The Book Of Love #Wattys2016

By nikkaAR

19.5K 1.3K 206

I'm a simple girl where I'm doing my degree for information technology!! At the same time I do researchers in... More

Part -1 (Introduction)
Part -3
Part - 20
Part - 21
Part - 34


450 32 6
By nikkaAR

Clarification - The driver name is: Velu,He will be into this chapter for an important role.

~~~~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~

Day 4 in Mayavanam..

Morning bloomed with a pleasant weather.It was a bit clouldy and shirred.The clouds looked lightish blue mixed with grey.The waether seemed to be cold but the sun still raised up.

Everyone woke up early and went for jogging.I was still asleep working all day night.My body ached so badly.I took rest.
Anirudh,Joey and Nisha finished their jogging and went to warm up.Rayan hesitated to join as he was still depressed with mahima's unpresence deep inside his heart. He didn't show it up as he didn't wanted his friends to be dull.

After finishing with the morning warm ups and exercises.They all went to take a shower and have their breakfast.Nisha went to her room and joey went inside the kitchen to make his hot chocolate.

Meanwhile anirudh and rayan was having a chit chat in the living hall. Just then the driver velu anna entered the house.

"Good Morning sir." Velu anna greeted.

Anirudh and Rayan turned behind to greet velu anna. "Hello anna." They both said,smilingly.

"Just want to if you guys will be going out today. Because I have left the car for service. Afternoon only i'll go fetch it from the shed. " velu anna said,politely.

"Its okay Anna.No problem we have got no plans for today. We're just going to chill in home. " Rayan said genuinely.

Velu anna smiled "okay sir.I'll carry on with my work.if you need any help just let me know. " he said,quietly and was about to leave the place. Just in a min a thought popped into anirudh's head.Anirudh stopped velu anna's way.

"Velu anna nillunga. " Anirudh said placing his hand on Velu anna's shoulder.Velu anna looked at him blurred. Anirudh took velu anna to a alone place and spoke.

"Anna if you know any rich restaurant in this place.Can you go and book a family table for us.Book it as reserved for Anika Ravichander.The more details i'll pass it on to you when you reach the restaurant."   Anirudh said.

"Okay sure sir.When I go to fetch the car I will surely book it. No worries sir." Velu anna said,with a grinned face.

Anirudh smiled and handed over him a punch of notes to pay the bill for car service and for the hotel.And he walked back to the place with a happy face were he was before.Rayan looked at anirudh with a dramatic look.

"Yenna machan.Face la 1000 watts blub yeriyudhu!? " rayan asked,with a teasing tone. Anirudh smiled.

"Adhaalan onnum illa machi." Anirudh said.

"Ayy..Dont back off I know you're planning something for anika right!? Okay,whatever it is tell me. I wont utter a word.You can trust me more rather on trusting that buffoon joey." Rayan said,With smirk on his face.Anirudh giggled by facing down.He didn't utter a word.

"Look at him.Half an hour aah andhaa chocolate bottle aah vechi senjichtu irukan.Dont really know how nisha is going to handle him." Rayan whispered into anirudh's ears.

Anirudh looked at joey what he is doing in the dinning hall.He apparently laughed looking at his funny behavior.

"Yennada yenna vechi yedhachum comedy pandringala." Joey asked,in a weird tone.knowing that anirudh and rayan are talking about him.

"Nothing da.How we will talk about you.Adhu deivakutham aaidum.Unna pathi pesa mudiyum aah!" Rayan said, teasinly.

"Seri illayae.Something fishy happening over there.Let me come over there." Joey said lifting up his eyebrows.Joey went to the living hall with his hot chocolate drink and on the other hand with his chocolate powder bottle.

"Vaaran paaru master bottle ooda.." Rayan mumbled.Anirudh giggled while he was facing down.

"So anirudh whats the plan!? Im not leaving you.Untill you tell us what you have planned." Rayan stated.

