nobody → jack gilinsky

By l2tpkacey

225K 6.3K 2.1K

"i liked you when you were nobody!" More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine


7.9K 227 77
By l2tpkacey

jack knew he was a little hard on his best friend earlier and pulled our his phone, sending her a text.

kennadi ❤️

      hey, sorry about earlier.

it's cool g

i still dont like the idea of
you & nate

just like i dont like you
and stella

jack furrowed his eyebrows. how did she know about stella?

didn't think i knew about
that huh?

im confused

and im not stupid.
i noticed you at the table

i know youve had a crush on
stella for years


you dont find it weird now
that shes suddenly taken
interest in you?

i dont know
look im tired im gonna go to bed
see you tomorrow
ill pick you up
love you

kennadi sighed and placed her phone up. she knew jack wasn't going to listen to reasoning because he just couldn't didn't get it.


numerous honks came from outside kennadi's door. she knew it was jack. he always rushed. she rolled her eyes and quickly grabbed her waffles out the toaster with a napkin. she grabbed her backpack, running out the door.

"you're so annoying." kennadi said when she got into the passenger side.

"you love me." he smirked, opening his mouth indicating he wanted a bite from her waffle.

kennadi rolled her eyes again, lifting the golden breakfast to his lips. he took a monster bite and smiled in satisfaction while he chewed.

"jack!" kennadi shrieked. she groaned, making jack laugh. "asshole." she muttered.

"what are best friends for?" jack smiled smugly.


"hi jack, bye jack!" alyssa ran up to the two when they entered the school. she grabbed kennadi's arm, dragging her away.

"what the hell is going on?!"

"look, look, look!" alyssa excitedly shoved her phone into kennadi's hands.

"what am i looking at?" kennadi questioned.

alyssa rolled her eyes. "read the messages."

kennadi sighed, doing so. "blah, blah, blah..." she scanned. "he thought kennadi was pretty chill.... he kept asking about her.... he wants to hang out.... invite her again.." kennadi looked up at her friend. "nate wants to see me again?"

alyssa vigorously nodded her head. "yes!"

kennadi smiled, looking over the messages again. "wait..." she smirked, "you were texting sam?"

alyssa rolled her eyes, quickly snatching back her phone. "yes i was."

kennadi smirked, crossing her arms. "what happened to johnson? i thought you said he was cute?"

a devious smirk came across alyssa's face. "what? a girl can't have fun?"

kennadi shook her head, "you're terrible." she joked. "come on, we gotta get to class."

the bell rung and kennadi was more than grateful. her first period was more than dull, it was torture. the first thing she saw when she walked out was jack and stella at her locker.

it's was the second day of school, what the fuck? kennadi thought. she rolled her eyes, ignoring the pain in her heart. she strolled up to gilinsky, plastering a fake smile on her face. 

jack felt a shadow next to him, he opened his eyes and looked over seeing kennadi standing next them. he slowly pulled away. "hey ken."

"hey, jack." kennadi said in high pitch voice with a sarcastic/fake grin. jack immediately caught on, giving her an unamused look. "you know stella right?"

"kendall right?" stella turned to her, smiling. 

"kennadi." she corrected.

"oh right! uh, silly me." stella giggled. "i gotta go. i'll see you at lunch." she stood up on her tip toes to kiss jack's lips. the kiss went on longer than kennadi wanted, making her uncomfortable. 

"bye." jack smiled boyishly, watching her walk away. 

kennadi waited until stella was out of sight before punching gilinsky in the chest, "what the fuck?!"

"ow!" jack furrowed his eyebrows. "what the fuck? no, what the fuck?"

"what?" kennadi narrowed her eyebrows as well. 

"nothing." jack shook his head. "what did you punch me for?"

"oh, nate isn't good for you." kennadi deepened her voice to mimic jack. "what about stella huh?"

"what about her?" jack folded his arms. 

kennadi gotten used to jack's tall frame and it no longer intimidated her.  "it's only the second day and you two are basically fucking in the hallways!"

"your point is?" jack said irritated.

"my point is, don't you see something wrong with this picture?" she used her arms for emphasis. "you've fancied stella since the ninth, tenth grade? but has that girl ever looked your way? no. and now, that you look... like this, she wants you!"

jack rolled his eyes, "so i'm better looking, so what?"

kennadi groaned. jack was so thick headed. everything kennadi was saying went through one ear and out the other. 

"you shouldn't like someone because of their looks, jack!" kennadi exclaimed. 

"nobody even fucking looked my way when i was a dorky, scrawny boy." he snapped. "i like the way i am now. like you said, i'm a big boy and i don't need you looking out for me." he angrily stomped away. 

"ugh!" kennadi groaned, stomping in the other direction.

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