Starco : It All Started With...

By Thegirlwithevilface

31K 928 353

[C o m p l e t e d] Two opposites. One shoe. And it changed everything between them. More

P r e f a c e
TVD|Hell Loose
TVD|Don't Mess With The Janitress
TVD|Home Visit
TVD|Christmas Eve
Vile and Damsel
U p d a t e

TVD|Is it You?

1.6K 56 35
By Thegirlwithevilface

C H A P T E R  S I X -
I S  I T  Y O U ?


"This is all your fault," I murmured angrily facing him, gritting my teeth while I had the chance to blame him because Veru was busy scrambling through some papers in the farthest table.

He merely raised one of his brows, his lips pursed in a thin line with his dull eyes staring at me with the apathetic gaze. "I think we both know who's at fault. Stop pretending you're the victim, you're crazy."

I tried my hardest not to snap and snake my fingers around his throat once more. Sadly, eversince I met hin I became so violent to say it felt good otherwise. "Everything would've been fine if you didn't threw it in the trash can!"

He sneered, his eyes glinting with anger, he looked at me like he was about to attack me. It intimidated me, but I wouldn't show it. I can't be weak just because he's a man and is stronger than me. "You're a shallow individual. Life doesn't revolve around you, if you're that delusional."

He licked his lips."Because if you got hit with a shoe I'm very sure you would punch that poor person to death, knowing your violent tendencies."

"I'm not that violent!" I lashed out.

"Keep thinking that way," and he ignored me once again.

The nerve of that guy!

I went back to my silent demeanor once Veru's face met both of us, an eyebrow raised up. "Is everything alright?"

I forced a smile."Very."


"Umm, I sit there," a high pitch voice snapped me out of my own reveriee. I looked up from my seat and met the blonde's blue eyes, her curly blonde hair let down from her shoulders.

"Sorry," I said unapologetic."I sit here now, principal's orders."

Her eyes widened at me like she knew me from somewhere, her newly manicured nails pointed at my face."You're that girl!" she exclaimed.

I sighed. Great."Yeah. Now leave me alone."

"You're so lucky that you're close to Marco," she puckered her lips, her pretty face turned into a frown.

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask, because who the hell would be happy to sit beside a menopausal man.

She rolled her eyes at me. "You don't know? Most of the female population loves Marco--but sadly, he's too cold and no matter how I try to talk with him he doesn't reply," her eyes glinting with sadness."But with you he talks to you, even if it's you're both trying to kill each other."

I was overwhelmed by the information I just received. Really? He's that well-known? That loser?

"You can have him if you want," I say nonchalantly. "--who wants to be with that annoying loser anyway."


Fortunately, me and Marco hadn't spoke to each other eversince this morning. Yes, I just transferred into his section, and I had to sit beside him, it's a blessing---no.

Currently, we were asked to draw anything and colour it. It wasn't like I was a good artist but I like to draw anime girls. I always practiced and it's normal but not really impressive.

I was down to colouring and I found it the hardest thing in drawing. I had no sense of colouring. I didn't know where to shade or how to blend in colours and I spent almost fifteen minutes trying to draw this--just to ruin it with my terrible colouring skills.

I was biting my lip in agression. My eyes focused on the eyes with no such idea how to begin. My finger kept fiddling impatiently with a colouring pencil in hand. Anxiety dropped down my system and I stood frozen in front of my drawing.

That is until someone intervened.

"If you colour the eyes it should start from lightest to darkest colour," I whipped my head to the right and my heart raised so fastly when his face was so close that the only thing I could see was his eyes, nose and lips.

My heart pounded so loudly that it was deafening me. I looked away. "W-what do you want?" I stuttered, unable to calm my quick breathing. He startled the shit out of me!

He was staring at my drawing. "You suck at coloring."

"Just mind your own effin business, will you?" I gave him a death glare. He shouldn't butt in when he's not needed.

"Suit yourself," he went back to his seat and started coloring like nothing happened between us.

Why does he care anyway?

I took a deep breath and clenched on my sky blue colored pencil, my mind in a haze on where to begin. I then remembered his words. "Shade from lightest to darkest." Tch. You can't order me, loser.

I spend a good minute coloring while my mind was angry about how that loser just told me what to do like he's so good at it. Then I feel someone watching me. I whipped my head and was about to let out a fuse when it was our art's teacher.

She took a good look from my drawing and said. "Your coloring is all over the place. Marco, would you mind teaching her?"

My eyes widened and I glanced at the heartless man glancing at her with his usual poker face. He stands up and goes to me while the teacher continues roaming around. "Pfft. Didn't I tell you to color from lightest to darkest?"

"Are you laughing at me?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He flicked my head. "Didn't know that a crazy wrench like you was that stupid."

"Excuse me?" I say, offended. "--do you want a death wish?"

"Shut up Butterfly," he looked at me with authority and started to speak seriously. "The basics in coloring is to start with the base. What you did is that you put too much pressure in coloring which made the upcoming layers unable to blend which you can see colors overlapping and marks."

"Huh? What the hell do you mean?" I looked at him baffled. He sighs and gives me a deadpanned look. "Colour lightly."

"I-I know that!" I defended, not admitting to this weirdo that I need his help. I will never accept that.

"You really have a big ego, don't you?" he gives me a pointed look. I don't say anything and just watch him continue babbling about things and whatever.

Darn asshole, making me feel inferior.

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