Two Into One (Clexa)

By Kashymcgraa

86.9K 2.2K 431

Lexa doesn't take the alliance with the Mountain Men and fights alongside Clarke. Lexa gets injured in battle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twelve

3.8K 92 18
By Kashymcgraa

I own nothing

Clarke came awake to a gentle touch to her hip and a pair of soft lips fluttering on her neck. Lexa, her intended/fiancé depending on what culture you chose. Very soon to be her wife. Everyone would soon know that the Commander of 12 clans will soon be hers. She certainly liked the sound of that.

"Morning" she sighed as she stretched and Lexa rose onto an elbow to look down on her "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough. I've been thinking" Lexa added and paused when Clarke groaned.


"It is a good thought, please listen" Lexa implored and Clarke turned her sky blue eyes on her to indicate she was "Firstly if you agree I want to send out messengers to trusted clans, like Luna of the Boat People. Invite them to our wedding in Polis. Say for 3 weeks this Saturday? It will allow time for our merger" Lexa grimaced and Clarke sought out her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It will also allow time for our honeymoon period, the few days trip to Polis and then time for you to organise a dress before the wedding"

"A few days to organise a dress?" Clarke chided and Lexa blushed much to her delight.

"There are few dress shops that cater to weddings and you will be put on priority. I will send a messenger to Polis too so that they are aware"

"What if they don't approve of me?" Clarke asked worriedly and Lexa smiled.

"Clarke they all know of you, nothing gets past the people of Polis. They are kept up to date about everything on the front line the minute it happens. They were told of our victory against the Mountain Men and you're part in it." She assured "The messenger returned from Polis not long after we returned from the pond. I was told last night they are pleased with you, hope our alliance strengthens and hope you come to Polis soon"

"So you think they will be pleased with the merger?" Clarke asked hopefully

"They will be beyond pleased, but mainly about our wedding" Lexa agreed before pausing and Clarke could see she was nervous

"What is it?" She asked

"Clarke, if you will let me, this morning over breakfast I would like to hold a meeting and rectify the mistakes I made last night. I want the people to know that this is not just a business merger for the sake of our people. I want them to know that I love you" she sighed "But I am conflicted, revealing that will put you in danger"

"I am not Costia and being the leader of the Skaikru already puts me in danger" Clarke assured, "and everyone will know when we have that wedding you promised me"

"So you agree. I can tell the others?" Lexa asked and Clarke sighed, pulling the brunette back down to cuddle with her.

"So you're going to stand up there as their Heda and declare you're in love with Skaiprisa?" Clarke couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"Yes" Lexa stated evenly "Im going to tell them how your courage caught my attention first, storming into our camp unarmed. Then you're bravery when faced with the pauna, how you saved me. You have a commander spirit all of your own that spoke to mine"

Clarke nodded. That made sense to warriors. She knew there was more than that of course but warriors would want to know the important stuff.

"Then we better get up so you can tell them all, I can't wait to see their faces" she chuckled as she flipped back the covers, gasping when the cold hit her "OMG we need to get a rock pit in here" she screeched as she hurried to her clothes.

Lexa lay back and enjoyed the view put on by her intended. She was without a doubt the most gorgeous creature Lexa had ever seen. Her heart beat in her chest and her body stirred at the mere sight. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out. Clarke was testing her patience and then some.

Clothing hitting her in the face brought her out of her revelry and she blinked to find Clarke had gotten dressed in jeans and shirt before throwing her clothing at her. Clarke grinned as she sat down to pull on her boots while Lexa hurriedly got dressed

"You're obsessed"

"I can't help it. You're beautiful. I'd need to be dead to not appreciate it. Even then I'd struggle" Lexa told her honestly and Clarke gave a snort before standing and going over to her clothing pile to find a jumper she could wear under her jacket for extra warmth. It was freezing. It was handy now to have some more clothes from the ark. She grabbed an extra one for Lexa, handing it to her

"I know its not commander clothes but its warm. I just got you better, I don't need you sick for our wedding"

"Then I had better wear it" Lexa grinned standing and pulling it on. It was slightly big on her. Though she was taller she was leaner than Clark who was nicely curved. She wouldn't be able to get her jacket on over it. Realising this she grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her instead.

They headed outside their tent, finding a shivering Octavia standing there waiting. Clarke frowned at her friend then sighed "We will build you a fire pit to keep you warm" she promised "Maybe a bit of a shelter."