"Hey calm down man.Nothing special today is anika's birthday so I planned to give a surprise." Anirudh said,smilingly.

"Oh shit." Rayan pouted and grabbed his phone to have a look at the date."Damm yeah its here birthday today.March 15th."

Anirudh smiled in happiness.He gave a weird look at joey.Because he was having his hot chocolate sincerely.So then he left to take his shower.Just then nisha came down.

"Nisha guess what.Today is anika's birthday." Rayan pouted.Nisha first looked blurred then she realized the date.

"OMG!! Yes.How did I forget man let me go wish her.She still asleep." Nisha pouted excitngly and ran back to her room.But then anirudh stopped her.

"Nisha dont woke her up.Let her sleep peacefully.And I will be going to nainaa's house now if she is awake she will pour alot of questions." Anirudh said.

Nisha nodded her head and she went to the dinning hall.No one bothered about joey as he was busy dating with his hot chocolate.

Anirudh went to his room.He was picking up so many t-shirts out from his suitcase what to wear on today.Nothing matched for his day today.Just then his eyes caught on a blue full hand shirt which was deep under his thousands of dress.He took and planned to wear it on.He smilingly went inside the bathroom and took his shower.Then he combed his hair and went downstairs.

"Ani.have your breakfast and go." Nisha insisted. Anirudh sat to have his breakfast and the maid served him.After having his food.Before leaving he again reminded his friends not to open their mouth about his plan.Everyone agreed to his compliments.Anirudh walked to nainaa's house.

He reached there and knocked the door.No one came to open the door.He again knocked the door and rang the bell.Nainaa opened the door in her hazely sleepy face.She shirked her eyes and rubbed her eyes.She was in a disbelief stage.She couldn't believe that Anirudh is standing infornt of her.

"Anirudh." Nainaa called him lovingly and hugged him tightly at the second.Anirudh was shocked and freezed.He gently backed away from the hug.Nainaa was disappointed.

"Nainaa.I need to talk to you!?" Anirudh said,politely.Nainaa welcomed anirudh inside her house.He sat on the sofa and nainaa sat beside him.Anirudh felt a bit awkward when nainaa sat beside him.

"Anirudh.I dont know whether is this for real or dream.Cant believe your just right beside me." Nainaa pouted,and wrapped her arm around Anirudh's.Anirudh got pulled away.

"Nainaa im not here for what you think!? Im here to confess." Anirudh stated,quietly.Nainaa looked bluntly.

"Confess!?" Nainaa asked,confused.

"I love anika more than anything.She is my life.Without her i cant live.I dont really remember what happened between us too.Its all because of my shitty memory loss." Anirudh explained.softly.Nainaa became mad and she moved.

"So this is the reason you're here!?" Nainaa asked,brokenly.

"Yes,Im sorry nainaa I cant live with you happily in any means.Because you're my cousin.If I was compelled to marry you and live with you.Honestly to say I wouldn't have made you happy! Because Anika will never leave my heart." Anirudh said.Nainaa became furious.

"Anirudh stopped." Nainaa shouted.Anirudh became quite.Nainaa came closer to anirudh and pulled out his sleeve.

"How could just forget everything man!? Dont you remember how we both were!? I gave you so much of freedomness.Do atleast remember that we crossed our limits." Nainaa cried.Anirudh looked in shock.

"What!? No way. Not possible for that to happen." Anirudh said angrily and pulled away nainaa's hand.

"Yes,It did happen." Nainaa said.casually

"Stop it nainaa.There is no possibilities to happen that.I dont believe this." Anirudh said,raising up his voice.

"Okay,Fine leave.Say the truth that you didn't touch me the night on your bachelor party!?" Nainaa said.Anirudh tried to recall his past memories but  he wasnt able.All he was able to remember was the day when he met an accident.

"Sorry Nainaa.I cant recall anything.I dont really remember anything." Anirudh said,depressed

"That's what im trying to say.You did cross your limits." Nainaa said,crying.

