
By AliciaMarino

1.2M 58.3K 5.2K

Iris Tremaine is an icon. A fashion icon. At twenty-six years old, she's at the top of the fashion industry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

45.8K 2.2K 297
By AliciaMarino


Stellan groans, running his hand over his face. "You're incorrigible."

"I'm trying to be a friend," I utter, touching his arm lightly. I begin to hear loud noises and realize it's the paparazzi. "Shit, w-will you come to my car?"

He nods after a moment with a sigh, probably knowing I'm not going to let him go. I begin to walk hastily; glad Eric is already out of the car because the cameras and lights are getting closer.

Eric opens the back door, his gaze hard on Stellan as he climbs in behind me. I take a deep breath as I see the people come right up to the car. Stellan stares down at his lap as Eric climbs in the front seat.

"Where we going?"

"Just drive, please Eric and raise the partition."

I wait until the black window covers the port way to the front of the car before I turn to look at him. I find him watching me curiously, hands on his thighs.

As I've gotten to know him, he's grown more attractive to me. Behind all the rugged clothes and poorly kept hair is a beautiful man. I can see it, clear as day. It makes me even more curious to know his past.

"I've never told anyone-"

"You can trust me."

He glances over at me, a watchful look on his face. I wait silently as we merge into traffic, patient.

"I was studying to be a Financial Analyst. I was in my second year when- when my parents died in a car accident. Uh, they had a lot of debt, my father was a gambler. I had to quit school and try to find a job to support myself in New York and also pay those debts off. I was working as a server in a catering business when I was approached by a woman."

I nod, licking my lips in concentration.

"She offered money- to- sleep with me. A lot of it."

I almost choke on my own tongue. Oh my God. I try to control my reaction to his words. I must do a terrible job because he laughs, nodding.

"I know. You weren't expecting it."

"No, I wasn't... You were a-?"

"Male escort. At first it was just sporadically but word got out and soon, I quit my job to make time for these women. I was well off- I managed to pay off my father's debt, move into a loft..."

"What happened?"

He takes a deep breath. "I met a woman and she became- rather clingy, obsessive almost. She offered me- hundreds of thousands simply to stop seeing other women and- and be exclusively with her- behind her husbands back. What I didn't know was he was an extremely important, extremely rich man. And after he found out about us- found out that she was paying me with his money, he lost it."

"Lost it?"

"He had me jumped leaving a restaurant. He made it his mission to destroy me in anyway possible, starting with my career. I can't get a job anywhere, Iris."

"Oh my God."

"I'm telling you this because you asked. I didn't enjoy what I did with those women but I was good at it. You may not understand why I did-"

His story resonates with me, stirring up memories I had forgotten.

"We do anything to survive, Stellan. You don't have to explain yourself to me."

"Now you know why I live on the street. Now you know why I can't accept your offer."

"I'm so sorry, Stellan. About your parents... about everything."

He stares down at me as if I were the first person to ever say that to him... And maybe I am. "... Thank you."

"And to hell with that man! I'm still fucking offering you a job."


"I own my company. Who's going to make me say no to hiring you? No one."

"It will come out. You work with elite people- famous people."

I stare at him, knowing he's right. The paparazzi and reporters are brutal but after hearing his story, I can't turn away.

"This is worth a try, isn't it? I can help you. I know I can... You just have to take the leap of faith and trust me."

"I don't know how to trust anyone, Iris."

"You'll learn."

He looks down, shaking his head silently. "Why are you risking this?"

"Because if what you said is true, you deserve someone to take a risk on you."

His smile is small and unsure but there. I lean my head against the headrest, exhaling.

"You're sure about this?"

"I'm sure."


"I don't give a fuck about what you think!" I shout, looking out the window at Stellan and Eric waiting outside. "I need a room and I'm willing to pay you double than what's been asked!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Tremaine, you are a very valued customer and I hate to do this but we cannot give Stellan Reid a room."

