Familiar Strangers

By CamilaAldebol

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Kai and Louis were best friends when they were little but when Kai moves to Australia they lose contact. Seve... More

Familiar Strangers
Prologue - Dear Louis
Chapter 1 - The Keys
Chapter 2 - 1D at Nando's
Chapter 3 - The Call
Chapter 4 - The Meeting
Chapter 5 - Recording Studio
Chapter 7 - Those Blue Eyes
Chapter 8 - Don't You Remember
Chapter 9 - Twitcam
Chapter 10 - Tattoo
Chapter 11 - He Knows
Chapter 12 - Malakai Grace
Chapter 13 - Say Something
Chapter 14 - Familiar Strangers No More
Chapter 15 - When the Darkness Comes
Chapter 16 - Not Again
Chapter 17 - Haunted
Chapter 18 - Blank Page
Chapter 19 - Starting Over
Chapter 20 - Rehearsals
Chapter 21 - Mine
Chapter 22 - Yours
Chapter 23 - Don't Give Up
Chapter 24 - The Dream
Epilogue - Time

Chapter 6 - Get to Know You

254 5 0
By CamilaAldebol

Chapter 6 - Get to Know You


Singing in a studio in front of very important people in the music industry tops my incredible moments list. I'm still having trouble believing this is actually happening to me, to us. After dad died I was having a really hard time with the singing and basically everything. Nothing seemed important anymore. Mostly because I wanted my dad to be around and see me do all those things and grow up. Kiran took it hard too because she lost a second father. Mom was extremely worried Kiran wouldn't be able to deal with the loss of yet another family member and relapse into her nightmares. Those were the times we almost gave up on our dream. But Kiran and I figured out dad would want us to keep on living and that he would be there with us through everything. And I know we did the right thing. Our dreams are coming true and dad is here every step of the way.

Love you dad. 

We just finished singing Fix You, which they all love. I wrote the song while in a very upset and frustrated mood. Actually I was thinking about Louis which then made me think about dad. Its times like those that somehow inspire me to write. Other times are when I’m extremely content and satisfied. I started writing a new song yesterday that I really think the girls are going to love. It’s already noon and I didn't notice the hours fly by. Now we're just standing and Avril is simply yammering on about how she wishes she had a good enough voice to be a singer. But at least she's a good enough dancer and actress to one day be famous. I could really see her coming out in movies and I know she'll be successful because of her friendly personality. "I have to go back to work girls but we have to do something together. Alright?" Avril says her blue eyes sparkling with hope. 

I smile at her because I know we're going to be good friends. "Of course!" I respond with a tight hug. 

Kyle grabs her hands."I love your nail polish!" She says observing Avril's dark purple nails with interest. Something you should know about Kyle is that she is obsessed with nail polish. She paints her nails every three days. 

Avril expression turns to delight. "Thank you! I just had them done." Her blue eyes go big and her smile widens. "I know, why don't I give the salon a call and make an appointment for you." 

"That would be great Avril! Here let me give you my number so you can text me the details." Kyle grabs Avril's phone and punches in her phone number and saves it. 

Avril's smile shines brightly making the corner of her eyes crinkle. "It’s a deal! I love you girls already." She wraps her arms around the three of us and squeezes tightly. 

Kiran chuckles and her brown eyes are full of life. "We do too Av." It's good to see Kiran instantly like a person enough to give them a nickname. She usually takes a long time to let a person in and it seems Avril has already begun to break down the wall. "Now go work I don't want you to get fired." Kiran winks because she knows Avril won’t get fired considering her relationship with Simon. Avril says goodbye to the lads and her blonde head disappears through the door. 

I shake my head and smile to myself. Having another girl around will be fun. We haven't really met a lot of girls since we moved back to England so it’s been just us three always together. It's nice to meet a person you know you're going to get along with. I've always been the girl with the guy friends and not the girl friends. Guys are a lot less dramatic and gossipy. When I was little Louis was my best friend and all the other friends I had consisted of Louis's friends which just happened to be boys. Kiran was the first girl to ever win me over to the point of becoming not just like a sister but an actual sister. 

