Loving His Demons

By brianderson1999

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Wyatt is 25 and struggling to keep up with his bills. After just being fired he's desperate to find a job. Ev... More

Chapter 1- New Job✅
Chapter 2- Plea Bargaining✅
Chapter 4- Family dinner ✅
Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅
Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅
Chapter 7- I feel safe with you
Chapter 8- I'll save you... I'll always save you
Chapter 9- Breakdown after Breakdown
Chapter 10- Don't think just do
Chapter 11- Getting your man
Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up
Chapter 13- Passing out
Chapter 14- Wyatt's secrets
Chapter 15- Two Deaths
Chapter 16- Relapsing
Chapter 17- David's Secrets
Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness
Chapter 19- Birthday
Chapter 20- Hurtful Words
Chapter 21- Stupid Hormones!
Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!
Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace
Chapter 24- I need help
Chapter 25- Lunch date
Chapter 26- Emotional day, Family night.
Chapter 27- First Therapy.
Chapter 28- Santa Claus
Chapter 29- Church or sleep?
Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

Chapter 3- Parker✅

323 19 0
By brianderson1999

Chapter 3
Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
May 4th

I sigh when I get home from work. I put my keys on the counter and walk to my bathroom and start the shower. I've been working as a stripper for a week now. I've been able to pay off my rent and somehow managed to turn my hot water back on.

Although I'm glad that I am able to pay all this off, I just feel so disgusting for some reason. I feel dirty, like someone's used me and threw me away. I don't understand why, I just wish I could get a better job then this. But I can't so I guess I'll just deal with it.

Sighing I step into the water and relax under the hot water. I rest my head on the tile in my shower and stand there for a few minutes. I start to assess my life and try to figure out how the hell I ended up here. Tears stream down my face as I think of my ex and how it's his fault I'm where I am.

Wiping the tears from my face I began to wash my body and hair. I turn the water off and grab a towel and wrap it around my waist.

I head to my bedroom and fall on my bed face first. I grab a pillow and tuck it under my arms and fall asleep.

Groaning when I hear my phone ringing. I answer it without looking at my phone "Hello" I mumble.


I wince when I hear the screaming voice I pull the phone back and see the word Mother on the screen. "Shit" I curse quietly.

"Hi mother" I reply.

"Don't you Hi mother me! Why have you been ignoring me!" She says in an accusing voice.

"I haven't been ignoring you I've just been busy" I tell her.

"Don't lie to me boy." She says.

I sigh. "I'm sorry mother. I'll make sure to answer your calls from now on" I tell her.

"Good now get up and get dressed and meet me at the cafe" she tells me.

I groan "but mom" I whine

"No buts young man you haven't talked to your mother in a long time and it's time to catch up"

"Fine" I mutter "I'll be there in a half hour" I tell her and hang up.

I sit up and see its 8 am meaning I slept for 5 hours. Pouting slightly I heave my body from my bed and walk to the closet. Pulling on a red shirt and some black shorts I walk to my bathroom, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and wash my face.

Once I'm finished I walk towards the front door grab my keys and slip my vans on and open the door to see my landlord standing there looking nervous.

"I paid my rent why are you here?" I ask flatly

He chuckles nervously "uhm you paid off your rent quickly you didn't like rob a bank or anything right? Because if you did then I swear I'd give you more time to pay it off and -" he rambles

"I didn't rob a bank I just found a job that was willing to pay me quickly and well don't worry about it man" I say

He sighs in relief "Okay cool cool. Well I gotta get going." He tells me.

He walks away and I head down the stairs to the parking lot. Walking to my car I unlock the doors before getting into the drivers side. I turn the engine on and drive to the local cafe that I always go to when I'm with my mother.

Once I arrive I turn off the engine and walk towards the cafe. I open the door and and am rewarded with the fresh scents of dough. I see my beautiful mother and start walking towards her. My mother has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I still don't t think she looks a day over 30.

"Hey mother" I greet her with a kiss.

"Baby boy!" She says and gives me a big hug then proceeds to smack me on the back of the head.

"Ow mom! What the hell was that for?" I demand

"Language" she scolds and hits me again "and that was for ignoring me" she glares at me.

I smile sheepishly "sorry"

"It's okay how's the boyfriend" I flinch when she says that. "We broke up" I mumble

"What? Why!?" She whines. "I liked him" she says. I wince

"Well he doesn't like me anymore" I tell her.

She frowns "I'm sorry Wyatt"

"It's fine. How's dad?" I ask her.

She bites her lip. "Not so good" she says her eyes watering slightly.

"Is he getting worse?" I ask him she nods.

"He wants to see you" she says softly

I shake my head and look away.

"Wyatt please." She says.

"I gotta go mother I'll talk to you later" I state and get up to leave.

I walk out of the cafe and towards my car I stop right before I reach my car and my shoulders sag. Holding back tears that threaten to fall I take a deep breath and head in the opposite direction where the local bookstore is.

5 minutes later I open the door to building. It's been awhile since I've been here. "Wyatt!" I hear a voice screech. I feel tiny arms wrap around me and I smile and hug her back. "Hannah how have you been" I ask her. "I'm good. Where have you been!?" She demands. I smile "I'm sorry I've been going through some things and haven't been able to get out of the house. How's my little man Parker?" I ask her

"He's great! He misses you a lot though. He's always asking me where you are when the next time he's gonna see you." She says and I frown. "Man I miss the little guy too. I should take him out." I say and she nods her head eagerly,

"How's James?" I smirk and she laughs. "Still as hateful towards you as ever" she laughs.

