Home {Ethan Karpathy}

By lanzonator101

2.7K 76 20

Looking around now, thinking to myself; how do I get out of this mess? Just laugh with them or run away? I de... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter 7:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 15:

Chapter 14:

111 2 0
By lanzonator101

"Wake up, Skye!" A voice yells. I rub my eyes not wanting to get out of bed, I was very worried about who I was going to hang out with today as my only friends were Ethan, Sophia, Jakob and Chris. I feared that they would want nothing to do with me and so I'd have no choice but to sit by myself at recess and lunch on the benches but nonetheless I get up out of bed and start to get ready for the day. I put my uniform on and go into the bathroom scanning myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy from the lack of sleep and my full on crying but I start to brush my teeth and put my hair in a high ponytail letting my natural waves free. I hurriedly put my shoes on and walk out into the hall to meet Fletcher who was standing at the front door waiting.

"Are you okay?" He whispers sounding incredibly worried.

I nod not trusting my voice as I can already feel tears filling up in my eyes. I push past Fletcher and saunter to school with my bag on my back and my phone in hand, waiting in fear of the next hours that are to come. So soon enough, I was in front of the school gates letting students tumble me over or nudge me when they walk through. I spot Sophia and Jakob by a tree across the yard and start to jog over. When I reach them, Sophia is smiling widely at me while Jakob is looking at me guiltily.

Sophia opens her arms for a hug but I decline and turn to Jakob, "You told him everything." She steps back confused allowing her arms to drop at her side watching Jakob and I talk.

"I know, I didn't mean too Skye" His voice is barely audible but it was just enough for Sophia and I to hear him.

"I trusted you" I start to raise my voice as my anger starts to unleash. I look behind him to see Ethan and Chris laughing away while walking over to our group. I stare at the boy who once was my best friend and can already feel tears threaten to fall out.

Jakob notices and follows my stare spinning around to meet Ethan and Chris, "Oh hey guys"

Ethan smiles at Jakob, "Hey, have you seen Sk-" His eyes meet mine at the same time I begin to march to class meaning I had spun halfway still looking at him. I stand straight pulling my dress down so it covered my knees.

"Hi" I whisper as soon as I gain the courage but he looks at me with no emotion; no expression. Now the tears are falling fast down my face as now I just want to run and hide but Jakob reached for my hand grasping it tightly so I cannot move away from the group.

"Why are you here?" He questions me with the straightest face I have ever seen on him making me feel weird.

"I just needed to talk to Jakob" I answer him hoping he could hear me since my eyes were locked with the grass. I glance back up at Ethan and notice he has tears filling his eyes about to fall out.

"I thought we were best friends" He inquires making me feel guiltier than ever.

"I was your best friend" I say "I still am" I correct myself.

"Best friends don't go out with their best friends enemies behind their backs" He spits. "Now, please just go Skylar"

I scan the group; Sophia's face is filled with shock, Chris' face is just disappointment, Jakob's face was filled with guilt and hurt and Ethan's face was just... blank. Usually I could read him like an open book but this time, he couldn't be read. "Fine" I whisper.

I whip around and leave the group hearing them say things to who I assumed was Ethan, telling him everything was going to be okay and not to worry but I hear footsteps come up behind me so I stop and feel a hand wrap around my hand. A girl hand meaning it could be only one person; "Skye, I'm here"

I whip around to face Sophia who is staring at me with the most worrying eyes ever and her arms wide open. Accepting her invitation I collapse into her arms holding on tight, "I love him so much, it's been barely a day and I miss him like hell" I cry.

Rubbing my back she replies; "It will only get better from here Skye, just hold on"
So today being Friday, I was glad. All week Sophia hung out with me while I cried but it seemed like Ethan was just getting over me. We would pass each other by in the hallways and we'd lock eyes but that was it, no nudging no joking just our eyes. From where Sophia and I were sitting I could hear his laugh that was music to my ears, I could hear him talking and making jokes making me realise how much I needed him to be next to me. I was unsure whether to go to the party tomorrow night but after our little fight, I realised I needed friends from outside of school so I could get away from the drama meaning that I was going to go. By myself, without anybody.  Thinking now, walking home from school, I see two people walking across the street on the concrete footpath. Noticing one looks incredibly familiar I squint my eyes in hope to get a better look at them observing the way they walk and what they are wearing but instead I hear an all too familiar laugh. Ethan. I sneak a little bit closer to them and find the girl is Tahlia. She looks to the right scanning her surroundings as she notices me, she gasps and gives me a look I can read all too well. The look Ethan gave me on the night of our fight; hurt. I promised her I would stay and that I wouldn't leave on the exact same night I left the boy who I loved and who loved me. I'm 15, most people would say you can't find love at a young age like me but I proved them wrong because even though he was angry at me, I still loved him. I loved the way his smirk is a permanent expression, the way his hair falls on his head and in front of his eyes, I love the way he sings with so much passion, the way he holds me in his arms and tells me everything will be alright and I love the way his eyes can captivate me in a split second making me go weak to my knees. Before I realise I'm staring I become aware of the girl storming towards me, a tear falling down her face.

"You promised me, Skylar. Where are you?" Tahlia whispers.

"Tahlia, stop it. Leave Skye alone." A voice yells except I don't hear what anyone is saying and can hear the name 'Skye' repeat in my head, over and over again like a cycle.

Ethan had called me Skye; does that mean he was over it? Was he still angry? "Skye?"

He reaches Tahlia and I panting in a doubled position with his hands on his knees. After he realises what he had just said he makes contact with his neck rubbing it from behind awkwardly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that"

"Oh, okay. I'll be off" I tell him looking down at the ground in disappointment.

"Wait Skye!" He calls.

I turn around to see him pushing Tahlia away as she's trying to run towards me. "Yes Ethan?" I answer.

He glances around us stopping on me looking straight into my eyes then quickly looking away as if my eyes were a deadly spell and he couldn't look into them. "Nothing, nothing. Bye"

Just like that he was gone, in the click of my fingers. Vanished from my sight, the both of them without a word. I gaze at the siblings who stormed off away from me when I notice Ethan turn his head to the side and his eyes meet mine. They meet just for a second and it felt like he was trying to say something with his eyes by the way he looked at me but I couldn't tell. I couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. So instead, I finish my walk home with my head up intently inspecting my surroundings. I see things and places that remind me of Ethan, of our friendship and one of a kind relationship. I see the park where I met Zane and where Ethan nearly fought him, I see the pole I nearly smashed into which was the lead up to our near kiss, the footpath Michael and I had our massive fight and the spot where I first told myself that I had the biggest crush on the boy with the soft brown hair, the chocolate eyes, the wittiest personality and the permanent smirk on his face. Some may think it's not much, but Ethan Karpathy was able to sweep me off my feet and captivate me by the way he said my name, the way he held me, the way he kissed me and the way he told me everything was going to be alright. I couldn't get him off my mind, I felt like he was everywhere I looked so when I arrived on my doorstep I was definitely surprised to see Jakob trying to knock on the door. Except, he didn't know that I was right behind him and that Fletcher wasn't home.

Hii, I updated but this is really rushed&&bad and I'm really sorry lolol. Hope you like it anyway though!!

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