Harry Potter's Sister

By A1kingfish

1.3K 52 10

My friend wanted me to write a Harry Potter fanfiction starting Harry Potter's sister who is older by one yea... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Four

214 7 2
By A1kingfish

Ashly's P.O.V.

(A/N: She calls her Uncle Severus, Daddy as she has not been told about her parents yet.)

I walked out of the field of purple flowers and saw a little boy my age staring at the sun set. He had blond hair and was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"To what do I own this pleasure of seeing you, Ashly?" The blond haired boy asked, not turning around.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked, confused.

"I'll always know when the right girl comes." I blushed a deep red.

"How do you know I'm the right girl?"

"I don't know. I guess it's like an instinct, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders, then when up to his side.

"Before you wake up from this marvelous dream, promise me one thing."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Remember the catch phrase, 'My father will hear about this!'" I giggled.


"One more thing. Close your eyes." I closed my eyes. I felt him kiss my nose. "Goodbye, Ashly." I opened my eyes and saw he was gone.


"Princess! Come downstairs! It's breakfast time!" I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed.

"Coming, Daddy!" I rolled out of my bed and walked downstairs. I rounded the corner into the dining room where Daddy was. Daddy was the head of The Slytherin house at Hogwarts. He has long black hair and and black eyes. I kissed his cheek and sat down next to him. He smiled at me.

"How's my little princess?"

"I'm exceptionally great. How are you, Daddy?"

"I'm fine. Would you like your birthday gift now or after we visit my friends?" I forgot today was my sixth birthday.

"Do you mean The Malfoys, Daddy? I hear you talk to the one named, if I heard right, Lucius all the time." Daddy's eyes widen then he nodded.

"I keep forgetting that you are an exceptionally smart witch. If Hogwarts weren't so strict on the ages, you would've been able to go there this year. All right then, eat your pancakes then we can leave for The Malfoys. Remember to pack a week worth of clothes as you are going to be staying there this week as I will be going to Hogwarts."

"Why can't I go with you like I've had since I was three?"

"The Headmaster said that it's not a place for a six year old to be." I nodded and dug into my pancakes, savoring them. After I ate, I retreated back to my bedroom to get changed. After taking a while to choose, I came upon what I thought would be most acceptable.

I packed a bag for the week then ran downstairs.

"Walk, princess. We don't want you tripping and falling down the stairs now, do we?" I shook my head no. "Alright, now. Just let me grab your gift. Then we will apparate." He grabbed a box with pink wrapping paper and a pink bow. "Hold tight to your suitcase." As he held onto me, I held tight to my suitcase. We appeared in front of a huge manor.

"This is it, princess. This is Malfoy Manor." We walked up to the front door and I knocked. A few seconds later, a scrawny house elf that looked to have just a potato sack on, answered.

"Hello, I'm Ashly. What's your name?" I asked, looking at the house elf. The house elf looked at me shocked.

"D-Dobby." Before I could speak anymore, Daddy interrupted me.

"Dobby, please tell Lucius and Narcissa we are here." Dobby nodded, opening the door wider for us. We walked in and he closed the door, wandering off. A few seconds later, a couple walked in. The woman smiled.

"Hello, Severus!" She hugged Daddy for a brief second then let go.

"Hello, Narcissa and Lucius. Great to see you again." Daddy shook the man's, Lucius, hand.

"And who might this cutie batootie be?" Narcissa smiled at me as I hid behind Daddy.

"This is my little princess, Ashly." Daddy pushed me in front of him, gently.

"Hello, Ashly. I'm Narcissa and this is my husband Lucius." She gently hugged me. Lucius just smiled and nodded.

"It's nice to finally meet you Ashly. Your Uncle Severus has not stopped talking about you." I looked at him confused. He realized what he said and fixed it. "I mean, your father has told us a lot about you." I smiled a little. Narcissa looked around then frowned.

