A Wistful Ocean (Natsu Dragne...

By california1698

22.5K 465 31

What if it wasn't Lisanna that 'died' and went to Edolas? What if it was someone else? Another childhood frie... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Gaining a Sister
Natsu, Alexis and the Dragon Eggs
Fairy Tail Tradegy
Fairy Hunters
Edolas Kingdom
The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon
The kids back then!
Xena vs Knightwalker
I'm Standing Right Here!
Bye-Bye Edolas
Welcome Home
Author's Note
Subclass of Sloth Preview

Dragon Sense

920 27 3
By california1698

Everyone gasps as Pantherlily falls to the earth. "You pathetic traitor. You're not a noble exceed, you're just a lousy fallen. To think you'd forget your debt to our king and dare betray his orders." Knightwalker scowled.

"It's the Edolas Erza." Natsu gasped. "The one called Knightwalker!" Happy stated. "Oh Lily." Coco whimpered. Gajeel glares at the red head. "Heartless broad. You're gonna pay."

"No! We have to do something to help Lily." Chagot begged, reaching out her paw. "It's too dangerous Chagot." A old male exceed told her. "Don't worry Your Highness. I'll go down there and take care of him for you." A female exceed said, before she flew down to Pantherlily.

"Xena!" Knightwalker scowled as she glares at said girl. "Knightwalker." Xena mumbled. "Let us handle this." Mystogan said, holding up his arm at her as she looks at him and Luna.

"I've had enough of your insolence Captain Knightwalker. How dare you point your sword at my sister and I! The royal children of Edolas!" Mystogan declared.

"Royal... children?" Xena whispered in shock while Knightwalker glares at the royal siblings.

Suddenly, laughing was heard. "You two, the royal children of Edolas? Don't make me laugh. You don't deserve the title because I never thought of you as my children!"

"That's the king's voice." Coco noticed. "Yeah. Where the heck is he?" Lucy asked. "You have some nerve. You can't run off for seven years and then suddenly waltz back in as though nothing happened." Faust said.

"Do you think you can fool me? I know you've been in Earthland sealing all of the Animas. You're both traitors! And as such, you must be punished for your actions!"

"Where's that voice coming from?" Wendy asked, looking around. "I have no idea but he certainly sounds angry, doesn't he?" Carla said. "Come on! Show yourself bucko!" Natsu yelled. "Come out and face us!" Happy shouted.

"Your Anima plan has failed. Please surrender peacefully." Mystogan said. "You've no reason to fight anymore!" Luna stated.

A green light glows up on the ground. "Ridiculous! Who says I need a reason to fight." Faust said. Gray gasps. Do you guys hear that? It sounds like it's coming from underground."

"Feel the magic power building up in the air?" Lucy asked. "This is not a simple fight. No! This is retribution! The extermination of all who would dare to oppose their king!" Faust yelled as a big egg-shaped metal thing came out of the ground.

"What is that thing?" Lucy asks in fear. "Some kind of magic weapon?" Gray questioned. "Since you and your meddlesome friends insist on standing in my way, I've no choice but to obliterate each and every one of you! Regardless of who you are!" Faust shouted as the chains holding the metal thing down, snaps and releases it.

"Father please." Mystogan and Luna plead.

Faust's eyes widen in anger. "I'm not your father. I am the King of Edolas!" The machine glows until it came apart. "If I dispose of you here and now, I'll no longer have to worry about you sealing my Animas in Earthland. I'll be free to create another giant lacrima and fuse it with the Exceeds. Limitless magic power will be mine!" Faust yelled.

"Oh no." Chagot whispered in worry and shock.

"Hahahahaha! Try as you might, there is no stopping me!" Faust cackled as the metal thing reveals itself to be a giant armoured dragon. Mystogan and Luna gasp as they saw the mechanical beast.

"I am the King! My power is absolute!" The king bellowed. The old generation of the exceeds mutter among themselves in fear. "Dorma Anim." Chagot gasps in terror.

"The Dorma Anim. Form our old language, it means Dragon Knight." Mystogan explains. "It's advanced dragon armour!" Luna stated.

"A dragon?" Natsu tch'd. "Certainly looks like one. Don't you guys think so?" Happy asked the others. "Is it magic armour?" Wendy questioned curiously. "It's unlike any I've ever seen before." Carla said.

"It's an enhanced armour made from a anti-magic lacrima called Wizard Canceller. It's bad news for us because our attacks won't have any effect on it. The king must be inside of it. He's controlling the Dorma Anim's every move." Coco explained.

The Dorma Anim's mouth opened to reveal a laser cannon. "As your king, I order you to capture the exceeds at once!" Faust ordered. "Yes sir!" The soldiers yell as they follow their king's orders.

