Beneath The Light

By bekahbooks

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Topaz is the Nightingale’s only daughter, the youngest of four and the most deadliest mermaid of the Dark Wor... More

1. Normality
2. Cold Blooded Murder
3. Rogue Angel
4. Primary Patrol
5. An Eye For An Eye
6. What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You
8. Love Is A Killer
9. Who Knows Where We'll Be Tomorrow?
10. Love Is Just A Word
11. The Secrets We Keep
12. We Only Hurt The Ones We Love
13. Till The End Of Time
14. You're In My Soul
15. The Round Room
16. In My Shoes
17. Hide and Seek
18. You Can't Choose Your Family
19. I'm A Fool For Loving You
20. Actions Speak Louder Than Words
21. Karma Forgets Nothing
22. Vitality

7. Different Rules For Us All

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By bekahbooks

Different Rules For Us All

Topaz was worrying a hole in the carpet of the Nightingale suite when her brother and Aden finally returned. "At last, I called you a bloody half hour ago, this is serious!" She shouted. Her brothers were downstairs in the arcade, there was no way they'd know about any of this. "We got back as soon as we could, what's happened?" Zac asked; shrugging out of his leather jacket as Aden went to his sister by the window. "We found something, in case you hadn't quite figured that out already. Mam and dad, they kept a huge drawer filled with bewitched files." Zac frowned. "I don't understand...?"

"Let me spell this out for you..." Topaz was loosing patience. Why was she the only one who was freaked out about this? "Our parents kept a drawer full of files which were so top-secret and confidential that they had a witch put a charm on them so that no one could read them except from them and the witch who charmed them." Zac frowned and ran a hand over his face. "Well that doesn't necessarily mean anything bad Paz." Topaz almost choked, or projectile vomited on her brother's face. "Doesn't necessarily mean anything bad? Are you listening to yourself right now?!" Topaz was shaking her head in awe, her now ginger hair swinging in its high bobble. Her and Alice were still wearing the basic clothes they'd worn to the offices earlier. "Their buildingis the most secured Norant building in London! Their floor is guarded by Worlders, and they have two heavyweight mermaid security guards standing outside the locked door to their office, which has only one key to open every door and drawer, and that key I've worn around my neck since I took it from our dad's password protected briefcase on the night he died." Topaz could see in Zac's eyes the fact that he knew she was right. "You know that whatever these files are, they're not meant to be seen by you or me or anybody else. Even in the event of their own Death!" Zac was nodding his head, pacing back and forth, trying to figure out the possibilities of what this might mean. "We have to find the witch who decoded it, Zac." Topaz sighed after a long silence. The Angels were silent in the corner; so silent Topaz had forgotten they were there. "That's impossible, she could be anywhere by now, we don't know how old these papers are!"

"Well we have to try!" Topaz could feel herself growing lighter and lighter as her emotions changed from heavy anger to the light and airy feeling of heartache. Compared to her angry stages, being sad was a whole lot worse. Topaz would prefer to be laid down with a thousand tons of anger than floating around lightly in a cloud of upset or depression. Zac stormed to Topaz and put a hand on either of her shoulders, bending slightly to look his sister in the eye. "Paz..." His voice was gentle and broken. This pained him to say, but Topaz knew that his next words were sincere. "I loved our parents. I did. They gave us life. But they didn't love us. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life tearing myself apart trying to uncover their killer. Not for a one-sided relationship." And with his words he spun, and stormed out of the suite without so much as a glance back.

Alice felt Zac's words as if she was Topaz and they had been a slap to the face. As soon as he was out the door she stood and hurried silently to the broken mermaid. Gently she lowered her hand onto her shoulder, frightened to startle or anger her. Mermaids cried blood, because they couldn't cry water, or else they'd change into their natural forms. A blood-drop fell onto the back of Alice's hand as Topaz looked down at the Angel's kind gesture. Alice was half-smiling at the mermaid, showing her that she cared. Topaz looked deep into her eyes for a moment before fleeing from the suite after her brother. "What do we do now?" Aden whispered to his sister, the pair just as frightened as the broken mermaid. "We have to find them, make sure neither doesn't do something they're going to regret." Aden swallowed loudly before saying, "You go, you know more than I do about hunting. I'll stay here, in case they come back."

"No," Alice knew her brother was doing the smarter thing, staying in case either mermaid returned. But she knew that Topaz would've returned to the offices to get the files. And she knew the pair had some sort of connection, a connection that once-upon-a-time she thought she had with Zac. "You've got to go to the offices and get Topaz. I'll give you the address; you're the only one she'll listen to."

Topaz knew what the Angel would assume. And, she would've assumed correct had the mermaid not been in casual clothing. But, to hunt for mermaid killers, you had to be prepared. This morning, after being told they'd be stuck in offices all day, Topaz and Alice had changed into casual, comfortable clothing. For Topaz that had been a baggy tank top and jeans with a hoodie. For Alice that had been a maxi-skirt and crop top. Her clothing was always pastoral or floral. Topaz kept to black and plain. She didn't do pattern. Crouched behind the row of cars across from the hotel, she regretted not staying in her fighting gear that morning. She watched as the Angels hurried out of the hotel, both in fighting gear, Alice having changed too. She pointed down the street before the pair hugged tightly, a boost of encouragement, and then departed in opposite directions. Topaz didn't think about where those directions might mean. She simply flew across the road and back inside the hotel before either Angel could catch her.