"Th-thanks" Octavia stuttered out

"Come warm up with us at breakfast" Lexa offered as they started to walk. "Have some of the Skaikru's coffee"

"Thank you Heda" Octavia shivered as she followed them.

Walking into the mess the temperature was a lot warmer immediately thanks to the cooking fire and the large fire burning near the open side of the mess. The place was crammed with people, sitting at the table or on the floor or standing. Just trying to keep warm. Or possibly waiting to see their Heda because as soon as they saw them walking in hand in hand a chant went up.

Some chanted "Heda" others "Skaiprisa"

Lexa turned to Clarke and smiled "My people love you. They are our people now"

Clarke let herself be led to 'their' table. Octavia was invited to sit with them. Clarke smiled at Lexa when she acted the gentleman and seated her, then waited for Octavia to take her seat before holding up her hand to quiet the crowd. She spoke quickly in her own language. The only words she recognised were those of her mother and Kane.

A brow raised as several people hurried out of the room and Lexa sat beside her before waving for everyone to continue their meal.

"What did you say to them?" She asked and beside her Octavia muttered

"You really need to learn Trigedasleng."

Clarke ignored her and turned to Lexa who offered her a smile "I told them to go fetch your mother, Marcus Kane, your friends and my top generals as I had an important announcement to make"

"You're serious. You're really going to tell them all" she blushed slightly and Lexa gave a quick nod just as a woman came forward with three plates loaded with food. Clarke's mouth dropped open in shock. How? Catching her look Lexa chuckled "obviously trade was done while we were away"

Clarke just looked at her plate, loaded with bacon obviously from the boars caught for last night's meal, mushrooms picked from the forest, freshly toasted bread and eggs. Eggs! She hadn't had them before.

"I told you we are not all savage warriors. We have farmers too that farm animals and an assortment of crops, traders then visit the villages and we barter for their wares." Lexa popped a piece of bacon in her mouth "You should wait until you see the food in Polis. They are sure to hold a festival and so many cultures from all around the old world are on show. Food, drink, music, clothing" she paused when she noticed both Clarke and Octavia staring at her in shock and cocked an eyebrow "Told you Polis would change how you see us" she pointed at the food "eat before it gets cold"

Clarke didn't need to be told twice, thankful for the salvaged utensils from the old world. The food was divine and she let all thoughts go as she just enjoyed the food. She didn't think she would need to eat again until tonight. She also couldn't wait to get to Polis now from what Lexa said. She didn't dare dream about what it would look like, smell and taste like for fear she wouldn't do it justice.

Upon finishing the meal she was aware that the room was a lot more crowded, she recognised Lexas top Generals in attendance including Indra and Ryder. She also saw her mother and friends standing and waiting expectantly. She caught her mothers eye and waved her forward, standing to give her surprised mum a hug "Thank you" she whispered into her ear as her mother came out of her shock and hugged her back.

Lexa nodded at Abby Griffin and indicated she should take a chair next to Octavia. Shortly after she called Indra up to sit beside her. Clarke sat nervously waiting. She wondered what she would say and how the grounders would react. Would they think love was weakness in their Heda? Butterflies broke out in her stomach as Lexa stood and the hall went deathly quiet.

"Today I call you here to correct and error and make an announcement" she started before looking down to catch Clarke's gaze "Last night upon announcing my merger with Clarke I erred in several ways, all but one I have rectified with Clarke and by holding this announcement I hope to fix the last" she paused and looked back at the group of grounders and Skaikru, her people. Her and Clarke's people.

"When I announced our merger last night I made it sound like a business deal for the betterment of the two clans. To a degree this is true but to Clarke and I it is more. From the moment she stormed into our camp unarmed her courage and determination caught my attention. It was further captured by her saving me from the Pauna and then tending my wounds. She has challenged me on numerous occasions and made hard decisions with me. The Commander in me recognised the Commander in her. She captivated me as the Commander and as Leksa" she paused when there were murmurs and startled looks around the grounders. A wave of a hand had everyone quiet again.

"You all know that for years now I considered love as weakness. I have come to discover love is powerful, strong. Together with Clarke to guide me I hope to become a better Commander so we can all prosper" Lexa turned to Clarke who sat stunned in disbelief, Lexa had actually done it. She hadn't said the words directly but she had definitely declared her love to the room. She held her hand out for Clarke to take and pulled her to her feet.

