Hawkeye smirked and launched another arrow. This one was larger, and split into 3 separate arrows as it flew through the air. As the arrows sped towards Godzilla, he sliced them all into pieces with his katana. Amazed, Hawkeye didn't notice as Godzilla rushed towards him. He punched Hawkeye so hard that his glasses flew off, and he was instantly knocked out. The punch sent him to the ground. Godzilla smirked, thinking Hawkeye would be the only attack, but then he remembered what he had said earlier. He mentioned that he was not the only one following him. Godzilla turned around as he heard the sound of an electrical device activating. The sound came from Black Widow, activating two taser batons. They were long, black, and metal, aside from the rubber handles she held onto. Blue wiring ran through them, ending at the tips, which were coloured silver. She flipped them around in her hands, showing them off. Godzilla scoffed.
"You're gonna fight me now?" He asked.
"Well, I already know you don't have a problem with hitting a woman." Widow replied. Godzilla grimaced as he realized what she was referring to. Before he could reply, Widow flipped into the air and kicked him in the face. He swung back with his sword, but she blocked with her baton. With the other baton, she jabbed him in the abdomen, running 50,000 volts through his body. This was enough to temporarily paralyze someone, but it only caused Godzilla some slight discomfort. He took advantage of how close he was to Widow at the moment, and smacked his forehead into hers, sending her stumbling back and causing her to drop her batons. Godzilla picked one up and activated it, then struck Widow in the side of the neck with it. With the amount of force and electricity running through the baton, she was also knocked out cold. Godzilla tossed the baton to the side, but didn't relax just yet. He knew the other Avengers would come for him, and he was ready for them. He heard a motorcycle revving in the distance. It got louder and louder as the bike approached, before it finally appeared through the trees, ridden by Captain America. He was holding his shield, and smacked it into Godzilla's face as he sped past, knocking him over. He got back up and checked his nose, seeing that he was bleeding a little. Wiping the blood from his nose, he didn't notice Cap toss his shield directly into his face. The sharp edge of the vibranium disk sliced into his face. Due to the nature of vibranium, it cause him to heal a bit slower than he normally would. The shield flew back into Cap's hand like a boomerang. Godzilla got back up, wiping the blood from his face. He saw Cap in front of him, revving the bike's engine.
"You're really starting to piss me off." He growled.
"All part of the plan." Cap taunted. He revved the engine one final time and sped towards Godzilla, ready to smack him with the shield again. But this time, Godzilla had a plan. He fired an atomic blast at the bike, completely destroying the front tire. Without the tire, front axel jabbed into the ground, making the bike flip over forewords. Cap was sent flying into the air, far over Godzilla's head. Godzilla smirked as he saw him land in a far away patch of shrubbery, but his smirk fell and morphed into a sneer as he turned back around. Iron Man and Thor were standing in front of him, a few feet away. Iron Man charged his hand lasers, and Thor began spinning his hammer in his hand, building up static electricity.
"Really?" Godzilla growled. "After what I did to your friends, you really think you can take me on?"
Iron Man ignored him, and turned to Thor. "Let's go." He said. Thor nodded and held his hammer in the sky. A bolt of lighting hit it, making the metallic block glow a bright blue. He turned the hammer to Iron Man, and a bolt of blue lightning shot out. The lightning hit Iron Man in the back. Godzilla was confused. What he didn't know was that Thor was using the lightning to charge Iron Man's armour. Power surged through the suit, increasing its power level. After the lightning stopped, Iron Man aimed his hand lasers at Godzilla.
"How're we doing, Jarvis?" He asked his AI butler. The AI was also connected to his armour.
"The suit's power level is currently at 700%" Jarvis' monotone replied.
"Perfect." Tony muttered, smirking from inside his mask. He fired his hand lasers, which were now much more powerful. Godzilla dodged out of the way, but the lasers hit a tree and completely burned it to a crisp. All that was left was a smouldering wreck. Godzilla looked back at Iron Man. He was starting to have his doubts about winning. As Iron Man readied another blast, Godzilla decided that the smartest option right now was to run. He sped into the trees, running past another of Iron Man's blasts. Both Iron Man and Thor saw him run.
"Dammit, he's getting away." Iron Man muttered.