"What are you girls doing right now?" Zayn asks coming towards us after hanging up the phone. 

I look at the girls and shrug. "Oh uh, nothing we'll probably just head home." I say and his smile widens just a tad. 

Zayn's hazel orbs are simply breath taking. A man shouldn't be able to have such amazing eyes and here there are five of them. I mean Harry's eye are like emeralds, Liam's are a very chocolaty brown, Niall's are as blue as Bondi Beach in Sydney and then Louis are a mix of blues and greens that make a beautiful combination. I wonder if being extremely attractive is required to be a famous singer/actor because that would explain a lot. "Good, why don't we head to my flat, order some take out and get to know you girls." He suggests when his phone buzzes in his hand. 

"That is a brilliant plan my dear boy." Niall pats Zayn's shoulders with a cheeky grin on his face. "Will Leah be joining us?" He asks Zayn ad his eyes light up. Leah is Zayn's girlfriend and they've been together a little over a year now or so Kyle keeps telling me. I guess we'll have another girl along for the ride I just hope we can be friends. 

Zayn checks the message and smiles to himself. "She is but she'll be a little late because she's visiting her sister." Zayn turns to us. "I really think you girls will get along." He says reassuringly and Niall and Harry agree. "So?"

I chuckle and smile at them. "I'm game what about you Kiran? Kyle?" I turn my gaze to the girls to find a Cheshire cat smile in Kyle's face and a even a smile on Kiran's. 

"Of course!" Kyle all but screams looking at me like I'm stupid. Her gaze says 'Hello are you and idiot?’

Kiran chuckles amused at Kyle's response. Kyle shoots her a small glare and Kiran just winks back. "What she said." 

Harry all of a sudden appears next to Kyle. "It’s decided then. You guys came driving?" He asks Kyle. 

"Um yeah my car is parked out front." I answer for her because she looks a little affected by his closeness. 

Harry smiles revealing his beautiful dimples and nods. "Alright, drive to the back and wait for us. Then you can follow us." He explains to me. 

I nod in understanding. "Will do." 

At that moment Liam comes in with a frown on his face. He left like ten minutes ago to talk on the phone after a discussion with Zayn. The only thing I could make out was a name. Danielle. I guess even after they broke up they keep in contact. Which I think is a bad idea unless you're going to get back together and from what I know she's seeing someone else now. Plus she was the one who broke it up or so the rumors say. By the upset look on his face the phone call didn't go too well. Everyone turns to look at him and he forces out a smile. 

"Hey Li, we're all going back to Zayn's and ordering take out." Niall informs him no doubt trying to make Liam think of something else. 

Liam's smile gets bigger and his eyes no longer shine with sadness but you can still see a small trace of heartbreak in them if you look close enough. "That is a brilliant idea."

I chuckle and smile at him. "That's what Niall said." Behind Liam, Louis appears. He had gone to see Paul and tell him to get the car ready. We still haven't met Paul but I guess we will soon. 

Louis' gaze finds mine and he keeps it there. "Paul says the car is ready." I can see his mind working, studying me. His blue green eyes wander from my eyes to my nose, then to my mouth where it lingers for a few seconds. Then his eyes return to my eyes. Maybe he's remembering...no he's not. That's just wishful thinking on my part. 

Harry walks to him and claps Louis' shoulder. Louis' intense gaze turns to the curly haired boy next to him and I feel myself breathe. I hadn't noticed I'd stopped breathing under his scrutinizing gaze. "The girls are going to follow us in their car to the complex." Louis smiles and nods his approval. I smile back while Zayn walks up to me. 