"I require messengers, fast and strong to carry a message to our closest allies and to Polis. Three weeks from Saturday there will be a traditional old world and Skaikru wedding and I will take Clarke, Heda kom Skaikru as my houmon" she smiled "wife" she clarified for all the confused skaikru. There was deathly silence for a few scary moments before Indra stood, raising her right fist and roared, quickly echoed by the grounders.

Beside Clarke Octavia came out of her stupor and grabbed her friend and hugged her hard. Lexa let Clarkes hand go as she was receiving thumps of congratulations from her men. Clarke received lots of hugs and congratulations from several of her friends including Raven, Bellamy and Jasper. Monty,Wick and a few of the other left over 100 were there too. In between shouts of "Heda" being chorused by the grounders Clarke turned to her mother.


"This is fast Clarke" her mother whispered and Clarke nodded. She couldn't deny that.

"I love her mum, besides we will be married grounder style next week anyway" she shrugged

"As long as you're happy" Abby nodded

"It's not going to be all roses, we live in hard times and she is Heda, but we are going to try" Clark smiled and looked over at Lexa who was talking to several men. The messengers, about six in all, one for Polis which meant Lexa considered 5 of the 12 allies to be close allies. Close enough to invite them to their wedding. She knew one of those was Luna of the Boat People.

She turned back to her mother who was watching her speculatively before nodding.

"I trust your judgement" she informed "But if she hurts you deliberately I will get even"

"Your warning has been noted" they startled as Lexa came up beside them and added "A warning Abby Griffin, threatening me in private as the mother of Clarke is one thing, doing it so carelessly in a room full of trikru and not even I can help you" she informed and ignoring the older woman's shock turned to Clarke. "I've been invited to watch the warriors train, they want to show off their seconds I think"

"I need to catch up with my people, see how they are faring after the mountain" Clarke nodded "No training. Not yet, you could damage your back"

"I will watch only" Lexa nodded taking her hand and offering an affectionate squeeze while her eyes made promises for later. "I will see you at lunch"

"I'll be waiting, take Octavia with you, I'll be safe with Bellamy" she indicated her second and he nodded from where he stood respectfully a few feet away. "How many can I ask to go to Polis?"

"Try and limit it to ten" Lexa instructed then gave in to the urge to lift the hand she still held and kiss the knuckles. Clarke's breath caught in her throat. It should seem silly but to date it was the single most romantic thing Lexa had done. Especially in front of her mother and the grounders. She and her friends watched as Lexa smirked then walked away, head high in full Commander mode. Indra, Octavia, and Ryder trailing in her wake.

Clarke spent the rest of the morning being teased mercilessly by friends as she walked around the Ark and the surrounds visiting with the surviving 44. Some were in the infirmary still, recovering from their drill sites or injuries from the war. Others were resting at home. The fit and healthy ones she visited doing whatever task they had been assigned for the day. Raven took great delight on telling them her news.

Clarke received many congratulations and lots of teasing. Those who only knew Lexa as the Commander had a few hard questions for her but most seemed satisfied and most could tell by the faraway look in Clarke's eyes that there was a lot of love there.

In the end Clarke narrowed down her guest to take to Polis to include her mother, Octavia (who would come as their guard anyway) and Lincoln, Raven and Wick, Bellamy and Echo, Monty, and finally Jasper and Maya. Kane was going to stay and look after the camp. All major decisions were to be deferred until she got back.

Clarke returned early to the mess hall with her friends. Her mother was too busy in the infirmary, a Skaikru child who had tried to climb a tree. She was talking to her friends when Lexa stormed in, full Commander mode going, eyes flashing fire, dirt and blood on her face and looking stiff in body. She knew immediately something bad had happened even as Octavia limped in after.

"Lex!" She exclaimed as she and the others stood hastily. Many Skaikru and Trikru in the hall also jumped to attention. Clarke hurried to her lover searching her frantically with eyes and hands to see if she was ok. "What happened?"

"Ambushed basically. Some of my most trusted generals believed I had become weak, weak enough to challenge" she grimaced "I just killed 3 of my top 5 generals and a few of their followers. But there are some injured, I need your help, it's Kota"

"No!" Clarke gasped at the name of one of the guards who she had gotten to know over the past week. She affectionately called him snowman as he sucked at snowball fights. At the end of their snowball fight he was so covered in snow he resembled one.

"Yes" Lexa nodded "He took a knife meant for me. I owe him my life and the best help I can get him. The knife is still lodged, stuck."

