The Last Of Us

By Mariana_Juey

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In the city of Woodcrest, life for the gang is full of teen romance and drama. When things couldn't become an... More

The Warning
Playing with Fire
Friday The 13th Pt 1
FDayThe13Pt2: Pool Massacre
Human Sacrifice
The Purge
The Caregivers

Rule #1: Trust No One

718 26 39
By Mariana_Juey

"Jazmine!"Huey shouted, walking towards the mirror. His cheeks had reddened and it wasn't because of the lipstick.

"You got your stupid makeup on my face!"he complained, wiping the red kiss mark from his cheek.

"Sorry, I was showing you my gratitude," Jazmine said, embracing him from behind.

"Oh Huey, I'm so so happy, I thought you forgot about me. I cried all day, but you made it all that go away," She said, buried her face against his back.

All of this touching was just too much for Huey. Bad enough, she kissed him, he felt so overwhelmed.

"Jazmine stop!" He yelled, grabbing her arms.

"Would you like a piece of cake?"Jazmine offered, trying to make him feel better.

" I don't want any damn cake because I really did forget about you. I had no idea it was your birthday until Ceaser told me. The only reason I brought you a gift because I felt pity for you." He said, pushing Jazmine.

Her face was filled with tears again and he cared, but he didn't want to care.

"I don't care about that stupid necklace, and most importantly, I don't care about your stupid birthday!"he yelled, storming out her room then he came back and yelled.

"And take off that damn makeup! You look like a damn clown!" Huey stormed out of her room again.



Huey rushed inside his bedroom with an attitude.

"Aaugh!" He expressed, knocking the lamp off his desk. He sat and crossed his arms. Riley, who witnessed the whole thing, looked at his enraged brother like he was crazy.

"What's wrong witchu?" Riley asked.

"Nothing, " he stated coldly. Riley grinned widely.

"Ooh, I know. You forgot Jazmine's birthday" Riley stated. "They had a whole birthday party and everything, but nobody came except me and Grandad" he explained.

Huey remained silent as Riley continued. "Yeah, Jazzy was being a crybaby so we took some cake to go. We were gonna save you some, but she had a big ass piece of cake for you at her crib. She actually thought ya ass was still coming" he said, laughing hysterically.

Huey didn't like to be laughed at.

"Shut up, " he hollered.

Riley stopped laughing and walked over to him.

"You mad or Nah?" he said, laughing again. He started taunting him about him forgetting Jazmine's birthday.

Huey growled and balled up his fist.

"Get out!" He said.

"Nigga, this my room too, you can't kick, Aah!" Riley screamed as Huey chased him out the room.

Huey laid flat on his bed thinking about how awful he treated Jazmine. Not to mention, he missed her birthday party. Then right when he gains a chance to make things better he yells at her and makes her cry once more.

All because he felt something, the feeling made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't understand it and when she hugged him the way she did made things even worse. Jazmine always hugged him, but this time was different because she kissed him. That soft kiss on his cheek reminded him so much of his mother. His actions towards Jazmine was just his natural reaction he gets when something reminded him of his parents.

He didn't intend to yell at her and hurt her feelings. He didn't want that, he just blacked out. Now he feels worse than he did before and he definitely didn't enjoy that feeling.

A soft knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Riley, I told you to go away!" He shouted.


The moment he heard that voice his heart sank.


He opened the door to see her still clothed in her pajamas the only difference she had washed off her makeup.

"And take off that damn makeup, you look like a damn clown!"

He winced at the thought of his words. He shouldn't have said that. He shouldn't have yelled at her in the first place.

Jazmine looked at him with concern in her eyes. He didn't like staring at her for too long, so he turned his back and stared at the window.

He heard her let out a sigh before speaking,

"Huey, I'm sorry, " she stated.

Wait, why was she apologizing?

"I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I didn't mean to put my makeup on you. I didn't mean to kiss you, I mean I did mean it because I"


"Yes?" She said, biting her lip.