"Hurry! Fly for your lives!" The royal twins yell and the exceeds begin flying away in fear and terror. "They're getting away!" Knightwalker called out. The soldiers began firing their cannons at the exceeds. One by one, the exceeds were turning into lacrimas. "After them!" Knightwalker bellowed. "Yes Captain!"

"Do your best to protect the exceeds from the royal army, while I try to take down Knightwalker." Xena said to Lucy. "You got it." Said girl replied.

Lucy looks back at Natsu. "Well look at you. Good job, I thought riding on this Legion would make you nauseous. Did you have Wendy cast a troia spell to help you with your motion sickness?" She asked. Natsu glares at her with distress lines running down his face.

"Jeez. Why would I be nauseous when I'm not even riding on a vehicle. This guy's lending us a hand as our ally. Man you're cruel." He groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry, that's my mistake. I thought you looked like you were gonna barf but it's just your ugly face." Lucy replied sarcastically with a sweat drop. She never noticed Xena glaring at her in annoyance for that comment.

"We've gotta stop that monster. Quit bickering and help me out losers." Gray said. "Hey! Who are you calling a loser?!" Natsu shouted in anger. 'Looks like they haven't changed one bit.' Xena thought, smiling.

"I wouldn't go near that thing if I were you. Your magic is useless against it." Coco stated. "We'll just have to dodge it's attacks. We must do what we can to protect the exceeds. They're completely defenceless right now." Mystogan said.

"Alright. Here goes!" Natsu yelled and the Legion flies off. Faust cackles. "Think you can dodge me? We'll see. I will obliterate anyone who gets in my way!" The Dorma Anim begins charging up an attack. "I won't let a single human escape my wrath! Begone!" He hollered as he shoots a blast at the Legion.

Everyone flinches, waiting for the attack to hit, but the twins intercept the spell with their own magic. "Mystogan! Luna!" Xena cried out to them.

"Mystogan? Luna? Don't tell me they're the names you've chose to be called in Earthland! Your names are Jellal and Alexis!" Faust yelled.

"Xena! Get out of here while you still can!" Luna shouted to her. "What about you and Mystogan?!" Xena asked in worry. "Forget about us!" Mystogan answered back. "Will they be okay?" Lucy asked. "Yeah. They've got this." Natsu said, confident that they'll be alright.

Mystogan chants out a spell. "Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water!" The spell reflects the blast back towards the Dorma Anim. "What? He reflected my attack." Faust said in astonishment before he was hit.

"Think that got him?" Gray asks. "Oh wow. Mystogan's so powerful!" Lucy said in awe. The smoke cleared and the Dorma Anim was still standing. "Goodness, that tickled." Faust laughed.

"It's not even scratched." Natsu gasped in shock. "You're kidding." Lucy said. "That's crazy." Gray stated.

"Behold, this is the power of the great Wizard Canceller! You can attack with all your might but it will not stop me! The Dorma Anim is impervious to all forms of magic!" Faust shot another attack at the twins. The attack hits and Xena gasps in shock.


A young boy was running after hiding a little girl, keeping her safe but the boy was shot from behind and falls to the ground unconscious as the girl's eyes, peeking from her hiding place, widen in horror.

~End of Flashback~

Mystogan and Luna yell in pain as they fall off of their Legion. "JELLAL!!" Xena screams out loud, still caught in the memory.

Faust laughs. "The mighty Prince and Princess has fallen. I'm sure they'll feel right at home, crawling along the ground with the other pests!" The soldiers were continuing capturing the exceeds.

Gray grits his teeth. "Alright. Ice-Make: Lance-" He was cut off when the Legion suddenly jerked, avoiding the attacks. "Man, talk about a rough ride." Gray joked, sweating nervously. "It'd make anybody sick, not just Natsu!" Lucy commented with a sheepish smile.

The king was celebrating with glee as hundreds of exceed-turned-lacrimas fall from the sky. Faust continued laughing, firing an endless number of blasts.

"This sucks! How are we supposed to fight while we're dodging this thing?" Gray asked in frustration. "Hang in there Legie." Coco comforts her Legion. "What now? We've gotta do something." Lucy said.

Happy then raises his paw as if he came up with the best idea. "Let's use Lucy as a decoy to distract the dragon thing!"

"Great idea Happy!" Patch agreed with his fellow exceed. "Shut your faces, fish breath!" Lucy glares at them in annoyance. "Just saying." Happy said. "No need to get so worked up." Patch shrugged.

"Now now, we have to stay focused you three." Carla reminds them. Xena silently chuckles, happy that those two haven't changed as well.

The Dorma Anim was then unexpectedly, attacked. "What was that?" Faust asked in confusion. The Dragon Knight was hit again from below. "Who's attacking? I don't understand. The Dorma Anim shouldn't be affected by their magic attacks." Faust stated, looking around.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!" Wendy yelled, breathing out a huge hurricane of wind magic at the Dorma Anim. "You... little brat!" Faust growled in anger as the Dorma Anim skids to a stop.

