Chapter 30

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Looking up from the clutter on my desk, I watch Oli open the glass door, her face surprisingly white. My insides twist- nervously. Dear lord, what now?

"What? What is it?"

"Your mother."

It takes me a moment to process that name. "My mother?"

"Yes, Vivienne is by my desk, demanding to speak with you."

Feeling only anger, I raise a brow. "Demanding?"

"Pretty much. Do you want me to call security?"

I set aside the switches, pressing my lips together in a smile. "No, I'll go get her."


I stand up, rounding my desk. I've lost one person this week- why not make it two?

"I've got this."

"Iris..." she repeats as I pass her, walking down the carpet, my head high. She's standing by Oli's desk, wearing a tie-dyed dress to the floor, her ebony hair down and wild. She smiles softly as I approach, stopping a couple feet away from her.

"We can speak in my office."

I ignore the looks of my staff, aware of the fact that most of them know my background as an orphan. I can infer by their stares that they don't expect this to go well.

"Okay," she murmurs, nodding. I gesture her before me, not bothering to hide my look of distaste. The fact that I look exactly like her is infuriating.

With a quick look to Oli, I shut the door behind her. "You can take a seat."

She does, looking nervous. "It's- good to see you. Thank you for seeing me."

"I don't have a lot of time. I have an doctor's appointment in an hour."

"I heard you were sick. I wanted to come- but your assistant, Viktor, told me it was best that I didn't."

I nod, taking a seat at my desk. "Yes, well-"

"Will you let me explain? I've been trying to get in the same room with you for- years. I need to explain- tell you why we did it..."

"Left me in an airport bathroom?" I utter, staring at her with every intention to intimidate.

She looks down. "We had to do it. We couldn't support you- I was fifteen, Iris. I couldn't support a child. Your father certainly couldn't either. He had some trouble with his schooling- expelled a lot- that kind of thing. His parents turned us away. Mine were dead. We had no-"

"Choice. I hear that."

Her lip trembles, but she sits straight, head held high. "We knew you would be found there."

"You left me- a helpless child in a goddamn airport! Why didn't you take me to a hospital?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do! Tell me!"

Her eyes flicker around, nervously. "Because- because..."

"Oh, come on!" I shout, rolling my eyes.

"I couldn't face the people at the hospital!" she cries, tears now spilling down her cheeks. "I couldn't face anyone! I wanted you- I loved you. I do love you!"

"Don't you dare use that word to describe what you felt for me. It was not love!"

"It was! It was love! I knew we couldn't support you and rather than have you die on the street, struggling with us, I made the decision to give you to someone else that could care for you!"

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