Loving His Demons

By brianderson1999

6.1K 406 27

Wyatt is 25 and struggling to keep up with his bills. After just being fired he's desperate to find a job. Ev... More

Chapter 1- New Job✅
Chapter 2- Plea Bargaining✅
Chapter 3- Parker✅
Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅
Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅
Chapter 7- I feel safe with you
Chapter 8- I'll save you... I'll always save you
Chapter 9- Breakdown after Breakdown
Chapter 10- Don't think just do
Chapter 11- Getting your man
Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up
Chapter 13- Passing out
Chapter 14- Wyatt's secrets
Chapter 15- Two Deaths
Chapter 16- Relapsing
Chapter 17- David's Secrets
Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness
Chapter 19- Birthday
Chapter 20- Hurtful Words
Chapter 21- Stupid Hormones!
Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!
Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace
Chapter 24- I need help
Chapter 25- Lunch date
Chapter 26- Emotional day, Family night.
Chapter 27- First Therapy.
Chapter 28- Santa Claus
Chapter 29- Church or sleep?
Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

Chapter 4- Family dinner ✅

295 15 1
By brianderson1999

Chapter 4
Loving His Demons
David's POV
May 4th

"Hey baby how you feeling?" My dad Nicholas says softly walking into my room with a tray of food. I shrug and grit my teeth facing the wall.

He comes over and rubs my back "I know you're hurting baby. But you need to take a deep breath and tell yourself that you're strong and that you can do this. You've been out of work for a week David and there's people out there who need you. Think of the victims, think of how much pain you went through as a child use that to get your ass out of bed and back to work" He tells me.

I listen but don't acknowledge him. "Look at me now" he says sternly. I turn around and look at him. "You're gonna eat your food, take a shower, and get to work understand? There's people out there that need you so if you won't help yourself then help them do I make myself clear?" He asks.

"Yes daddy" I mumble. I eat the food he brought me and head into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower, walking into the bedroom. I hear my phone go off. Sighing softly I grab it "Picozzi" I reply emotionless.

"You have a new case." Detective Newton says. I put him on speaker phone and start putting my suit on. "Give me the details" I tell him.

"I got a call last week it was a murder at a household. A woman called it in. Victims name is Levi Cavanagh he was found shot in the back of the head by his garage door. There was 2 other bullet hole in the garage door. There's 3 suspects Isaac, Sophie, And Tyler. I need you to get me an arrest warrant." He states.

"On what grounds? Who are you arresting? Why are you arresting them? Goddamnit Newton you better have probable cause or so help me god" I growl.

"Calm yourself Jesus David. I have probable cause his hair was found at the scene, the bullets matched his gun, he had GSR on him and his DNA was found at the scene if that's not enough evidence I don't know what is." He says.

"All right all right. I'll call the judge and get the warrant. Meet me at my office in an hour" I tell him as I'm walking out of my room.

I walk into the kitchen and grab my briefcase and keys I see my dad drinking some coffee and I gag at the sight. "That is so disgusting" I shudder. He smirks and takes another sip. I narrow my eyes.

"You coming to dinner tonight? He asks. I groan "Well I wasn't planning on it"

I see the sadness in his eyes "I know you don't like Adrian but I really want you to come to dinner. Please?" He asks. "I don't trust him" I scoff.

"Baby you don't trust him because you haven't give him a chance. Your siblings like him" he says.

"Yeah and my siblings hate me so obviously they're going to go against me." I say bitterly.

"They don't hate you David" he says

"Daddy they do. I'm the reason Father's been in prison for the last 15 years and they hate me for it."

He glares at my fiercely. "You are not the reason he's in prison HE is the reason he's in prison" he exclaims.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever I gotta go" I say and leave. I hear him say "You better be at dinner young Man or so help me I'm going to drag you out by your ear."

I walk outside and see Kanton waiting for me "Good morning sir" he says I scowl and nod my head. I sit in the backseat and go through the files I have while we head to the court house. Once we are there I get out and head into the court house. I look at my phone and see I have a text from my dad saying our conversation isn't over and expect a long talk after dinner.

Kanton opens the door for me and I walk in going straight to the elevators. I wait for them to open and when I do I wait for everyone to shuffle out. I walk into the elevator and push the number 16.

"David are you okay?" Kanton asks. I glare "I'm fine"

"I think we should go out this weekend you know maybe loosen you up get you to relax I can call the guys" he says.

I glare at him "Kanton where are we?" I asks. "The courtroom sir" he says. I nod my head "then do me a favor and shut your fucking mouth and do your damn job I don't want to go out with your pathetic friends they don't like me they're your friends not mine why would I want to go out with people who hate me?" I say in an cold voice.

I see the anger in his eyes "My apologies sir It won't happen again" he says as the bell dings. I walk out and head to the judges office

I knock on the door and here a "come in"

I walk in and see Judge Henry. "Ah David how can I help you?" He asks. "New case, I need a search warrant and and arrest warrant" I tell him. "Okay. What's the probable cause?"