"I," he shut his eyes. "I, " he articulated as if it was the hardest thing.

"Apologize" he muttered.

"What?"Jazmine said, caught off guard. Why did she have to be so stupid, she isn't stupid!

"What did you say?"she stated, smiling widely.

He sighed deeply and turned to face her. "I'm sorry, " he said loud enough for her to pick up.

He hated apologizing.

"Really?" Jazmine asked still in disbelief.

Huey sighs again "Yes Jazmine"

"Oh Huey," Jazmine said with tears in her eyes.

She ran to hug him, but she hesitated because she didn't want him to yell at her again.

Huey realized it and opened his arms for her. "It's fine, " he said. He let out a heavy grunt when she squeezed him with her arms, hugging him tightly.

"Thank You" she whispered.

No, thank you, he said in his mind. Because of her, he felt so much better.

She smiled and let him go. "Night Huey"

"Goodnight Jazmine"

She giggled and wave at him before departing.


He watched from the window, making certain she got inside to safety.

"Are we close yet?"Riley asked, feeling depleted from walking. "My knees hurt, no homo"

"Quit complaining," Huey said. " We're not even off the road yet"

"This is bullshit!"Riley yelled.

"Would you keep it down already!" Penelope said.

"Shut up hoe"

Penelope hit him upside his head with her gun.

"Ow!" Riley cried out.

"Next time won't be so nice" Penelope threatened.

Cindy glared at her as she helped Riley up.

Penelope chuckled and flicked her hair. While Huey shook his head.


"Jose" Veronica whispered.

"¿Que esta pasando?(What's going on?)," He said.

"What you believe is going to happen when we this is all over," Veronica asked


"Jose," she said, hitting his shoulder

" If in the end, we survive this. I don't know what's bound to happen. I'm not God" he said, looking at Ming who was holding hands with Hiro as they walked. " But I know things will never be the same"

"That's what I'm afraid of," Veronica said.

"Me too," he said.


Hiro felt Ming hands shivering as he held her hand. For the first time, she expressed fear. He sighed and squeezed her hand .

"It's going to be okay babe, " Hiro stated." I promise, " he stated, kissing her hand.

She smiled weakly and leaned on his shoulder. " I love you babe" she stated.

"I love"


They gasped and turned back to Veronica and Jose who looked equally shocked as they did. Everyone looked across to see Huey and the rest giving them the same look.

"What the hell was that!" Penelope said." Did any of you"

"No, it came from over there!" Hiro said, pointing towards the end of the road.

Everyone stopped at the trace as they notice they were close to the city streets of downtown. They can hear slight screams and explosive sounds. They all assembled in the middle of the road.

Before anyone can speak their phones buzzed in their pockets.

"Our phones are back on!"Cindy exclaimed.

At the same time, everyone pulled out their phones to check, but each phone was still out of service, but an emergency message was presented on each screen. Together they clicked on the message and read out loud.

"Attention children of America. You may be aware that your guardians are no longer around to live, support, feed, and shelter you. You are not alone, you have each other, but be aware there is hell to come. For decades, you've been irresponsible, selfish, disrespectful, and disruptive. Now you will all pay the price. For the next few weeks. All laws including murder are legal. All emergency services will be suspended. You are free to do whatever you desire. Weapons are available, it's up to you to find them. Our purge organization will use those weapons against you. This is The Purge!Some of you will survive, most of you will die. It's up to you to fight back or face your fate. The choice is yours to take. The purge has already begun. This is not a hoax. If you are unable to access protection, hide in your homes. May God be with you soon." They read as terror filled their eyes.

The females in the group gasped dramatically. Cindy covered her mouth and wept along with Veronica. Ming held on to Hiro while Penelope stood in shock. She looked at Huey and grabbed his wrist.

"What will we do!" She sounded out in panic mode. "I can't go now, I won't die now!" Veronica said.a said.

" I'm only 15!" Riley stated. "I'm too young for this shit"

"This can't be happening,"Jose said.

