It's Complicated

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She thought her life was complicated before him, but she didn't even know the half of it. Deputy Emma Swan fi... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

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When Emma sees David the next morning he looks upset and she knows exactly why.

"Mary Margaret told you," she states with her eyebrows raised. Emma didn't expect any less.

"Yes," David huffs and crosses his arms, "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks a little hurt. Emma knows that he's not actually upset with her. David's upset because he was last to find out.

"It's never going to happen again, now that I know who he is. I didn't think it mattered. I wasn't even going to tell Mary Margaret and Ruby, but you know how they are. It's not that big of a deal," she explains to him calmly.

"Not that I have known him for that long, but Killian seems like a good man," David says. Emma narrows her eyes at him.

"I know where you're going with this and nothing is going to happen between us," she firmly states.

"Alright, you guys seem to work well together," he comments.

"Well let's hope it stays that way," she sigh, never wanting to have been involved with someone she works with.

"What are you hoping for, Swan?" Killian says standing in the doorway. His appearance makes her heart rate increase. He certainly knows how to sneak up on people.

"I was hoping that Walsh still doesn't suspect anything," Emma lies through her teeth. She has no idea how much Killian heard.

"I am sure you did a fine job at the diner, love," he smirks. David just gives her a knowing look, which she ignores.

"You have the bug?" David asks, effectively changing the subject.

"Ah yes, I do, Sheriff," Killian says as he digs around in his briefcase. He pulls out a small, plastic box, in which holds a small, metal circle.

"That's it?" Emma clarifies.

"That's it," Killian confirms as he hands it to her. Once again when their hands touch a spark, that feels like an electric current spread up her arm. It takes everything Emma has to not react to his touch. She wonders if he feels the same way. If he feels the same spark. She draws her hand away quickly. Emma tries to bury those feelings as fast as they come up. She can't have those kinds of feelings. They always lead to more and she can't do more. Emma hasn't been able to do more since Neal. She tried with Walsh and look where that got her.

"Where are you going to put it?" David asks, breaking it from her train of thought.

"Under a desk perhaps?" Killian suggests.

"No, he cleans his furniture once a week. He'll notice it," she explains.

"Who knew drug dealers were so meticulous?" Killian jokes and David chuckles.

"Apparently just ones who own furniture shops," Emma jokes back. Both men chuckle at the comment. After that, Killian can't take his eyes off Emma until she leaves the office. As soon as the door shuts David immediately rounds on Killian.

"Careful Jones," he warns Killian.

"What on earth do you mean?" He asks the sheriff.

"I see the way you look at Emma. She's not ready for a relationship right now," David says sternly. Killian doesn't deny his feelings for her, but doesn't confirm them either. He just can't seem to get her out of his head.

"You say that as if she may be ready one day," Killian presses.

"Her life is complicated to say the least and even before this case I'd say to be careful. She's got walls, Jones," he says. Killian already knew she had walls. She's an open book to him. Killian gathers his briefcase.

"Thanks for the words of warning, mate, but I'm a patient man," he says and David just nods. They exchange goodbyes and Killian leaves as fast as he can.


Emma nervously stands in front of Walsh's door. She has a key to his place, but isn't sure if she should use it, if she is allowed to use it. She places the key in her purse and knocks on the door. Walsh opens the door with a confused look on his face. He has a red and white striped apron tied around his waist.

"Do you still have the key I gave you?" He asks as he lets her in. She steps inside and he shuts the door behind her.

"No I do, I just wasn't sure if I could use it," she says shyly.

"Of course you can use it," he smiles and kisses her cheek. Emma forces herself to smile at this action.

"I know now. What's for dinner?" She asks as she places her jacket and purse on a coat stand next to the door. He smiles as her.

"Lamb with roasted vegetables," he announces as he makes his way back to the kitchen. Emma follows him with ease. Walsh's kitchen was had a gas stove with cabinets around that and the refrigerator. There is a small island with a few stools that sits in the middle of the kitchen. Emma takes a seat on one of the stools and watches Walsh continue chopping vegetables.

"Sounds great. How was the shop, today?" She asks.

"Oh just business as usual. How was the station?" he shrugs as he pours them each a glass of red wine. Walsh

"Good. We have a new district attorney. He stopped by today," she adds.

"Oh? Do you like him?" Walsh asks curious.

"Yeah, he's good. Everyone seems to like him, but it's only his first week so we'll see," she tries to play off nonchalantly. Emma wonders if the bug can hear through her purse. She hopes not, she doesn't want Killian to hear them talking about him.

"That's good. It sounds like he's not like the last one. Wasn't the last one creepy?" He asks.

"I wouldn't say creepy, just something was off about him," Emma confirms as she takes a sip of her wine. 

They continue on like this until dinner is made and Emma sets the table. They sit down and have a nice dinner. Once again Emma is scared by how easily she can slip back into this life with him. After dinner Walsh slips off to the bathroom and runs to her purse and grabs the bug. She snaps the box open and sticks the bug to the underside of the cabinet on top of the fridge. Walsh keep a few old bottles in front of that cabinet, he'll never find it. She sends a quick text to David letting him know it's in place.

When Walsh comes back into the room she has started doing dishes. He wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck. She stops what she's doing and leans back into him.

"Emma, you don't have to do the dishes," he says.

"I know I don't have to, but you made me dinner, I feel like I should do something," she counters. Emma tries to continue doing the dishes, but he won't stop kissing her neck.

"Walsh... do you want a sink full of dirty dishes?" She sighs. Walsh spins her around to face him. He takes her by surprise and kisses her. She's a little taken aback by this, but then she settles into the kiss. Their kiss is still missing an element she can't place. He pulls away first, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Emma, I want you," he says, his eyes full of lust and want. Emma places a hand on his chest.