He'd gotten lost. Of course he did. He'd taken the fourth turning instead of the second. He'd lost count. He'd kept walking. He just kept seeing Topaz's broken expression, her skin paler and thinner than he'd ever seen it, blood-stained with the tears she cried. He hated her brother for hurting her like that in front of him. But he hated her parents too, for not caring for them. And he hated the sick animals who had killed Topaz's parents in the first place, for causing her a grief so strong she'd risk her own life several times over to find answers. That's all she wanted, answers and then the lives of those who'd taken her parents'. Which was fair enough, Aden thought. He had to question however, if he'd go to such lengths for his own parents. Now that he'd experienced life in the Dark World, he saw his parents for what they really were; selfish, self-centred, obsessive, possessive, controlling, and devious. Not to mention a pair of liars. Aden despised lying. Especially if he was the one being lied to.

Eventually he found the offices. The sky was starting to darken as he entered the building and took the lift to the top floor, just as his sister had instructed. He knew he wouldn't be allowed to enter the Nightingale office, but if he asked for Topaz, hopefully he'd get her. "What is your business, Angel?" A Nighter sneered inside the reception for the floor of the Nightingale office. "Oh," Aden hadn't expected this sort of welcome. "I'm here to see Topaz Nightingale. I believe she's in her parents' office." The receptionist pointed a nail to the door on the far left, the only door with two burly Nighter's standing guard of the door. "You heard it." The receptionist spat at the men. The one with the cropped hair reached behind him and nodded roughly. Aden held his breath as he slowly approached the door, keeping distance of the two Nighters. Suddenly after a long pause the door swung open angrily and Topaz stood in the doorway spitting, "What?" at the man. Her eyes then fell on Aden and she looked like she'd seen a ghost. "What the Hell're you doing here?" She demanded to know. "Can I uh..." Aden felt awkward all of a sudden. Topaz was in her fighting gear again, her face set in a mask of determination and stubbornness. She looked as attractive as Aden had ever seen her. "Can I come in?" Topaz rolled her eyes and stepped back. "Whatever just don't touch anything." The two Nighters stood aside and let Aden through. He nervously closed the door behind him. "Look, Topaz-"

"No, you look, Aden. I'm sure what you have to say is all very inspirational, but I've made up my mind, I'm going to track this witch whether you, your sister, or my brother like it or not. I have to find out what these papers read. I have to know who killed my parents." Aden swallowed and smiled gently at the mermaid who was locking a drawer and zipping closed a large backpack. She whispered something to it before padlocking it and attaching the key to her silver necklace. "I know you do," Aden said softly. "I would too..." He didn't know what he was supposed to do. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold her back if he tried to stop her from leaving. "But, you don't have to do it on your own." Topaz smiled at him crookedly as she swung the bag onto her back. "Oh really? And who the Hell's gonna search with me?" She gave a harsh laugh. "You?" Aden nodded his head. "As crazy as that sounds, yes. I'm an Angel, I have an amazing pull with the Nighters, I intimidate some, and others I can bargain with. With me, it'd be quicker to find the witch who charmed those papers." Aden had no idea where his words were coming from. Had he just said that? He didn't know, but judging by the perplexed expression on Topaz's face, he had. "That's a pretty convincing argument you gave there, Lightingale. I'd write that one down if I were you," She gave a wet smile before unlocking one of the windows behind the desk she'd been standing beside. "But I think it'd be easier if I did this on my own. It's all or nothing. If my brother doesn't help, neither will your sister, and eventually you'd stop too, and I'd be left myself. If all of you don't help, then I will, and that's what I'm doing." Aden frowned and leaped forward as the mermaid cranked open the window. "What're you doing?!"

"I'm climbing out the window. There's no way they're gonna let me in and out of here with this massive bag." Aden shook his head. "You're risking your life to solve your parent's murder? Are they really worth it?" Topaz looked like he'd hit her. "Oh, no, Topaz, I didn't mean it like-"

"Listen here, Angel boy, you can think what you want about me or my brothers, but once you start judging my parents and my society, things start to get messy. If you want to keep those precious wings of yours I suggest you watch what your mouth says from now on..." They stared at each other for a breathless time before she swung a leg out of the window. "Wait, I'll help you out," He gestured for her to come back inside, and reluctantly so, after a short while she did. When she had returned safely to the room Aden swung both legs out of the window and onto the ledge beneath. Balancing perfectly he waved the mermaid forwards. "Hold onto my neck and wrap your legs around me," He instructed carefully. "I'll fly us both down to the car park below." Topaz sniggered behind him. "If this is a move to get me close to you, Lightingale I will not be pleased." The Angel shook his head. "I'm an Angel, promise." Topaz smiled before doing as Aden had instructed her. The feel of her body pressed against his set his heart beating violently in his chest. He told himself to breathe and calm down before shuffling off the window's edge and hovering in mid air long enough to pull the window closed behind them. Then, he flew to the ground below.