"Everyone calm the hell down!" Huey shouted. Every once mouths shut.

"Listen once we go off this road, we won't be safe. There're people out there out to kill anyone with no mercy!"Huey shouted. "You all read that text, our only hope is to keep moving and fight back if necessary," Huey explained.

Everyone nods their heads in Tears drop from their eyes except Huey. Huey. He didn't want to show any sign of weakness, though, on the inside, he was terrorized. Not for his life, but for his brother, his friends, and most of all, Jazmine.


Jazmine sat at the kitchen table with Charlie. They had mugs of hot chocolate in their hands as they converse. They got along well because they were very alike.

"So," Jazmine said. " How did you and Adam met?" Jazmine asked.

Charlie smiled as she reminisces. "Do you remember when Adam's letter mentioned something about him saving a girl from a fire?" She brought up.

Jazmine nodded her head.

"Well, " she blushed "I'm that girl, " she revealed.

"I was very young at the time. I lived with my father, but one day he forgot to burn out his cigarette. Next thing we knew, the house was on fire. " She explained.

"My father tried to save me, but the fire was too strong. I was stuck upstairs while the firefighters were pulling my father to safety,"she explained. "He hollered for them to help me, but they assumed I was dead. I believed I was going to die until this brave boy appeared in my room" she said proudly.

"I don't know how he did it, but he saved my life that night," She said. "After that we became the best of friends and soon fell deeply in love with other,"

"Wow, that's incredible," Jazmine said, wishing Huey would save her like that.

"Yeah, it was" Charlie stated. "So what's your story?"


"You know that guy Huey, how did you two meet?"

"It isn't as romantic as your story, It's pretty simple. He moved to Woodcrest when I was ten and I was his neighbor. I had the biggest crush on him. I would follow him around, though he would tell me to go away. " She explained. "He was my best friend, my only friend, at first, but then he made new friends and so did I," Jazmine said.

"As we got older, we grew apart, but we remained friends"

"Oh," Charlie said." Do you love him?"

Jazmine's cheeks turned a crimson color. " Why would you ask me that?" She inquired, trying to cover her cheeks.

"Because I can distinguish by the look in your eyes. When you say his name they sparkle" Charlie said.


"Yeah," Charlie laughed. "So how do you feel about him?" She inquired.

"I'm in love with him."

Charlie smiled widely with approval.

"But he doesn't love me back," Jazmine said, letting down her head." There's somebody else"

Her smile dropped, "Ooh, I'm sorry," Charlie stated.

"Excuse me," she Jazmine said, getting up from her seat.

"Jazmine, wait," Charlie said. She let out a sigh.

Jazmine eyes were beginning to water as she walked away. Her sight was beginning to blur so she didn't realize she was walking towards someone.


She yelped as she felt herself fall, but instead she landed in someone's arms. It was that stalker guy again, Damien.

" Are you okay?" He inquired.

Jazmine pulled away. "I would be fine if you watch where you're going!" she said with an attitude.

"Hey, you bumped into me, " he argued.

"Just leave me alone," Jazmine said as she let out a squall.

He passed her a confused look as she cried dramatically. " Do you always cry so much?" He inquired.

"Go away!"she screamed.

"Look, I'm sorry, " he stated, walking towards her.

She flinched when he touched her and back away.

He walked towards her once more, but this time, he grabbed her hands."Stop crying!" He said, but she didn't give up.

He conveyed a deep breath and licked his lips." I can help you get away, " he alleged.

Jazmine immediately stopped crying. "What?"

"I will help you get out of here, but you have to trust me" he whispered.

"How can I trust you?" She demanded.

"Because I want to leave too"


Charlie was teaching Jazmine tips on how to control her asthma when they heard a sound of someone scream.


They both gasped at the same time.

"What's that?" Jazmine asked.

Before Charlie could answer,

"Help Someone!" A person yelled, banging on their front door.