"No.No.I'll never do that mistake in my life.Even I have never been like that to anika because I know I wont cross my limits.Even if im drunk.Im not that type of a person.Just stop blaming to get me." Anirudh said,angrily.

"Anika.Anika." nainaa shouted angrily."what's so special about her!?" Nainaa asked,raising her voice.

"There is nothing special about her.But one thing I can specify on her.Her simplicity can make every men to fall in love." Anirudh said with small grin on face.Recapping the moments when he firstly met anika.

"Ffuff!! So you dont find that simplicity in me!? Dont I look pretty smart and kind." Nainaa asked,lifting up her eye brows.

"Hahah I'm not that kind of a person who goes for looks.A kind heart and emotions came make a person fall in love and that's how I found anika.Dont ever think you're kind,You're a saddest evil." Anirudh said,giggling.

"Enough of with Anika's topic.Tell me now will continue my life with you!? Please do understand my feelings." Nainaa asked,pulling his shirt collar.Anirudh took her hands off and replied.

"I cant.I really cant.If I did so.I will feel like I'm touching anika every moment when I touch you and when I kiss you I will feel like I'm doing it to her.Will you accept this!?" Anirudh asked,reculantly.

"Of course not.Look here anirudh.Anika have brainwashed you.She is not the right person to be your life partner." Nainaa said.

"Hahahah." anirudh laughed.Nainaa looked curious why he is laughing.

"Why are you laughing now!?" Nainaa asked.keeping her face serious.

"You just said anika has brainwashed me.Honestly to say its not her.Its you the one who is trying to brain wash me.Anika will never do that.After all she came here to talk with you about this." Anirudh said,giggling himself.

Nainaa turned furious.She couldn't take that anirudh is talking like this to her.She became clueless.

"So,Think well.Im saying this again I love anika only.She is my only life.When I meet you next time I hope you will give me a positive reply.And I'm leaving." Anirudh said,politely and left his place.

Nainaa looked so angry that she couldn't brainwash anirudh.She starred at anirudh angrily.She was thinking what she is going to do next.

Anirudh went to his palace.Joey,Rayan and Nisha were sincerely watching a movie in the small room.Anirudh went inside the room.Everyone turned back looked who it is.They all smiled when they saw anirudh.

"What happened Anirudh!?" Joey asked,with a smile on his face.

"Hopefully Nainaa will answer will be a positive.Just praying that she wont enter into my life again.Whatever I was trying to say she wasn't in the stage to listen.All she wanted is me." Anirudh said,feeling down.Rayan got up and went beside anirudh.

"Dont worry da machan..Everything will be alright soon!" Rayan said,while he wrapped his hand around anirudh's shoulder.

"Leave that all.Anika still didn't wake up!?" Anirudh questioned.

"She is still sleeping." Nisha sais causally.

In Anika's Room..

I woke up crushing my eyes strongly and rubbed my hands.I yawned and grabbed my phone from the table.The time was "12:pm".I mumbled myself "I slept for this long puff ." I looked around my room.This day gave me a positive vibe to believe in me.I felt like after this day my life will be changed.I was weird feeling like I didn't know how to say it out.So,then I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.Just right after I came out and was thinking what dress to wear today.I cupped mahima's bag and took all her dresses out.I missed mahima so much.So I decided to wear her clothes.Her blue with  floral designs chudi top and patiyala pant which match the top colour caught my eyes to be in love.I quickly grabbed that dress into my arms and went inside the bathroom to take shower.

When I came out of the bathroom.I looked myself ath the mirror.I was admiring myself how I looked in salwar as its my first time wearing it.Just then I thought  to myself "If anirudh see me in this dress he will be impressed." I smiled imagining his reaction. I powered my face and combed my hair.I didn't tie my hair.I loosened it.And I was about to leave the room.Just then I realized that I didn't take my veil.I went to the bed and grabbed it in rush.Just then I heard sound of an object fallen down.I went nearer to the bed and looked.It was a notebook written "My secret Book." I took it from down and looked at it.I wondered whose notebook it would be.I turned the first page and it was written "Mahima Ratnam." I gasped.Its mahima's secret notebook.I thought to myself "Should I read whats inside the book!? But it's wrong to read others personal book." I was thinking for a long what to do.I breathed out and said "Mahima is no more.If I read this book I might get some clue." I turned the pages all I found was her memories with us.She wrote everything like a story.I turned to the page and I found a very long essay.I started to read.