When Alice got back to the hotel it was after dark and the lobby was silent. "Where is she?" Were the first words that past her lips as soon as she found her brother sitting on the sofas listening to music. "What?" He asked sleepily. "You heard me Aden, where's Topaz?" He looked sleepily up at his sister before climbing to his feet. "She's gone." He said simply before turning and walking towards the stairs. "What d'you mean she's gone? Gone where? How d'you know?" Aden pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. "I went to her parent's office and the Nighters there told me I'd more or less just missed her. She wasn't there." Alice groaned. "Well I didn't have much luck finding Zac either so evidently we weren't supposed to be seekers." The siblings climbed the rest of the staircase in silence. "So what do we do now?" Aden asked as they made there way to the Nightingale suite. "Well, we're going to have to go in there and tell the three brothers that their siblings are on patrol and have told us to stay put in their suite until they're back."

"But that's not true."

"I know Aden, but do you have any better ideas?!" Aden was silence by his sister's irritated outburst. She didn't lose her temper easily, but Aden hadn't exactly persuaded her either. "I'm sorry it's just," Alice sighed emphatically. "We've only got three more days here and well, I just don't see how them disappearing is making this any easier on us, that's all." Aden smiled half-heartedly and put a hand on his older sister's shoulder. "Relax, Al," He smiled, his long hair falling into his eyes. Alice reached up and brushed the waves out of his eyes, just as she had done so many times as she trained him. She looked out for him incredibly, she felt overly protective of Aden. She knew she'd do anything to keep him safe, she felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility, and yet so irresponsible at bringing him into the Dark World in the first place. This place, wasn't for the fainthearted and Aden certainly wasn't strong enough to fight here for much longer. If anything happened to him... Alice's breath caught. She'd never be able to live with herself. "They know what they're doing," Aden was saying. "And so do we. They're doing what they do best so," The young Angel shrugged and dropped his hand, turning back down the corridor towards the Nightingale suite. "Maybe we should do what we do best." Alice thought hard as they walked down the corridor as to what Aden was talking about. What did Angels do best? It wasn't until Aden was knocking vigorously on the door to the Nightingale suite that Alice smiled in realisation. There was only one thing Angel's thrived in more than anyone else, more than anything else. Helping.

"Now I mean it," Topaz's freshly painted black nails bit into the Werewolf's arm as she yanked him against her aggressively. "One word to anyone and I'll cut you up into tiny little pieces and feed you to the vamps," The wolf nodded cowardly and swallowed loudly. She could sense his fear rolling off him in waves. She gave a low laugh and smiled, pushing him away roughly as he shoved the cash into the inside of his leather jacket. Everyone in the Dark World wore leather... It was getting a little tedious. She swung her backpack onto the passenger seat and lowered herself into the low convertible, admiring the black leather upholstering, matching the shiny black gloss bodywork of the incredible vehicle. "So long, friend." Topaz laughed as she waved a hand out of the open-roofed car, driving off through the echoingly empty underground car park without a look back. Before she broke out into the daylight she brought the roof up over her head, the blackout windows and large black glasses hiding her completely. She tied her hair in a knot at the back of her head and smiled as she sighed. She was ready to do this. She'd never been shy of hard work. She certainly wasn't shy now.

The suite door clicked shut behind him and he quietly took a step forward. "Paz?" He whispered into the dark. "No," Came a familiar voice. "It's me." Alice switched on the table-lamp, lighting the whole suite with it's dim glow. Zac took a step forward automatically, his arms itching for her embrace before he remembered. He forced his arms by his sides, his gaze away from the petite Angel with her braided locks and silk pyjamas. "What're you doing here?" He asked the Angel, determined to avoid her eyes as he walked to the sofa and threw his jacket over the armchair. He had been about to lower himself onto the sofa when he realised Aden was already asleep there, curled in a ball like a broken child, his wings covering his body like a blanket. He was wearing such Norant clothes, jeans a hoodie, the type of clothing Zac had worn when he'd been Aden's age. Things hadn't been so difficult then. Things were easy. Not now. Everything was... Complicated.

Instead Zac walked to the second sofa and slowly sat down. He was still avoiding Alice's eyes. "Well, I went to look for you after you left, and when I couldn't find you I came back here. We've been waiting here ever since."

"Where's Topaz?" Zac flinched at the thought of Alice looking for Zac, of possibly stumbling to the place where he'd been, of finding him there. He shuddered. "Well, Aden went looking for her too..." Zac's eyes snapped to Alice's. He jumped to his feet and ran to her bedroom door. "Topaz?!" He pushed open the door easily, stumbling into her empty, darkened room. There were no lights on. The curtains were still open. And the bed was empty. Topaz wasn't there. "She left just after you did. We thought she might've went after you, so we split up and went looking."

