Hero Mine (3B Hero Series) B...

By _Becca_Lynn__

99.3K 8.1K 242

Charity Ford is a Registered Nurse, and widowed mother struggling to raise her 1 year old son, Michael. Obses... More

Character List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

2.5K 191 4
By _Becca_Lynn__

**** Kyle studied the computer screen again, and looked closer at the view of the safe room itself. Something just didn't feel right about this whole thing. "Cherry, when you went inside did you by any chance notice if the lock had been messed with, or was it still intact?"

She thought for a minute. "I think it was completely intact, and it's a very good door. Both of our dads did the majority of renovations for me and they checked it. In fact your pop came over a few days ago. While he was there he did his monthly inspection."

"Hmmmm." Kyle reached for his cell again and dialed his father's private number. "You did say that you sent Sadie to the ranch, right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, that was over an hour ago. She would have gotten there by now. Why?"

He held up a hand for silence. "I'm just playing a hunch... Hey, pa it's me."

Yawn, "Kyle, is somethin' wrong? It's after 0300."

Kyle looked Charity in the eyes as he explained everything to Beau. "So did she ever show up at your place?"

"No! I'll rouse some of the hands and send them out lookin'. She may have gotten lost out there. I'll also call Rowdy and Bobbi. They'll want to know their daughter's alright."

"Thanks, dad. If she headed out there I'm sure you'll find the girl, but it might be a good idea to search all the same. She's a witness, maybe even a suspect. I don't want to take any chances."

"You're thinkin' inside job?" It was more of a statement than question, but Kyle answered anyway.

"I hope I'm wrong, but if bein' a Ranger taught me anythin' it's to always go with my gut. And, right now, it's tellin' me somethin' just isn't right with this whole thing."

"Hmmmm. You may be right about that. You keepin' Charity there at your place?."

"Yeah, she had just got off a double shift and needs to rest and the baby's already down for the count."

"Good, I'll let Rowdy and Bobbi know where they are." Beau said.

"Thanks pop, I'll talk atcha later."


Charity yawned and enjoyed a leisurely stretch and sigh after a peaceful nights sleep. She opened her eyes and was instantly disoriented.

'What the... where? Michael!'

She jumped out of bed and was shocked to see she was still wearing her scrubs from last night. She ran out of the bedroom and into the living room where Michael had been sleeping.

"Michael!" She called as she began looking for her baby.

Kyle came into the living room carrying Michael who was taking down a bottle and completely satisfied in the Sheriff's big arms.

"Hey! Chill my child. He's just fine. I was havin' my mornin' coffee when he decided it was change and chow time." She noticed then that the little boy was even wearing a different sleeper.

"I'm sorry, why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you needed the sleep and we needed some guy time. Didn't we, Mikey?"

He bounced the baby lightly in those strong arms and chuckled at the way Michael grinned around the bottle nipple. Charity was amazed. Michael was a happy child. Aways smiling and laughing, but right now he was almost glowing. But, she was also concerned for her host. Kyle, she noticed was favoring his right leg this morning. She was an experienced nurse, and had worked with amputees before. She knew the signs. He had been wearing his prosthetic too much and not resting his leg enough. He needed to rest the limb, and that meant reverting back to the wheelchair.

"Are you alright? You're limping pretty heavily."

Kyle simply gave her a warm smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I will have to take Gizmo off soon, though."

'I thought so.' "Anything I can do to help?" Then it hit her. "Gizmo?"

Kyle grinned, "Gizmo is the name my little sister gave it." He then thought for a moment, "As for the answer to your other quetion, can you cook?"

Charity beamed, "I love to cook! I even make all of Michael's baby food myself."

He grinned, "Alright then. I need to shower, and change. The kitchen is all yours. I've already fed Pan, so no worries there."

As if suddenly remembering the huge dog, Charity looked around cautiously. "Ummm, where is she? Pan I mean."

The Sheriff grinned as he handed the toddler to his mother. "Pan's out in the yard. She likes to run and play in the fallen leaves. Mikey loved watching her."

Charity couldn't help but smile, "Really? I'm sorry I missed it."

Kyle chuckled, "No worries. You'll get to see it soon enough."

As he turned to leave a thought suddenly struck her. "Kyle, do you think I could... ummm..."

"Could what?" He asked looking into her gorgeous green eyes.

'Oh, he has beautiful chocolate eyes.' Charity mentally shook herself to get back on track. "Since I'll be staying here for a while, do you think I should know where your Prosthetics and liners are? I should also know where you keep your first aid kit, too."

He studied her for a long moment.

'Did I over step my boundaries? '

Then to her shock he nodded, "You know, you're right. Come with me."

Charity followed him into what she could only call a small indoor gym. She looked around at all the equipment. He had everything he needed to help keep himself physically fit.

"Wow! Look at this place! It is so much cooler that your dad's gym."

Kyle laughed, "Most of it is for my physical therapy." He grinned at her. "You are more than welcome to use it any time you want."

"I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Darlin', I offered, so it's not an intrusion. Now, awwww here we are..."

Charity turned around to ask what he was talking about and froze. She had never seen so many different kinds of prosthetic legs in one place before. He had one for every kind of sport and task imaginable. There was one for everyday tasks, running, hiking, biking, he even had one that looked like a flipper for swimming.

"Wow! Ummm, how many do you have?"

Kyle seemed to think for a second before answering, "Somewhere around ten or so. This one here..."

He lifted a leg that was obviously built for heavy duty wear and tear. "I use this baby for horseback riding. It's made out of stainless steal."

Charity pointed to the strange flipper, "And that one, I take it is not for walking."

Kyle laughed, "Kind of strange lookin' isn't it." He took the item down. "This here is called Neptune's Limb. I use it when I'm in the pool, or when I'm diving. Unfortunately, there is a draw back to this one."

She tilted her head a little as she studded the prosthetic. "Oh, what kind of draw back?"

Kyle sighed has he turned to hang the item back on the wall. "I can't put this one on until I'm sitting right on the pool's edge. You can't exactly walk on this one."

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