"We'll wait for you at the back." Zayn says as each of them file out of the room. They disappear from sight and Kiran, Kyle and I are left alone. Kyle starts walking down the hallway in an almost skipping manner that makes me laugh. When Kyle is excited she kind of gets really bouncy and energetic. After reaching the car we drive to the back part of the building. As we reach the black gate we notice a group of girls with posters and other things. One of the posters read 'Marry me Liam! I love you!'Another says 'I wanna eat your carrot Louis!' and that belongs to what looks like a thirteen year old. Others say things that I am not about to repeat. God, little girls today have a very colorful vocabulary and imaginations. The girls glare at us when the guard opens the gate and other security guards hold them back. 

"Miss Ellis?" The young and handsome guard asks with a smile that reveals cute dimples. He can't be more than twenty two years old. His startling blue eyes and blonde hair seem rather familiar but I don't know why. 

"Um yes." I answer and his smile is back on his face. Why does he seem so familiar?! My eyes land on his name tag and a light bulb lights up in my head. AJ Lancaster. He looks just like Avril! "Are you by any chance related to Avril?" His eyes shine with amusement and he chuckles to himself. 

"Yes, I'm her twin brother AJ" Oh! I didn't know she had a twin, well I just met her so I guess I wouldn't but still. 

I smile at him and I don't know how I didn't instantly connect the two of them because they have the same eyes, hair and smile. "Hmm, I didn't know Av had a brother let alone a twin but we just met today so. Oh I'm Kai, this is Kiran and Kyle." 

AJ smiles broadly and nods towards Kiran and Kyle. "Nice to meet you." Before he can continue saying anything Louis appears standing next to my car. He stares at both AJ and I for a moment his brows furrowing. 

After a few seconds he smiles at AJ. "Hey AJ they're with us. " AJ turns towards Louis and nods opening the gate for us. 

Louis looks back at me then walks off into the direction of two blacked out cars right next to each other. "Thank you AJ." I say with a smile as I inch the car forward. 

"You're welcome love. Hope I'll be seeing you around." He nods his goodbye and give me a flirty smile. 

"I think you've got an admirer." Kyle says from the back seat. I glare at her through the rear view mirror and she just laughs. 

"I don't have an admirer so knock it off." I warn her but that only makes her chuckle again. 

"Well you do but keep being in denial. Besides did you see how Louis looked at AJ? He was little annoyed by the look AJ was giving you." Kyle comments on what I've been trying to figure out. He couldn't have been annoyed because he doesn't remember me so he just met me like hours ago. But it did look like he was annoyed. Ugh. I sigh and look at Kyle who has a cheeky smile on her face. 

"He wasn't Kyle." I say just as I someone knocks on my window making jump. I look towards the culprit and find a smiling Niall. I roll down the window. 

"Follow the car on the right. The other one is a decoy for the fans." He explains so normally as if one had to have a decoy car everyday because of fans. I nod and say okay before he walks off and gets in the car but not before talking with a staring Louis. Why does he stare so much? It feels like he's looking into my soul with those eyes. Both cars rumble to life and we finally get moving. 

After what feels like half an hour later the blacked out car turns left onto a huge apartment complex. They live here?! I've been inside this place like twice since I've moved back and I didn't know Louis lived here. I chuckle to myself gaining me weird looks from the girls. We're stopped at the gate where a white haired man asks for our names and hands me a pass that reads 'VIP visitor' in bold black letters. "Anytime you come here place it on the front of your vehicle so you can drive in and park without all of this mess." John, as I read on his name tag, looks at the blacked out car in front of us and then back at us. "You girls must be special because I've only handed out four of these before." He comments as the lads come filing out of the car. 

Kiran chuckles and shakes her head. "I don't know if special is the right word for us. Lucky is a better one." 

John smiles amused and nods his head in agreement. "Guess I'll be seeing you girls often then. That pass there" he points to the pass in my hand "has no expiration date on it which means you'll be coming around for a while." He gives us a knowing look before pushing the red button to his left. 