"Don't remove it. It is stemming any blood loss at the moment. Bring him to the Ark" when Lexa looked wary she insisted "Love our people are one now. You need to trust us and our medicine. We need to stabilise him then x-ray him, see if the blade is touching any vital organs. Then we have to operate"

Lexa didn't hesitate before turning to snap out order to members of the grounders who hurried off to do her bidding. When she turned back to Clarke the blonde asked

"What about your injuries?"

"I have none but soreness in my old healing injuries. My back is the worst" Lexa brushed off her injuries but Clarke took her hand and ordered all but Bellamy and Raven to go to the training fields and assist whoever is in charge there. Hardly surprised when Lexa said it was Indra.

She then took Lexa's hand and led her out of the mess hall towards the Ark. Once inside they headed straight to the infirmary where she called out to her mother who hurried over. Once Lexa explained every detail about the incident, including dagger length and where it was stuck Abby hurried off to prepare what she needed for theatre.

Clarke convinced Lexa to lay on a bed while she took her vitals and gave her some pills for the pain. She told Lexa to lay and relax but knew she would be up and gone the second she turned her back. Her mum poked her head in then; yelling she needed her in surgery and with a quick look that told Lexa to do as she was told hurried out to her mother.

Lexa immediately sat up, ignoring her dizziness and growled at the other medical staff who tried to get her to lie back down again. She had things to do, interviews and interrogations to be done and the execution of one last ringleader who hadn't been fortunate enough to die on the battle field.

Furiously angry that they had thought her weak, thought her unworthy of being the Commander she stormed out of the Infirmary. She'd soon shown them she was stronger than ever and so were those who backed her. Another growl resonated in her chest as she headed out of the Ark to start the punishment of the guilty.

Clarke hurried her way into the infirmary where she could hear angry voices, coming to a stop to take in the scene of her mother and her medical staff trying to placate an angry and belligerent Kota while Nyko tried to hold him down and prevent him pulling out the knife.

"Kota enough!'" she snapped hurrying forward and grateful when he immediately stopped his struggling.

"Skaiprisa" he nodded and fell back against the bed. He was sweating and had bright red bubbled blood running from his mouth. Oh no, a lung wound.

"What are you doing? Relax and let my mother tend to you" she ordered him "you need to leave the knife in until we remove it in surgery ok"

"My fight is over Skaiprisa" he told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Dont be so dramatic" she whispered to him "we will get you fixed in no time." She waved her mother forward and pointed to the arm Nyko held onto "Mum's going to give you a needle, you're going to feel a sharp sting ok"

"Sha Skaiprisa" he murmured and winced as the needle sunk into his skin. Silly warriors. Can be knifed but not stuck with a needle. She took one of his large hands in hers and he squeezed tightly.

"I promise to be there with you the whole time. Right now I need you to count backwards from ten" she told him and as he did so stated "Thank you for saving Lexa. I will always be in your debt"

Drowsy eyes met hers as he went to dispute it but the anesthetic kicked in and he passed out.

"Right let's get him to X-ray then theatre" Abby snapped and the medical team kicked into high gear racing his gurney out for the x-ray. Abby turned to her daughter "What the hell happened?"

"Some of Lexa's most trusted Generals thought loving me made her weak. They invited her out to watch training and ambushed her. Indra, Ryder, Octavia and Kota along with some seconds defended her. Kota took a knife for Lexa" Clarke looked at her mother worried. "Please tell me we can save him. I've become fond of him, he was a guard while we were away"

"It will all depend on the X-rays and what organs the knife has hit. A lung for sure. Then we have to control the bleeding when we pull the knife. I need all the hands I can get" she looked at Nyko "are there others injured or can you help?"

"I ..." Nyko looked stymied.

"Nyko, we are one people. You need to learn our way, watch how we operate. If you trust our way your patients will" Clarke pleaded.

"I will watch but if patients need me I will need to leave."

"Understood. Now let's scrub up" Abby instructed and led them towards a room that they could wash their hands thoroughly and pull on safety equipment including face shield, apron with long sleeves and double layer gloves. Then Abby, Clarke and an admittedly curious Nyko walked into the operating theatre to see what they were up against.

Three long exhausting hours later blood spattered surgery gear was discarded and there were smiles all around. It was touch and go several times but with Abby, Clarke, Jackson and surprising Nyko stepping in during the crisis, Kota was critical but stable and had a team watching him around the clock.