"Why didn't one of you stay here?! She could've came back!" Zac had turned his back on his sister's bedroom and was staring at the Angel in the doorway. "Well... Aden said that but I don't think she would've, Zac, I think she went after you-"

"No Alice, she wouldn't've! You heard her, she wants to search for the witch that charmed those papers, not search for me!" Zac turned back to the bedroom and flipped on the light, the whole room shining brightly before his eyes adjusted. He heard Alice gasp before he saw the clothes strewn on the bed, their mother's box lying empty at the side of the bed, the wardrobe doors open, and all leather vanished. "You!" Zac spun on Alice. "I knew she came back here, why didn't you stay?! Why didn't you listen to Aden, huh?!" He was backing the Angel out of the room, his anger rolling off of him. "I'm sorry Zac, I-I... I wasn't thinking."

"No, that's the thing Alice, you never think do you? You never think about what this is doing to me, you being here, you don't know what it's like, seeing you every day, knowing what we had... What we still have... But what we'll never be able to have I..."


"Shut up Alice!" Zac's voice was verging on insane as his fingers pushed through his hair manically, his feet stepping closer to Alice as she stepped back. She was frightened. Her eyes, there was fear written all over her face. It was rolling off of her in waves, her fear and his anger. She was frightened of him. "You have no idea," He whispered angrily, seeing the tears rolling down her cheeks and knowing they were because of him. "How it feels to love you," He swallowed hard. They were still slowly walking, Zac backing her inside the main room, Alice still frightened and crying. "Each day, waking up and knowing that you're near before remembering that no matter what, I can't have you, I can never have you," He held back a dry sob, felt the blood in his eyes. "There isn't a day goes by but I don't fall deeper and deeper in love with you, in love with the idea of being with you."

"We can still be together, Zac, please just a few more days-"

"I can't, you can't, we can't. You know we can't, Alice." By the Angel it felt good to say her name again. He wanted familiarity, he needed comfort, reassurance, love. Topaz was like a stone sometimes, so cold and hard that emotion was at times impossible to receive. But with Alice, she was so perfect and sincere. What you see with Alice, was what you got. "Please Zac," She whispered as he turned to walk towards the door of the suite, escaping the Angel and the feelings her felt for her. "I love you." She whispered. He stopped where he stood. Those words... Those three small words... So clear and perfect. They were... They... They hurt. His head dropped in surrender, his feelings crushing him. Angrily he spun on her and they both stumbled, her slender hands grabbing his wrists as she fell backwards over the arm of the second sofa, bringing him with her. They fell down onto the fabric upholstering in a slam of skin and heat. Zac heard the air rush out of his lungs, felt Alice's breath on his face as he fell on her. She looked into her crystal blue eyes frightfully, was she okay? But then the weight of his feelings fell on them both like a delayed reaction. The next thing he knew, they were kissing with an infinite passion, her skin burning where his fingers pushed her silk vest over her skin, the feeling of the waistband on her lace pants, her soft skin so familiar and comforting. Her fingers scratched the skin at the back of his neck, his groans of pleasure running down the back of her silk vest. Then, "Zac," Alice went unearthly still beneath him. "Zac stop." She whispered terrifyingly. And then he froze. He felt it, the eyes burning into the back of his head. He propelled himself off the Angel and stood facing Aden with a bashful end to his excitement.

"I knew she came back here, why didn't you stay?! Why didn't you listen to Aden, huh?!" Zac's angry voice woke Aden slowly. "I'm sorry Zac, I-I... I wasn't thinking." A frown fluttered across Aden's face as his sister's voice sounded apologetic and... And... Almost frightened. "No, that's the thing Alice, you never think do you? You never think about what this is doing to me, you being here, you don't know what it's like, seeing you every day, knowing what we had... What we still have... But what we'll never be able to have I..." Aden's frowned deepened as sleep completely left him. He ran his hands over his face, trying to move on the sofa but feeling his body dead on the comfortable fabric. Zac didn't seem too angry anymore... Maybe he could just go back to sleep... "Shut up Alice!" Aden's eyes flew open. Zac sounded enraged. "You have no idea, how it feels to love you. Each day, waking up and knowing that you're near before remembering that no matter what, I can't have you, I can never have you. There isn't a day goes by but I don't fall deeper and deeper in love with you, in love with the idea of being with you." Aden was frozen on the sofa, frozen by Zac's words. Was this a joke? "We can still be together, Zac, please just a few more days-"

"I can't, you can't, we can't. You know we can't, Alice." If this were a joke, he'd had no idea his sister as such a good actress. "Please Zac, I love you." Aden's breath caught in his throat. The pain in his sister's voice, the agony in Zac's. He knew this was no joke. Alice and Zac weren't friendly enough to make jokes like this in front of Aden. Or... Maybe, they were. Aden slowly sat up, the silence worrying him beyond belief. The scene before him disturbed him more than it actually should. How could they?! In front of him?! Were they even aware he was there? Aden's eyes stung with tears. How dare this mermaid, who had said all those things to Topaz in front of Aden after his accident, how dare this mermaid kiss his sister and touch her like this? How dare he even dream about this?! He was a hypocrite. He'd forbidden Topaz and Aden to be together, and Topaz had pretty much obeyed by this hook line and sinker but now, this? The whole time he'd been in love with Alice, the whole time he'd been with her and he'd been telling Topaz and Aden that it was wrong?