"Adam!" Charlie panicked.

"Help me! Please!" He cried out urgently.

Adam ran downstairs along with Damien. Jazmine was the first to race towards the door, but Adam stopped her.

"No one opens that door!" Adam demanded.

Everyone stood in fright as Adam switch on the surveillance camera to discover a dark skinned teenage boy with blood on his clothes. He was sweating with tears coursing down his eyes. He looked as if he had been beaten badly.

"Help... Me!" He pleaded. " They're coming to get me!" He proclaimed.

"We have to help him!" Jazmine screamed.

"We can't trust him" Adam shouted.

The boy started to heave as he heard laughter. His eyes widened in fear. He knew they were coming for him. He likewise knew that someone was watching him. He looked into the camera and pleaded.

"Please, please, I don't want to die, not like this!" He begged.

"Please, he's afraid! "Jazmine pleaded, looking at Charlie, but she shook her head woefully. "Sorry Jazmine, we can trust him," she said.

"What?"Jazmine said. They can't be serious!

"But you allowed me in why can't you help him?" Jazmine asked.

"She has a point. We should let him in"Damien said.

"No!" Adam shouted. "No one touches this door!"

Jazmine shivered at the tone of his voice.

They watched as four white teenage boys wearing KKK robes walked towards the teenage boy slowly with deadly weapons in their hands.

"Get here, Blackie!" One shouted.

The boy attempted to run, but he was struck with an arrow. He screamed in agony and his body collapsed on the boys laughed, racist slurs came out their mouths as they stabbed him repeatedly.

Charlie couldn't bear to watch any longer, she buried her face in Adam's chest while Adam lowered his head. Damien covered Jazmine's mouth to prevent her from crying as she watched in horror.

Tears ran down her eyes as she watched the boy's lifeless body bleed to death.

The boys continue to stab him, blood splattering everywhere. They stopped and slit his throat, then they cheered and shouted out "White power" waving their confederate flags.

Jazmine was so overwhelmed she started hibernating, Damien ran to get her inhaler while Charlie tried to aid her, but she pushed Charlie away. She walked towards the kitchen, but she didn't make it because she slipped on the floor.

"Take This!" Damien urged her, but she smacked his hand away.

"Charlie help!" He exclaimed.

Jazmine looked as if she was suffering an attack so Damien panicked and grabbed the inhaler. He took hold of the back of her neck and force the inhaler in her mouth and pressed down.

He watched as Jazmine's eyes closed in relief. Her body got more relaxed. She didn't say a word, she laid on the ground on her back. She stared blankly at the ceiling as a single tear dropped from her eyes. Damien sighs and looked over to Charlie and Adam with guilt in their eyes. Adam opened his mouth to speak, only didn't know what to say, so he went upstairs and Charlie ran after him.


" Jackson! You're free to go," the officer shouted, letting him out his cell.

Cairo was in disbelief, but he didn't say a word except. "Thanks, " he supposed.

Before he could move the officer grabbed his arm roughly. "You will be back here in no time, so don't get too comfortable"

Cairo gave him a malicious smile. "Aw somebody misses me already"

"Shut up punk!" The officer stated, pushing him forward.

"Keep moving, " he postulated.

As soon as Cairo was released He spotted a dark limousine waited for him.

"The fuck," he stated as he walked closer to the driver man that looked alike like Alfred.

"Mr. Jackson, he awaits you, " The man said, opening the door for him to get inside.

Cairo's from the hood, he doesn't go jumping into a stranger's car, yet it was million dollar limousine.


"Who are you?"Cairo demanded.

"I am Benjamin, I will be your driver today"he pronounced. "Now if you don't mind, I don't like to be late, so please get in" he said.

Cairo shrugged his shoulders and climbed up into the limo anyway.

"Where are you taking me?" He demanded.

"You have a meeting with the boss, "he stated.

"The boss?" He asked.

Oh shit, these niggas must be the mafia! He thought to himself.

