Two Into One (Clexa)

By Kashymcgraa

86.9K 2.2K 431

Lexa doesn't take the alliance with the Mountain Men and fights alongside Clarke. Lexa gets injured in battle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Eleven

2.9K 86 37
By Kashymcgraa

I own nothing

Abby was working in her daughter's new tent, preparing the bed when she heard footsteps outside. Then she heard voices.

"Clarke, wait!"

"Leave me alone Lexa" Clarke stormed and Abby looked around wildly for somewhere to hide. She had not expected them back at the tent quite so soon. When Lincoln and the guards returned earlier with items from the camp site she had been set the task of cleaning their items and returning it to their tent by Bellamy. The kid could push that was for sure.

So here she was in the middle of making up a bed with pelts, rugs and furs for her daughter and the woman she thought was a barbaric savage not ideal for her daughter, when they return early. And pissed off it seemed. Well at least her daughter was. Dammit they weren't supposed to be back yet. They were supposed to be at some feast saluting the return of the Commander's good health.

She looked around wildly for somewhere to go but there was nowhere. The hessian netting hung to allow privacy offered her some barrier she guessed. She would just have to announce herself when they walked in.

Clarke stormed in; Abby could only see a shadow but recognized her daughters figure and gait. The Commander entered slowly behind her.


"No!" She heard her daughter yell "we are back barely five minutes and it's all about you. How could you do that?" Ok Clarke was pissed. Maybe she wouldn't announce herself just yet.

"Is this about me announcing our merger?" The Commanders voice rang through the tent and Abby's jaw dropped. What? Clarke gave a dry laugh.

"Our merger, or Heda's and the Skaiprisa" Clarke growled and Abby felt her shock double. Her daughter sounded truly hurt. Like the difference mattered.

"I don't understand" the Commander sounded truly confused "I am the same and both"

"Of course you don't." Clarke sighed and there was a tense moment before Lexa tried again.

"We discussed this; I don't understand why you are so angry"

"We discussed it as a business proposition. The merger of two peoples." Clarke snapped.

"Exactly. You agreed it would be best for our people. For the trust to grow on both sides. For unity" Abby winced, she could actually tell the Commander was trying but knew instinctively they were not the words Clarke wanted to hear.

"Unity?" Clarke snorted "what about me, you, us?"

"Our relationship has no relevance to this merger" the Commander responded and though she sounded confused Abby winced and was surprised when Clarke didn't slap her.

"I guess not" Abby watched as the shadow of Clarke headed for the entrance.

"Where are you going?" Lexa sounded truly upset and desperate.

"Out. Don't fucking follow me. I can't be around you right now." Clarke shouted furious.

"I don't understand Clarke. What have I done?" Lexa's cry was anguished and Abby almost felt sorry for the Commander.

"Lexa back at the pond would know. But she disappeared the minute we set foot back in Camp Jaha" Clarke sighed sadly.

"Clarke wait" Abby watched through the curtain as Clarke stormed out and Lexa's shadow seemed to cave in on itself. "I promised not to push you" Abby watched as The Commander walked over and slumped in a chair then whispered "Oh God what have I done?"

Abby was shocked; the Commander almost seemed on the verge of breaking down. She was torn. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't sneak out, the Commander was sure to hear and see her. She didn't want to be caught standing here either. She was just going to have to face her and hope the Commander wouldn't kill her to keep her quiet.

Cautiously stepping towards the opening in the net she paused and looked out at the Commander, dressed in her Commander finery. Well ok finery wasn't the word for the shape of the clothes. She was sat on a chair slumped over the table with her head in her arms. She looked the picture of defeat and misery. The sight was enough to give her courage; this woman truly cared for her daughter.

"Commander?" She whispered and jumped stunned as the woman was on her feet in seconds, sword drawn.

"Who bade you entrance?" the Commander growled but lowered her sword.

"I was already here when you came in" she pointed hesitantly towards the sleeping area behind the hessian "Bellamy had appointed me with cleaning and preparing your bed"

"Should I be worried?" Lexa took her seat and tried to act nonchalant. She wasn't fooling Abby.

"I wouldn't hurt my daughter and I would kill anyone who tried" Abby stated firmly and they shared a long look of understanding before the Commander nodded.

"So you heard?"

"Yes I heard" Abby nodded "I heard a dimwitted Commander making a fool of herself and I see Lexa paying as the result" she hurried on when the Commander snarled at her. She paused waiting for that to sink in and watched confusion spread over the younger woman's face. "Why did you say those things, make it sound like it's a business deal when it's not?"