Aden slowly climbed off the sofa, staring down at the pair in a livid silence. His sister's eyes fluttered opened and met his coolly at first, love and passion, lust and romance there before fear and horror slowly seeped through. "Zac, Zac stop." It took Zac a few moments to realise someone was standing watching. As the mermaid flew to his feet Aden watched in a fuming silence shocking the pair. Zac didn't say anything. Neither did Alice. Neither did Aden. Nobody said a thing. And they didn't have to. Words were being spoken by Aden's stance. His wings were raised in a deadly point above him, stretched to their maximum height, brushing the ceiling high above the Worlders. Slowly Alice climbed to her feet, her hair frizzy and ruffled. Her silk top fell to her waist and she stood. That small, tiny movement of fabric broke Aden's stance. One minute, he was stood, feet apart, fists balled, face set in an angry stare on Zac. The next, he had the mermaid pinned down on the ground, his left forearm stuck under the mermaid's chin keeping his head pressed tight against the ground, his arms and legs locked by the Angel's body, his right hand holding the mermaid's forehead. "You filthy hypocrite how dare you!" Aden's words lashed out like a slap across Zac's face. The mermaid didn't even flinch. But Alice did. "Aden get off him!" She was squealing and jumping, trying to dodge the almighty sweeps of Aden's wings. "I don't think so," He spat angrily. "Does your sister know about your dirty little secret?" Zac swiftly shook his head. "Oh no see that's where I think you're wrong because 'Topaz knows everything'," Topaz's voice saying those words echoed in Aden's mind and tears pricked the back of his eyes. He shoved his hands down on the mermaid's head again, his fingers enclosing around the mermaid's neck, itching to break it. He could. He knew he could. Topaz had taught him how to. That's why Zac was lying so still. He knew that if he moved even slightly, his neck would break, or his back, judging by the position Aden's body lay on his, every inch of him covered in order to trap him to the floor. "You're a hypocritical prat, do you know that?" Aden spat, his anger rolling off him in violent waves. "All this time you were telling Topaz and me that it was wrong to be together, that it'd never work out and all the time, the whole time, you knew you were in love with my sister, you'd been planning on running away," The Angel scoffed and sniggered, swallowing his tears, his hurt, his broken pride. "How long has it been?" Zac's eyes fluttered to Alice still dodging Aden's wings behind them. "I asked how long?!" Aden roared, squeezing the mermaid's neck, his nails biting into the skin. "A few years." The mermaid spat. Aden's eyes flew open wide. "A few bloody years?!" He boomed. "Define 'a few'!"

"Twelve." Came Alice's cowardly whisper from behind them. Aden leapt to his feet, his wings batting his sister to the floor and slapping Zac against the wall. "You mean to tell me," Aden shouted. "That you two have been screwing for twelve years and you didn't even have the balls to tell me?!" Aden's wings were beating furiously behind him, his hands itchy to hit out at his sister sprawled on the floor, at the mermaid flattened against the wall, his head bleeding as he staggered to his feet. "No, Aden, it's not like that-"

"Save it!" Aden hollered at his sister's cowardly words. "I don't want to know." Aden turned and slammed out of the room, his rage pulsing out of him until he was convinced he was going to explode.

Topaz had just checked into her hotel room. She was cleaning off the blood in the bathroom when she heard it ringing. At first, she didn't know what it was. Putting down the oil she watched the remainder of the witch blood roll down the drain as she paused, her head around the bathroom door, listening intently. She realised with a stab of relief that it was her mobile ringing in the room. Wiping her oily hands on a towel she pushed out of the bathroom, lifting her phone from the dresser. An unknown number was calling her. "What?" she answered warily. "What a pleasant way to answer your phone, tell me do you speak to every caller like that or just me?"

"Aden, don't flatter yourself," Somehow, she was pleased to hear his voice. Weirdly enough, she'd missed him despite seeing him only yesterday. "How did you get this number?" She realised, sitting down on the stool in front of the mirror, watching her weapons dry magically on the bathroom counter through the open door. "Well," Aden's voice sounded different. "I'm with a little friend of yours," Topaz's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Friend? What friend? Topaz didn't have any friends. Unless- "Oh come on Sam, aren't you going to say hello?" Topaz's spine shivered voluntarily. "No?" Aden's voice was definitely different. Somehow... Cocky. Arrogant. Confident. Sexy. "Fine, suit yourself," Topaz could hear the smile in Aden's voice. "Sam doesn't want to say hello, but, you should know, that's probably because even if he did want to, he couldn't."