"The boss?"he said. "Who's the boss?"

I have said enough enjoy the ride" The driver stated.

Did this Alfred ass nigga just tell me to enjoy the ride? Cairo thought.

He proceeded to question the driver, however, the driver remained silent. Cairo attempt to make a run out the car but the car was on child lock.

"Shit, " he murmured. It was a long ride until he eventually arrived at the destination, Washington DC. His eyes widened as the car parked near the gate entrance where four security guards stood, wearing dark suits and shades with large guns in their arms, looking like the Men in Black.

One of them walked towards the car and knocked on the window. Fake Alfred rolled down his window and spoke

"Good Afternoon Sir, I'm Benjamin Peterson. I'm here to lead this young man to his meeting with the president" the driver explained.

A meeting with the President?

"What is the name of the young man?" The guard asked.

"Cairo Jackson"

The man pushed a button on his earpiece and said something, then he nodded his head and signal the men to open the gates.

Cairo was in reverence at the sight of the White House. He never imagined walking into a house that was so gigantic, bright and clean. When he first arrived, they made him to go through five metal detectors and one medical examination. Once he was clear, they placed a name tag on his shirt.

A fine white assistant lady gave him a tour, he didn't really care for the tour. He enjoyed the way her ass jiggled in that tight skirt she was wearing, damn hormones. That's what happens when you end up in jail for so the tour, they finally took him to the main office where President Ronald Trumpet sat.

"Jackson, you're here!" He proclaimed. "Come, have a seat" He exclaimed.

Cairo squinted his eyes, he never truly liked this man. He was nothing but a white supremacist. He never understood how a rich former reality star and millionaire become the president of the United privilege does indeed exist. Argh! He sounded like Huey Freeman, ugh that nigga he thought.

He stirred the thoughts away and sat down.

"Why am I here Mr. President"

President Trumpet gave him a broad grin. He felt his stomach crawl and he normally doesn't feel this way because he's a real nigga, but there was something about that look that was very evil pure evil.

"I have a position for you that's going to alter your life forever," he said.

"How so," Cairo asked.

President Trumpet laughed hysterically and snapped his fingers. Once he did, two men walked into the room with a big suitcase. They put the suitcase in front of Cairo and opened it.

Cairo gasped, he had never witnessed so much money in his life.

"That's one hundred thousand dollars!" President Trumpet said. "And it's all yours," he stated. Cairo ran his hands along the money and looked at it like it was gold.

"There's more where that came from" President Trumpet assured him.

This is too good to be true, Cairo thought

"What's the gimmick? What do you want from me?" He demanded.

President Trumpet lets out a chuckle, "I'm glad you inquired. I need you to help me start an organization, " he expressed.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to make an army, a team to work for me to help make America great again!"

"Isn't that what you stated during the election, guess you aren't a man of your words after all"Cairo said.

"Don't you dare doubt me, boy!"President Trumpet warned.

"The names Cairo, Cairo Lamar Jackson!"Cairo shouted back. "Get it right!"

"Hahaha! I like you. Let me inquire you a Query, you like to murder?"

"Is that a trick question. That's what I got bookee for" Cairo exclaimed.

"Then this the best position for you. You should know that I'm all about my money, so when the something erupts it, I destroy it."

"What the fuck are you talking about!"Cairo shouted.

"This state is suffering because its overpopulated. We're running out of resources and jobs. Commercial enterprises are running slow. Too much staff and money is being wasted. Too many adolescents are having babies. Too many Democrats are living in the regime and not working. Too many Blacks and Latinos are going to jail overflowing the prisons, which are causing us to squander more money building more prisons. The crime rate is increasingly high and the Republican class is paying the price!"He shouted.

"Most significantly, there's too many damn immigrants!"

"So?" Cairo said bored.

" So there needs to be a change! I have already spoken to congress about this issue and they concur that they need population control. And then I came up with a proposal, " he explained.

"Which is"

"Let's just say I want to start a Dirty War of my own. American version. "He said viciously.

