Soul eater boys x reader // O...

By g_shimmy

23.4K 948 369

You used to live a normal life. But since your father was a demon weapon, you were sent to the DWMA. You meet... More

The shark toothed boy
The blue monkey and symmetry freak
(Almost) kissing
Basketball accident
The pink-haired boy
Weapon Forms
(Y/n)'s overly clichéd life
Truth comes out
Unceasing Battles, and People With Weird Names
Who knew it was possible?
Are we there yet?
It begins
The Conclusion (Except Not Really)
Whops, I've Got Some 'Splainin' To Do. . .
The Letter
whoops, hehe
A Door, A Hallway, and A Cat
"Answering questions because I was tagged" by Fall Out Boy
Looking for Death
Maybelleine is ruining your life
Reall Quick
Author's Note. . . (Sorry)

two things

404 16 13
By g_shimmy

Hey guys, first I wanna tell you, that were going on a 7 hour car ride today. If you're lucky, I'll update. We'll see.

Second, guess what happened today?

Oh whatever, I'll just tell you. Today was the shac-a-thon at my school, which is pretty much a health day. I spent the physical activity half of the day in the office, because I'm opposed to physical activity. (I'm an office aid, and the teacher said I could stay if I wanted)

So, you know. That part was great.

When we finally finished that portion, we had to go to fifth period. I had social studies, not that that matters, because my teacher was showing us a highschool video on drunk driving. It was a reenactment, so I thought okay.

A little over halfway through the video was the crash. I knew it was staged, but it was really bloody. All but two were badly injured and one was dead.

I am pretty okay with blood in fiction, and even in real life to a certain extent. But this was something that could easily happen, and has happened to people as little as two years older than me.

That thought made me nervous. I started to go numb, and I was going to tell my teacher that I couldnt watch it, but then I blacked out.

When I woke up, my head hurt, and I was lying on the ground. I HAD FAINTED AND FALLEN OFF MY CHAIR!

Three of my friends, Autumn, Julia, and Fadara (I think thats how you spell it) were the only other kids in the classroom. I was completely numb, and could barely move. My teacher was freaking out. She called the nurse and the principal, and gave me a bottle of water.

Anywho, my mom was called, and she came to pick me up.

And that is the story of how I fainted in class today for the first time.

Hasta la pasta (for now)

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