100 Percent

By nscruz13

686 62 14


100 Percent
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

44 5 0
By nscruz13

The Inner Sanctom

            Trent and Marcus started their walk around the giant underground of the junkyard. Led by Erin and Drake, they walked around the giant complex beneath this junkyard. There were hundreds of high-tech computer monitors and two geeks stationed at each one of them, all working furiously at some impossible task or the other.

            “Nerds,” muttered Trent.

            “I’d shut up son, you’re probably going to have a desk job like these guys, but with far less importance,” Drake laughed to himself.

            Trent shut up and the group walked along in silence. After a while, they came onto an even more important looking room. Surrounded with bullet-proof glass, and a large three layer steel door with four locks on each, the place looked extremely professional, not to mention expensive.

            “You have reached the inner sanctum of S.T.A.L.K. children. This is where you will receive all your information and debriefing for your future missions. Now sit down,” said Erin.

            There was a large, solid steel table in the middle of the room. Around it was only a few geeks, but you could tell that these geeks were better paid and more important. They wore longer lab coats that were cleaner than the guys outside. Their shoes were shinier and they overall looked better than the people outside. You had to be the best to be a part of the Inner Sanctum over here. These people had been at the top of their classes at whatever upper class four-year college that they had attended. They were amazing at what they did, and nobody was there without hard work, except the possibly gifted ones.

            After taking everything in, Marcus and Trent looked to the end of the long table and were surprised to see a well-dressed elderly man sitting with his arms across his chest.

            As the boys walked up to this new mystery man, he said, “Now that these two have finished giving you two their nice little tour, let me explain to you what you will be doing for us. But before you are to receive your mission, we must put your accuracy to the test.” Two men dressed in all black, who were fit enough to be body builders came into the room. “Go with these men, and we will see what you are really made of.” He had a mad glint in his eye, the one of an incredibly unstable genius…

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