"I will admit Dr Griffin that I did not think he would survive" Nyko admitted "it was good to be a part of the team that can say he did"

"He's not out of the woods yet Nyko. He needs to make it through the next couple of days and we need to get that lung going again but I'm hopeful" she squeezed his shoulder in thanks "thank you for your assistance, feel free to come in any time and please call me Abby"

"Sha Abby" he nodded respectfully as she passed him and Clarke could only stare after her mother. She had certainly changed her tune in the last week. Clarke figured if she can change it about Lexa she could change it about the others too.

She led Nyko out of the operating room and showed him Kota sleeping in the recovery room, informing him he would be moved to intensive care shortly. It was only a small infirmary but it was well equipped, especially since raiding the Mountain.

Shortly thereafter she led Nyko outside and paused when a woman and two young children raced up to them speaking in quick Trigedasleng. Nyko held up his hand and they paused eyes wide, Clarke realised it was Kota's family.

"English in front of Skaiprisa. She has yet to learn our language" he informed then added "The Skaiprisa and her mother Dr Griffin have removed the knife. He is sleeping and will likely do so for a couple of days. Thanks to them your husband lives, it is more than what I could have done" he informed.

The woman turned to her then, taking her hands and bowing her head.

"Thank you thank you"

"I was doing what I am trained to do" Clarke smiled "I owe Kota a debt for saving the Heda. Come I will show you where he is" she waved Nyko away and told him to go tend to other patients. She took the other woman by the hand and led her and her children into the ark, smiling at their wide eyed marvel. They ran into her mother and she informed her that Kota's family wished to see him.

Abby offered to take them from there and told Clarke to go find Lexa and make sure she was ok. Clarke jumped at the offer and hurried off to find her lover. She wished she hadn't been so hasty though when she found Lexa, Indra, Octavia, and other grounders in the midst of executing the last General for several 2nds had died defending their Heda. Jus drein jus daun. Blood must have blood. Not to mention treason, but still she did not find the method of execution tasteful.

The man hanging on the pole was bloody and beaten, tens of cuts all over his upper body and face. He looked dead but she knew he wasn't. They wouldn't still be cutting if he was dead. She stood at a distance, not wanting to interfere as she watched Indra hand the bloody knife to Lexa who took it and walked forward with determination. She paused and held up the bloody knife and shouted.

"Let all those present bear witness to what happens to those who dishonour the Skaiprisa and try to commit treason. Those who may think my love for Clarke weakens me as Heda were proved wrong today; I am stronger and more determined than ever. For anyone who wishes to challenge me in the future, take heed, your fate will be the same" she warned looking utterly formidable. Clarke noticed that she had added war paint and wore her traditional Heda clothes, to prove a point no doubt.

She watched as with her left hand Lexa grabbed the hair of the General and tipped his head back exposing his throat. With her right hand she placed the sharpened blade against the skin.

"Any last words?" She offered

"Long live the Heda" the man shouted with his last breath as in a quick motion Lexa ended his life. She barely flinched as arterial spray covered her face, merely taking a step back and dropping the knife.

"Cut him down and give him to his family to deal with" she informed the guards "Treat them with dignity and respect, they were not a part of his scheming"

Several warriors hurried forward as Lexa spun and walked away from her dead general. Clarke stood her ground as she watched her fiancé approach, could see the storm clouds in her eyes. Anger, hurt, regret, disgust but most of all sadness. She had to get Lexa somewhere private and let her grieve.

When Lexa came alongside her she started walking with her, ignoring Indra and Octavia who followed. She didn't hesitate on reaching out and taking the brunette's hand, Lexa didn't hesitate in holding it firmly as they made their way back to their tent. Clarke noticed the covered fire pit near the entrance and was glad it had been seen to in her absence.

"Prepare us some hot water" she shot over her shoulder at Octavia "And can you bring us some food. I haven't eaten and I doubt Lexa has. Mochof" she finished just as she was dragged into the tent. She paused just inside the door when Lexa let go of her hand and in a fit of rage drew her dagger and threw it at the far wall.

She then stood patiently arms crossed, as Lexa paced and let out her frustration in a tirade of Trigedasleng and English. Clarke caught "bloody fools", "imbiciles" and "dim witted morons" before Octavia arrived with a bowl of warm water, saw the Heda pacing and muttering and made a hasty exit with a promise to bring back food.

Clarke carried the bowl over to the table and placed it on there. She waited for Lexa to stalk past before grabbing her wrist and pulling her into the chair. When Lexa went to protest she straddled her thighs and sat in her lap.

