3,471 Miles [Undergoing Editi...

By ALinihan

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What would you do if you were offered an opportunity that could possible make all you're dreams come true? Wo... More

3,471 Miles
One- Dreams.
Two- Excuses.
Three- Bittersweet.
Four- I'm Drunk I Must Be.
Five- No Turning Back.
Six- Negotiations.
Seven- Leap Of Faith.
Eight- Up In The Clouds.
Nine- Hello New York.
Ten- Lady Susanne.
Eleven- Blinding Camera Lights.
Twelve- Back To Business.
Thirteen- Meetings Meetings Meetings.
Fourteen- Jordan.
Fifteen- Im So Done.
Sixteen- Knock At The Door.
Seventeen- Stand Up.
Eighteen- Oh No This Is Not A Date.
Nineteen- Getting To Know You.
Twenty- Make A Wish.
Twenty One- Mud Wrestling.
Twenty Two- O Romeo Romeo.
Twenty Three- A Dark Tatoo.
Twenty Four- The Big Day.
Twenty Five- Final Decisions.
Twenty Six- A Tatoo A Bucket List And A Dream Catcher.
Twenty Eight- Returning.
Twenty Nine- Meet The Family.
Thirty- Party In The USA.
Thirty One- Goodbye Hello..
Thirty Two- I Picked Well.
Thirty Three- Good And Bad.
Thirty Four- Nose Bleed.
Thirty Five- Cruel World
Thirty Six- Magic And Mayhem

Twenty Seven- Needles And Lanterns.

69 4 0
By ALinihan

I woke up with a wonderful idea dancing through my mind.

I'd dreamt that Renee, Harper, Logan, Jordan and I stood directly in the middle of Brooklyn bridge like we had at the start of our trip and let off lanterns.

That's all it took for the seed to be planted in my mind, growing excitedly by the second.

We was shortly approaching the end of our journey together and goodbye's were due, which I wasn't looking forward too.

I hated goodbye's more than anything I'd ever hated in my life. Goodbye's were final, I'd rather a 'see you soon', much less grim.

I wanted to do something really special with my four best friends. We'd all grown really close over the past month, so I wanted to do something that remember even when we were 70 years old, sitting in our wheelchairs in our nursing homes with grey hair and wrinkles.

I wanted to creat something special, and what better way to do that than setting off lanterns.

Lanterns were symbolic, they resembled light and hope. And that's exactly what the four of them were, the light that walked into my life, and the hope that they'd stay forever.

Andy drove me to a little Chinese shop I found online that was only forty minutes away and I bought five huge lanterns.

When I returned home I hid lanterns under the bed in my room and skipped to the kitchen. I plucked a wooden spoon from a draw and a metal pan from the cupboard, laughing devilishly as I walked and stood in the middle of the front room.

I smashed them together repetitively and started yelling for the three of them to wake up. On cue they swung their bedroom doors open and stood staring at me with confused and slightly angry expressions.

"I have a surprise for you three and Jordan tonight. Make sure your home for seven!" I grinned.

"And you had to wake us up nine hours before because?" Renee yelled.

"I'm excited okay, just make sure your here or I will be left with no choice but to murder you!" I said as I pointed my finger at the three of them and attempted a serious face.

"Ok ok, calm down! I'm going on a date with Jordan in a few hours so I'll let her no and make sure we're here." She said casually.

"Y-you have a date? Since when do you date!?" I all but yelled, my mouth hanging open.

"Since I met Jordan, see you tonight." She grinned and skipped off in the direction of the downstairs bathroom.

"Yeah, I gotta shoot to, I'm meeting a friend. But I'll be back here for seven!" Harper chirped as she marched back in her room to get ready.

I turned around to Logan who was wearing a smirk. Oh no, I know that look, that look means he is most defiantly up to something.

"Looks like it's just you and me London." He grinned, "I have a surprise for you too. Be ready to leave in an hour." He said as he swivelled on his heel and walked towards his bedroom.

"Your surprises are starting to give me whiplash." I frowned as he shut his bedroom door.

Every day held something new when you was around Logan.


"What is it with you and planning my life without telling me?" I sulked as I sat in the passenger seat of his truck.

"Your such a moody kid! Just relax. Have I ever let you down with my surprises before?" He smirked.

I ground my teeth, fighting the urge to punch the smugness out of him. "No." I spat.

"Then just chill. We're nearly here." He chirped, clearly happy with his level of dominance in the situation.

My eyes scanned the road that was flying past us, looking for some form of familiarity.

Nope, I'm pretty sure I've never seen any of these roads or houses. Hmm..

We took a left after a set of traffic lights and I noticed a sign that read 'St Alens Hospital'.

"What are we doing at the hospital?" I asked as felt the panic in my body start to rise.

"Well," He said as slipped into a parking space outside the hospital, "If I'm correct, we'd done number ten on your bucket list, you got a tattoo. Next was to give blood. I thought we could work back wards through your list." He said as he gave me a small nervous smile.

"You no sometimes, your the most thoughtful person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." I gulped as I looked up at the hospital, "Right, come on then, lets do this before I freak out and have a nervous break down."

We both slid out of the car and he took my hand in his as we walked towards the automatic doors, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

As soon as we got inside, the clean sterile smell hit my nostrils causing me to groan.