"Hannah he does understand that I'm gay right? And have no desire to take his women from him?" I ask

"Yeah but you hurt his ego every time you have a smart ass comeback" she says

"Well it's not my fault your husbands an idiot," I say

"How's little misses" I ask while looking at her 7 months belly. She smiles. "Getting bigger everyday."

"Alright I'm gonna go find some books I'll catch you before I leave" I tell her and head up to the mystery section of the library. I search for my favorite author and look for her newest books. I jump up and down in joy when I find her latest books. I hurry and grab them. I look at my watch and see its only 3. I don't work until midnight tonight so I go ahead and sit at a nearby table and start reading.

I become engrossed with the story and I jump her. I feel someone tap my shoulder. Turning around I see Hannah. "We're closing" she says. I look at my watch and realize it's now 7. "Wow" I whisper to myself.

I follow her down to the check out and hand her my books. She hums softly and I stare at her.

"Hey Wyatt?" She asks.

I look up at her signaling for her to continue "Do you want to go out to dinner with us I'm sure Parker would love to see you again" She asks me biting her lip nervously

"You sure the husband is okay with me being there?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes "He doesn't have a choice you're my friend so he's gonna suck it up because my son misses his uncle Wyatt and I miss my best friend " she says tearfully.

"Oh Han" I say softly and give her a hug

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. These hormones are making me so emotional. I just miss you so much. We used to talk about everything and now you don't even answer my calls and I just want to be there for you but you won't let anyone in" she says while crying on me.

"Shh shh it's okay I'm sorry Hun. I've been a bad friend. I promise I'll be better okay?" I tell her softly and she nods her head.

"What the hell did you do to my wife" I head a deep voice I pull back from her and look over at James. "She got emotional because I've been a bad friend" I tell him. He scowls and walks over to her hugging her and whispering in her ear. I smile sadly thinking about my ex and wishing I could have their relationship. But obviously with a male.

"You ready for dinner pumpkin?" He asks her. "Yeah and Wyatts coming" she says and he groans loudly.

"But why" he whines.

She gives him a fierce glare. "Because he's my best friend. I haven't seen nor heard from him in months. So you either suck it up and be nice to him or sleep on the couch." She tells him. He pouts slightly. "Fine" he grumbles.

She beams and starts locking up the store. "Are you riding with us?" She asks and I shake my head. "I left my car at the cafe so I'm gonna go get it. Where are we going?" I ask her

"Texas de Brazil" she nods her head and I start heading back to the cafe to retrieve my car. Once I get there I quickly hop out of the car and head to the restaurant.

"Parker" I hear Hannah call her sons name.

"Yes mommy?" He asks. She looks up and winks at me, "I have a surprise for you" she tells him.

He starts jumping up and down excitedly "what is it mommy what is it!?" He says

She points "Turn around"

Parker turns around and sees me and runs to me.

I crouch down and open my arms up so I can catch him. I feel my neck becoming wet and I rub Parkers back, "It's okay buddy." I tell him. "Where have you been" he cries. I walk to the table and sit down with him in my lap. I see James glare at me for making Parker cry. "I'm sorry buddy. I know I've been gone but I promise I won't disappear like that ever again okay?" He nods his head and clings to me tighter. I wipe the tears from his face.

"Parker get off of Wyatt and sit down in their chair" James says,

Parker shakes his head no "Parker Davies do not defy me" James says sternly.

I glare at James and cover Parker's ears, "James" I hiss "Leave him alone I understand you hate me for some reason unknown but that gives you no right to be an asshole to your son. I love your son and he loves me so get the hell over it and let him sit with me stop trying to act so high and mighty. You're the dad, you're the husband and not me I am not trying to take anything away from you. Seriously dude" I say annoyed.

He shuts his mouth and starts looking at the menu. Hannah giggles and gives me a proud smile.

I turn Parker so he's facing forward. "What do you want to eat?" I ask him he shrugs "Do you want some chicken? A burger?" I ask him. "Chicken" he says happily.

The waitress comes over and we order our food. Me and Hannah make conversation as James sulks in the corner and Parker plays with my collar.

"How's school going for you?" I ask Parker. "Great!" He tells and starts going off about kindergarten and all the cool things he's done and all the friends he's made.

I look at my watch and see its 11:00

"Alright guys I have to go. I have work in an hour." I tell them

Hannah's eyes widen "Holy crap its way past Parkers bed time" She says and stands up. James pays the bill and I bring Parker out to the car he hugs me tighter when I try to put him in the car.

"Please don't go" I heard him mumble into my neck. I pry him from my arms and set him with his feet on the ground. Crouching down I tell him "I promise I am not going anywhere. We'll hangout this weekend okay?" I tell him.

He nods sadly. I put my pinky out and he beams and wraps his pinky around mine sealing our promise. I kiss his forehead and put him in the car while buckling him up,.

I see James standing over me. "I really hate you" he hisses.

"Why?" I sigh defeated.

"You're stealing my son away from. Me. All he ever fucking talks about is you! He acts like your his dad instead of me!" He growls.

I raise a brow. "Well technically I am his dad," I say. He glares and punches me in the face.

"Ah dude! What the heck grow up! Who has custody of him!?" I yell.

"I do" he mumbles.

"Then Grow the fuck up! Jesus I gave up my rights as his father because I KNEW you could provide for him! When I can't! Okay!? I gave you the privilege of Parker calling you dad and me uncle! All I asked in return was to be able to see him! Who's last name does he have!? YOURS James not mine YOURS so please grow the fuck up because you get to see him everyday and I don't !" I yell.

His face softens and I wipe the tears from my face. "He calls you Dad James. Not me. Remember that" I whisper and walk to my car.

I get in the drivers seat and start punching the dashboard until I calm down. Breathing deeply I head to work.

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