"Hello To All My Lovely Friends.. I dont really know how start my paragraph.But I have to write it over here as I cant say it out.Guys we're really in a danger.We're living in a haunted house.This house isn't a palace as you guys think.I founded so many abnormal things on our first day.Whatever happened to us in this days its all happened by a plan.First anirudh's sudden sickness was because of health only but anika's injury wasnt by accident.It was pre-planned.I know you guys will be what im trying to say.Okay let me not drag as I'm running out of time.In this house there are so many souls roaming around.I cant say whether they're bad or good.Because when one sould went inside me I spoke with our security guy.He said the souls which all are roaming around are trying to make us go out of this palace since they dont feel us to stay there.He mainly mentioned that if we dont leave this house within 5 days he will make one of the souls to get inside our body.So I decided that my friends shouldn't face this.I wanted anika's problem to get solve before anything happens.Because of my stupidness I'm going to die because already one soul is killing me inside my body.I know you guys going to hurt me for this but I had no idea.All I wanted is anika to meet nainaa and save anirudh.Im sorry guys but I love you all so much.Especially Rayan Im sorry to leave you man."

Reading mahima's letter tears literally rolled down my cheeks.I fell down in shock.I cried.I hurted myself and hated mahima for doing this.I couldn't stop crying.I wiped my tears and went down the book furiously.

Rayan,Joey, Anirudh and Nisha were in the living hall having fun.I went and stood infront of them forwarding the notebook infront of rayan.Rayan looked wondered.

"What's with this book anika!?" Rayan asked curiously.

"Read this book.You guys will find the secret behind mahima's death." I said,quitely.Everyone gathered behind rayan and started to read the book.Even anirudh did.Just after reading it rayan fell down in shock.

"Mahima why did you do this!? This is just cruel." Rayan shouted.Joey tried to covince him but rayan lost his control.Everyone were in tears because of mahima.

"I know mahima has this much love on us.But what she did just so stupid.Why didn't she think that we all are there for her." I concerned,broken.

"Anika,how did you find this book!? Where was it." Nisha asked.

"I took mahima's dress out from her book and I found this." I said.

We all stayed quite for a while thinking of mahima.Joey and Nisha started to feel more.But they were happy that I was able to find the secret behind mahima's death.

Meanwhile Anirudh looked dispute and speechless by anika's research.He didn't know how to encourage her work.He was impressed.Tears started to roll down his cheeks but then he hid it since he didn't wanted to show up.Anirudh quickly left his place from there to his room.Just then anika stopped him.

"Anirudh." I called him,quitely.He forward his steps to upstairs and he was hesitating my call.

"Anirudh Stop.Why are you still not talking to me!? Why you have so much ego on you.If you think what I did is wrong you can slap me nicely.Because you have the rights.Dont just be like this." I raised my voice.He went upstairs without uttering a word.

I looked up and said "Anirudh you're hurting me more now." Nisha pouted "anika go to his room"

I ran upstairs and entred into his room.I locked the door.

"Anirudh,Im here to confess something important to you.Its something which will make you happy.Please listen to me.Its okay you dont have to turn atleast keep your ears open wide so that you can hear me clearly."I said,politely.
Anirudh was near the window curtain.His back was facing me.

"Anirudh..I hope you're listening to me.I feel so hurted now.I really cant accept the fact that mahima just left because of our problem.Okay let me not talk about mahima now.Ani I don't really get the reason why you're not talking to me.If you're mad at me slap me I wont mind.But please dont be like this.I feel guilty for you being like this.I want the old Anirudh back.And I want you to be just right beside me and hold my hand as im totally broken and my body is aching to be with you.I again say why I took this tricky job.It all because I truly love you ani.Yes I deeply adorably love you.You're my life." I quickly ran hugged him behind and cried.