"What've you done to him, Aden?" Topaz laughed, not really bothered in the slightest. "Oh nothing, just the usual. I tracked him down, we had a chat, we exchanged words, I knocked him out, I took him to a tunnel, tied him up, threatened him... Just a usual lad's day out."

"You've tied him up in a tunnel and threatened him?"

"I had to get your number."

"So naturally you had to tie him up in a tunnel and threaten him."

"Why, would you rather I didn't do those things?" Topaz shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah, I don't really mind, just curious as to where your mental state is right now." Aden laughed and his mouth moved further from the speaker for a moment. "Did you hear that?" he was saying to Sam. "She doesn't care about you," Another laugh. "Oh wow, that's funny." Topaz raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Aden, look, are you okay?"

"I'm fantastic, how're you?"

"I'm confused, and a little worried, what's going on?"

"I don't know, what is going on Topaz?" His voice took on a dangerous edge all of a sudden, as if he were playing a game of cat-and-mouse. What did he know? "What's happened, Aden? Are Zac and Alice alright?"

"Alright? Well they are bloody incredible." Topaz frowned. "What?"

"They're together, did you know?" Aden whispered down the phone. "Oh, Aden-"

"Brilliant! Bloody brilliant! Everyone knew!"

"No!" Topaz's voice was full of apology now. "No, no I didn't know Aden, I didn't, I just had a hunch!"

"A hunch that you didn't tell me about, Topaz. A hunch that was true all along!"

"I didn't want you to get hurt." She whispered apologetically. "Too late." He spat. "I'm sorry, Aden." She didn't know what else to say. "D'you know what gets me though, Paz? Like what really gets me?" Aden's voice wasn't angry, Topaz realised, this whole time, it'd be hurt. Aden was hurting more than Topaz could've ever imagined. "Since I met you, I've been made to feel like a criminal, like a piece of crap for liking you, for, for dreaming of a relationship with you, when all this time, for twelve years, your brother and my sister have been at it, loving each other and breaking every law ever made, while making everyone else doing it feel like a criminal. That is what hurts the most." Topaz swallowed the lump in her throat. But that didn't stop the tears of blood from rolling down her cheeks.

Aden had the mermaid chained to a drain in the underground tunnel Norant criminals graphitised and hid out in at night to drink in. His mouth was bound several times with tape as he violently thrashed around in fear and anger. Aden was crouched at the end of the tunnel, watching the Norant children playing in the park nearby. He swept his tears from his face, shrunk even lower to the filthy ground. He was wearing black today. He'd never worn black in his life. They were Zac's clothes. "I don't know what to say to make it better, Aden. I'm sorry." Topaz's voice felt so near despite the fact he knew she was far away. He couldn't feel her. He hated it. "Where are you?" He whispered quietly. "What?"

"I need to see you... Where are you?"

"Aden I... I can't tell you that." Aden could hear the hurt in her voice as she said this. She knew it hurt him to hear, but Aden had a feeling that it had hurt to say as well. He sighed emphatically. "When will you be back?"

"I promise I'll be back before you leave." Aden groaned and hit his head off the wall. "I'm not going back there. I'm never going back there."


"I can't ever go home, Paz, I can't!" Aden's voice was echoing off of the tunnel walls now, he knew Sam would be able to hear him but he didn't care. He wanted Topaz. He needed her. He didn't know why. But he felt a pull to her, a pull he hadn't felt with any other girl. She was different. And he had no idea why. "Alright, okay, well, we can discuss this when I'm back."

"Which will be?" She sighed. "If you help me then I'll be home quicker."

"Help you how?" Aden was intrigued. He'd do whatever Topaz asked him to, and she knew that. But he was thankful she'd never abused that. Until now. "Go to the library in the next city over. I don't care how you get there and I don't care when, but in the historical section there'll be a message there for you. Read it, and then call me back."

"What? How d'you know there'll be a message there?"

"Because, I'm about to put it there."

Topaz hung up and threw her phone onto the bed as if throwing away her feelings. Her hands were shaking. Topaz Nightingale did not shake. She was a mermaid. She was a Nightingale. And yet here she was, crying tears of her own blood, shaking as she stood staring at her phone, swallowing her feelings and praying to the Angel that her feelings for Aden wouldn't get either of them killed.

Neither of them had slept all night. Sitting side by side, not touching, not speaking, not seeing, not sleeping, nothing. The brothers came and they went, and then, they were alone. But still, they said nothing. At lunchtime, Zac rose to his feet and walked to the window. His skin was paler than it had ever been, the tattoos on his skin burning and aching to touch. He turned to look at Alice, her tears still rolling down her cheeks, her wings enveloping her like a feathered cape. "It'll be okay, you know." He whispered carefully. "How do you know that?" Came her broken voice from the face that didn't look like her own. It was pale, gaunt, haunted. "Aden's a smart boy and Topaz is a smart girl. We're adults now, Al, we shouldn't have to hide from our siblings." Alice blinked up at him, her bottom lip trembling. "What're you saying?" Zac walked to her slowly and lifted her hands from her lap. Taking them both in his own he kissed her fingers. "What I'm saying is... Alice, I love you. I always have and I always will. And no matter how hard I try, I'm never going to stop, and I'm never going to be able to live without you, sacrifice for my sister, or not." Alice jumped to her feet and threw her arms around him, her cold lips crushing his own, his laugh flooding her mouth. He was in love with Alice Lightingale and he'd finally learned not to be ashamed.

