Me the new girl and him FINIS...

By xxhottiexx31

105K 700 274


Me the new girl and him (might change this title)
Me the new girl and him chapter 3!
me the new girl and him CHAPTER 4
me the new girl and him 5
Me the new girl and him chapter 6!!=0
Me the new girl and him...CHAPTER 7
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 8 ♥
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 9 =)
Me the new girl and him chapter 10 =)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 11 =)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 12!
Me the new girl and him chapter 13!♥
Me the new girl and him chapter 14
Me the new girl and him chapter 15
Me the new girl and him chpt 16 PART ONE
Me the new girl and him chp 16 PART TWO
Me the new girl and him chapter 17 (RE-UPLOAD)
Me the new girl and him chapter 18
Me the new girl and him chapter 19
Me the new girl and him chapter 20
Me the new girl and him chapter 21 PART ONE
Me the new girl and him chp.21 PART TWO
Me the new girl and him chp 22
Me the new girl and him chpt 23
chp24 Me the new girl and him
Me the new girl and him...chap25 LAST CHAPTER

Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 2

5.8K 44 8
By xxhottiexx31

Hey heyy allll!!!! Okay that was kinda stupid but whatever!!! Im in a awesome mood so I decided to write more of this story =].

So dooo me a favor leave a comment at the bottom and tell me what you think okay???!?!




~*~*~ First day of school*~*~*~


I slammed my hand on my stupid alarm clock.

I looked at the time, ugh 6:30.

Get up Victoria!!!! I screamed at myself.

I stretched and got out of bed. I looked in my closet and realized that all my clothes were in a box still.

I opened the box and got out a jean skirt (which let me add was really short) and a pair of white leggings. Then I got a plain pink tee-shirt. I put everything on and then looked in my mirror.

Hmm, no bags under my eyes. I brushed my shoulder length blonde hair (if you ever saw Taylor swift that's what color hair she has but more blonde). I blew out my side swept bangs grabbed my awesome bag and ran down stairs.

Weird how it takes me like a whole hour to get ready.

"Hey, you ready?" Aiden asked as soon as I sat down.

I nodded grabbed an apple and waited in my aunts car with my brother until she came out.

"Oh my looks at you all grown up guys squish together picture time" my aunt squealed.

I growled

"We are gonna be late" I sneered.

She shrugged and said,

"Just one picture! Say cheese!"

I smiled. And once I saw the flash go off I moved away from Aiden and applied some lip gloss.

Five minutes later we arrived at the school.

Let me tell you something, the school was HUGE! It seriously looks like a collage campus.

"Bye guys! Have a nice day." My aunt said.

Suddenly I got massive butterflies in my stomach.

This is defiantly a first. I've never felt nervous before when I started a new school.

I took a deep breath a followed my brother out of the car.

All eyes were on us.

Girls gave Aiden a 'your hot' and 'I can show you a good time' looks.

Guys were eye rapping me. ( Seriously I hate when guys do that {this is me the author speaking btw lol} anyways it really creeps me out).

All of the sudden I felt Aiden elbow me in my rib cage.

I looked up and saw the same group of boys that we met yesterday in the mall, with of course a couple of girl followers.

"Ahhh if it isn't my favorite new girl and her, now in my group brother!" James said looking strait at me.

"Hey" I mumbled.

Ahhh, what I put up with for my brother sake.

"Also Aiden don't forget football tryouts today after lunch. You will get the results last period. But uh before you become in this little group of mine, I need you to do for me. Come here I have to tell you in private." James said.

And all of the guys formed a circle with Aiden and James in the middle.

Oh yeah that's private.

I heard mumbling and then I heard my brother say loudly in bits and pieces,

"oh hell no------- never dude never----- I do but---I cant---- I don't care I cant take advantage of her like that----- but shes my sister!---- I---- I ----- ill ask but seriously that's a stupid deal."

Oh great im involved in this.

Before my brother could get to me I ran into the main building and into the main office to get my schedule and locker number.

"oh hello, how can I help you?" the front desk lady said.

"Uh im new and I need my schedule and locker number" I replied.

Her face lightened up,

"oh my such a pretty girl, welcome to Midwood prep. I'm Lucy, whats your name so I can give you your stuff."

"Oh my name.....sorry it Victoria West. And I'm a sophomore. (Btw I forgot if I mention her last name but West is gonna be it from now on)" I said.

She smiled and handed me my stuff.

"Have a nice day and good luck." She said.

I smiled and walked out of the office.

My hands were full, I had textbooks and my locker key and my schedule.

Not paying attention I slammed into someone sending everything in my hands to fly everywhere.

Embarrassed I looked at the person.

Ohmigosh! It was Brett. Greaaattt!!!

"Sorry" I mumbled.