"Thank you John. See you around!" I call out my window as I drive further into the back parking lot. I park in the space that I was assigned and then we walk towards the lads who wait for us at the back entrance. 

"Girls" Liam says as we stop in front of them "this is Paul." Liam points to the big man standing next to Zayn. "Paul these are the lovely ladies going on tour with us next year Kai and Kiran Ellis and Kyle Hall." He introduces us and my heart jumps when he says we're going on tour with them. I so want that to happen but first we need to do well in the charity concert and I'm extremely scared we won't. 

"We'll be going on tour if we can manage the charity concert first but its very nice to meet you Paul." Kyle says before I can and shoots me a knowing glance. She extends out her hand and its engulfed in Paul's giant one. She looks like a child next to the big man. 

Harry looks at Kyle disapprovingly and shakes his head. "You are going on tour with us and until you say so you cannot proceed inside." He says challengingly. 

Kyle's eyes light up with amusement and fondness. "What if I don’t?" She challenges Harry with one of her brows raised up. I shake my head at their playful exchange and take it as my cue to shake hands with Paul. 

"Nice to meet you Paul." I say and so does Kiran after me. 

"It’s very nice to meet you girls as well. The lads have been talking about how good you are and I have to say I agree." He says and I feel light headed with all the praise today has brought. "It’ll be good to have you along, maybe they'll learn to behave better." Paul jokes and the lads feign hurt. 

Harry walks to Kyle and places an arm around her shoulders. "Now that the introductions are done its time for you to say you're going on tour with us because we picked you knowing you could do it." Kyle looks about to hug him and I chuckle at her obvious reaction to him. I mean who wouldn't react to him, he's a sexy pop star. 

Kyle beams up at Harry and nods. "Alright, alright. We are going on tour with you. Happy?"

Harry shakes his head and well all look at their exchange with amusement. "Who's going on tour with whom?"

Kyle sighs and begins once again. "We, The Keys, are going on tour with you, One Direction."

Harry's green eyes go big with fake surprise. "Really?! That's amazing! Now we can proceed inside." Harry makes a grand gesture towards the double doors and drags Kyle with him. I have a feeling those two are going to bicker a lot. 

The biggest lift known to man zooms us upstairs to the last floor. The hallway is brightly lit and I can see two doors on my right and three on my left. I chuckle at the realization that they own the whole freaking floor! “The last door on the right is Louis’, the next is Zayn’s, this one is mine” he says pointing to the door closest to me. “That is Liam’s and the last one is Harry’s.”

“Well this is convenient. You live together but have privacy because you have your own space.” I say and they nod in agreement. Louis walks towards the last door on the right.

Louis eyes find mine then move to Zayn’s. “I have to do something but I’ll be there in a few.” He announces and before any of us can say anything he’s in his flat and the door is shut. I notice Harry’s worried glace and his pinched brows. What is wrong with him?

Zayn walks towards the door that Niall said was his and take out his keys. “Come on I’m hungry. What would you girls like to eat?” Zayn asks opening the door to the big flat. They don’t look so big from the outside but it’s pretty spacious. Zayn’s flat is modern but homey, the walls are white but some are covered with graffiti art. “Make yourselves at home.” Zayn throws his keys on top of a small table next to the door. My eyes are instantly drawn to the graffiti next to the big window at the far side of the room. It covers half of the wall and its full of color, black, red, yellow, green, blue and many more. What drew me to it was the big red letters that spell out ‘This Is Us’ and under it a date and then ‘One Direction’. I run my hand over it and stop and the bottom where the signature of the artist is. Zayn Malik.

“You did this? It’s amazing” I ask Zayn who appears next to me in seconds. He stares at it, his hazel eyes full of pride.

“Yeah, thanks.” He answers modestly and smiles at me. Boy that smiles is just killer. No wonder millions of girls are in love with him I would be too if…nothing. A burst of laughter reminds me where I am. I turn towards the noise coming from what I see is the kitchen and a crying Niall. “We ordered some Tai I hope that’s fine. Kiran said it was your favorite.” I nod and we walk back to the rest.