"I promised not to push her. To wait until she's ready" Lexa was confused a bit by Abby's questions, like she almost cared when she knew better. But she decided to talk in the hope Abby could tell her what she had done wrong and how to fix it.

"When was that?"

"Before the war, when I kissed her" Abby's brows raised at the admission and by the gentle smile that came across Lexa's face at the memory. "After she said she wasn't ready. I promised to wait. Her own time"

Oh. So that's what it had been about when the merger was first discussed over a week ago. Now Abby understood by what Bellamy had meant that it was obvious to all. Had everyone but her been aware of the burgeoning feelings between the Commander and her daughter? It seemed so.

"So the week away. It was strictly professional then, you discussed the merger strictly in business terms of what it would mean for the people?" she asked and watched as the Commander blushed, all while knowing it wasn't.

"No. We talked about what it meant for us too. As a couple" Lexa sighed tiredly "we slept together, bathed in the healing pool and spoke of our future. I promised to take her to Polis and show her where I came from. Show her who I really am"

"What happened tonight?" Abby asked gently and dared to take a seat opposite the Commander. She watched the younger woman wince.

"People were waiting on our return. Wanted to see I was well. I gave a small speech and thinking we had agreed to merge, announced it to everyone." Lexa paused "everyone cheered and seemed happy so I said it would be in one week. Clarke walked off while we were being congratulated. You know the rest"

Abby sighed. The big fool. Looking at the Commander now she could not see a cold hearted savage who seemed to take pleasure at killing people at the drop of a hat. Instead she saw a young woman who had been thrust into a role she had been ill prepared for. A young woman who tried to act tough yet seemed to care very much for her daughter.

"When Clarke was little her father and I used to read fairy tales to her. We told her that she was a princess and one day a Prince or Princess would come along and sweep her off her feet"

"She told us she didn't want to be a princess and would be just happy to have someone who loves her and treats her right" she let those words hit home "Clarke doesn't care what the Sky princess and Commander do for the good of the people but she will do it out of necessity. Inside that little girl is screaming for her Lexa to treat her right"

"I do. I have been. Everything that's happened has been for her" Lexa insisted hotly.

"Tell me Lexa before you announced your merger with the people did you romance my daughter? Tell her how she makes you feel? Did you tell her your life would not be complete without her and ask her to marry you?" She asked and watched as shame filled the younger woman.


"No. You blindsided her as Commander, announced it to the people, didn't discuss a date and when she got mad you threw up a brick wall and discussed it as a business merger" Abby sighed "if you care for my daughter as much as I think you do you'll let her know this is more than that, be open and honest and lay yourself bare" when the Commander looked at her confused she smiled "Tell her you love her"

"Love is weakness" Lexa s offered, trying to regains some of the hardness she had lost in the presence of Clarke's mother.

"No Lexa. That's where you are wrong. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Nothing can defeat love" Abby sighed and stood "when Clarke comes home tonight I suggest you apologize and start making things up to her. As Lexa. Letting the people see Lexa and Clarke, not Commander and Sky princess wouldn't hurt either. Show them this is more than just business." She walked towards the entrance of the tent and paused "when in Polis you might want to give Clarke a token of your love and show others that she is yours. Something simple and elegant"

Lexa looked up at her and nodded her understanding. Abby thought she looked dejected and miserable. She was going to have to find Clarke and send her home.

"Know this Lexa, I respect you as Lexa and can see you are in love with my daughter. Treat her right and we will get along. Treat my daughter wrong and I will make the Commander's world a living hell"

The Commander in Lexa wanted to shout at her for her insolence, but this was not a subject talking to her leader. This was a mother talking to the woman in love with her daughter. Lexa nodded in understanding and the woman finally left.

Lexa sat for long minutes and looked around her tent miserable. It was a wonderful gift from the people but with Clarke mad at her it meant nothing. Dejected and knowing it was her own fault she headed for the curtained off sleeping area. A wave of sadness hitting her at seeing her bed there. Their bed, she corrected, and she was about to fall into it alone.

Abby found Clarke in the infirmary of the Ark, in the store room restocking her medical kit. Abby watched from afar and noticed her daughter pausing to wipe at her face and sniff. Her heart sunk when she realized Clarke was crying and she knew then that Clarke returned Lexa's love. The pair of fools.

"Clarke" she called softly and her daughter spun towards her in shock and surprise and then hastily tried to wipe her tear stained face "Don't be a fool Clarke" she whispered and opened her arms. She wasn't surprised when her daughter hesitated for a second before walking towards her and accepting the offer. Abby held her for long moments before drawing back "she loves you. You have to know that. " and when Clarke looked at her confused admitted "I was in your tent when you came in fighting"

"What?" Clarke pulled away.