Tiny Droplets of tears dropped on my arms.I smirked and went in front of anirudh.I looked dispute by seeing anirudh's tears rolling down his cheeks.I lifted up his face with my thumb and index finger.I gasped.

"Ani..Ani why are you crying!?" I asked,curiously.Anirudh hold my and placed it on his forehead.He was still crying.

"Anika.Im sorry." He mumbled.I cupped his face and said "why do you have to be sorry!? Im the one who has to apologize."
"No anika.Im sorry.I wasn't mad at you at all.its just that small thought in me which I had was why did you hide your research job from me.But now I realized it.And now I feel guilty." Anirudh said,crying.

I was surprised with anirudh's words.I didn't really know what to say and how to console him.He was still crying.His guiltiness were killing him.I cupped his face with my hands and made him to look into my eyes.

I went nearer to him.I quickly captured his lips and kissed it passionately as I had no other thought in my mind expect this.It wasn't a simple kiss.It was passionate as I made anirudh to be moan and didn't let him to have any thoughts.I made him to feel the kiss as I went rougher and rougher untill I explored his tongue.Without stopping the kiss I held anirudh's hand and placed it on my hip.I was still going rougher and rougher.I didn't have any uncomfortable as I made anirudh to be comfortable.All I felt was I was feeling the love on my kiss.I didn't know what anirudh has thought. But I could see he looked surprise as I initiated the kiss first time.

I gently back ward from the kiss to breath and moved away from anirudh shyly without looking at him.He suddenly grabbed my waist and pushed me towards the wall.He came closer to me.His fingers were linked with mine.I looked down knowing what anirudh is going to do.On other side his right hand crawled on my body.i shivered in his touch.He slowly came closer to me as his chest touched mine.First he gave a small kiss on my forehead.Followed by he kissed my eyelids and through there he went my ears and started to nibble.Just then he cupped my lips and kissed softly.I thought he would go rougher but then he stopped and moved back.I pulled his collar as I wanted him to kiss me but he didn't.He stood romantically admiring my shyness.

"Happy Birthday Love" Anirudh said,With a small grin on his face.I looked bluntly.I was surprised and shocked that I totally forgot my birthday.I hugged anirudh and  cried in happiness.

"Today is the best day ever in my life." I said,happily.

"For me too.Thanks for the kiss birthday girl." Anirudh said.romantically.I giggled and backward from the hug.Just then my phone vibrated. "You have a new message." I slide to unlock to see the message. "Message from nainaa." I mumbled.

"Come and meet me in the fourth street alone." Nainaa's message.

"Who is it!?" Anirudh asked,smilingly.

"It's nainaa.she told me to come alone to meet her.I'll leave now" I said casually and forwarded my step.But anirudh grabbed my waist.

"Velu anna is not here.Go when he comes.Till then spend time with me baby." Anirudh said.romantically with dashing cute smile.I couldn't get over his cuteness.I died at that second.

He pulled me towards him and wrapped me into his arms tightly.He started to nuzzle my neck with his kisses.I became moaned as I didn't think of anything.His hands were crawling on my back.I was moaned untill I was able to bend myself down in his arms.I carefully wrapped my hands around him more tightly.
Anirudh stopped nuzzling my neck and started to kiss down my body.He didn't really care about the cloth which Stood between his lip and my skin.I felt uncomfortable so I gently stopped him placing my hand on his lip.I backed away.Just then velu anna's car horned.I looked through the window.

"Anirudh.I will leave now after coming back you can spend time with me for long.I'll be yours after meeting with nainaa." I said,smilingly and left the place.

"Anika come back soon.You have a surprise baby."Anirudh said with a dashing smile.I smiled.

To be Continued....

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