Cairo heard about The dirty War in history class when he was in 6th grade. It required the government of Argentina setting out a plan to eliminate citizens they felt were a "threat" so he ordered the military dictatorship to help him massacre his own people. In result, 10,000 to 30,000 citizens were tortured and murdered. Others "vanished" they were caught by the authorities and never heard from again.

"You desire to alienate citizens in the United States!"Cairo exclaimed.

"Well, not necessarily, just a few," President Trumpet said. "I just want to eliminate your generation because they are the ones who are doing the most damage," he said.

"What? You're insane!"Cairo shouted, getting up to exit.

"Then you go back to your thug life and end up in jail or dead like your friend"

Cairo stopped in his tracks.

"Don't speak of him!" Cairo shouted.

"Or do you desire to live freely and rich and have whatever desire. Jackson, imagine how your life can be if you were a millionaire like me. You would never have to in poverty again. Most of all, you can finally get your sister out that crack house she lives in," he mentioned.

Cairo felt a knot in his core, he would do anything to have his little sister back. She was sent to a foster family while his mother was sent to rehab. The sole reason he wasn't sent away was because he was 17 basically an adult.

"If you join me, I will give you back your little sister and your mother if you like. You can have your family back" he said.

My family back, Cairo thought.

"The choice is yours" The President stated, sliding the contract towards him."I decline to sign anything without a lawyer. And I want that promise you currently made on file!"Cairo demanded.

"Wise young man you are, I'm impressed." The President said. "Very well, I'll provide you a lawyer and I'll make a new contract," he said.

The next say the president did as he said. He hired Cairo a lawyer to look over the new contract with him. Once Cairo understood every word written, he signed his name.

"Good doing business with you!" The President stated, shaking Cairo's hand.


Tia screamed as Cairo held her face still, forcing her to watch as the guys beat and assault two girls all at once. They looked only twelve years of age, but they were probably older.

She shut her eyes tightly, but it wasn't enough. She could hear the sounds of the guys grunting within every stroke and the painful sounds of the girls cries. One girl had managed to get away, but she didn't get far because they shot a bullet through her head. The other girl screamed.

"Someone shut that bitch up!" The only female in the masked group yelled.

She walked over to the crying girl and hit her face. The girl screeched as she held her nose that was dripping with blood.

They were about to cast her out her misery, but Cairo yelled


Everyone did as he said and looked his way.

"Not this one, " he alleged.

Tia blew her breath in relief, believing that they were sparing the poor girl's life.

However, by the way, Cairo was grinning at her told her differently.

"Hey Beautiful, " he stated, pulling her arm. He positioned her in front of him and whispered in her ear.

"Turn me on baby," he said seductively.

He whistled and one of crew mates walked over and handed him a caliber. Tia whimpered as she thought of Ceaser. She was going to die and she knew it. They must have figured her out.

She was in for a surprise when Cairo placed the gun in her hands and stood behind her, forcing her to hold it.

"It's time for you to show me that you are worthy, " he whispered in her ear. He forced her body forward, making her walk closer to the crying girl.

"No, " she whispered as she understood what he wanted her to do.

"In order for you join us, you have to kill a life to gain one" he alleged, pushing her closer so that the gun was touching the girl's forehead. The girl was weeping, pleading for her life with her eyes.

"No, I can't, I won't" Tia yelled.

"You will or die with her!"

"You need me alive to help me find Huey!" Tia shouted.

Cairo laughed, "That's where you're incorrect. I know you aren't who you said you are. In your home, I viewed a picture of all of you together and you weren't the girl Huey's were close to. You're just the best friend's girlfriend." He stated. Tia felt her heart thumping rapidly.

"So if you want to survive, you have to do whatever I say!" He demanded.

Tia thought about the baby in her womb. She couldn't let him or her die, but she couldn't kill this innocent girl either. Her hands shivered because she was afraid and undecided.