"Suspects hair and DNA were found at the scene. The bullets came from the same type of gun that the suspect has, and suspect had GSR on his clothing." I tell the judge.

He nods his head and starts writing the warrants. "Thank you sir" I tell him amd leave his office. I get into the elevator and go down to the main floor. Once there I go outside and head to the SUV.

"Where to next sir?" Kanton asks me. "My office" I say. I sit back and sigh remembering my conversation with Kanton earlier I frown, "Brayden I'm sorry, I don't know why I act like that" I tell him.

"I know exactly why you act like that. You didn't take any of your medicine this morning. David to put this bluntly. I'm tired, tired of the way you treat me and your family. I get it you've had a rough life but that is in no means an excuse for the way you treat us. I am the only goddamn person besides your dad who puts up with you, and let me tell you I'm about this close to going from your best friend to just your employee. You bring everyone around you down and it's tiring. I shouldn't be in a bad mood just because you are. You need to change, because if you don't I promise you'll be alone." He says and starts driving to you office, I frown as tears gather in my eyes. I blink them back and pretend I'm doing something on my phone.

We arrive at my building and I take the private elevator to my office. I see Detective Newton outside my office and I unlock my office and we walk into it.

I sit at my chair and Newton sits across from me. "I got your arrest warrant. Go arrest him question him if he asks for a lawyer call me" I say he nods his head "Okay thanks babe" he says and we both freeze.

He gulps loudly "Sorry" he whispers "Old habits die hard"

"It's fine. Now get out" I glare. He frowns sadness shining in his eyes. He gets up and leaves.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about. The way you treat people is ridiculous" he tells me.

"I do it for a reason and you know that!" I tell. He scoffs "What's your reason!? So you can have everyone hate you! I know you David. You hate when people hate you so why do you act like this!?"

I stand up and walk over to him "It's none of your fucking business" I growl in his face. "Not my business!? David you're my best fucking friend so let me help you!" He yells. I punch him in the face and scream "EVERYONE WHO I CARE ABOUT LEAVES BRAYDEN THEY FUCKING LEAVE I ACT THIS WAY TO PROTECT MYSELF" He grabs my arm after the 3rd punch and pulls me into his strong chest. I scream and sob into his chest and let all the pain I've been feeling out. "You can't act like this forever. You need to open up just a little bit. If you don't you'll be alone." I sag into his chest defeated. He rubs my back in soothing motions.

"I'm sorry" I whisper. "I know" he says.

"Why don't we hangout tonight after dinner? I mean I know we live together but we don't actually hangout. Why don't we just chill in your bedroom and talk" he says. I nod my head numbly "Okay" I whisper weakly.

He pulls me away and looks me into my eyes, "Go to the bathroom and put your 'I am cold and emotionless, fear me' mask on and get back to work okay?" He says, I nod my head and walk into the bathroom,

Brayden has always been like a big brother. He's 2 years older than me, He's the only one that knows everything that's happened. He helps me whenever I get like this and I couldn't be more greatful. If it wasn't for him I would have been dead a long time ago.

Walking out I see Brayden nod at me and I sit at my office and get to work on Direct examination questions on the 5 cases I'm working on.

My phone rings and I see it's Detective Newton "Picozzi" I say into the phone. "He asked for a Lawyer." He says. "All right well there's not much I can do. Hmm. Send him to jail. We technically don't need to talk to him we have all the evidence we need. But I'm gonna have to see if he'll do a plea bargain that way we don't have to go to court. Hmm." I say talking to myself more than anything.

"Who's his lawyer?" I ask. "Oh uhm. It's your brother sir" he says.

"I see well that's just great. He's obviously not going to let his client talk to you or me for that matter so just send him to jail, I'll call My brother and arrange a plea bargaining meeting and We'll go from there." I tell him, "Okay have a good day" he says and hangs up.

I rub my forehead feeling a migraine coming on. Kanton comes to me and hands me a pill with some water. "Thank you" I say and take the pill. "Kanton I don't have time to leave the office to eat. So can you go down to my favorite deli and get me a sandwich I have a lot of work to do" I say he nods his head and leaves the office.

I finish up this witnesses Direct Examination questions and close the case file. I look at my watch and see its 4

I stretch and pick up the office phone. I put the phone number and if calls "Hello baby brother what can I do for you?" He says. "We need to set up a meeting and talk about your recent clients options" I say. "That won't be necessary my clients innocent. We'll be going to trial." He says.

"You don't get to make that decision. The meeting is next Wednesday be here or I'll get you fired" I tell him coldly. "You can't do that." He tells me. "Really? Watch me. I don't play around when it comes to my job or the safety of this city William. You may be older than me but you will never be better than me when it comes to my job. You chose defense that's on you. I am the best prosecutor in the city and you will not take that away from me. Now Wednesday 3pm be there" I say and hang up.