Wendy lands between Natsu and Gajeel. "Pretty impressive job kiddo." Natsu praises her. "Thank you. But I'm sure the two of you can cause a whole lot more damage then I can." Wendy stated. Gajeel glares at the Dorma Anim. "Geezer, you're gonna regret hurting my cat."

"It was you. I should have known." Faust said as he stares at the dragon slayers.

"Natsu!" Happy and Patch call out to their friend. "Please be careful." Carla said, mainly worried about Wendy. "You can do it!" Lucy yells down to them.

"We're good. Just keep the cats safe." Natsu said, shadows over his eyes. "In that case, I'll leave it to you." Xena said, believing that Natsu and the others will defeat the Dorma Anim.

"Are you sure they're gonna be able to handle that monster all by themselves?" Lucy asked, scared for them.

Gray scoffs. "Don't be ridiculous. Of course they can. Who better to fight a dragon, than those who were trained to defeat them. They're the only ones who stand a chance. The Dragon Slayers."

The dragon slayers start battling the Dorma Anim. Meanwhile above, the soldiers were still capturing the exceeds.

"This is horrible." Happy said. "I can still hear their screaming." Carla whispers in sadness. "The royal army's almost caught up." Xena states. "I can't believe there's so many of them." Gray commented. "What'll we do?" Lucy asked.

"There's only one thing we can do and we have to stop them before it's too late. The exceeds are counting on us." Xena said.

"I wanna help you fight Xena." Happy says in determination. "You can count me in." Patch adds. "Me too. We have to do whatever we can to protect our homeland." Carla states, agreeing to fight alongside the others.

"I've been waiting for you, Xena." Knightwalker said, appearing in front of them. "What exactly do you want with me?" Xena asked in annoyance and frustration. Knightwalker merely chuckles, as if she found something amusing.

"Oh no, it's a trap!" Gray called out in realisation. "We've been ambushed!" Lucy squeaked in fright. "Let's get out of here Legie." Coco tells her Legion and it obeys.

Hundreds of blasts were shot into the sky while the Legion flies through but unfortunately, it got hit. Everyone falls off the Legion. "Legie! Noooo!" Coco cries out in despair, reaching for her Legion.

Everyone falls down from the air. "Happy! Patch!" Carla yelled. "Aye Sir!" The exceeds grow their wings and fly to the others.

"Those who dare to threaten our king. Cannot be allowed to live. We must make sure none of them escape. Head to the surface!" Knightwalker orders her men. "Yes Captain!"

Carla struggles to carry Coco as the girl won't stop moving around. "Please! You've got to stop flailing child, unless you want me to drop you!"

"We have to rescue Legie!" Coco shouts as she continued flailing about. "Thanks a lot Patch." Gray thanked the green exceed holding him. "Hey! You heard her. Quit squirming or else!" Gray told Coco as she finally stops moving.

"Oh man! You're so heavy!" Happy complained as he carries Lucy. "You're so dead if you drop me cat!" Lucy growls at him.

Knightwalker heard one of her men cry out and looks to see the problem. "Hold on, did we forget someone?" Happy asked. "Yeah. Where's Xena?" Lucy questioned as she realized it too.

Xena was hanging on a chain, that was wrapped around a Legion's neck. The black-nette glares her visible violet eye at Knightwalker.

Xena swings herself into the air towards Knightwalker. Said captain swung her spear up in time to counteract Xena's blade. They give a few swings at each other.

"Trying to sneak up on me?" Knightwalker snarls. "I'm ready to finish this once and for all! I've had enough of you!" Xena yelled in anger. Knightwalker pushes her spear causing Xena to flip away, off of the Legion.

Knightwalker jumps after her. "Get to the surface men! I can handle this one myself!" She stated as her and Xena land on a deserted floating island. "Yes Captain!" The men yell as they fly to the surface.

"Huh. The ruins of one of the retched cats' ancient cities. This looks like the perfect place for your grave." Knightwalker said.

"Wishful thinking. I will not die by your hand." Xena snarled. "I hate that someone with my Erza's face, could ever cause Fairy Tail so much pain!" She drags her pointer and middle fingers across her blade, making it glow a bright blue.

"Well I hate that a fellow captain, would bare their fangs at the king!" Knightwalker yelled as her spear glows.

"Come get me." Xena said. "I would be more than happy to." Knightwalker comments. Xena's sword stopped glowing as water surrounded the blade like a cloak, and Knightwalker's spearhead changed form.

They jump towards each other as their weapons clash. "I will never stop fighting! Not until I've rid this world of you!" They yelled together as their battle begins.

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