"Shush" she ordered "let me clean you up, get you fed, and then check your back. Then you can rage once more" she promised as small but strong hands came up to grip her waist and Lexa offered up a small nod. Clarke wet a cloth and turned to wipe blood and charcoal off of Lexa's face, neck, and chest area that had been spattered. Lexa sat patiently through it all until Clarke threw aside the last rag and cupped her face gently.

"For what it's worth I'm sorry. Sorry they thought you were weak, sorry they challenged you and sorry you had to kill another close General who should have been loyal. I am sorry that I have been the cause of this grief but I am not sorry to have met you and fallen in love with you" she leant in and placed her forehead against Lexa's.

"It is not your fault and I am not sorry either" Lexa allowed her hands to slide down to cover a gorgeous ass and pull Clarke tighter against her. Clarke grinned and leant down to kiss her fiancé deeply, letting her know without words that she offered all her love, compassion, understanding and more. All of her. They enjoyed each other for long moments, alternating between soft slow kisses to hard and deep as Lexa struggled to control herself. Finally Clarke pulled away.

"Octavia will be back soon with our sanch (lunch). Let's get these bloodied clothes off and get you something clean and warm to wear. I will check your wounds too" she stood and offered her hand. Lexa grit her teeth and reined in the beast inside that was screaming to get out. God help Clarke when they finally made love. She doubted they would sleep for days. With deep breaths she stood and followed Clarke to behind the privacy curtain where she allowed the blonde to remove her armor and then her blood stained clothes.

She was hardly surprised when Clarke ushered her over to the bed and made her lay on it, covers up to her waist as soft gentle hands inspected her wound on her back and she had to bite her lip a few times despite her gentleness.

"It's red and angry looking. There is more bruising but it hasn't reopened. You will need to rest it for a couple of days. Absolutely no physical work" Clarke informed and Lexa sighed. Just her luck "I know you didn't have any choice but you needed to be inactive for another week, longer if you can"

"I will try" Lexa promised, displeased but trying to appease her future Houmon. Another thought hit her then, one she should have asked a long time ago "How is Kota?"

"Critical but stable" Clarke hastened to assure and felt Lexa relax again "mother, Jackson, Nyko and I worked on him for three hours"

"Nyko?" Lexa asked intrigued.

"Yes. Mother needed all hands she could get. He was good, has a good eye and is a fast learner. Mother was impressed" Clarke grinned at Lexa's snort, still not a fan "Ok I was impressed"

They were interrupted then by Octavia calling from outside their tent she had food. Clarke called for her to enter and pulled the covers up over Lexa. She then moved on the bed to sit up against the headboard as Octavia came into view. Octavia smiled upon seeing them and offered the tray she carried.

"Potato and ham stew with fresh bread. Coffee for Clarke, seaweed tea for Heda"

"Gross" Lexa muttered into her pillows before rising onto her elbows and sniffing the air "stew smells good"

"Lincoln is getting me a bowl. I'm starved" Octavia Informed "I thought you should know the gossip is that everyone thinks the Generals are fools for their views and got what was coming to them. General consensus is you proved undoubtedly you are Heda and that you honoured Skaiprisa and your love well" Octavia winked

"Go away" Lexa growled, blushing. Octavia merely laughed

"Once we have eaten, Lincoln and I will organise a stone pit and heat some stones to warm your tent. It's just as cold in here as outside, minus wind chill"

"Thanks Octavia. That will be much appreciated" Clarke offered and Octavia nodded then turned as Lincoln called for her outside

"Lunch is served. Glad to see you alive and unscathed Heda" Octavia stated seriously and Lexa nodded

"You too. Thank you for your assistance today" she smiled as the younger warrior blushed and quickly left the tent "Was I ever that hungry for approval?"

"I'm sure you were, when you were about five" Clarke chuckled and handed Lexa her bowl as she turned and leant against the headboard beside her. Lexa shivered

"Remind me to build a fire pit when I build our house" she grizzled trying to pull blankets higher and eat. At least the stew was good and warming from the inside. After they ate they drank their respective drinks in silence while watching Lexa closely. She could see the anger turning to hurt and devastation that more of her so called close and trusted Generals had betrayed her.

Without a word she placed their bowls and mugs aside before standing to strip, aware of Lexa's gaze on her as she slid shivering into the bed.

"Come here love" she whispered pulling Lexa into her arms and holding the brunette tight as she buried her face into her shoulder. No sounds were made but Clarke held her shuddering body and felt the hot tears sliding down her neck. "It's ok love. I understand. Let it out. I will be here, I'll always be here" she promised and held on tight until the shuddering slowed and Lexa fell into a deep sleep.

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