Groaning I drop my head onto my desks my hands start shaking and I clench them into firsts. Taking a deep breath I open up another case file and start working on my questions.

"David. It's time to go your dad wants you at dinner" Kanton says. I bite my lip and sigh. "Let's get this over with" I sigh

We walk out of the office and head down the elevator to the SUV I get in the front seat this time and we head to my dads house.

Brayden stops outside of the house "Hey" he says softly. I look up at him "It'll be okay, and if it isn't just remember you can tell me tonight" he says to me. I nod my head and we walk into the house.

I walk into the kitchen and everyone stops. "What is he doing here" my siblings hiss at the same time.


I put my head down and turn to walk away I feel a familiar hand on my shoulder "Will you two shut up he is still family whether you like it or not" My head snaps up quickly to the voice. "You're home" I say tears in my eyes. "I'm home" he tells me. I look into my oldest brothers eyes I hug him tightly "It's okay squirt. I'm home for good now" He says. I look up at him, "You're done?" I ask. He nods his head "I am I retired. I'm here now"

My oldest brother was the only one besides my dad who didn't hate me after the incident happened. My brother and Brayden were the only ones that protected me from my siblings and other kids.

"Now you two" he glares at my sister and brother. "Are pathetic. David is our FAMILY you William  should of been there for him. And you Jasmine you don't even know what happened so you have no right to treat David like that! The only reason you hate him is because of this asshole!" He glares at William.

"Luis Geoffrey Picozzi watch your mouth young man." My dad scolds lightly. Luis rolls his eyes "Dad I'm not a young man anymore" he says. "Still younger than me. You watch your language in this house understand me?" He says. He groans and smirks. "Yes daddy"

"Okay kids dinner will be ready in an hour there's some potato salad if you want. Nick is finishing up the food. So go do whatever you want. David I need to speak to you" My dad says. Knowing this was coming I head into the backyard and we sit down.


"David. You're my youngest son. You're my baby boy and I can't stand to see you blame yourself for what happened. It breaks my heart you are not the reason your father is in prison. Your father is the reason he's in prison. I understand that your siblings are still angry about it but that's just because they don't understand honey. You are such a strong person, I am so proud of you baby boy. You have turned out into such an amazing young man and I don't want you to let what your siblings say bring you down. That's not how I raised them. But after your father was arrested they became different people and there was nothing I could do. Sometimes I feel like I failed as their dad" he says tears in his eyes, I hug him "daddy it's not your fault, I'm sorry I'll try to stop blaming myself okay?" He nods his head.

"Now do me a favor please try and build a relationship with a Adrian I love him so much and I can't stand to see you hate him" he says,

I frown "I don't hate him I'll go talk to him right now."

I walk into the house and head into the kitchen. "Hey Adrian" I say he looks over shocked but recovers quickly, "Hey David how are things?" He asks, "stressful" I say he laughs but nods. "Well go sit down dinners ready"

(dining room)

I sit at the table and Luis sits on my right and Brayden sits on my left. We say prayer and begin to dig into the Pasta alla Carbonara.

Light conversation is made around the table. I talk to Luis about work and he tells me about retiring from the Army and how he's excited about starting a new chapter of his life.

"Are you dating anyone?" He asks me. I jump when I hear Williams loud laughter. "David? Dating someone that's funny who would want a filthy whore like him? He's the one who seduced our-" he states but I cut him off. "I WAS A FUCKING KID I DIDN'T SEDUCE ANYONE YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT THE FACTS. FUCK I HATE YOU SO DAMN MUCH WILLIAM I COULDN'T CARE IF YOU FUCKING DIED IN A DITCH" I yell and rush out of the house. I get to the car and clutch my chest memories resurface into my mind and I crumble on the ground I grab my head and rock back and forth trying to stop the memories.


I'm pulled into a chest and I can smell Luis' cologne on him which makes me slump into his arms. "Shh it's okay squirt it's okay. Calm down please" he whispers in my ear. I come back to reality and see Brayden, my dad, and Nick around me looking worried.

I look at them confuse "You had an episode" my brothers voice rings in my eyes. I look away embarrassed.

"Brayden why don't you get him home. I'll meet you guys there" he says and I look at him confused, "I'm living with you silly" he says and you face lights up

He helps me into the car and Brayden heads to my house.

We arrive a half hour later and he helps me into the house. He lays me on my bed and undresses me knowing I've hit my depression stage of my Bi polar disorder

He gets into the bed with me and turns on his side so he can look at me,

"Why do they hate me?" I say my voice thick with tears.

"I don't know David. But just remember your brothers home that's good right?" He says I nod my head. He wraps his arms around me and I cuddle into his chest something we've done for years whenever I get depressed.

"Everything will be okay David" he whispers as I fall asleep.

A/N: Brayden and Kanton are the same person if you didn't catch onto that

Also David has 2 dads if you didn't catch onto that either

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