I hang up, uttering explicits through clenched teeth. Stellan was not kidding when he said he had to sleep on the street. This guy must have been like a God to get to so many establishments for one man.

I open the door, trying to look calm. Stellan and Eric both look over at me.

"You're staying at my house tonight," I murmur, gesturing him back in.


"Just get in."

"No, you can come get me tomorrow."

"Alright, my Latin temper is about to come out. Ask Eric- you don't want to see it."

Stellan looks back and Eric nods, pursing his lips. He chuckles, tucking his hair behind his ear as he climbs back in.

"Damn woman, do people always do what you say?"


I gage Stellan's reaction as we drive up to the house. I know he's had money before- I just don't know how he'll react to where I live. He's already so indecisive to receive my help.

He stares out the window but doesn't say anything as Eric stops in the five-car driveway. He opens the door and reaches out for my hand to help me out. I smile wide and take it, standing onto the graveled path.

"Goodnight, Eric."

"Goodnight. Call for anything."

"Will do," I murmur, already headed up the steps. I feel Stellan behind me and begin to feel nervous. Not that I just brought home a complete stranger who could be lying to me about his entire life- no, I should be worried about that but the matter of fact here is that I'm attracted to this man.

I shouldn't be. Every single fiber of my being is telling me I shouldn't.

This guy has baggage. A lot of it.

He was a male escort. He slept with women for money.

I open the door and sigh, closing my eyes in an effort to conquer up some bravery before I turn around. "This is home."

"It's huge," he murmurs, stepping in.

"I know, too huge."

"Why don't you have furniture in here?"

"Marcus took them last night."

"Ah, yes. Marcus... He lives with you?"

"He did."

His mouth forms into a soft 'O'. "I can't say I'm not pleased to hear that. He was pretty forceful with you yesterday."

I set down my purse onto the coat rack. "He's always been like that."

"... He's hit you?"

"No, no. God no, he knows better than that I think."

Stellan nods, glancing around the apartment. "Well, your home is beautiful."

"Thanks," I utter, anxiously. I clasp my hands together and shrug. "I can show you to your room now?"


I walk alongside him, choosing to pick a downstairs guestroom for him since mine's on the top floor. While I don't think this man is capable of hurting someone, I don't know him well enough to trust him yet.

I open the door next to the kitchen, letting him walk in before me. He has his bag on his shoulder and I watch him look around.

"Is it good? I do have other rooms."

"This is perfect, Iris. Very kind of you."

I smile, nervously, immediately pleased. "There's an attached bathroom to this room. Feel free to use anything in the house- food is in the fridge. There are some casserole leftovers in there... Come find me if you need anything. I'll be upstairs."

"I will, thank you."

"You're welcome, Stellan."


I sit up in bed in a rush, detesting the loud, irritating sound of my alarm clock. I run my hand over my face sleepily, feeling dead tired. My eyes widen in realization as I remember the events of last night and that I have a person sleeping in my downstairs guest room.

I reach over for my phone, taking it off the charger. My fingers are quick to call Eric.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"Why is everyone calling me that?" I mutter hoarsely.

"I've always called you that, Iris."

"Oh... Well, okay. Would you possibly run out to get our visitor some clothes? I'm going to be getting him fixed up today but I would rather he didn't walk in there with the clothes he has on now."

"Sure. Where do you want the clothes from?"

"Anywhere as long as it's designer."

"Got it."

"Alright, I need to be at work in an hour."

"I'll be downstairs."

I hang up, glancing over at my locked bedroom door. Last night, I found myself sitting up against my headboard, contemplating what I've done. What I've promised to this man. I contemplated how crazy I am for taking him in like this.

My overbearing thoughts swirled in my mind until I finally stood up to lock the door.

I pull the strap of my nightgown back up onto my shoulder, pulling back the covers. I can't help the part of me, a rather large part, that's excited for the challenge. Excited to know this man. I've grown so used to having to put on a fake smile and utter polite words to idiotic, over privileged assholes.

