The Collision Theory | Remus...

By AsgardianMarauder

2.2M 88.4K 68.9K

They were reckless, she was not. They were loud, she was not. They were graceful, she had los... More

01. Possibly the Worst Thing Ever
02. Back Like The Prodigal Son
03. Leaky Cauldron? Leaky Hell.
04. Puppy Dog Eyes Will Be The Death Of Me
05. Patience is Key
06. Latecomers and Soft Landings
07. And So The Year Starts
08. Blood Traitors' Fame
09. In The Name of Feminism
10. It's A Riddikulus Start
11. Ignorance Was Bliss
12. A Common Occurrence of Rarities
13. Audrey, Wolves and Chocolate
14. Farewells to sweet sixteen
15. Invitations Compulsory To Accept
16. The Moon Can Make You Loopy
17. The Realisation of No Happy Endings
18. Fort Knox... or Blanket
19. The Affects of Adrenaline and Karma
20. Space Face and Impending Humiliation
21. The Consequences of Sneaking Out
22. Words That Hit Close
23. Spychos
24. The Domino Effect
25. And Now We Wait...
26. A Little bit of Mischief
27. Pour Your Heart Out
28. At The Most Inconvenient Time
29. Tis The Season To Be Jolly
30. Homeward Bound
31. Shopaholic
32. The Mysterious Case of the Redhead
33. A Thousand Memories
34. Mistletoe
35. The Art of Avoidance
36. If At First You Don't Succeed...
37. Eve of Celebrations
38. Gryffindors Have Regular Stupid Ideas
39. Christmas With New-found Family
41. The Broken Family
42. The Cold Aftermath
43. Hello 1977
44. New Year New Me
45. Quite Wolfish
46. And We're Off
47. The Amateur Thief
48. The Collision Theory
49. Pretty Smells and Revelations
50. Another Candle To Blow
51. Dammit
52. Claws
53. Cheesy Letters of Love
54. Party Planning
55. The Collision Theory Revisited
56. A Series of Unfortunate Events
57. Son Of A Bludger
58. Don't be such a witch
59. Good Remmy, Sit.
60. Get Your Head In The Game
61. Snitches Get Stitches
62. Some people just can't hold their liquor
63. The Astronomy Tower
64. Mummy's Knitting Obsession
65. To Whom It May Concern
66. A Trip To The Ministry
67. Truth Or Dare
68. Inventive Truths
69. Everything goes to shit
{Public Service Announcement}
70. A Bark Isn't Worse Than The Bite
71. Sorry
72. The Pure Brilliance of Miriam Novak
73. Brothers
74. An End & A Beginning
Public Service Announcement- SIKE

40. Two Left Feet

28.9K 1.2K 909
By AsgardianMarauder

"DINNER!" Euphemia sticks out her head out of the kitchen, "BOYS!"

"Lily," I hand her the plates, "seeing as you were so kind as to run off home and not help cook."

"Oh, wonderful." She pulls a face at me before grinning, taking the plates. Lily came back half an hour ago, looking slightly red in the face, as if she had a shouting match with someone.

"And the little princes have finally arrived." Monty ushers the boys from the four to the table, and we sit down.

"Hey." Remus sits himself between me and Peter, his curls still slightly damp from the shower and really just all over the place.

I reply with a smile, "Hey, how-"

"Watch out kids, it's hot." Dad interrupts us by bringing a wooden board with the steaming turkey to the table. He turns to Monty, "Would you like to do the honours?"

"Alright." He takes the very scary looking knife and-

"WAIT!" James' voice almost bursts my ear drums, and Peter is now probably deaf since he was sitting next to Potter. We stare at him in complete silence as he gathers himself, "Sorry... I- I mean we need a picture."

Mrs Pettigrew rolls her eyes, "And here we were thinking something terrible happened."

"Well it's an emergency." James mutters, before going to retrieve his enchanted camera.

"Is he like this every year?" Lily asks, brows furrowed in confusion.

Sirius sighs dramatically, "Most unfortunately."

James comes back quickly, and sets his camera to float just in front of the table, making sure everyone fits in, "Okay my sweet biscuits, on three..."

He dives in beside Evans just before the camera flashes.
Oh my sweet Morgana I've been blinded.

"Oh curse the world!" Sirius seems to have the same thought as me, "I've been blinded! Before I could set my gaze on the love of my life! I will never see my firstborn!"

"Oh shut it!" James groans, printing out two of the pictures, "You'll be alright."

