The Darkness Beneath ~ A Soul...

By Seamist11

1.9K 78 6

A new student has arrived at the DWMA. As her story unfolds, she will face many challenges along the way, and... More

A New Beginning
The New Student
The Whole Name
How Black Star Feels
The Announcement
Mixed Feelings And Problems
Drinks And Dancing
He Ruins Everything!
Sky Meets Kid
The Hotel
I Like You Too Much
Medusa and Crona
A Shattered Family
Not Today
What Happens Now?
Saving Crona
Medusa's Plans
The Things They Talked About
A Plan?
Magic After All?
Before-Battle Fun
Being Torn In Two
More Secrets?
What Will We Do Now?
What Medusa Said
You Did This To Me

This Must Be A Mistake

14 0 0
By Seamist11

Moon sat on her bed for a while, sobbing. She held the pregnancy test in her hands, gripping it, willing it to suddenly turn negative and let this all be the test's mistake. But it wouldn't. This was real. Very real. And it had to be accepted.

But Moon wasn't willing to believe it. 

Blinded by emotions and tears, she ran out of Kid's house. In the process, she fell and ripped a few large holes in her jeans and scraping up her skin. She discovered an alleyway, where she sat hugging her knees. She had no idea where she had run off to, which made her even more scared. It was also cold, and darkness seemed like the only thing that embraced her. The wall she leaned up against was dirty, and left smudges of dirt on her cheek. 

It was sprinkling rain outside, and the longer she sat there, the more wet she got. She wasn't even thinking about Kid, or Crona, or any of her friends. All that lingered in her mind was that there was a tiny baby in her stomach. Possibly even two, if Medusa was right.

"I don't know whether to be happy, or sad, or angry at Kid..." She whispered to herself. "Kid..."

Moon finally realized what she had done. She had gone and run off, and if Kid had come home, he would be worried sick. He is probably out in this cold, dark, rainy night, all just to look for me...

She finally mustered up the strength- and not to mention the will- to go back. She took all the alleyways to try and find her way back to her new home, or at least to a landmark or something that she recognized.

What will I say when I find Kid? Will he even realize that I'm missing by the time i get back? Maybe I won't have to say anything at all... I don't know how he will react when I tell him about my... Condition... He won't let me go anywhere or participate on missions or leave me alone... Maybe I'll keep it a secret. But then when I get home he might realize the extra soul or two with me. But then again, he hadn't noticed it before. 

She hoped that the reason that Kid hadn't noticed the souls was because she wasn't really pregnant. 

Moon eventually found her way back to Kid's house. She stopped in front of the door, wondering what kind of hell awaited her inside. Slowly, she turned the knob and pushed the two symmetrical doors open.

Nothing. There was nothing. She heard no sounds, so she walked in convinced that he wasn't home, but also cautiously in case he was. Her footsteps echoed through the hallways, which sounded unusual to her because she hadn't been alone for a period of time this long in a while. 

She walked past the bathroom, the light still on, and remembered the test. Panicking, she dashed into the bathroom to find the test... Gone. Maybe I threw it out and forgot? She looked into the garbage, but there was nothing but a few tissues and the cardboard remains of a toilet paper tube.

Moon broke down then and there, again, sobbing on the floor. And then a pair of arms wrapped around her. Forgetting where she was and who she lived with, she struggled to get out of the stranger's grasp, but her efforts were pointless. Whoever had a hold of her was too strong. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Stop crying." The smooth, deep voice of her holder soothed her and she finally realized who it was. "I was worried sick about you, Moon. I thought you had left me, or been kidnapped..."

"Kid..." Moon whispered. But then she remembered why she left. She pushed him away and slapped him. Kid's face had a startled and confused look on it. 

"Wha... What was that for?" He had an angry look on his face now.

Tears still streamed down Moon's face, and she ran blindly into another room. 

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