I take a quick shower, already late and apply dark makeup, heading to my closet for my outfit of the day. I pull down the outfit I picked the night before, complete with accessories. I grab a pair of boot heels and settle them down by the bed.

I've got twenty minutes when I emerge from the bedroom in leather pants, a white t-shirt and blazer and the black sexy heeled boots. I'm writing on my phone, preparing to call Viktor when I look up, stopping dead in my tracks at the end of the hall.

Stellan is standing in the kitchen, his back turned to me. He's turning what looks like a pancake on the stove. His hair looks smooth and sleek after a shower- I can see he just got out due to the dampness on his ends.

"Hi," I murmur softly, stepping forward awkwardly. He turns and smiles, gaping slightly, gesturing to the stove.

"I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all."

He grabs the plate next to the stove and settles the pancake onto two others. I watch as he grabs butter and syrup, layering them on top. I walk up to the counter, texting Viktor.

I need Tala, Alfie, and Dominique in the conference room by 10. Thanks.

I look up as Stellan sets down the plate in front of me. I gape, looking up at him. "Wha-"

"A thank you- for last night."

I smile wide, touched and set down my phone onto the counter. "Wow, that's sweet of you."

His lips turn up warmly as he grabs the pan and walks to the sink. As he grabs the sponge, I shake my head.

"It's alright. I have a maid."

"Oh... Alright."

I look down at the food, unable to hide my smile. I feel like it's been so long someone has done such a simple, sweet gesture for me.

"Have you eaten?"

He nods. "Yeah, I had a banana."

"A banana?"


"No, eat some of this with me. I can't eat it all- my diet," I murmur jokingly.

He laughs, eyes wide. "Your diet?"

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Because you don't need to be on one."

"Everyone is on a diet in the fashion industry," I state, chuckling. "Come on. Grab a fork."

He strums his fingers awkwardly for a moment before he nods, grabbing one.

The tension is thick as he sits on the stool beside me. I cut the pancake with a knife straight down the middle, smiling. We eat together and thankfully, I watch him calm down slightly.

I can tell he's really nervous- or uncomfortable- or both.

"So, what now? Are we still doing this?"

I grab a napkin, patting down on my lipstick lightly. "Of course. First thing is first- Eric should be here any minute with a new outfit for you."

His face reddens. "You didn't have to do that."

I stare at him silently and nod. "I don't know where you will be in my company but I want to sharpen your image. Look- in order for this to work, I need you to trust me and let me alter your appearance."

"As in what?"

"Hair, clothes, tanning- first thing is first- the beard will go."

He chuckles, nodding. "I'm good with that... You said this was your company?"

I sit back, confused. "Yes. Tremaine Franchises? You've never heard of it?"

"I haven't. I thought you modeled."

"I do- but I run this as well."

"Oh, wow. Okay."

"You really haven't heard of it?"

He smiles awkwardly and shakes his head. "No, is it a big corporation? I'm guessing it probably is since you live in a mansion."

"I've expanded to multiple places in the UK, Russia, Australia and Japan. I have offices in California and here in New York as well. I will soon have one in Canada- by the end of the year."

He blows out a large breath. "Jesus Christ- when do you get the time to sleep?"

I chuckle and pull on the end of my ponytail. "Sleep? What's that?"

He laughs, looking up as Eric enters the front door.

"I've got some clothes for you, sir."

Stellan takes it, nodding. "Stellan, call me Stellan. Thank you."

"Of course. I'll be outside, Iris."

I nod as he walks back to the door. "Thanks."

Stellan glances up from the clothes. "How does he know my size?"

"Because he works for me. Let me see them."

He hands them over and I take a look at them, smiling. "This is good. Do you like this style?"

"Yes, it's nice."

"Alright, well go put it on. We're late."

"For what?"

"To meet the stylists."

A/N: Hope you're liking the story so far! xx

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