"Pull the fucking trigger!" Cairo roared. He was beginning to grow impatient.

Tia let out three deep breaths as she ultimately came to a decision. She looked into the girl's deep hazel eyes. I'm, I'm, so sorry, " she whispered, shutting her eyes as she pulled the trigger.


The sound of the gun was heard and blood splashed all over her face as the girl body fell down lifelessly.

"Good girl," Cairo said, kissing her bloody cheek.

He removed the gun away from her and let her go. Tia dropped to her knees and let out a shriek.

"I'm so sorry!"Tia said repeatedly as she sobbed over the dead Girl's corpse.

Cairo stood by the masked girl and turned to her. "Linda doesn't this look familiar, " he stated with amusement in his voice.

The masked girl nodded slowly, but under her mask, tears were flowing down her eyes because it reminded her of the time she killed her twin sisters.

After moments of Tia's cries, Cairo, and the rest took her to their Van.

Tia stood quietly with red eyes as Cairo walked closer to her with a mask. It was different from the mask the other girl had which was a woman smiling face mask with blonde braids.

The one Cairo had in his hand was different. It was a white depressed face masquerade with black tears under the eyes and red lipstick along the lips.

Tia didn't move as he placed the mask on her face. She was still in shock that she killed somebody. She still couldn't believe it.

She will never forget those hazel eyes.

"Congratulations, You passed the test. You are now a part of the Purge" Cairo said, taking her shoulders.

Those eyes will haunt her forever.

Everyone cheered, pounding their fist in the air and chanting "Purge! Purge! Purge! Purge!"

Aww, cheer up, you look sexy" Cairo said. " The first time is always the worse, but once you grow used to it, you will enjoy it," he said.

"You're going to have fun!" The mask girl said.

"I'm going to hell" Tia mumbled.


Adam sat on the bed, staring at an old picture of the love of his life, Charlie.

Her crystal blue eyes that take so much innocence and her pale white skin that make her look like an angel. Her long dirty blonde hair, her beautiful reddish highlights. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever encountered. Charlie exclaimed as she raced towards him.

"Are you alright?" She inquired.

"You are definitely perfection" he stated, gazing at her picture. "How did I deserve a woman like you," he said.

"Baby, " she articulated. He exhaled deeply as she places her soft hand on his shoulder.

"I should have let that boy inside. He was just a youngster and I let him die a painful death. All because I was a coward" he stated. Charlie kneeled in front of him and held his face.

"No, don't ever say that because you are the most courageous man I ever laid eyes on," she said.

"You aren't a coward, you did what you did to protect us. If we would have let him in, they would have murdered us all!"she exclaimed.

"As selfish as it sounds, You did what you had to do to protect us," Charlie said.

Adam sighs and glanced at Charlie, who had tears in her eyes. "I did it to protect you," he said with deep emotion, his face show none.

"I know, " she said. "I love you," she articulated.

"I love you more," he said, leaning in for a kiss.

" Hey," Damien said calmly to get Jazmine's attention, but her eyes were still glued to the ceiling as she placed on her back.

"Everything's going to be alright" he reassured her.

"That boy begged us to help him and we watched those guys beat him to his death. We watched him suffer, we're monsters" she expressed.

" That isn't true, there was nothing we could have done" Damien exclaimed.

"We could have saved his life!" she shouted.


"My friends are going to die too, aren't they?" She inquired.

Damien shook his head "No, you don't know that"

"They're probably already dead, " she stated. "Huey," she said, her lips quivered when she spoke of his name.

"I won't ever see him again, " She said, allowing her tears to fall.

"There's still a chance"

"I can't leave now," she said, cutting him off. "I wouldn't survive out there which means if he is alive, he will never find me, " she cried." He must think I'm dead" she stated.

Damien didn't say a word, he just watched her long wet lashes blink tears out.

"I can't trust them," she said, referring to Charlie and Adam. " I can't trust anyone"

Damien took hold of her hand and squeezed it gently. "You can trust me" she removed her hand from his.

