You don't own me (A Dean Ambr...

By firefly88

4.9K 150 9

Cassie was never good with the men. Her relationships never lasted long. But what will happen when innocent C... More

Unlikely Hero
Meeting the main man
Your not who I was hoping you we're
A slap in the dark
Caught in the act
Giving into you
Jealousy is how I roll
A violent outburst
The decision
Getting in over my head part 1
Getting in over my head part 2
Lack of motivation
An awkward situation
The lie begins
A talk with the father
It all came from nowhere
Dress shopping

Rushed arrangements

128 4 1
By firefly88

My phone began to buzz thankfully saving me from this moment that was truly frightening me. I didn't say a word as I checked my phone to see it was Chris of all people. I stared wide eyed at the screen not wanting to answer it in front of Dean. "Who is that?" He asked after seeing my reaction. I didn't want him to find out Chris was calling me, I had to try and take his attention away from the fact I reacted badly to the caller id. That's when I did something I really shouldn't have done but I was so confused with all the mixed up emotions I couldn't help myself. "Chloe" I quickly told him placing my phone back in my bag then before Dean could question I pretty much jumped on him crashing my lips with his once more. He kissed me back hungrily gripping my body tight. The ring box still in his hand till he accidentally dropped it and broke free from our kiss. "Fuck!" He groaned picking up the box to see the ring had fallen out. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. I'll help you find it" I panicked feeling a pang of guilt.  We both looked around the floor, under the dressers. I laid flat to the floor to look under the bed when I saw the sparkling white gold ring with a large diamond sat just in reach. I reached under just grabbing the ring with the tip of my fingers and slid it out. "Got it" I held the ring up to Dean until I noticed something engraved inside the ring. I Pulled it back to take a better look as Dean sat silently watching me. "Forever & Always" I whispered reading the engravement in dainty writing inside. He had even taken the time to have something as beautiful as this written inside. My back rested against the bed as I stared at the ring. My heart fluttered as I took in every detail. This must have cost a bomb. "If you don't like it I can always take it back and change it...if you want it that is" I shook my head no looking up at him. His eyes showed worry. I got the feeling he may have actually wanted this. "Yes" I whispered keeping eye contact. Dean's face lit up instantly. "You really mean it?" I shook my head as I laughed lightly at him. "No! I'm just saying it...Of course I mean it!" Dean smiled the happiest smile as he took the ring from me and placed it onto my finger. My heart raced as I watched the ring slip perfectly in place. It was a perfect fit. I knew then my mom must have told him my ring size. She was the only one who knew it. "I'll be right back" Dean grinned at me standing to his feet and rushing out the room leaving me sat on the floor. My phone began to ring again. I ignored it for a moment letting it ring out then it started immediately again. I sighed out annoyed ready to tell Chris to fuck off and stop harassing me when I saw my dad's number on caller ID. "Is everything ok Dad?" I asked getting up to sit on the edge of the bed. I presumed he couldn't find the whiskey for his night cap. "It's your mom Cassie!" He sounded stressed with his words. "Dad whats wrong?" I felt worry as I heard a lot of noise in the background of beeping and commotion. "She collapsed. I had to ring an ambulance. You need to come to the hospital immediately" I quickly rushed out the bedroom almost colliding with Dean on my way out. "Cassie what's wrong?" He called after me as I held the phone to my ear and dashed downstairs. "Which hospital?" I rushed grabbing my shoes and trying to get them on my feet. Dean stood watching me with a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand with a questioning look. The second my Dad told me where they had taken her I hung up. "We need to get to the hospital fast!" I panicked. Dean didn't even question me as he rushed to put the bottle and glasses down and rushed back to me grabbing his shoes and then shoving his jacket on. He grabbed some car keys and grabbed my hand leading me back through the house.

He pulled open a door in the kitchen to reveal a garage with two cars. One 4x4 and a dodge charger. He led me to the 4x4 and we both got in. I didn't even question when he got himself two cars as my min d was set with too much worry. Dean drove as fast as the speed limit could allow him running a few red lights. He not once asked me what was going on as he concentrated on the road. The second we pulled up I jumped out the car not waiting for Dean. I rushed to the front desk and gave my moms name. Dean rushed in after me just as a nurse began to lead me through the hospital. We ended up in a waiting room where my dad was sat with a sad helpless expression. "Dad? What's happening to mom?" I asked as he pulled me into a tight hug. A doctor entered the room stopping my dad from telling me. Dean stood next to me as my dad stepped away to talk to the doctor. I was in ear shot as it was a small room so stayed silent to listen. "The cancer has spread since Helen's last scans. The doctor she see's noted on her records that she had a year. I'm sorry to say this but your wife only has a matter of days" My heart broke as I heard this. Dean's hand grabbed mine and gripped me pulling me into his chest. I began to sob hearing these words but what the doctor said didn't explain one key thing. "Mom has cancer?" I asked pulling myself away from Dean when the doctor left. My dad sat down running a hand on his neck. He looked like he didn't want this conversation right now but I was going to force it out of him if I had to. "You wasn't suppose to find out this way" My dad's voice was so broken it literally was no more than a whisper. "And you didn't think I would want to know?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Dean grabbed me to try and calm me down as I was now raising my voice. Tears fell down my dads face and he stood up and looked directly at me. "I wanted to Cassie. I really did but your mom didn't want to tell you yet. She was so hell bent on you being happy spending time with her during her final days she wasn't going to tell you till right at the end. I said we shouldn't do that but it was what she wanted" I clamped my mouth shut unable to reply. If my mom wanted this then fair enough but it hurt not knowing and now this happening. "What kind of cancer is it?" I asked in a calmer voice. "Breast cancer. They couldn't do anything to help. It was terminal when they diagnosed it" I nodded understanding. My mom was the type to not go to the doctor unless she was literally bleeding out. She ignored any ill feelings until they went away on their own. 

"How long?" I continued. "Six months ago we found out" My dad looked down feeling pained. "Is this why she is so desperate for me to be married?" Dean's body tensed as I asked that. "Yes. She just wants to make sure your happy before she is gone. But now she won't get to see that day" I felt the same pain my dad did. Looking down at the ring on my finger I felt my heart ache for my mom. It was her dream to see me walk down the isle. "Maybe she can" Dean spoke breaking the silence. My eyes shifted to him questioningly. "I know you probably don't want to rush our big day but we can give your mom what she wants" My dad was watching Dean also then his eyes shifted to my ring finger. He gave a soft smile then looked to Dean with a thankful nod. I knew he put Dean up to this but I didn't care anymore. "I have a few friends who owe me favours, we can still make it special. My aunt works at a wedding boutique. I'm sure she will help us with the dresses and anything else at short notice" I looked back to my dad to see he was thinking about it. After a moment he smiled up at me tears still leaving his eyes. I had never seen my dad cry before today. It was gut wrenching to see. "Cassie, I always wanted the best for you just like your mom. Dean isn't exactly the ideal guy to marry my daughter but he loves you. That is what's important" My dad was giving us permission. He already put Dean up to this but I knew he was finally accepting Dean for who he is. "I know he isn't who he claims to be. But I want you to be happy. If it doesn't work out then I always have a friend who's son won't be getting married any time soon" My dad laughed making myself and Dean laugh also. "Ok" I nodded agreeing to Dean's suggestion. He gave my hand a light gentle squeeze grateful I didn't run for the hills. Not knowing how many days my mom had left I just hoped we could plan everything in time. 

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