"Draco should've been down here a few moments ago. Draco? Draco! Get down here!" A few minutes later, a boy came running in.

"Sorry, Mother and Father. I was trying to flatten my hair. He turned and saw me. He had familiar blond hair. I realized that he was the boy from my dream. Both of our eyes widened.

" YOU?!" We both said, causing our parents to look confused.

"I thought you were just someone from my dream, but you're actually real?"

"I was just thinking the same thing. I mean I thought you were just the girl who said, 'Remember my last name, Potter, just remember me."

"Wait, my last name isn't Potter, it's Snape. And I thought you were just the boy who said 'Remember this catch phrase, 'My father will hear about this'."

"But you said your name was Ashly Potter and your younger brother was Harry Potter. There's also proof. You have a lightning bolt scar on your forehead." He pushed my hair to the side, showing it. I looked confused.

"I always thought I had a brother. Daddy, is this true?" Daddy sighed.

"Go ahead and tell her Severus. She may not be mad." Narcissa said, leading us all to the dining room. Daddy sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I turned to face him.

"I was going to tell you tonight, princess. When I gave you your gift. Here, go ahead and open it." He handed me my present. I opened it to see a pink photo album with my name on the front. Only it didn't say Ashly Anne Snape it said Ashly Anne Potter. I glanced at him confused. I opened it up to the first page. The was a picture of a woman smiling.

Underneath it read Lily (Evans) Potter, Your Mother. The next was of a man smiling.

Underneath it read James Potter, Your Father. My eyes widened at Dad-or the man whose lap I was sitting on.

"These are my parents?" I got a nod in return. "Then who are you? Where are my parents?"

"I'm your Uncle Severus. Your parents died protecting you from The Dark Lord." I nodded in reply then looked back at my photo album.

Ashly, Age 5 Months

Ashly, Age 11 Months

Ashly, Age 14 Months

Harry, Your Younger Brother, Age 3 Months

Harry, Age 5 Months

Ashly, Age 2 Years, And Harry, Age 1 Year

Harry, Age 1 Year and 2 Months

Ashly, Age 1 1/2 Years

Ashly, Age 2 Years

Ashly, Age 3 Years

Ashly, Age 3 1/2 Years

Ashly, Age 4 Years, When She Read Her First Book

Ashly, Age 5 Years

Ashly, Age 5 Years And 11 Months

When I finished looking, I turned back to my Dad-Uncle. I saw he looked guilty so I smiled and hugged him, making him surprised.

"Thank you for telling me this. I understand why you had a hard time determining when to tell me. I love you all the same but I have a few questions for you all." The three adults watched me as I got up and sat down in the seat in between Draco and my Uncle.

"What is it, Princess?" Uncle Severus asked, looking at me curiously. Suddenly, I just started blurting all my questions.

"Is mu little brother dead? If not, why does he not live with us? Why did The Dark Lord kill my parents? How do you know the Malfoys? Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, why do you wear black a lot? Draco, why were you in my dream? Where's Harry a-?" I was interrupted by Uncle Severus.

"Princess, Harry is alive. He doesn't live with us because your mother wanted you to come with me and Harry went to your Muggle Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Cousin Dudley. I don't know why your mother chose her instead of me. Also, I'm your Uncle and Godfather."

"A Muggle is a..." I cut Draco off, rolling my eyes.

"I know what a Muggle is, Draco."

"What is it then?" He smirked.

"It's a person who has no magical powers what so ever." He frowned. I turned to Uncle Severus. "Now, please continue."

"What else do you want to know?"

"For right now, I just have five questions."

"Okay. What are they?"

"Why did The Dark Lord kill my parents?" Draco's eyes widened while his parents shuffled uncomfortably in their chairs. Uncle Severus looked away.

"I don't know if you want to hear." He stared at a spot on the wall.

"Why? You tell me know you're not my father, yet you won't tell me why they were killed?!" I raised my voice.


"Because isn't good enough." I said, moving in front of him.