Without looking up he said,

"You should be"

I gasped shocked.

His head shot up.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't realize it was you Victoria." He said nervously and started picking my stuff up.

I bent down to help him.

He handed me my stuff and said,

"So I'm guessing you didn't hear the 'deal'?"

I shook my head.

"Yeah I figured you ran into the building before you could hear it. Do you want me to tell you to prepare yourself?" he said laughing.

I shook my head again and replied,

"Not really...well kinda, but I'm scared to hear it so I'll just wait to hear it from my brother."

He smiled and nodded.

The bell rang.

"Well I gotta go to my locker. See ya around." He said and got up and strolled away.

I got up shoved my stuff into my bag and went on a quest to find my locker.

THANK GOD it only took my a minute to find it.

I walked up to it and stuck the key in. A girl who im guessing had the locker a few lockers down from me stared at me.

I slowly turned my head to face her.

"Hi there!" she said approaching me.

"Hey" I replied, trying to shove some of the unneeded textbooks into my small locker.

"You're the new girl right?" she asked.

"Yeah" I said.

She smiled,

"I'm Katie! And you are....?"

"Victoria." I said.

She stuck out her hand and I shook it.

"Your lucky! With a name like that and being that your so pretty all the guys will be over you and you will probably be a part of the popular crowd." She said.

"Thanks. So your not a part of the crowd?" I asked confused. She was short, a red head, had mud brown eyes and was pretty in a cute way.

She laughed and replied,

"I was once but it wasn't really for me so a couple of friends and I kind of left it and have our own little group I guess."

"Oh... what would you classify yourself as?" I asked stupidly.

"Well we call ourselves the normal group. You know you look like a popular type, but if you ever need some real normal friends, you can hang with me and my friends if you want. I mean I bet you they wouldn't mind, and I defiantly wouldn't mind you seem really nice." She replied.

Wow she was really nice.

"That's cute, the normal thing I mean. And I'm not really the popular jock cheerleader preppy crowd. I mean I was for all my life and in all of my schools that I've been to, but being in a normal crowd will be kinda nice. Thanks" I replied.

She smiled widely.

"That's great! Ohmigosh we will be such great friends! Okay so now that your in my group I think I should tell you something."

"Oh great there's a catch!" I said jokingly

She giggled and replied,

"No, there's no catch it's just that, my group of friends are 3 boys. All the girls in this school are jockish, cheerleader, wannabees, emo, rock, and geek. Well you get the point. So I never really clicked with any girls. But really this is gonna be great! I mean another girl wow."

I smiled.

"I don't really mind about the all boys thing. I have a brother and most of his friends were my friends. So like you I didn't click with girls easily. But I think we clicked. Do you think?"

She nodded her head and said,

"We defiantly clicked it was like we were meant to be friends!"

We started laughing.

It turns out that we have 4 out of the 7 classes we have each day.

The bell rang and I just made it to homeroom.

I walked in slowly.

The homeroom teacher who I'm guessing from my schedule is Mr. Thorne.

"Oh hello! New student ehh!! Tell us about yourself and then take a seat behind James! Oh and I don't think that the principal told you but each homeroom has a couple of kids from each grade except freshman."


"Um I'm Victoria West and this is the 11 place I've lived and hoping this is the last place we move to." I said.

Before I went to go sit down Mr. Thorne said,

"Whoa interesting. Anyone have any questions?" he paused and several hands shot up," okay lets start around to room starting with Bobby."

I growled under my breath.

"So Victoria.... Any reason why you move around so much? Are you a bad girl?" he said with a flirty smile on his face.

"My aunt likes to move around a lot. And I can be from time to time but that's not why we move a lot." I said flirting back.

He turned bright red and ran his hand threw his hair.

"Richard?" Mr. Thorne said.

"I have one question for you... are you single, and if you are can I have your number?" he said flirtatiously.

I just smiled and then the next person who Mr. Thorne called out was James.

"Well Victoria, we met in the mall yesterday. And I was thinking.....can I have your number sexy thang?" he said with a smirk on his face.

Everyone laughed.

I gave Mr. Thorne a 'can-I-please-sit down- now?' look.

"Okay that's enough guys Victoria you can sit down now." He said.


I walked to the seat behind James.

I slipped in my seat and looked at my lap.

I felt someone staring at me and I looked up. James looked at me intensely.

Wonder what's going on in that head of his.

JAMES P.O.V. (I didn't want to do this but seriously its fun)

So everyone knows me as the player of the school. Well one of them atleast. But really I cant help the way I am. But seriously I don't think I act like that all the time. OKAY WHATEVER LETS MOVE ON.

Okay so here's the thing, when I want something, I end up getting it. I get her to fall for me then break her heart just like ......... never mind. Or I just use them for one thing...I think you know what I mean ;).

