Chapter 9

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My eyes open unsurely as I hear mowers loud in my ear. I blink a few times, seeing my bedroom is lit up with fresh morning light. As I feel strong arms tighten around my body, the night's pleasures come back to me, bringing a sleepy smile onto my face.

As his lips press to my cheek softly, I can't help but hum happily, turning over. His hair is wild and his eyes crinkled from tiredness but there's a smile on his face.

"Good morning," I murmur softly, resting my head against my hand on the pillow. He settles his hand over my waist, nodding.

"Mornin'." I bite my lip, shaking my head as my cheeks start to go red within seconds. His brow rises in question. "Why are you blushing?"

"I have no idea."

"Well... you look beautiful," he whispers, pulling me in close. There's no tension, no awkwardness. We simply seem happy to be with one another. I rest my cheek against his chest, exhaling loudly.

"... Do you have plans today?"

I hear him chuckle softly. "You got anything in mind?"

I pull back, nodding. "Yes."

"Yeah? Well what is it?"

"I want to find the river."

"The river?"

"Yeah. The creek behind my house- it has to lead to something."

"Ah, I see."

I smile. "Wanna?"

"I'm in. Will Viktor be coming?"

"No, I give him and Eric weekends off. Eric actually has a family- they live just down the street. And Viktor already works like a dog for me Monday thru Friday. I usually work on my own on the weekends."

"You work on weekends too?"

I nod. "Usually."


"He would work too."

He smiles suddenly, shaking his head as he sits up. "Unacceptable."


"You've got to live once in a while. Let's go. Just brush your teeth, throw on some clothes, and lets go."

I grin wide, pulling the covers off swiftly.


"Oh no," I utter, shaking my head. The bridge in front of us is over the river- the rather large river- and it looks nowhere near sturdy enough. "No, no. I'm not going over this."

He turns, in ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. I seemed to have forgotten to get him casual clothing at the stores. We're going to have to go back sometime this weekend although; I may want him to dress like this forever. "Why not?"

"Look at it! It's practically falling apart!"

"It's eighty years old."

"How do you know that?"

"There was a sign at the beginning," he answers, reaching out for my hand. "Come on."

"No way, no. I didn't think there would be a bridge involved. I have a fear of heights."

"It's not too high, Iris. You can hold onto me. That way we'll both die if it breaks."

I glare at him and he laughs, throwing his head back. "Yeah, yeah... You better die if we fall or I'm gonna haunt you the rest of your life."

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