"Because it's sort of my fault!" Uncle Severus said, yelling. I backed away. He had never yelled at me before.

"Y-your f-fault?" I asked, softly sniffling. His face softened and he sighed.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. But it's true. It was sorta my fault. I told the Dark Lord a prophecy of a boy and girl rising up with an army and defeating him for good. Little did I know that it was about you guys. I got word too late that The Dark Lord was on his way to your house. I kept calling for your mother, hoping she survived." He was tearing up. I went to him and hugged him. "S-she didn't. She was limp on the floor in front of Harry's crib. He was a year old when this happened. You were two. I ran to Lily, trying to get her alive. Nothing worked. I finally looked at Harry and saw he had a lighting bolt scar on his forehead. I contacted Dumbledore and he came as fast as he could. I had momentarily forgotten about you as I was steal dealing with the death of your parents. As soon as I remembered, I mentally scolded myself. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about my little princess. I walked into your room, seeing you were asleep. I looked beside your bed and saw your father, dead. I looked around and noticed your room was also damaged, much like Harry's. I walked over to you and noticed you cat cuts, scratches, bruises, and a lightning bolt scar just like your brother. I fell on my knees and started crying, not able to keep it in any longer. Ever since that day, I have despised The Dark Lord more than anyone else." I hugged him tight.

"That answers that question. I'm not mad at you. I love you just the same." I pulled around and looked at The Malfoys and him. "How do you know each other?" They looked at each other.

"Well, we've been friends since Hogwarts." I nodded.

"Why do you guys wear black a lot? I mean, a lot of the pictures that Da-Uncle Severus has, they all show you in black, green and silver, or black, green, and silver."

"We were all in Slytherin at Hogwarts, as you know. The Slytherin House colors were green and silver. We have always dressed like this and black is the color of The Malfoy family." Lucius said, causing Draco to roll his eyes.

"Black like their souls." Draco whispered, making me giggle. The adults looked at me, confused.

"Why are you laughing, Ashly?" Uncle Severus asked.

"Draco said something." I explained, causing everyone to look at Draco, who looked taken aback. He looked at me.

"You heard?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course. I literally right next to you." He blushed.

"What did you say, Draco?" Narcissa asked.

"Nothing!" Draco hurriedly said, looking anywhere but his parents. Narcissa looked at me.

"What did Draco say, Ashly?" Draco looked at me, pleadingly.

"All he said was black was a great color and he wished the whole world was black."

"I did not say that!"

"Then what did you say, Draco Lucius Malfoy?" Narcissa asked, crossing her arms.

"I did say that black was a great color, but never in a million years would I want the whole world to be black. I love the world how it is, other then the filthy Mudbloods. I love the colors and the people in it." He looked at me towards the last part. I gasped. How can he get away with saying that? Well, that's just rude. I mean, I hate 'Mudbloods', too. It's just, I call them Muggle-borns and am nice to the to their face, I thought. He heard me gasp and looked at me confused. "What?"

"You said M-Mu.." He cut me off.

"Mudblood?" I nodded my head. "What about it?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Every time I say it, I get scolded. I call them Muggle-born. It's nicer, so they don't know you secretly despise them and are higher then they are." Draco smirked then nodded.

"That is true. Anyways, Do you have anymore questions?" He uncrossed his arms. I thought for a second then nodded.

"Yes. Just once though. I's for Uncle Severus though." I turned to my uncle.


"What was Harry like?" He smiled.

"Harry was a magnificent little boy. He was most peculiar though. I guess since you were older and he wanted to follow in your footsteps or something, he was always following you, doing everything you did, and wanted everything you wanted. He just to laugh and smile at just about everything. You guys were so much alike, it was so cute." I smiled. He looked at the clock and his eyes widened. "I better get going. It's six o'clock. I still have to get my extra supplies and get my suitcases ready as I have to leave early in the morning." He kissed me on my forehead. He hugged Narcissa and gave Lucius a handshake. "Goodbye. I'll see you this weekend."