Aden took the stairs two at a time, Zac's backpack bouncing off his back. The hood on Zac's hoodie was brought up over his head and Zac's boots thudded on the carpeted stairs. He hurried to the historical section and scanned the aisles for a flash of black shiny hair, a pout of red lips or a click of stiletto heels. Maybe even the squeak of leather. But nothing except the endless silence and stacked shelves greeted him. He sighed emphatically and threw himself down onto the only red leather sofa in this section. Something crinkled under his weight and he frowned, moving the cushion under Zac's bag. That's when his fingers swept the cold hard texture of a large book. Frowning he pulled it out from behind the cushion, glancing around and seeing no one except one of the many librarians behind a desk in the far corner by the stairs. He chucked Zac's bag onto the floor as he lowered his hood, placing the book on his lap. It was huge like an Atlas, and thick like a Harry Potter novel. The cover was an old sort of bottle green, soft and materialised to touch with gold lining and letters on the front reading 'A to Z of World War Two' frowning Aden opened the hard back and frowned at the white piece of paper folded several times with 'A' written on the front. Aden swallowed loudly. This was a Norant library. Norant children done silly things for entertainment. Placing hidden notes in books is a normal thing for them. Nevertheless he picked up the note and slowly unfolded it, peering down at the neat handwriting and knowing that there really only was one person in the Dark World that that handwriting belonged to. His eyes scanned the bottom and read:

Topaz Nightingale, hereby known as Pazzie Smeathe.

Aden frowned. 'Hereby known as Pazzie Smeathe' who the Hell was Pazzie Smeathe and why was Topaz suddenly longing to be her? Shaking his head he cracked his knuckles and set the A to Z beside him on the sofa, stretching out his legs and smoothing out the note in order to read it properly:

Smart boy, Aden, you've found my note.

A little ironic, wouldn't you say? Hidden in the 'A to Z of World War Two' I thought it was appropriate regarding the circumstances. Okay, so, I'm writing in code because this is a N library after all and I'd be dead meat if Z found out I'd written the W language on a piece of paper and left it in a book for any old N to find. (I hope you're following, we all know you're not the sharpest tool in the box).

So, you said you wanted to see me, and so you will, because believe it or not I actually want to see you too. We have a lot to talk about, and I doubt any of it is pretty. But that can wait, for now. You'll see me quicker if you help me. I've done the hard bit, now it's time for the easy bit. We have a W we need to find in order to de-ch my parent's papers. I have a name, all we need is an address. I'm currently on my way to Scotland in order to try the Scottish W Coven's in case the W we need to find is Scottish. No W I've found has been willing to tell me anything about her except from her name. That is assuming it is a her we're looking for. I mean, it could be a W we're looking for, you don't know these days do you, with the unisex names parents give their kids. I mean what is that about? Anyway, her name is Jemima Francis Lucipher. I know, not a very fortunate name, but she's our gal. If you want to see me quicker, then help me by tracking this W down. If and when you do, call me immediately and wait until I get there before speaking to her. I mean it Aden, don't you dare approach her or speak to her without me. We have to speak to her in a way she'll understand. W are funny people, you have to know how to talk to them. You haven't been trained in that department yet, but I'm familiar with them, you're not. Don't go in all guns blazing with your big feet, you'll just make everything a whole lot worse and then we'll never know what the papers read.

So, are you clear on what you've to do? Tough if you're not because I'll never know. Also, it's better if you don't call or text me on my mobile, it's most likely Z will have a trace on it, or have it bewitched or something, and it's also most likely they're out looking for us or have spies looking for you, which is why it isn't safe to meet right now. Give it a couple days and they'll be fine. Not that we have a couple days but you understand... So get on with it, blondie, we've not got long to find this Jemima Francis Lucipher. And remember; if you're asking around, don't give people your name, or if you do, make up a fake one. You know what W are like when they find out an A is in their company. Not pretty. Especially if that A is asking questions about a very wise, very clever, very experienced W. Got me?

Oh, and, before I forget, I'll be going as a different name from now on, so, if you prefer, relate your questions to my new character. It's safer that way. In fact, you better make up a new profile, because it's just easier that way too.

Good luck, speak soon,

Topaz Nightingale, hereby known as Pazzie Smeathe.

Aden sighed emphatically. Topaz's- sorry, Pazzie's note was a lot to take in. New names, no questions, spies, de-charming, Scotland... Everything was so complicated in the Dark World. But not complicated enough that it made Aden want to go home. If anything, it just made him want to stay and work it out. And with that he folded Pazzie's note into the side pocket of Zac's backpack and got to his feet. Shaking off his nerves and worry he decided on a new identity and headed for the door. Aden Lightingale may have walked into that library, but Daniel Frost walked out.

