2190 Days//New Hope Club.

By nhclubsandwich

101K 3.9K 3.9K

"Six bloody years of being there for them, and this is how they repay me!? I've been through 2190 days of mak... More

Sexist Prick.
Noticed By Senpai.
Cake By The Ocean.
House Arrest.
Late Night Conversations.
Anger Blobs.
George's bed.
Unknown Numbers.
Call Me L.
Pizza and Pringles.
Sames and Blevie.
Just Dance.
Spring Cleaning.
2190 Days.


3.2K 125 31
By nhclubsandwich

Finally, Friday had rolled around, and with it a burst of excitement. Evie sprung out of bed (after spending half an hour groaning and complaining that she had to be awake) and quickly got ready, before retrieving her gifts for the boys from the top of her wardrobe and quickly making her way downstairs, where she placed the presents on the breakfast bar and started to make eight slices of toast for the four of them. The gifts thing had started on the third year when they had all bought each other cheap, jokey presents: Evie remembers buying George a mouth spray which supposedly gave you good pick up lines to say to girls, she thought it was hilarious. He wasn't too impressed. As funny as their presents were, they had agreed that year that they would actually start buying proper presents for each other, treating it like their own personal Christmas Day. Or some weird conjoined birthday, but they figured a personal Christmas was less weird.
Evie had been looking forward to their friendshipversary for the whole of the week - she ahd even downloaded a countdown app to her phone so she could constantly scream to the boys how many days, hours, minutes and seconds it was until Friday rolled around. The boys started to consider taking her phone and deleting the app, after the fourth time she had deafened them all with her shouting; they were rather fond of their hearing, thank you very much.

On their friendshipversaries, the boys normally got to her house early and the group ate breakfast together, whilst opening the presents they had bought each other. It was kind of a ritual thing that they did, and it was one of Evie's favourite things in the world. What could be better than opening presents from the people you love whilst eating food that you love? Nothing.
The previous year, George had been ill so couldn't make it to the blonde girl's house. Determined that they would continue their ritual (as it was obviously bad luck to break it), the three healthy friends had marched over to the blonde boy's house and sat on his bed whilst eating breakfast and made sure he sat up to open his presents. He was too ill to eat any breakfast, but Evie figured that the whole present thing was enough to not break the ritual.
The blonde snapped out of the memories of last year and a smile worked its way onto her face as she heard the sounds of her front door opening, followed by the whoops and cheers of her three best friends. The three boys sprinted into the kitchen and engulfed the girl into a massive group hug, screaming "HAPPY SIX YEARS EVIE!" Into her ear, causing her to scream it back to them, possibly even louder. Needless to say, they winced and covered their ears.

The three boys reached into their bags and pulled out their presents for each other, placing them on the breakfast bar before dumping their bags and coats on the floor and sitting down in front of the presents labelled with their names. They watched each other open presents whilst eating the toast, and Evie was thanking the heavens that these three boys came into her life, because honestly, she had no idea what she would do without them. They made everything better, even on the days when she felt like nothing could go right and they always stuck by her, no matter what she did. They were some of the best friends anyone could ask for, and somehow the blonde girl was lucky enough to be the fourth member of the group.
With them around, she didn't need anyone else, not even her parents.

"Wow Evie, thanks!" Blake exclaimed, leaning over and hugging her when he'd unwrapped her gift.

"It's fine! Thank you too" she replied, a grin on her face. The green-eyed girl seemed to enjoy people opening her presents for them more than she did opening their presents for her - seeing her best friend's eyes light up when they saw what she had got them made her feel happy, because she knew that she had caused that excitement which glowed on their faces. She wouldn't say it out loud, but she felt like it was one of the ways in which she was paying the boys back for putting up with her and all of the shit she put them through.

When they'd all finished breakfast, they went upstairs and brushed their teeth together, another weird but sentimental ritual they shared. They tried to make each other laugh and ended up dribbling toothpaste everywhere, which was obviously really attractive. Evie ended up changing school jumpers, seeing as hers was stained with a white toothpaste blob, which could have been seen as something else entirely.
Once they were all finally ready, they made their way to school, laughing loudly and bickering playfully as they went, probably waking up most of the people living on the street who had yet to wake from their slumber. The blonde girl couldn't care less, though - this was their day and she fully intended to enjoy every second of it, regardless.

Unfortunately Evie's day went really slowly and by the time 6:00pm had rolled around, the girl was nearly dead from the pain of being bored. It seemed that because she was so excited for that evening, she got even more bored with every second which passed her by - she was filled with anticipation, wishing that time would just go fucking faster.

Eventually, she was running down the stairs and flinging open the door to see George, who she instantly hugged tightly to her, as if she hadn't seen him in weeks when in reality it had only been a few hours. "Hello!" She cheered, before pulling the boy in and shutting the door, instantly opening it again when the doorbell went off. "Shut the door in my face why don't you?" Blake spat, faking a scowl as he stepped into the house.