"Wait. Listen. After you left Lexa kind of fell to pieces." She informed and at Clarke's concerned look hastily added "She tried to hide it, tried to let the Commander out but it was too late. I saw the woman you love Clarke and that woman I can handle as she quite obviously loves you."

"I know." Clarke sighed. "I'm aware Lexa does. It's the Commander that worries me and leads to incidents like tonight"

"I know she does too. You can't separate the both Clarke. As much as you both try. She is always Commander, you are the Sky Princess" she smirked and shook her head "she loves you but as Commander she thinks of her people first. I'm not saying its right it's just how it is. She is used to being alone, making decisions alone and she did that again tonight. It was automatic for her, six years in the making. It's going to take time for that to change; you have to help her change"

"Speaking of change, what's brought all this on? You think Lexa is a cold heartless savage" Clarke laughed humorlessly.

"Bellamy mainly" Abby admitted and Clarke reminded herself to have a chat with her second. She had to find out what he said "Clarke you and I both know the Commander can be exactly that. But tonight I saw the woman behind the Commander and she is a young woman who is crazy for you and right now is probably bawling her eyes out in your tent"

Clarke looked torn, her gaze going to the door then back to her mother.

"Go to her but remember this. Running away from fights never helps. Get mad, yell and show your frustrations but at the end of the day you need to be honest with yourself and her" Abby advised and pulled her daughter in for a hug "Oh and one last thing, never go to bed mad. Fights always fester and seem bigger than they appear if they linger. Also the making up is fun"

Clarkes jaw dropped in shock and they both blushed at what Abby was hinting at.

"God mum enough" Clarke hastily checked her pack to keep busy in the awkward moment. Seeing she had all she needed she zipped up the pack and turned to her mother "We won't speak of that ever again" she stated and headed for the door.

"That bad huh" her mother teased and Clarke paused and turned.

"Lexa is a true gentleman as I'm not ready, so I don't really know" Clarke paused and shrugged "but the few touches and kisses we have shared have been beyond good, fantastic, earth shattering."

"Alright enough." Abby blushed "You got me already"

"No mum. I'm just telling the truth." Clarke grinned feeling lighter and surer since their return. She wanted to get home to Lexa and make up "see you tomorrow. I can't guarantee it will be early" she stirred and left Abby wishing she had kept her mouth shut.

Clarke entered the tent and took time to look around. It was a wonderful tent. A wonderful base and a wonderful new home to share with Lexa. Not only had they put up a new winter proof shelter they had reinforced it with walls of logs. It should be a warm sturdy structure. She could see Lexa's furniture around the room before turning to the hessian curtain hung for privacy to section off their bedroom. Moving through the entrance she found Lexa lying there as she knew she would. But instead of lying in bed sleeping she was lying on it fully dressed and watching her closely with red rimmed eyes, her face tear stained.

Clarke sighed and dropped her bag to the floor and moved to go sit next to her partner.

"I'm sorry" Lexa whispered

"Sssshhh I know" Clarke brushed back her hair "Big bad tough Heda brought undone by a girl"

"Not just any girl. The Skaiprisa" Lexa managed to smile and wiped away her tears.

"Why aren't you undressed and in bed?"

"Because you weren't here" Lexa murmured and Clarke looked at her confused "You undress me every night and hold me while I sleep. I like it. I don't want it to stop. I can't go to bed without you"

"Lex" Clarke breathed, awed. She had no idea such a simple action affected Lexa so deeply. Standing she offered her hand and helped Lexa stand. "I enjoy it too" she whispered and leant in to kiss her gently while starting to undo her belt.

They undressed each other between soft kisses before crawling into their bed. Lexa crawled into her arms, laying half on top of her. Clarke smiled when she felt Lexa start to kiss her neck, even as her body came to life. She caressed a smooth back, careful of her wound and waited for Lexa's next move. Finally the brunette whispered

"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have done it"

"No you shouldn't" Clarke agreed "It's done now"

"I can cancel" Lexa offered but Clarke shook her head

"No. You're right, it's something the people need" Clarke whispered

"I want it to be something you want too but I promised not to push. I thought offering you a business deal was a way of getting you to agree to merge with me. I was wrong"

"Lexa" Clarke sighed.

"I didn't want to take the chance of you turning me down if I made it personal. I didn't want to be hurt" Lexa looked down and pushed back the covers slightly to check out the body she was addicted to. Clarke rolled her eyes but let Lexa look, sucking in a harsh breath when Lexa trailed her fingers down the center of her chest. Her body reacted accordingly, arching into the touch while her nipples hardened and goosebumps broke out on her skin.