I hated how white hospitals were, I hated how your shoes squeaked as you walked along the laminate flooring and I hated how it was inevitable that one day you was going to end up here.

Logan pulled me to the reception and with each step I took, the urge to run for the door and never looked back grew.

The only thing that stopped me from actually doing that was the voice in my head that was telling me if I did this, I would be saving someone's life.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The young receptionist asked in a seductive voice, fluttering here eyelashes at him.


"Hi, we're here to give blood. Where do we go exactly?" Logan asked the receptionist charmingly.

She ran her eyes over him and a blush made an appearance on her cheeks. Oh come on, pull yourself together, he's not that hot.

"Go down that corridor and take a left. Follow the blue line on the floor." She said in a high pitched flirty voice, twirling a strand of hair round her index finger as she leant over, showing way to much cleavage.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Logan's hand, "Thanks." I muttered, but she didn't even hear me, to busy undressing Logan with her eyes.

"She was just gross." I said as I pulled us along the bright blue line that was stuck to the floor.

"Careful London. Someone might think you was jealous." He smirked.

"Jealous of who, you? Perlease." I scoffed.

He laughed, not fully believing me. We reached a set of double doors with a sign that read 'Blood Clinic'.

"London, I'd much like to keep my fingers." He said as he glanced down at our tangled hands.

I hadn't even realised I'd been gripping his hands for dear life.

Oh god.


After filling out a form and bouncing in my seat for half an hour, my name was called and we was shown to a side room.

It was rather small, only big enough for a reclining hospital bed, a cabinet, a desk, and a rack of equipment including bandages and needle's.

I spotted the little blood tubes upon the rack, which made my heart start to pump double time.

"Hi, you must be Rhiannon. Please take a seat." An old male doctor said as he pointed towards the bed.

Me and Logan sat down and waited for the doctor to finish clicking away on his computer.

"I'm Doctor Johnson, I'll be taking your blood today. I just need to ask a few questions. Is that ok?" He smiled.

I gave a tight nod, not trusting my voice to project properly.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked casually.

"No." I squeaked.

"Have you got any STD's?"

"What!? No! Is this necessary!?" I yelled, glancing at Logan who appeared to be holding back a laugh.

"I'm afraid it is. If you have anything that could effect the blood your donating, we can't proceed. So yes, this is very necessary." He smiled.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, "Fine, please continue."

After our little game of twenty embarrassing questions, he started to pull out tubes and bottles from the rack. Oh dear lord, I'm going to faint. I started to chant in my head, failing to block out the scene before me.

I'm saving someone's life

I'm saving someone's life

I'm saving someone's life

I'm saving someone's life

"Ok, so I'm just going to clean the area of your arm that were going to be using, and then we'll get started." He said as he sprayed my arm with a foul smelling liquid and scrubbed it with a sponge.

I rested my head on Logan's shoulder and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Hey London, sing to me. It'll make you forget." Logan whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I started to whisper back, ignoring the movement of the doctor who was preparing equipment around me.

'She was lost, in so many different ways, out in the darkness with no guide.

I know the cost, of a losing hand, never thought the grace of god,

Go high.'

I felt a sharp prick in the crease of my arm which made my eyes water. It wasn't half as painful as I thought it would be, which I was pleased about. I felt him put a canular in the place where the needle was and connect a tube from my vein.

'I found heaven on earth,

You were my last, my first.

And then I hear this voice inside..

Singing Ave Maria..'

"And where done!" Doctor Johnson said as he gently remover my canular and pressed a cotton wool ball in it's place, applying pressure to stop me bleeding to death.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, feeling happy about my good deed.

"No thank you, you've saved someone's life today. That's a big thing. Now, I'm going to send these to the lab and get them looked at. Then when there A ok'd they'll be used. Well done for today. It take's a lot of courage for someone to do something like this. Goodbye Miss Lewis, Mr Mathews." He said as he shook Logan's hand.

We made our way to the car park, and jumped into his car.

"Well. Two down, thirteen to go. What's next?" Logan asked as he started up the engine.

"What?" I asked, to busy trying to remove my plaster without bleeding to death.

"Your bucket list?" He laughed.

"Oh.. Number thirteen, be a bridesmaid at someone's wedding. That's not going to happen any time soon, no one I know is getting married." I frowned.

"Hmm." Logan said with a thoughtful expression plastered across his face, "Oh, I have something for you.."

He leaned over me and opened the glove compartment, pulling out a little black box and handed it to me, just like the the one my charm bracelet came, except smaller.

I gave him a questioning look; but opened it nevertheless. What was inside made me smile from ear to ear.

There was two charms side by side. One was a little red shiny heart and the other was a tiny dream catcher, with miniature dangling feathers and everything.

I pulled him into a hug, "You know your the most thoughtful guy I know right? I love them, thank you."

"One for each tick off your bucket list. A tattoo, and give blood. So you'll never forget." He grinned proudly.

"Thank you for this Logan, and for today Logan. It was a real thought full thing to do." I smiled as I leaned across and kissed his cheek, causing him to full on blush, "You do no your actually blushing right?" I smirked as I hooked on my new charms and gave them all a shake, smiling.

"I'm hot okay!" He yelled defensively, causing me to burst out laughing.

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