Kiran sits on the black couch with Harry, Liam and now Niall while Kyle sits in the armchair next to the fireplace. And a very big fireplace it is. As we sit there I can feel Niall’s blue eyes on me like he’s trying to figure out the world’s most difficult math problem. His eyes shift from me to Kiran and so forth until I can’t take it anymore. “What?" I ask him and he snaps out of his observing gaze.

His eyes meet mine and his brows pinch together in confusion. "Nothin' I'm just trying to see the similarities between you two because for the life of me I can't find any." Kiran and I laugh because this is something we've come to expect. Many people are confused as to how we are sisters when we look nothing alike. Because Kiran is blonde and has amber eyes while I’m a brunette with blue eyes.

The conversation that had Kyle, Liam, Zayn and Harry busy has now stopped and they are looking towards us. "What?" And this time it’s Niall who asks. 

Kiran smiles at him and begins to explain. "Don't waste your time looking because you won’t find any." They all stare back even more confused and a smile takes over my lips. She chuckles and continues. "I'm adopted." She finally says and you can see them connecting the dots in their minds because they all have their mouths O shaped. That’s how people normally react to the news so we’re pretty used to it. Dad always said family had nothing to do with blood. And I’ve always believed that even though I have questioned it before when Louis forgot about me. Louis was always considered family and now he’s just a familiar stranger who doesn’t remember his childhood best friend.

"Well that explains a lot." Harry says smirking and we all laugh. “How old were you guys?” He asks curiously and I already know how to answer because we’ve been answering the same questions since then. Because I’m concentrating on what I’m about to say not wanting to relay that I used to live in Doncaster like Louis I don’t hear him come in through the door.

"I moved to Australia when I was 12 and that’s where I met Kiran.” That’s when I notice him standing behind the couch facing me. His mouth is slightly open and his blue-green eyes are full of confusion and recognition. Kiran notices my predicament and takes over the story for me. I’m frozen staring back at him as he studies my face making me squirm.

“She was new at my school and we were both shy so we ended up eating at the same table at lunch time. A few weeks later I met Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and well we were inseparable. I spent most of my time at Kai’s house because my foster home was so full and eventually I became an official member of the Ellis family.” Kiran explains and she smiles radiantly remembering those precious moments we had as a family. Harry notices my silence and shoots me a worried glance. Thank God for Kyle who makes Louis’ entrance bigger news than my sudden silence.

“Louis, we didn’t hear you come in.” She says sweetly and Louis looks at me for a second longer before turning to the rest. My heart pounds hard in my chest and my stomach feels like there’s a stampede going on inside. I try to compose myself as quickly as possible.

“What are you guys doing?” He asks sitting down in the empty armchair next to Harry. The conversation flows from there on to anything and everything from school to hobbies and even embarrassing situations. Louis’ eyes shift towards me in twenty second intervals. He can’t seem to stop watching me and soon he’s observing Kyle as well. My nerves begin to rise because Louis met Kyle when she came to visit on Christmas and every Christmas after that so needless to say it would be easy for him to recognize her. Or maybe I’m just imagining things again and he’s only studying us because he doesn’t know us and we’re going to be working together for the next month and a half and hopefully going on tour with them for eight months. I sigh and close my eyes for a second until I'm no longer feeling the sense of frustration over the situation. I've got to accept Louis doesn't remember me and that we've just met before I do something stupid. Which is harder than I thought it would be.


Hey lovies! It feels like forever since I've updated  and I'm terribly sorry for that but I started school a month ago and things have been a bit tight! I wrote any time I could but it seems this year the teachers are intent on us having no social lives. Anywho this chapter is extra long and I hope you enjoy it! Also this sotry will be the first in what is to be a trilogy but of course the other stories will come after I finish this one! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Picture of Kai and Kiran being silly on the side!

Please comment and vote!

Love, Kamila :)

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