Blake Gray Imagine

By aaweaverr

9.6K 184 17

--- More

The Walk Home
Umbrellas and Blue Eyes
Always By Your Side
Broadcasting With Blake
Cross the Universe
Whenever You Need Me
Whatever Makes You Happy
I love you too...
Polaroid Pics

Dad & Kyle

770 19 2
By aaweaverr

"Hi Mom!" You said through the phone. Her voice cracked, your heart sunk to your stomach.

"Honey, please come home." She said. You said nothing more. You hung up and looked up at Blake. He nodded and ended his boradcast. You felt a wave of anxiety. Blake grabbed your hand and guide you down the stairs. Just before you walked in Blake stopped you,

"Y/N what ever is wrong, if there is something wrong, I am here for you." He smiled. He wrapped his arms around you. The past week has been a mess, you were just lucky he was there. Before you could even open the door your mom stepped out. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was shaking. She pulled you into a hug. She invite Blake in along with the two of you. You sat down on the couch and she sat down across from you in the love seat.

"Sweetie, your dad and brother were able to come home early today." she choked, "b-but, the was a semi, and the car, and they are hurt, and I-"

"Mom" you said cutting her off. "Its okay, both of them are tough." She cried even harder. You moved over to her and she cried, she rested her head in your shoulder. Sitting quietly for a few minutes all three of you just listened to the birds out side. Eventually your mom broke the silence,

"Blake?" he looked up at her.

"Keep her safe and happy for me?" you looked at your mom and smiled.

"Of course." Was all he said. You rubbed your moms back gentley and stood up.

"Be home by 10 okay?" Your mom said.

"Yes mom." You said kissing her forehead.

5:39 the clock read

You and Blake both walked out of the house. You felt bad for leaving your mom, but it was best to leave her alone. So she could collect her thoughts. You and Blake walked in silence to a small park.You sat down on one the benches and he sat next to you. You rested your head on his shoulder,

"I'm so sorry Y/N..." He said. You sighed.

"Its okay, my dad is tough, and my brother is too."

•Blakes POV•

She looked beautiful. She was crying, and her eyes were blood shot, but she looked beautiful. I pulled her closer to me, she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Y/N... I love you..."

She was quiet and was on the verge of tears. I stood up and stood in front of her. Helping her up I pulled her into a hug. She was shaking, I drew circles on her back and she sighed.

"What if they arent okay..." She asked.

"Hey, dont think like that." I said, she looked up at me. Her eyes were gloomy, and dark. I pulled her into another hug and kissed her forehead.

"What would I do without you..." she said muffled into my shirt.

"Look, I know we just kinda met, but I want you to understand something," she looked up at me and nodded, "I will be here for you. Not only through this, but through everything else. I'm crazy about you Y/N, I have been since you moved in and I want you to be happy."

She was standing there expressionless, motionless, and lost. Her head hung down.


You were taking it all in. Were you really falling for him... 

"Blake I-I" He cut you off. 

"Its okay princess..." he hugged you again, "It will be okay." 

You both sat back down and watched the sun set. 8:45 

•Blakes POV•

She fiddled with the end of her shirt, her tears were dry but I could see the hurt in her eyes. I was determined to make her feel better. Our fingers were intertwined, and I could see how tired she was. 

"Blake?" she asked, "Can we go home..." 

"Of course... Lets go." I agreed, I liked sitting outside with her but I was okay, as long as I had her. When we got inside she guided me to her room. She went into her bathroom and change into gray sweats and a white shirt. She crawled into bed and flopped down, pulling her blankets over her shoulders and faced me. I was about to leave when I heard her say,

"Stay with me please..." She was sitting up again, her eyes twinkled. I sighed and nodded. I crawled into the bed and she threw half of the blanket around me, I pulled her to my chest and she wrapped her arms around my torso. 

•Y/N POV• 

He stayed, he actually stayed. He smelled amazing, and his presence made you feel safe. 

"Blake..." you called. 

"Yes princess..." you loved him calling you that.

"I love you too..." you were sure, he kissed your forehead and you fell asleep. 


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