"Not for much longer." Thor replied. He took off flying after Godzilla, and Iron Man followed. Godzilla glanced behind him as he ran through the many trees surrounding them. He started darting around corners, trying to evade the heroes chasing him. Suddenly, he turned a corner, and he was hit in the face with Captain America's shield. Apparently, Cap had gotten back up while Godzilla was fighting the others. He had just hit Godzilla with his shield again, knocking him to the ground. Godzilla looked up, and saw Thor floating above him. He suddenly flew down towards him, ready to swing his hammer. He dodged out of the way, but the resulting shockwave as Mjolnir struck the earth sent Godzilla flying into another group of trees. He groaned and got back up, rubbing his head.
"God, what next?" He growled. He looked up, and his blood ran cold. he completely froze. Another Avenger was about to attack him. The Hulk was running right at him. Without warning, Hulk jumped high into the air, aiming to crush Godzilla as he landed. Godzilla caught on, and managed to get of the way in time. He tried to get away from the green monster, but he wasn't able to run fast enough. Hulk grabbed him in his giant green fist. He struggled to move as Hulk held him in front of his snarling face.
"Put me down!" Godzilla yelled. In retaliation, Hulk roared in his face. Then he threw him into the air with all of his power. Godzilla was pretty amazed by how far the Hulk had launched him. He landed almost a half mile away. His fall was broken by the branches of other trees, but he still landed on the hard ground on his back. He took about a minute to recover before slowly getting back up. Nothing was broken, as far as he knew. He sighed angrily, realizing that he was now far away from wherever Shinomura was hiding. On the plus side, the Avengers were pretty far away from him too. It would take a while for them to find him again. He could relax, at least for a while. However, due to his aggression problem, he couldn't relax. Not only that, but his sword was gone. He was defenceless. This only made his rage build more. He roared and punched a tree, exhaling deeply afterwards.
"Why did those idiots have to interrupt me?" He growled. "This whole thing could have been over by now! They ruined everything!"
As he thought about this, he didn't notice as a familiar figure appeared behind him, silently floating down to the ground. It was Battra. He had his arms crossed, and his expression was an angry one.
"Godzilla!" He shouted, making Godzilla turn around to face him.
"Battra? What are you doing here?" Godzilla asked. Instead of answering, Battra flew foreword, grabbing Godzilla by the throat. He dragged him up into the air, and then threw him to the ground. While he was still in the air, the golden horn on his crested headband began to glow, and a red laser shot out at the ground, aimed at Godzilla. He missed, so he flew back down. Godzilla was on the ground, coughing and holding his throat where Battra grabbed him. He had been through a lot in the last few minutes, and Battra choking him was not helping. Battra began to approach him, pulling out his elemental katana as he did so.
"I knew you and Mothra would never work out." Battra hissed. "But I knew she was happy with you, at least for a while, and I thought her happiness was all that mattered." He picked up Godzilla by the collar. "But now, I can tell I was right the first time." Battra continued. "You hit her. Nobody lays a hand on my sister and gets away with it!"
He punched Godzilla in the face a few times, and then threw him to the ground. Godzilla got back up and rushed Battra, but ended up missing and running headfirst into a tree. Godzilla's rage had built up to its limit. He was at his breaking point. He was about to turn around and rush at Battra agin, until an arrow struck him in the back, making him pass out immediately. Battra looked up to where the arrow came from, and saw Hawkeye walking towards them. Battra had met with the Avengers beforehand, and agreed to help them find Godzilla.
"Don't worry." Hawkeye explained. "That arrow is covered in a tranquilizing drug. He'll be out for the next 5 hours or so."
Battra turned back to Godzilla's unconscious body. With a sneer, he delivered a swift kick to Godzilla's face.
"He deserves far worse than that." He spat.
"You really love your sister, huh?" Hawkeye asked. Battra sighed.
"I do. I did some pretty terrible things to her in the past, and I've been trying to make up for it ever since." He explained. "I almost lost her a few weeks ago. I won't let that happen again."
After some time passed, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and Black Widow showed up as well. Bruce Banner showed up a bit later, having recovered from his Hulk form.
"Nice work, you two." Cap said. He turned to Iron Man. "Tony, call Fury and tell him to send a Quinjet."
"On it." Iron Man replied with a nod. He readied his contact with Nick Fury, but quickly glanced towards Godzilla as he lay comatose on the ground. He sighed and shook his head. This whole situation just didn't seem right to him.