"Sorry!" Evie called, before pulling the brunette into a hug, similar to the one she had given the first boy. "Now all we need is Reece and we can leave" and, as if on cue, the aforementioned appeared at the door, smiling brightly. He nearly fell backwards when the blonde girl hugged him, seeing as he wasn't expecting it and didn't have time to steady himself. "Let's go!" Evie cheered after hugging the last boy, grabbing her bag and making her way out of the house with her three best friends. They got into the car - driven by her parent's chauffeur - and made their way to Frankie and Benny's, chatting and laughing about everything and nothing, Evie once again thanking whoever for her best friends as she joined in with the pointless conversations, which seemed to hold so much meaning at the same time. It was hard to describe, but the girl felt like she could talk about any random shit to the boys and every conversation would be as important as if she were talking about something deep and meaningful. Or maybe it's just the fact that she treasured the time she spent with the boys dearly, not that they didn't see each other often.

The group laughed their way through the night, eventually ending up in Evie's bedroom, passing round a bottle of vodka and reminiscing on the memories they shared, yet another ritual they followed. Not the vodka, but the reminiscing. The vodka was a fairly recent addition to their friendshipversaries, seeing as when they were younger they wouldn't dare touch the stuff, thinking that alcohol was something for devil-worshipers to drink. It's not their fault - The two older boys had a really weird Religious Education teacher.

"Remember when we first became friends, and Evie got into shit with that boy for throwing a paintbrush at him?" Blake asked, receiving enthusiastic nods from each of the others in the room.

"What was his name?" Reece questioned, scrunching up his face as he tried to remember. The expression he was pulling looked stupid, causing the brunette boy to start giggling and quickly snap a picture for his snapchat story.

"Izaac... Izaac someone" Evie replied to the oldest boy's question, her tone unsure.

"Wow, what a name," George said, mocking Evie for her response... Not that he could remember it, either.

"Shut up Georgie" she replied, giggling. The girl got very giggly when she was drunk, which the three boys liked to make fun of. It seemed that, to drunk Evie, everything was funny and nothing really mattered - she also happened to think that she could get away with anything she tried to do, often claiming that she was a ghost and nobody would be able to see. Well, she wasn't a ghost and the boys definitely did see. As did their cameras.

"Hey!" George pouted at the name and the blonde girl tapped his lips with her index finger, giggling out a 'sorry!' in reponse.

"Guys, I just wanna say something" Blake announced, nearly falling back over when he stood up, the nearly-empty bottle of vodka swinging around in his loose grip. Evie laughed as he staggered backwards, placing a hand on the wall to catch himself. "So, we've been friends for ageeeeeeeees now, like, six years is fucking long. I just wanna say that you guys will always be my best friends and I can't wait for six, twelve, eighteen... twenty-two-"

"It's twenty-four, idiot" Blake flipped off Reece as he continued his speech; he was too drunk to do maths properly, albeit only simple maths. ((Although I still don't know my times tables whoop))

"-more years with you guys. Now, let's get shitfaced because I could definitely be a lot drunker than this" they all cheered in agreement and continued to drink, reminisce and giggle until around three in the morning when they all started to slowly fall asleep, their vision blurry and heads heavy.
Blake and Reece had already drifted off to sleep, however, Evie wouldn't let herself fall asleep because she had something on her mind, something which was making her sober up slightly - enough so she wasn't giggling like a lunatic, anyway. "Georgie?" The girl whispered to the boy lying next to her, squinting in the darkness to try and make out his face.

"Yeah?" He replied, opening his eyes and looking in Evie's general direction; it was dark because they had turned the lights off to go to sleep, so he figured that he would just have to guess where the blonde girl was.

"When you guys get famous, you're not gonna forget me, right?" Vulnerability was present in the 16-year-old's tone as she asked the question, her green eyes twinkling with tears in the sliver of moonlight shining through the gap in the curtains. The thought had been on her mind for a while, haunting her like a restless spirit and she hated it - letting the scenario play out in her mind was enough to bring the girl to tears.

"What are you on about? We're not gonna get famous" George deadpanned, frowning at how genuinely scared Evie sounded.

"You never know. The Vamps noticed you, The fucking Vamps. Do you know how big that is? You're already getting loads more views and subscribers and-" Before she could continue to freak herself out anymore, the blue-eyed boy stopped her.

"Evie, calm down. Whatever happens, we're all going to stay strong, okay? We've all been friends, best friends, for six years. Nothing is going to happen" The boy reached forward and wiped a few stray tears from the distressed girl's cheeks, before pulling her closer to him. He was glad that his eyes had adjusted to the light, or he probably would have poked her eyes out just then. "Now come on, we need to sleep or our hangovers will be worse tomorrow" The girl chuckled slightly before snuggling into George's chest and once again thanking whoever was out there that she had these boys to help her. Right then and there, the girl made a promise to herself - that she was never going to lose the boys, her boys. They were going to stay friends forever. They had to.



Ohhhhhh, possible drama on the way? (Well obviously, or there'd be no book so...)

I updated today because this reached 800 reads! Thank you so much! This is literally only six chapters long and I already have so many reads, I honestly can't thank you enough!

Also, if you didn't read the author's note I posted before this, could you please go and read it because it could possibly affect you/this story and I need some opinions as nobody has given me any so far.

Thank you once again!!

~Ray x

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