"God Lexa" she grabbed onto the brunettes shoulders.

"I want you so bad Clarke and I don't mean sexually, though there certainly is that" Lexa's green eyes raked over her as her body responded to the sexual arousal of Clarke's "I want you in my life, I want you in my bed, I want to laugh and cry and share things with you"

"I want that too" Clarke whispered pulling her head down to share a kiss.

"No Clarke you don't understand" Lexa whispered "I'm asking you to share your life with me. For us this time, not the people"

"You're proposing?" Clarke asked stunned and Lexa paused in her ministrations and turned to her concerned.

"Um yes." Lexa murmured frightened out of her mind. How did people survive doing this? "Can I have an answer, sometime soon would be nice" she quipped her heart just about beating out of chest.

Clarkes own heart was beating so fast she could barely hear what Lexa was saying. OMG Lexa had actually proposed, to her. She had actually gone out on a limb and done it. Clarke blinked and shook herself mentally. Yes and now she is waiting for an answer fool. Say yes.

"Yes" she murmured and saw the brunettes jaw drop open.


"Yes" Clarke smiled then laughed as Lexa dived on her and started smattering kisses all over her face

"I have an idea. This way you can know without a doubt this is more than a business merger" Lexa informed while still kissing across her jaw and down her neck. Clarke groaned, so not fair, she couldn't think when Lexa did that.

"Then you better stop that so I can listen" she groaned again and arched into the brunette "Lex please, we can celebrate in a minute" she sighed as Lexa pulled back.


"Don't be. As you can tell I love it"

"Oh I can tell" Lexa grinned and pulled away with a final kiss. "I know we have the merger next week for the people as Commander and Skaiprisa but I want to show them that it's also as Clarke and Lexa."

"How do we do that?" Clarke asked

"By having a proper wedding ceremony, in Polis" Lexa suggested and Clarke looked at her shocked "you can have a few of your closest friends there, your mother, have a dress. Everything you want."

"I just want you" Clarke replied overwhelmed that Lexa was offering this but loving the sound of it "It sounds wonderful. Will you be in a dress?"

"I was thinking more my good ceremonial attire that I keep in Polis" Lexa informed "It's very formal. Pants, jacket, sash and ceremonial sword and dagger"

Clarke blinked. Wow that sounded hot. Lexa saw the look and made up her mind up, she was wearing that. It was time to celebrate again. As soon as she told Clarke one more thing. Reaching down she grabbed Clarkes hand and pressed it to her chest, just above her racing heart.

Clarke felt the racing heart beat and looked up into green eyes full of love and desire and Clarkes breath caught at the realization of what was coming.

"Ai hod yu in Klark (I love you Clarke)" Lexa whispered "I can't wait for you to be my houmon (wife)"

"Lex" Clarke whispered as she became overwhelmed and tears spilled over. Reaching up she cupped the back of her partners head and pulled her down until their foreheads touched. "I love you too" she whispered "and if you wait for our wedding night in Polis I will show you how much"

Lexa gulped, her body coming alive at the promise while her heart beat wildly at the knowledge Clarke loved her too. Time for celebrations she decided as she moved to lay above her soon to be wife, her body tingling at the thought as strong arms wrapped around her and on a groan she lowered her head to kiss waiting lips.

Early the next morning Abby dared to go to her daughter's tent to check on her and her soon to be daughter in law. The big beasts that usually guarded the tents were nowhere in sight. That was lax. She would speak to them about that. Poking her head in the main area of the tent she listened cautiously, just in case, then took a few quiet steps in to peak around the curtain.

What she saw gave her pause. Both girls were still asleep in bed with the covers half way up their naked torsos. Thank god for a well-placed arm of Lexa's. What surprised her was that Clarke held Lexa when she expected Lexa as the Commander to be holding Clarke. The other thing that surprised her was the huge tattoo on Lexa's back. Well at least it wasn't on her face. These grounders certainly liked their tattoos.

Satisfied she left the tent and gasped in shock when a blade was brought up to her throat and she looked shocked at Octavia.

"Why are you sneaking around?" The girl growled.

"I was just checking on them, they had a fight last night. They seem to have made up" Abby offered "you can lower the sword"

"I know you don't like the Commander so I will be watching you" Octavia warned and lowered the sword.

"You're right, I don't like the Commander and she knows it. However I like Lexa just fine and she is madly in love with Clarke. She also knows I will kill her if she hurts Clarke" she told a stunned Octavia before walking off. Octavia watched her walking off before entering the tent to check everything was ok. She smiled upon see the two women passed out and left the tent to go retrieve their breakfast.

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