Avengers Tower

Nick Fury walked into the Avengers lab. Spiderman, now in his regular clothing as Peter Parker, was looking at one of Shinomura's cells in a microscope. The cell was dead at this point, and was starting to decay. Peter decided to take a look at it, just to see of there was something they could use to combat it. Mothra, Rodan, and Anguirus were in the room as well.
"Good news." Fury announced, catching all their attentions. "We found Godzilla. He did a number on the Avengers, but apparently some guy named Battra helped out."
Mothra looked up as she heard Battra's name. "That's my brother." She explained. "What's he doing here?"
"According to Tony, he was pretty mad at Godzilla." Fury explained. "He was probably pissed about the whole... incident."
Mothra reached a hand up and gingerly touched her cheek, which still stung slightly. Fury didn't say any more about it. Peter spoke up, breaking the silence.
"I noticed something about Shinomura." He said. "Bruce mentioned that his cells had combined with the cells of something else. I think I know what the 'something else' is."
He rushed over to the other side of the room, where his large red and blue backpack sat on a table. He reached inside, and took out two glass canisters with metal lids on either side. They both contained a thick, gooey-looking liquid. The liquid in one canister was a dark bluish-black, and the other was dark red, mixed with swirls of black. Peter walked back to the microscope and placed the two canisters on the table next to it.
"Whoa, what are these things?" Rodan asked. He reached a finger to the canister containing the black liquid.
"Don't touch those!" Peter cautioned, causing Rodan to immediately pull his hand away. Peter cautiously reached the one containing the black liquid, unscrewing the lid. He picked up an eyedropper and sucked in a small sample of the liquid, then quickly screwed the cylinder shut again. He seemed pretty nervous around the canisters, as his hand was shaking slightly.
"I have a bit of a history with is thing." Peter explained, staring at the eyedropper. "I've been studying it for a while, and I noticed a familiar string of DNA in Shinomura's cells."
He placed a tiny drop of the liquid in the petri dish with the dead cell. Looking through the microscope, he saw as a similar liquid slowly exited the dead cell and joined with the liquid. his suspicions were confirmed.
"Just as I thought." Peter said, looking up from the microscope. "Shinomura has combined with the same substance in this canister." He gasped as he realized something else. "That explains it!" he said.
"Explains what?" Anguirus asked.
"This substance amplifies aggression." Peter explained, picking up the canister. "It forms a symbiotic relationship with whatever host organism it touches. It enhances the host's abilities and powers, but it also feeds off of the host until there's nothing left. Believe me, I know first hand."
"So if it amplifies aggression, does that mean Godzilla's a host for that thing now?" Rodan asked.
"No, if that were true, he'd look a lot... different." Peter continued, remembering an enemy from his past. He shook the bad memories from his head. "My guess is that the venom he was stung with contained the aggression aspect, but not the rest of the substance."
"Is there anything we can do for him?" Mothra asked.
"Once he gets here, we need to purge the venom from his blood as soon as possible." Peter explained. Suddenly, Fury got a transmission on his earpiece. It was Tony, telling him that they had almost arrived. Fury turned to the others.
"They're almost here." He explained. "Whatever you're gonna do to Godzilla, you'd better do it soon."
Peter nodded, and they all began to leave the room and go to the underground landing pad, where the Quinjet was normally kept. As they went, Rodan hung back a bit. He was distracted by something. He was looking at the black liquid, which was still in the petri dish. He thought he saw it move.
"Is that thing... alive?" He thought. He flinched back as the liquid suddenly jumped out of the petri dish and began moving towards him. It moved quickly. Rodan didn't know much about the substance, but going by Peter's description, he didn't want it to get near him. He saw a glass cup on the counter next to the canisters. He rushed over to grab it, planning to place it over the substance before it got to him. He reached the cup, but accidentally knocked over the canisters in the process. He placed the cup over the substance, stopping it from moving and keeping it in place. He wiped the sweat from his brow, but looked over to the counter again, where the canisters were. They had fallen over onto the floor. Rodan cautiously looked over the edge of the counter, seeing that the glass tubes had shattered on the hard ground. Both the black and red liquids had escaped. To Rodan's surprise and horror, the substances had inched towards an air vent, and were quickly slithering down through the metal grate.
"Uh oh." Rodan gulped. "I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me."
He picked up the pieces of glass from the ground and placed them in the garbage. He took a final glance towards the air vent, but sped off to meet with the others.

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