"Walsh... we agreed on slow. This isn't slow," she says as she moves out of his grasp. He sighs, but nods.

"No, you're right. I am sorry I didn't mean to push you," he says as he runs his hands through his hair.

"It's really okay. I just-I can't do that with you yet," she says hoping that will keep him at bay. She never wants to sleep with him again, but she might have to for the sake of this case, which makes her sick.

"I understand. I know I messed up, and I will make it up to you," he promises. You're running a drug ring, can you make that up to me? Emma keeps that comment to herself.

"I know you will, but for now I can't. I think I should get going," she says quickly. Walsh grabs her hand.

"Do you have to go? I'll behave I promise. Please stay with me tonight," he pleads with her.

"I have an early meeting tomorrow. It's probably better if I go home," she says. He nods, but looks sad. Not that she cares about his sadness. Walsh can be sad all he wants Emma's not going to sleep with him. He walks her to the door and helps her put her coat on and hands Emma her purse. Walsh takes her in his arms and kisses her again. She kisses him back and tries to enjoy it, but she can't. He releases her and they say goodnight.


David and Killian are in David's office waiting for Emma to place the bug. She went to his place around seven and it's almost eight thirty now. What on earth could they be doing? No, Killian doesn't want to ask that question, he might not like the answer.

About ten minutes later David gets a text from Emma and nods to Killian. The bugs in place. Killian fires up the computer and they both listen in. Killian hears what must be Walsh's voice first.

"Emma, you don't have to do the dishes." Killian already doesn't like him and hearing his voice doesn't help. There is a few beats of silence then she responds.

"I know I don't have to, but you made me dinner I feel like I should do something" Then another beat of silence.

"Walsh... do you want a sink full of dirty dishes?" Emma breaks the silence. Killian had an idea of what was going on, but it didn't mean he had to like it. No more silence, just muffled sounds and he knew exactly what they were doing. It made his jaw clench. Emma was a beautiful, strong woman who deserved much better than the likes of Walsh. He shifted his weight and tried to ignore his feelings.

"Emma, I want you," the bloody bastard says next. Killian doesn't know how much more he can take of this.

"Walsh..." Emma practically moans. That's what breaks him. Just under a week ago she was saying his name like that. He throws the headphones down on the desk and walks out of the office without a word to David. Killian steps outside and the cold Maine air washes over him. He needs rum, but he has to go back in there and listen to them have sex, so he waits outside the station for a few more minutes. And a few minutes turns into a ten minutes, which turns into twenty minutes. That's when he forces himself to go back into the station.


When Emma arrives at the station the next day Killian is already in David's office. She offers him a small smile, which he doesn't return. In fact he will not even look at her. She gives David a look and he shakes his head to tell her not now. Emma tentatively takes the seat next to him. Yesterday he couldn't stop looking at her and today he wouldn't look at her for all the money in the world. What had changed between now and then?

"I placed the bug in the kitchen because he has a studio apartment so it's pretty open with the exception of the bathroom. You should be able to hear anything that happens in the apartment," she explains.

"Okay," Killian says in a flat, monotone voice. Gone was the cocky, sarcastic man. He has been replaced with a moody counterpart.

"What now?" Emma asks David, not wanting to deal with moody Killian.

"Your job, Deputy," Killian snaps. Emma and David both look at each other surprised. Deputy? Not Swan, love, or Emma. What the hell is going on?

"Well each day you're going to listen to the bug and all the recorded data. You'll keep up contact with Walsh for now and when we get more information we will make a plan," David says ignoring Killian's rude comment.

"D.A. Jones, do we have a problem?" Emma says looking straight at him never looking away. One way or another he'll have to look at her eventually.

"Not at all," Killian says through his teeth, still no eye contact. David's phone begins to ring.

"It's Mary Margaret. I am just going to step out and take it," he says to Emma mostly. She nods and looks at Killian when the door shuts.

"Are you going to tell me why you aren't looking at me?" She asks with her arms crossed.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," he says.

"I don't know what I did to piss you off so much, but you're being such a child right now," she snaps at him.

"Oh I am the child? I at least know how to be an adult when my boss gives me a task," he snaps.

"Would you stop being so vague and just tell me what I did wrong?" She snaps right back at him. Killian still won't look at her.

"When we said fix your relationship with Walsh it didn't mean jump into bed with him," he says and her jaw drops. She cannot believe him. Emma left Walsh's last night. If he was listening how did he not know... unless he only heard a part of what happened.

"I didn't jump into bed with him," she says as calmly as she can. With this he finally looks at her. She was expecting to see anger in his bright blue eyes, but she instead sees something else. Emma sees hurt behind his eyes.

"What? Emma I am not naive I know what I heard," he defends himself.

"Please tell me what you heard," she says, not entirely sure why he has jumped to this conclusion. Killian lifts an eyebrow at her and she gestures for him to continue on.

"I heard you practically moan his name, Emma. I mean come on. I am sure I can infer what happened after that," he says looking even more hurt. It almost makes Emma feel sorry for him, but not quite. He's stupid for jumping to conclusions.

"You didn't hear what I said after that?" She asks, covering all her bases and he shakes his head, "Well, if you had continued to listen you would've heard me say no to him. I pushed him off me. I told him I wasn't ready for that. You would've heard me leave his apartment. Not that any of this is your business anyway, but if you don't believe me, listen to the goddamn recording. And I am the one who wasn't the adult," she mumbles as she storms out of the office. She practically runs into David in the hallway.

"Don't make me be in a room with that man unless it's in a courtroom. I'll be reporting to you from now on," she tells him as she storms into the women's restroom. She closes one of the stall door behind her and leans against it. Emma Swan has been hurt in her life, but this was a new kind of hurt she never wants to feel again. 

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