Chapter 7

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"What did you find?" I grasp the iPad from Viktor's hands, staring at the article about Stellan.

"Basically that he's a God in the sheets... He was definitely downplaying how large he was."

I scan the words, gaping. "Escort for New Yorks elite?"

Viktor nods, taking it back from me. "They called him the fucking Don Juan of escorts."

I stare out the window of my office, shaking my head in disbelief.

"I can't believe you just found this guy."

"It was for a reason. I'm supposed to help him, I know it."

He's quiet for a moment. "... It says here that Constantine was his most avid customer and- that she was his last relationship as an escort that the people know about."

I turn, eyes wide. "Constantine? The actress?"

"Yeah, looks like it."

I've met her before. I've actually met her before. She's almost fifty. I also know her husband, Vance Waters. He owns most of New York. Shit- this is worse than I thought.

"Do you think this is a good idea, Iris? I know you want to help him."

"He has no one, Viktor. His family is dead- like mine."

"Not all of your family is dead, Iris."

I sit down at my desk and don't bother to look up. "Might as well be."

"She called again, this morning."

"And she can keep calling for the rest of her goddamn life. She left me at an airport- a helpless baby."

He touches my hair, nodding beside me. "Alright, well... what are we going to do about Stellan? You're planning to have him model at the show yet half of the women there have probably slept with him. They'll know who he is."

"I know they will. I have to get his name reentered into the world, Vik. This is the way to do it. It may be brutal at first but he's too beautiful. I know his modeling career will take off."

"So, you don't plan to just hire him for you?"

"I don't want to trap him here. I said I was going to help him... As soon as I do that, he can choose what he wants to do."

I rub my hands over my face, unsure as to how I'm going to prepare him to walk runway. He's so masculine- it's going to be hard... and I've only got a few days over the weekend to complete it.


I enter the house, sighing heavily as I lock the door behind me. "Stellan?"

"In the kitchen."

"Are you cooking again?" I joke, chuckling as I enter the threshold. "Because I don't think I could take more carbs."

He's got books laid out before him on the counter. I try to get past the fact that he's in pajama pants and t-shirt, a surprisingly hot combination, and focus on the books in front of him.

My lips turn up. "Are you reading fashion books?"

"Viktor handed them to me before I left."

"Oh God, you don't have to read those. You'll be fine."


"Yes, you've got me. I'll teach you everything I know."

"And what if I have two left feet?"

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