"Bye!" We all said, watching him leave. After he left, Narcissa turned to Draco.

"Draco, dear. Please show Ashly to your room. We didn't have much time to prepare a room for her as he had just called us today to ask, so she will be sleeping on a spare bed in your room for now until Dobby can get a room set up."

"We don't need a spare bed. My bed is gigantic. There would be like five feet between us."

"Ashly would probably feel weird sharing a bed with you, wouldn't you Ashly?" She looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders."

"It doesn't matter. I mean, I used to having a huge bed as well. I don't want to have Dobby move a bed all by himself." Lucius looked mortified.

"I will not have that filthy house elf touching any of your things." I jumped back, frightened. When I jumped back, I hit Draco. We both fell on the floor, me on top of him. I got up as soon as I could, which was soon as it was my back the landed on him. I turned around and offered my hand to help him up, which he accepted. When he got up, he smirked.

"Next time, let me know when you are going to fall on me." I blushed, which made him raise an eyebrow. "Also, why did you jump back?"

"I'm not used to being yelled at. I'm, I guess you could say, spoiled to death, so I usually get everything I want. I also never get yelled at." I said, shyly. He gave me a look saying 'We'll talk about this later', then turned and looked at his parents.

"Mother. Father. I am going to take Ashly up to my room and get her settled. We'll be back soon." With that, he grabbed my hand and ran up the stairs. We stopped when we were standing outside two huge mahogany doors. They had the Slytherin House symbol on them. He opened the door and I looked at it in awe.

(A/N: Imagine it a little bigger and in Slytherin House colors. Also, the screen is about 20 feet away from the bed.)

"Wow!" I looked over to find Draco staring at me. I ignored him and ran to his bed. I dropped my suitcases next to it and climbed on. Draco looked at me, curiously.

"What are you doing, Ashly?" I smirked at him.

"This!" I started jumping up and down on his bed. "Your bed is so much more bouncier than my bed at home." I looked back at him and noticed he looked horrified.

"Ashly! Stop, now! Please!" I sat on his bed, looking at him confused.

"Why? I do this all the time at my house. My bed never breaks."

"My father and mother forbid me from ever jumping on my bed."

"They're downstairs. They probably won't come up anytime soon. Come here and jump with me." I motioned him over and he slowly walked over.

"Alright, but you have to take your shoes off." I rolled my eyes but took them off, placing them near my suitcases. He set his next to mine. We then crawled up onto his bed and started jumping. Draco actually looked like he was having fun. I giggled at the face he was making. He looked at me and smirked.

"Why are you giggling, Ashly?" He asked, still jumping.

"The face you were making was hilarious!" I busted out laughing. He jumped closer to me.

"Stop laughing!" He smiled.

"No." I smirked. He edged closer.

"Then I'll give you something to laugh about." I rolled my eyes just to be tickled. He started tickling me. I screamed and jumped off his bed, running away from him. We were both laughing and having fun.

"Come back here, Ashly!"


"Come here!"

"You can't make me!"

"Yes, I can." He tackled me and started tickling me again. We both started giggling.

"Draco! Get off me!"





"Yes. Wait, why? Really?" He got up, laughing. Narcissa walked in, scowling.

"What is going on in here?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"We were just playing around, Mrs. Malfoy." She smiled at the answer. I got up from off the ground.

"Very well. Oh and dear, please call me Narcissa."

"I will. Thank you guys for letting me stay."

"You're welcome. Not get to bed." She walked out. I turned to Draco.

"You get the left side, I get the right." I grabbed my PJs from my suitcase and walked into the in-suite bathroom. I walked out a few minutes later, seeing Draco was also dressed. I went to the right side and climbed on the bed. Draco clapped and the lights turned off.

"Goodnight, Ashly."

"Goodnight, Draco." I fell asleep, happy that I made a new friend.

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