Chapter 8

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I nod, closing my eyes tightly as I back up. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

I let go of his hand and look towards the path with down casted eyes. "Maybe we should-?"

His watchful gaze on my suddenly red face is unbearable. "Yeah, let's head back."

We're both quiet on the way back to the house, only murmuring soft pleasantries about the nature around us in a vain attempt to try and alleviate the tension between us.

I've just given this man a second chance on a whim and here he is, terrified to touch me simply because he can't trust that I'll take it away from him just as fast. I didn't hire him to be with me- I need to remember that.

I don't stop walking forward as he stops to re-hook the lantern. Once I'm in the sanctuary of my bedroom where I can finally breathe, I'll be better.

I grab my drink glass and open the door, leaving it open. I deposit the cup in the sink and turn, finding him closing the glass door gently. I stare at him, a man who just a couple of days was barely surviving. Now, he's before me dressed in a suit, clean-shaven- utterly beautiful.

I move forward, shrugging. "Well, you have the weekend to do what you'd like. If you have the time, I'd like to try and get in some time on Sunday to go over a few things, regarding walking the runway and what you'll be wearing- stuff like that."


"You have a cell phone in the room." He narrows his eyes and I smile. "You need a phone. Just take it. My number is already on it, as well as Eric's and Viktor's. If I need to go out, I'll use the limo. You're welcome to take the SUV or convertible in the garage."

"Thank you, Iris."

"You're welcome... Goodnight."

"Goodnight..." I hear his voice trail off unsurely at the end but I force myself to walk up the stairs towards the extremely empty portion of the house.


I grab my robe in the darkness of my bedroom, famished. I ran into my room so fast earlier I didn't even think to eat. I can't bear it any longer. It's past midnight so I hope he's sleeping by now. Although going to the kitchen may wake him...

Fuck it. I'm hungry and horny and irritated. I tie a knot around my waist and open the door. My feet freeze against the cold ground as I step across the marble floors. My gaze shifts constantly to the guest room door, but his lights are off.

I open the fridge and pull out a head of lettuce and leftover chicken, making sure to grab Caesar dressing as well. I set them gently onto the countertop, searching for a knife.

I turn on the overhead light, the softest one as I try not to think of the man in the room a couple feet away from me. I wonder if he sleeps nude... Jesus, what's wrong with me? I'm obsessed.

I peel off the layers of green, depositing them into a bowl.

I hear the guest door open suddenly and jump back, literally jump, swinging my head over in the direction of the noise. Stellan steps out, in the Armani pajama pants we got earlier and nothing else. I stare at his chest and the light patch of hair dusted over his pecks.

His abdomen is lean but well proportioned- you wouldn't expect this body on a homeless man. I clear my throat, trying to produce sound as I look up into surprisingly hungry eyes.

I gape slightly, uttering, "I-I- I hope I didn't wake-"

He starts towards me and I drop the knife onto the counter, clutching him tightly when he clasps onto me, crushing his lips to mine. I'm in the air within seconds, wrapping my legs around his waist as he props me up onto the counter, already working on undoing my robe.

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