Never Stop Loving

By Rosstastic

1.2K 28 7

Love. One word with so many different meanings. Mariah is a fun loving Junior at her high school in Alaska... More

Chapter 1 ~ Forgiveness
Chapter 2 ~ Classmates
Chapter 3 ~ 'His' House
Chapter 4 ~ WHAT? Not us?
Chapter 5 ~ Oh Kiss Me!
Chapter 7 ~ Lie's and Love Life's
Chapter 8 ~ Your selfish, B!tch.
Chapter 9 ~ Happy Day's...Please
Chapter 10 ~ Peaceful,Until the BEEP strikes
Chapter 11 ~ Steping Stones and Hand Holding
Chapter 12 ~ Slaps and Gasping
Chapter 13 ~ What The Hell Just Happened?!?
Chapter 14 ~ Moving straight along
PART TWO! Letter this and letter that
Part two ~ Dad?
Part Two ~ Mr. Harold
Part two ~ Excuse me?
Part Two ~ Why?
Part Two ~ Answers
Part Two- Discoveries
Part Two ~ Never Stop Loving
- Edited Verson -

Chapter 6 ~ Deep Thought's

46 1 0
By Rosstastic

Okay,this chapter is dedicated to hannahtaylor106 who helped me decide about diffrent perspective's! (: Thanks!<3 enjoy? secert's will be revield!!


Me and Ryan were cruising down the highway hand in hand. I don't really know how he could drive this way...with one hand and all. Beat's me...I can barely drive even with two hands. Wow, why am I even thinking about driving right now? I obviously should be thinking about how Ryan fucking like's me! I mean who wouldn't be over excited for this,the guy you've liked forever like's you come on! Everything is going great right now,I'm only focusing about the positives...not the negatives.

You don't think there's negitive's? I know I don't have to go to Ann (That whole ask each other thing was a little true because she did ask me about him in 9th grade) but why would'nt I? I don't want some dude,an amazing,loving,and irresistible guy ruin our friendship. Just thinking if she say's no is making me want to burst out in tears. This whole thing isn't going according to plan today.

What will Ann think? What if she think's i'm only doing this to hurt her? I did just find out about her feeling's for Ryan today AND about Ryan;s feeling's for me. To make matter's even worse she could think I'm doing this to piss her off even more then she already is! What the hell am I supposed to do! Ugh. But for now, I need to forget about this...just focus on the positives.

"What's wrong? You seem sad?" Fuck,why does this boy no me so well? I'm like an open book to him,why must it be that way?

"Hmm. Oh,nothing..I'm f-f-fine."Man,why'd I have to stutter? Way to give the whole 'Oh yeah im fine thing away...good job M,good job.

"Mariah,there's something wrong I can tell. You can tell me,it'll be alright." At that moment I almost started bawling. This may be a really stupid reason to lie but no,not for me. When you're put in this situation you'll understand how I'm feeling. Why can't I just forget about all of this 'love' stuff? Why can't life be easier? Why can't I just not tell Ann about how Ry like's me...shit,I can do that! No wait wait, I'm not going to do that... I can't just betray he like that. But why can't I? Ann has been so weird  over the year's. It's likesomething's gotten into her lately It's lie I've never told anyone about this but Sophomore year Ann kissed me. Yes, I said kissed me. She told me she was bi-sexual and that she had the slightest bit of feeling's for me. I mean for real! WHAT!

No,I cant do that..she can't help that she liked me and kissed me. Wow.what am I thinking. Nothing could ever make me turn on her,,,ever.

"Really,nothing's wrong. Trust me on this one sweet's." I gave him a quick smile.

"Sweet's?" Awe,you should've seen his eyebrow's! They were adorable.

"Yeah,sweet's. I'm assuming Ann's Going to approve of you so why not call you cute names now?" Lie. She going to say no...I can feel it. Killing me inside.


Sweet's... I like it. This relationship is going to be good. I can sense it. Let's hope Ann say's yes. Even though I doubt she'll say no! I could get used to this.

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