"Oh Huey," She said, covering her face as she wept hysterically.

Damien looked at her sadly and allowed her to express her pain.


Huey and the rest walked smoothly in a line as they travel the city streets. Dead bodies were on the ground, they could hear horror sounds of people shouting and gunshots. The plan was to hide in each corner, stay together, and travel quiet areas. They traveled where the lights were shut. They didn't dare travel to where the street lights stood tall.

At first, their method worked, but then when they had to cross the street, they spotted a heavyweight girl on the roof with a machine gun, shooting in the air."

"All my life I was betrayed, abused, and judged by the same boys that claimed they loved me. I experienced abuse mentally and physically for years and years. My sisters who were skinnier and prettier always got mother's attention while I was called names like fat, ugly" she shouted.

"Those whores at school thought they were better than me," she yelled."But I got them all right, including my sisters and mother!"

They hide behind the garbage dump carefully so she wouldn't recognize them.

"Oh hell Nah! This bitch is crazy!"Riley exclaimed.

"Shit, what do we do now"Penelope whispered.

"We will keep moving, "Huey said.

"What! Are you insane? That girl will kill us all!"Ming exclaimed.

Everyone shook their head in agreement.

"We have no other option, there isn't another way," Huey said. "We will have to cross one by one"


"It's the only way this will work. If we all go at one time, she will spot us"Huey explained.

"Why can't we shoot her!" Veronica said.

"Her gun has more power than ours and Riley and I are the only experienced shooters and we need to save our bullets.I don't want to risk anything"He explained.

"This is loca"

"If we stand here, we will be killed," Huey said.

Everyone looked at each other as they came to an agreement. "Okay, then who goes first?"Jose asked.

"I'll go"Huey volunteered.

"Huey no,"Penelope said, pulling his arm. "Do you want to pass first?"he asked. She let go of his arm and shook her head no.

"I'm going to make my move now. She's Isn't looking" Huey said.

"Be careful?" Penelope said.

"Yeah, don't die, Huey," Jose said.

"He got this, " Riley said, growing angry.

Huey gave them one last nod before making his first motion, performing a dive roll. Everyone felt their heart beating as they feared for their Huey's life, but before they could take a chance to blink their eyes. Huey was already on the other side.

"Goddamn that was some ninja shit," Riley said in disbelief. Huey waved his hand for the next person to pass.

Everyone looked at each other afraid to go, then finally Riley went for it. Unlike Huey, who act every bit if he was in the army, Riley walked as He observed the girl, making sure she didn't spot him.

Once he made out to the center, he said "Fuck this" and fled the rest of the way.

Huey blew his breath in relief as Riley made it. Riley signaled Cindy to go next, but her legs shuddered excessively.

"Cindy, come on!"Riley whispered.

Cindy's mind told her to go, but her body wouldn't move, so instead Penelope went and successfully made it. Then it was Hiro, Then Ming, then Jose. The remaining was Veronica and Cindy. Veronica was going to next, but she paused. She looked at Cindy, who was frozen.

"I can't move, I'm scared" Cindy admitted.

"Me too," Veronica said.

"Psst!" Huey, Riley, Hiro, and Ming were waving and signaling them to proceed.

But they were too afraid.

"I killed them all!" The girl shouted. "Now I will wipe out anyone who stands in my way!" She shouted.

Cindy never felt so frightened in her life. She began crying softly, torn between contradictory emotions. "I can't, "she said.

Veronica took her hand, " You can, we can" she said. "Together, " she stated.

Cindy wiped her tears and looked over to Riley, who looked like he was terrorized. She appeared back at Veronica, who licked her lips nervously. "Let's cross together, " she advised.

Cindy nodded in agreement."Okay, "she stated.

"On the count of three,"Veronica said.


"Two," Cindy said.

"Three!" They both pronounced as they went for it.

"No!" They all whispered when they realize the girl on the roof had spotted Cindy and Veronica.


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