Skinny Love » Niall Horan

By Newyorkstorms

1.5M 28.9K 6.3K

BOOK 1 rain against their glass windows, scary movies and looking into each others eyes was their favorite... More

thank you.
Hey guys!


28.4K 992 197
By Newyorkstorms

thank you guys so much for all of the reads, votes & comments. <3 Please go read my new fan fiction stuck in the snow.

"Hello Beautiful." A tall dark man said smiling at me, I returned the gesture and he sat down on the seat where Louis I think was sitting before I fell asleep.

"Uh Hello."

"How are you?"

"I'm feeling a bit better, but not to be rude, uh who are you?"

"I'm Andre your boyfriend of 2 years."


"...And that's how we met." The dark man told me as I nodded along listening to everything he said.

"Have you met my parents yet?" I weakly smiled at him and he chuckled.

"You said you never wanted to see them so you moved here with me."

I shook my head, "You're lying... I'm only eighteen I need my mom I'd never leave her."

"But honey you did." He touched my leg and I flinched from the contact, I didn't feel anything like I thought when my true love would give me butterflies even by the slightest touch of his finger tips; I didn't feel it.


"Miss?" The same nurse came into my room and smiled at me, "You can leave."

"Really? Oh thank god." I smiled and she helped me get up taking the bandges off of me.

"You must take two pills a day." She said passing me the jar, "Your boyfriend is here to pick you up, here's some clothes."

"Thank you." I replied and walked into the bathroom quickly getting changed, when I got out I walked towards his car getting in. "Hey."

"Hey princess." He winked and I buckled myself in, what does that word remind me of something? I don't know, but should I remember? ah.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Home." he bluntly replied and sped out of the hospital parking lot, my hand clutched onto the handle bar and I shut my eyes, he chuckled and immediately stopped making me move forward hitting my head on the dash board.

"Ouch." I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

"We're here babe."

"Okay." I replied and got out of the car, I looked around and André grabbed my hand pulling me into the house.

Flashes of some boy went through my mind, he was playing guitar and singing a song to me, he was cute and he remi-"Oh look who's here!"

I looked up into a girls eyes and she was crying, she looked familiar and that's when it hit me, "You're lLucy right?"

"Y-Yeah." she cried out and hugged me tightly, "You remember me?"

"I think." I smiled,

"Breanna we need to get out of here."

"What do you mean? I live here."

"No you don't, listen." she tugged me away from the guys, "Whatever André told you was a lie."


"C'mon." she tugged on my arm and ran out the back door into the woods, I furrowed my eyebrows and realized that everything was a lie and I was starting to gain my memory back.

That boy I had a vision about was Niall my true love, how could I be so stupid? "I remember everything." I yelled to Lucy and she began to run faster.

"Run Breanna, he's behind us."


"C'mon Niall, you can do this!" Simon yelled over the roaring crowd, I looked back and forth through it; a familiar face appeared and I smiled, Breanna, but I was just dreaming which got me knocked off my feet.

Something bad must have happened, I feel weird; I knew I shouldn't have left. "And the winner is... NIALL HORAN!"


"Congrats boy." He handed me the trophy and Simon rushed me off of the stage.

"You're so damn lucky." He growled and threw me into my changing room, "Now get washed up we have a dinner date with some lovely ladies."


As he slammed the door my phone started to go crazy, I pulled it out from my jeans that were slightly hanging from the couch, I clicked answer as I recognized the number to be Louis'.

"Hey Mat-"

"Niall, oh my god." His voice was horse like he was just crying.

"What's wrong Lou?" I asked him sitting down on the torn couch, "Did something happen?"

"Yes... something did."


"It's Breanna, Niall."

I stood up, wiping the sweat from my forehead and gulped the lump that had formed in my throat, "W-What happened?"

"She got hit by a car... she was drunk and she left with someone... she doesn't remember anyone or anything."

"Does she remember us?"

"I-I'm sorry Niall, this is my entire fault."

"Answer my god damn question Louis." I growled.

"She doesn't remember anyone, I already said that!"

"I need to go see her."

"You're in Miami right now you can-"

"I can and I will."

"Okay, the nurse said she won't be out until tomorrow or so, she has been unconscious for nearly a week."

"I'll see you soon okay? Louis?"

"yeah of course mate, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Louis, jus-just ugh."

"Hurry up Horan!" Simon banged on the door and I hung up the phone, washing myself and then getting quickly changed into a tux.

I need my princess and from what it sounds like, she needs me more than i'll ever need her.

I had been sat down at a table with a bunch of strangers as Simon introduced everyone to me, I couldn't help but feel hopeless and I kept my head hung low, the light sound of rain hitting against the glass window made me turn my head.

I couldn't get her off of my mind, how beautiful and how I missed her so much; I needed to leave tonight even if Simon says no, I knew something horrible was about to happen and I just couldn't let that happen.

since I'm gone, I knew that Lucas or Andre could be up to something and that I needed to get to the bottom of it.

"I have to go." I told Simon as he glared at me, "I have to go save my princess."

I quickly left the restaurant, I could hear Simon yelling to tell me to get my ass back there or else id be fired, but I don't care.

I drove as fast as I could to the airport and bought my ticket to Mullingar, I got on the plane and fell asleep.

"Sir, the plane as landed." the flight attended tapped my shoulder and I got up, I said thank you and left, I didn't bother bringing my clothes with me since I could just buy new ones.

I quickly drove to the hospital and walked towards the front desk, "Is Breanna Ashford here?"

"Why yes." she smiled brightly at me.

"Great, what room is she in?"

"Oh dear, I'm sorry son but her boyfriend André signed her out yesterday."

My legs gave out and I fell to the ground on pure shock, she left with him, well of course she did! she had no fucking memory, this is all my fault.

I quickly got back on my feet as the nurse came over to help me, I ran out to my car and started it speeding down the familiar street that André lived on, I pulled into his drive way and knocked the door down.



So this is like the second last chapter, I know boo, but I couldn't think of anything and that's why it's rushed, but I will be making a sequel!

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