Black Stars - The Mors Mortis...

By Skylar-Black

184K 13.8K 2.7K

*WATTPAD FEATURED FEB 2018* *2018 FICTION AWARD WINNER IN SCI FI CATEGORY* Leah Azemar's soul has been sent t... More

Editor's Note
Prologue - The Girl
Chapter 1 - Playing With Fire
Chapter 2 - A Reason To Worry
Chapter 3 - Roy's Pub
Chapter 4 - Illusions
Chapter 5 - The Mors Mortis Device
Chapter 6 - Coincidences
Chapter 7 - Dying in Defiance
Chapter 8 - The World of the Dead
Chapter 9 - An Unhappy Awakening
Chapter 10 - Captive
Chapter 12 - Turning the Tables
Chapter 13 - An Unfortunate Situation
Chapter 14 - Regrets
Chapter 15 - Talk & Travels
Chapter 16 - A Lot of Explaining
Chapter 17 - The Bad Guy
Chapter 18 - Secrets and Scars
Chapter 19 - Family Conflicts
Chapter 20 - Revelations
Chapter 21 - Hours
Chapter 22 - Offers
Chapter 23 - Something Dangerous
Chapter 24 - Excuses
Chapter 25 - Black Stars
Chapter 26 - Most Wanted
Chapter 27 - Selfishly Worried
Chapter 28 - Reality
Chapter 29 - Lies
Chapter 30 - Dead Man Walking
Chapter 31 - Hands and Heartbeats
Chapter 32 - Hello, Goodbye
Chapter 33 - Danny's Death
Chapter 34 - Answers
Chapter 35 - The Whirlpool
Chapter 36 - The Beehive Casement
Chapter 37 - The Last Time
Chapter 38 - Mistakes
Fan Art <3

Chapter 11 - I Think I Win

3.9K 375 71
By Skylar-Black

It does not take long to strike a man with lightning.

- Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

A week had passed since Leah first woke in this room. Every day Jared appeared, gave her food, and asked questions. It'd become monotonous and exhausting, and Leah was terrified her mind would slip away if she stayed locked up much longer.

She knew inactivity could drive a person mad, so she busied herself by counting. First the floorboards, then the bathroom tiles, then the bricks. She folded clothes, took long showers, and did sit ups until her abs screamed. Nothing could shake the unease that stacked higher and higher. Her body was building towards something, she just didn't know when it would blow.

And she wasn't the only one ticking.

Jared was growing more impatient with every visit. He hadn't tried starving her again, but Leah knew another one of his tests was fast approaching and the only thing to delay it were answers she didn't have. But her Catch-22 had a solution: she had a plan to get out.

It was simple. Jared was unbeatable in a fair fight, but anyone could be distracted. Unfortunately, the only object in this room she considered capable of distracting him was herself. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her when they first met. The interest was there, she just needed to exploit it - something she had little experience in, or desire to do, but she was getting desperate.

The last few days had been spent calming their interactions. She'd stopped fighting him and scowling when he opened the door. She'd told him that Danny and Seth were people she saw in her sleep. Sometimes she looked up at him through her lashes the way Zarah did with boys. She wasn't sure it was working, but he seemed happy with her change in attitude, if not a little cautious.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door swung open and Jared strolled in, eyes characteristically narrowed.

"Morning," he said, throwing a paper bag onto the bed next to her.

Leah rustled through it to find a sandwich and apple as Jared dropped down into the chair and stretched his legs out.

"Okay," he said, once settled. "Tell me what I want to know."


"Leah, you're just making this harder for yourself."

Leah sighed and looked away, tired of the constant questioning. Two hours had passed since Jared had arrived today, and despite her best efforts, he was starting to get impatient. His head was tilted back against the wall in a seemingly relaxed position, but glares were being shot her way every few minutes.

"I don't know where the Mors Mortis Device is. I wish I did, but I don't. Can we just talk about something else?"

Jared grunted and sat up, resting his elbows on his knees. "No. I really won't care about anything else you could possibly say."

Leah tried not to look affronted at this, but realised she must have failed terribly when the corner of his mouth quirked up.

"Well, we won't talk at all then," she said, baited by the amusement in his eyes.

"That wouldn't be in your best interest."

"I don't care," Leah snapped. "I'm tired of you asking for the impossible. I. Don't. Know. Anything. Get it through your head."

