Just One Kiss

By Nikole1199

58.4K 1.2K 112

Chloe Johnson was special, even when she was a child. She danced, got prizes, and had an amazing mom. Until... More

Just One Kiss
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26: The Tests
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: The Final Choice

Chapter 25: The Council

1K 24 3
By Nikole1199

Its about time, huh?  I'm really sorry guyss!</3 Its really hard to write storys when your grounded from your computer for a month, the your trying to get NOT Cs and still cheer and learn a routine for cheer and....ugh.  To much stuff. FML.


And i think im gonna write another one after this, like a sequel or something. 

But dont hold my word on that. Cause i MIGHT.

As in, i could. Or i couldn't. Depending if I have time.

okay, i should just let you guys read now?

yeah, i should.

Love you,

Dont hate me for the wait(:


and yes, I realize this is the only chapter with a 'chapter title'.  :P <3


This could NOT be happening. Where were we going?

The guard carrying my feet grunted, as it I was too much to carry.

"I could walk." I suggested while smirking. I flicked my feet towards his face, he stopped them before they made impact. I grunted and placed as much weight as I could down towards the floor making it hard for the guards carrying my arms/back.

"Not gonna happen." He said. I threw my head back and groaned. I closed my eyes and thought hard. What if I went into someone else's mind? It's the same thing as reading it isnt it?

No its not. It's not possible.

I drew my head up to glare at the back of Dylan's. Now's not really the time to argue. I'm trying to help us.

But what you're speaking of is impossible. Its never been done.

That's cause no one with as much determination as me has tried.

I waited for a response but when nothing came I tried.

Okay Chloe. Focus. Try reading his mind first. I let out a deep breath.

...Sierra? Sierra! Oh, wait, it only works with Chloe.

I couldn't help but laugh. The guard to my left shook my. I shoved my elbow into his ribs, finally landing a blow. I smirked at him.


Chloe? Where are you?

Dylan and I are being dragged out. I need you to do me a favor. Okay?


Stand completely still, and don't block my out.

I closed my eyes and focused on him. His face, his thoughts, his voice, his laugh. I felt my head get light and dizzy. Does that mean its working? I felt my head fall back, and my body went numb.

I felt like I was being pulled above everyone. I was watching the scene from above, Dylan being carried, and me behind him. I saw Dimitri at the end of a parking lot with 3 large vans. Guess that's where we're going.

Chloe? I heard Alek. Something pulled me to him. I was pulled until I was standing over him, with Sierra and Chris. They were tied and sitting on the pavement. A circle of wolves. How did we get in this? This is so bad.

I slowly went down to Alek until I was infront of him. Now what? I reached my arm out to touch his, but it went right through. Hmm...I wonder....

I stepped into him and sat just like he did. I felt a slight tingling all around me and I knew it worked. I was seeing through his eyes, hearing through his ears. I lifted my arm, but it got stuck. Oh yeah, his are tied.

I looked around and saw Sierra and Chris, who were fast asleep. Blond bangs fell in front of my eyes. I flicked them out, seeing a tall, dark haired girl standing behind a few guys.

"Hey." I whispered. A few people looked at me, including the girl. "Come here." It shocked me to hear Alek's voice, but then I remembered I was in him. The girl looked at me, and I jerked me head a few times to tell her to come here.

She looked ahead of her to the guys. They seemed completely unfazed. She slipped beside them and walked towards me silently.

"Yes?" She said sweetly.

"You don't seem as dark as these other guys do. What gives?" I asked her. Chloe? Is that you? I heard Alek's voice in my head.

"My dad was in some trouble with uh, what's his name, Dylan. He traded me for his life." She said. Yes it's me. I nodded and the girl sat down next to me and rested her head onto my shoulder. "How'd you get in here?"

"Drove in down the wrong road I guess." I shrugged. My eyelids slowly started fluttering shut. My head dipped down so my chin touched my chest. I felt my self lift out of Alek.

I opened my eyes and found the guards carrying me. I jerked around, only to be held tighter.

Did it work? Dylan asked.

It worked. I told him. After that, I was exhausted. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

* * * * * * *


My foot itched. Really bad. I reached out to itch it, but my hands were tied. I forced my eyelids open and let them adjust to the light. Dylan was asleep sitting against a wall across from me. His arm was stained with dry blood from a deep gash in the middle of his upper arm.