There's a new family in town. A boy my age and his little sister (only one year younger).

Anyway I'm a part of the popular jock group I guess, and we are always welcoming new good looking jock guys like us. (Yeah I'm pretty hot I am NOT gonna lie!). So I let that new guy Aiden into our group, he seems like the popular jock type. See usually I just let guys in after or before they join the football or hockey team (I'm on both) but with Aiden...ehh I can have fun with this.

You can tell the guy really wants to be apart of the jock group, and he would probably do anything so that's why I made a compromise. Since he had a SMOKING HOT sister I told him he was in the group, but to make it definite, he would have to get me with his sister.

See I never do this really, but it seems like she is the only hot girl out there who doesn't seem to be attracted to me, WHICH LET ME ADD IS A SHOCK! Every girl in the school practically loves me and would do anything to get with me.

BUT NOOOO... not Victoria West, she probably thinks I'm a stupid hot jock who likes getting with girls all the time. Which is true, but im not conceded!

Anyway when I heard she was in my homeroom I was happy, cause now I can try to get her under my spell.

So my homeroom teacher went through this whole ' introduce yourself and tell us a fact about you'

Wow she has lived in 11 different places and she's only 15! That's cool.

Then Mr. Thorne said

'Whoa interesting... Anyone have a question?'

Most of the guys in the homeroom class hands shot up, including mine.

What I had to do the charm thing.

When they got to me I tried my best but then screwed up,

"Well Victoria, we met in the mall yesterday. And I was thinking.....can I have your number sexy thang?"

STUPID what the fuck was that!

She didn't fall for it, she rolled her eyes and sat behind me.

Oh right I forgot Mr. Thorne told her to sit there.

Her face was priceless, she looked like she was gonna throw up.

HA ha- wait.... She didn't want to sit behind me.


I turned around to look at her.

She was looking at her lap.

I didn't realize I was staring until she looked up.

"Hey baby" I flirted.

She gave me a disgusted look.

"Ew" she replied.

I was shocked but didn't show it....


"Ew" I replied to James.

He looked kinda shocked.

Ha guess he is used to all of the girls being over him.

"Oh come on you know you like it...and me" he recovered with a smirk.

I gave him a dirty look and replied,

"Yeah right, I will never like you and the fact that you're a flirt"

He smiled,

"Hottie, I know you want me, im to damn hard to resist. You will start liking me I know that for a fact, everyone does"

I snorted,

"Wow you seem pretty sure of yourself. Conceded much?"

He was going to say something when the bell rang.

I stood up and looked down at him.

"See ya" I said and walked to my first class... (Reading)


The first half of school went along slowly, but atleast I didn't have to introduce myself in to the class. The teachers pretty much did that for me.


I walked to my locker.

I saw Katie with three very hot guys around her.

Whoa! Hot.

She glanced over one of their shoulders and smiled.

"Victoria!!" she said pushing her way through the hotties.

She hugged me.

"Okay so guys this is Victoria, she's new here!" she said happily.

They all turned to look.

Their jaws dropped.

She rolled her eyes.

"Anyways this is Taylor," she said pointing to a buff looking brown haired hottie, "this is Seth," she said pointing to a also buff looking guy with dirty blonde hair (very skater/surferish). "And that is Jacob" she said and pointed to another hot looking guy with black hair and light blue eyes! Hot.

"Hey" they all said.

"Hi" I replied.

She smiled.

"So guys I hope you don't mind but she is gonna sit with us, and possibly hang with us, if she wants" she said.

They all looked suddenly happy,

"She can hang with me anytime" Seth said.

"I don't mind... your hot sorry I'm just stating the facts." Jacob said.

"Sure she can, I DON'T MIND AT ALL" Taylor added.

I suddenly felt nervous.

She looked at me and must have noticed I was turning different shades of red then she whispered in my ear,

"Don't worry they are just really horny like all guys, there are harmless."

I nodded and laughed.

"Lets go to lunch" she said.

We started walking when I heard people calling my name.

I looked back and saw my brother and his new 'friends'.

"Victoria! Wait up I gotta talk to you!" he said.

Then they all said,

"VICTORIA!!" I stopped walking and looked at Katie.

She stopped walking.

"My brother has something to tell me sorry; I'll meet you in there." I apologized.

She shrugged and looked at my brother,

"Okay just be careful those guys, major pervs. Oh and not to be weird or anything, but your brother is hot."

I laughed and replied,

"Thanks I guess"

She laughed and walked away.

Aiden came up to me.

"Victoria made a friend I see, she's cute. But that's beside the point, I need you to do something for me."

I was shocked,


"Okay well...."


OKAY...that's it for chapter two! Tell me what you think!!! PLZ PLZ PLZ comment and maybe vote!!! =]

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