As she spoke Jared's grin widened until it practically split his face open.

"Someone's touchy today."

Leah eyed him curiously. She was beginning to realise that Jared drew energy from a different source than most people. He shone in conflict, took joy from confrontation. Maybe her actions around him had been too careful lately. What if all she needed to distract him was a bit of anger?

"Screw you," Leah spat. "As soon as I get out of here, I'm going to hunt you down and lock you up to see how you like it."

Jared's eyes flashed and Leah knew her idea was somewhat working.

"I'd like to see you try," Jared smirked, "but you're a bit of a weakling."

Leah blinked. "I'm not weak."

Jared shrugged and lent back again, eyes raking over her. "Maybe not compared to other people, but we both know you couldn't land a punch me."

The certainty in his voice made something dark rise in her throat. "I could if I tried."

"Fine," Jared said, uncurling from his seat so he towered above her. "Punch me."


"Stand up and punch me."

Leah stayed still, waiting for him to say he was joking. Instead she watched as his Adam's apple worked up and down his throat. It was strangely reassuring; sometimes Jared didn't seem entirely human.

She slid off the bed and stood, regarding him carefully. He rested on the balls of his feet, hands hanging loose by his side.

Just as impatience swallowed the edges of his eyes, she exploded, launching forward, arm swinging back. Her fist was millimetres from his face when he moved. Fast. She didn't see him dart behind her, but when she turned he was there, smirking.

"Told you," he said.

Without thinking, she lunged, but once again he disappeared. Just as he started laughing she changed tactic and went for the rugby tackle. The air rushed out of him as she slammed into his stomach, hurling him back into the wall. Her fist swung, but he grabbed her wrists and spun them around, pushing her back against the wall and holding her there.

Jared chuckled and Leah glared up at him. His chest rose quickly, his hair tousled and grazing dark eyelashes. He brought his face down to hers and smirked. "I think I win."

Leah became suddenly conscious of their breath mingling together, bodies pressed tight. This was probably the best chance she'd ever get.

Impulsively, she leaned forward and brought her lips to his, catching him off guard. She felt him inhale, his body tensed, and then he pulled back, staring down at her with unreadable eyes. Everything became very quiet, shallowing into silence.

"What was that?" Jared asked, voice rough.

Leah cleared her throat and glanced away, wishing he would let her go and move back. Her cheeks betrayed her as they flared.

"Um, nothing. Don't worry about it."

His gaze stayed on her face as she pointedly avoided eye contact.

She almost sighed in relief when his hands let go of her wrists. She looked up, expecting him to leave the room, but instead he stood there, staring at her with a look that distorted the silence into something dangerous. Something weighted.

"Why did you do that?"

Leah shrugged only to realise the movement pressed their chests closer together. "Because I wanted to."

He still didn't move.

"Look," Leah said, fidgeting uncomfortably. "I get it. You can go, its..."

Her voice faded when he moved closer, hands coming to rest against the wall on either side of her head, caging her in.

"Messing around with me isn't going to get you out of here," Jared said.

The words sent a breath of mint across her cheeks.

Leah's voice caught. "I know."


And before she could respond, he lowered his lips to hers. As soon as they connected, a powerful ache flared in Leah's chest. Jared's lips were unexpectedly soft, and his hands slipped down and twined around her waist, pressing his body closer and pushing her into the wall. A small gasp escaped Leah's mouth and she wound her hands into his hair.

For a moment, she let it happen. She let his lips press against hers, let the heat spread from every point he touched. It was empowering and consuming and delicious and... wrong.

She pulled away so fast she slammed into the wall, scraping against its uneven surface. Before Jared could process what was happening, she smashed her fist into his face and his head cracked backwards. Leah froze as he collapsed on the floor, waiting for him to get up and hit her back. Only he didn't. Her eyes widened as he stayed still; small, shallow breaths pushing his chest up and down.

She'd done it. She'd knocked him out.

Her whole body was vibrating, and she slid down the wall, holding herself together against the quakes. Her heart was pounding erratically, breathing hysteric, sobs running marathons up her throat. This was not how she was meant to feel. She was meant to be happy.

She glanced up again, staring at Jared's still body.

"I think I win."  


Dayymmmnnn, Leah savage :P

Do we all think Jared got what was coming though?

Remember to vote if you liked the chapter! Let me know what you think :)

Lots of love,

- Skylar xx

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