The room we were in was huge. The beds were placed along the back wall, facing us. All 8 of them. If there were 8 why weren't we placed in them? They seriously put us on the floor? The pale, sky blue paint on the walls was chipped. In the middle of the room was a large, round table with 12 chairs surrounding it.

"Hello?" I called. I looked towards the door. "Anyone there!" Dylan shifted slightly but he stayed asleep. "My foot itches and I can't scratch it!"

"Shut up." Dylan groaned.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "Your arm..."

He shrugged. "How long have we been out?"

"Not sure." I leaned my head against the wall. "2? 3 hours?" He let out a sigh. "How did you get that on your arm?"

"I, uh, got my legs lose, ran for a while. The guards dropped you in one of the vans after you fainted. I got down a few blocks before one of the guards caught me. We fought for a while and he cut me. A couple times." He examined it before adding, "Wow that looks really bad."

I chuckled. "And you didn't stop the knife coming towards your arm?"

"I didn't see it! I was too focused on hitting the guy!" He defended. "Besides, what was it like?"

"What was what like?"

"Going into someone else's mind."

"It was....weird. But in a good way, I guess." I smiled. "I floated out of my body and found his. I attached myself to him, and his mind. It was awesome, Dylan! I could control him movements, his thoughts, his voice." My smile grew. "It was pretty sick."

"Do you think you could do it again?"

"Uh, no. It took so much out of me. Why do you think I passed out?"

Someone pounded on the door making both of us jump. The door swung open and Dimitri stood there, looking scary as hell. His black suit remained wrinkle-less and his face portrayed no emotion. His head slowly made his way to me. He smiled a cold, dead smile. "And how have you been my dear?" He turned to Dylan. "What about you?"

He walked in and sat at the head of the large table, facing us. "Please, won't you sit." He gestured to the chairs around him. The guards pulled Dylan and I up and pulled us to the table.

"Why were we on the floor and not on the beds?" I blurted out. "Just wondering..."

"If we put you on the beds, you would be comfortable. Wouldn't you?" I nodded. "Now who wants that?" He smiled.

I glared at him while sitting down. Dylan remained standing, glaring at Dimitri. Calm down.

"Calm down?" Dylan's voice boomed through the room. "This man, sitting a few FEET from us, killed my aunt not a day ago. My aunt. My mom. The woman who raised me. And you're telling me to calm down?!" His voice got louder and louder with each word he shouted. Dylan was shaking from rage.

"Well, isn't this delightful." Dimitri said, clearly amused. "The male obviously has the rage and the attitude of the werewolf."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't say you're sorry." He interrupted me. "I don't want your pity; I don't need your pity." He spat back at me. "You have no idea how I felt, seeing him kill her right before me. You don't know what it's like seeing someone you love, someone who raised you, someone who knew you better than anyone else ever did, die. Right in front of you." His eyes shined from the tears inside them.

"Did you miss the part where my parents died too?" I couldn't bring my voice to be as loud as his was. A huge lump in my throat was stopping me. "I never knew my dad. My mom died, right in front of me too. We were in the car, and she almost hit a dog. We flip on a side. Her side. So, don't think you're the only one that's suffered a loss here buddy. If you do you are clearly mistaken."

"The female has bite, also." Dimitri smirked.

"And your side comments are really starting to piss me off." I said through my teeth at him. I looked back at Dylan who was still staring at me. None of this argument was being taken to heart. I knew his shock had kicked in and he was just looking for someone to take it out on. I would have done the same thing, but I chose to be depressed.

A guard came in and brought us all a glass of water. I took mine as soon as it was put in front of me. The cold water soothed the lump in my throat. Each sip calmed me.

"Now, I hate for this family argument to end, but we need to discuss your tests." Dimitri crossed him arms and placed them on the table. "For Dylan, it will mostly be agility. If endurance can beat knowledge in a war. Words vs Weapons. But for Chloe, it's the opposite. There will be more knowledge tests then agility. But do not be fooled; there will be tests of both for each of you." I looked over at Dylan who was staring at Dimitri.

I'm sorry, okay? I don't like fighting with you.

I'm over it. He replied.

"That's another thing." Dimitri said, sensing our 'mind-messaging'. "We will also be testing your telepathy. How strong it is, how far it can go, things like that."

"Sir, I hate to interrupt, but the Wired Room is ready." A man appeared in the door.

"Excellent." He smiled.

"What if we simply don't do the tests?" Dylan asked him.

"Do the lessons, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences will be severe." Was his only reply.

With a smile he said, "Now. Who goes first?"

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