"Zac I'm worried, what're we going to do, neither of them have come back. It's been two days since Aden left." Alice's voice was increasing in volume. When she got worried, she got worried. They'd had to go out and buy Zac some new clothes because most had been in the backpack Aden had snatched on his way out the door. Neither of them had noticed until yesterday. "I know." Zac's voice was distraught and concentrated as he thought of something to do. "So, let's be logical here," Alice said. "Topaz would've gone looking for the witch who charmed your parents' papers in order to de-charm them, and Aden would've gone looking for Topaz, so neither could've gone very far..." Zac looked at Alice with a raised eyebrow. She threw her hands in the air in surrender. "I know but I just don't know what to think anymore, Zac, I'm so scared!" Zac rose from the window seat and walked to the Angel, putting a hand on either shoulder. "Listen," She said quietly, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Both are smarter and stronger than we give them credit for. Maybe, if we give them time, then they'll come back."

"But we don't have time Zac. In two days my parent's will be expecting us home, and when we don't return, they'll come here." Zac nodded his head. "So we'll give them two days. And when they're up, you'll go to your parents, and you'll ask for more time. And if they don't give it to you, then you say you're coming down here to patrol, and you get Aden's friends to cover for him."

"They're already covering for him."

"Well they can cover some more, Alice, stop worrying. Even if it only buys us a few more days. We can still do this." Alice nodded her head, but she wasn't sure. Something just didn't feel right. She wasn't sure what. She just knew.

That night, she got a phone call. Well, not her but Zac did. He was asleep in their bed when his mobile began ringing. Frowning she crossed the room to the dresser and picked up the shiny android, looking at Topaz's photo flashing on the screen. Not wanting to wake Zac, but knowing she should answer, she did. "Hello, Topaz? It's Ali-"

"Don't touch that!" Came Topaz's voice in the background. "Hello?" Alice was sure Topaz couldn't hear her, there were a lot of male voices, all loud and distant, even Topaz's was distant, as if the phone had dialled the number from her pocket. Alice held onto the phone tightly, sat on the sofa and listened. "It's a pack of paper what d'you think it is, idiot?" Topaz's voice was sarcastic and mocking before her scream pierced Alice's ears. "And if you speak to me like that again, it won't just be a slap you'll be getting, it'll be a whole lot worse." There was a lot of crackling on the other line before a howl of laughter and muttered words. The last thing Alice heard before the line went dead was a loud thump and a scream of agony before everything went deadly silent after the bang of a body hitting solid ground.

Zac woke up to his phone ringing loudly in his ear. He groaned and rolled over, sunlight flooding his and Alice's suite. He looked at the phone and saw Alice's face, her number flashing beneath her picture. He frowned and sat up, realising she wasn't beside him on the bed, or on the sofa, or in the kitchenette. He was perfectly alone in their suite. "Hey ba-"

"Zac you have to come quick!" Alice's voice was sobbing down the phone, frantic and desperate. A chill ran down his spine raising goose bumps on his skin. "Alice?" He swung his legs out of bed and observed the clock on the bedside table. It was dinnertime. Why the Hell was Alice out at dinnertime and why was Zac sleeping? "It's Topaz, you've got to come now, she's been hurt, there's blood everywhere, she's not responding, there's papers everywhere and we're in a tunnel and I don't know where we are and it's so late and it's been so long and-"

"Alice whoa slow down, stop, stop talking a minute ssh," Zac leapt out of bed and yanked trousers on, grabbing his leather jacket and sliding into new black boots. "Where are you right now?" he asked calmly, arranging his head into some sort of order. Alice. Topaz. Help. Now. "We're in a tunnel but I-I don't know where, I-I just kept walking."

"You walked to where you are right now?" There was frantic rustling as if she was nodding her head. He groaned. "Alright, alright, uh," He looked back at the clock before grabbing his weapons belt and holding his phone with his shoulder in order to fascine his belt around his waist. "I need you to step outside the tunnel and tell me what you see."

"You won't be able to hear me, we're under a motorway, there's cars everywhere."

"Wait a minute, you're under the motorway?"

"Yeah, we're halfway through the tunnel." Zac swallowed loudly. "Angel," He cursed. "Right, okay. I need you to stay with Topaz, don't let her go, just stay with her."

"Zac, it's really bad, we need to put her in water." Zac thought hard as he grabbed what he needed and left the room at a run. "I'll bring what I can, don't worry, hold in there," He ran down the stairs and burst out of the hotel. There was no time for running or walking, what he needed was an Angel to fly him there, but all Angels he knew were busy. Instead he hailed a taxi and leapt into the back. "Alice, don't let her go." He demanded. "I promise I won't," Zac was about to hang up after he'd told the driver where to go. "And Zac!" His name made him shove the phone against his ear again. "Yeah Al?"

"I love you." Alice's voice was broken and frightened on the other line. "I love you too."

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