"Oh..." I don't expect it, but James hands me one of them, "I- thanks."

There we are, all in a little frame, like a snippet of pure happiness, only smiles and nothing else.


"Does this dress make me look ugly?"

"You what?" My jaw almost drops to the floor when I turn around to see Lily looking her sky-blue dress down in the mirror. I've seen muggles in her magazines wear the same box style, and it fits her small frame very well.

She pulls at her hair in frustration, "Horrible! Why did I get this colour?"

"Because it suits you?" I pull her away from the mirror, cringing at the glimpse of the scar on my ribs as I do, "Look, I'd so anything to look as good as you. Don't be so mean to yourself."

"Let's get you sorted." She smiles half-heartedly, zipping up the back of my dress, "Ooh, classy."

"Thank you," I bat my eyelashes, giving a little twirl, the flowing sleeves flapping, "from what little muggle fashion I know, hippie style is now a thing."

"Burgundy suits you," she nods, throwing my cloak at me, "and the cloak."

I fasten it, lastly turning to pull out the plaits in my hair. My hair goes a sort of puffy curly, and that's really all I can be bothered with, so I'll just wait for-

"Where do you think you're going?!" I almost jump out off my own skin in fright.


"Sit. Now." Lily's holding what I think is makeup.
Don't judge me, but I can barely draw a straight line. I gave up years ago.

"Lily..." I begin to whine as she leans over my face, putting something cold over my eyes, "It tickles!"

"Ssh!" She moves on to the other eye, and I have the urge to laugh, "Stop moving!"

"Sorry." I grin as she pulls away from me, "Thanks."

"Just don't rub your eyes alright?" Lily shakes her head with a small smile, "Or you'll look like a panda."

"I'll see you downstairs?"

"Sure." She turns back to the mirror as I slip on my heels and leave the room, trying not to fall down the stairs as I descend them.
Come on Novak you can do this.
Just be that elegant queen and conquer the heels.
I can hear the others chatting by the front door, and now I have the fear that I'll cock up in front of them all.
The voices die down just as I'm halfway down the last stairs, and suddenly I feel like there are a hundred eyes on me. I hop off of the last step, and without looking up I say, "Hi."

"You look amazing." I look up at the words, and see Remus bright red, having realised he said out loud what should have been in his head, "I mean... yeah you look nice... mate."

Someone sniggers- I assume it's Sirius- and I can feel my face heating. Quick do something Novak, "Thanks mate, not looking too bad yourself."
Nailed it.
I turn to my mum, who is positively beaming, "Ma, where's Mim?"

"Getting her mittens, left them in the living room." Though I think she's rather preoccupied with staring at Remus, then back at me, then again to Remus. Thank God dad and the others just waved it off. Mum on the other hand, she's like an over-excited schoolgirl. She whispers as she adjusts my cloak, "Finally, nice one too."

"Oh my God Ma!" I cringe, quickly turning to the boys in hope of an escape, only to see Sirius and Peter in what seems like a heated discussion and James in his own world gawking at Lily, who's trying to get her shoes on.
So no-one to turn to, great.

"We all ready?" Euphemia does a final check to see if her boys are wearing gloves and scarves, "Right, let's go!"

We file out of the house, parents first, then us, kind of reminding me of how ducklings follow ducks. Miriam holds onto mum's hand as we turn into the road, and James suddenly pushes past me, camera in hand, "Girls! Give us a pose!"

Lily jumps on my back just as the flash sets off, firstly leaving me with a broken back, and secondly, dreading if I closed my eyes when the picture was taken. I smack James on the arm, "Could've given us warning!"

"I did." He grins, waving the photo around in hopes of securing the colour faster, "Keep walking! Chop chop! It'll be New Year by the time we get there at this pace."

James jogs to catch up with Lily, leaving me. Remus, Sirius and Peter are just behind, so I slow down to join them, "Hello boys."

"Lin," Sirius says in an agitated tone, "Pete here says he could get a date before midnight and that I couldn't. He says I'm bad at flirting."

So this was their heated conversation, "Umm, okay?.."

"Who's team are you on?" Sirius asks, hand gestures reaffirming his words frantically.

I look to Remus for help, but he just says calmly, "I'm on Pete's side too about Padfoot."

"Well..." I turn to Sirius, who's giving me puppy-dog eyes as we walk, "I'll find you a date then, Black."

"That's my girl." He grins, slinking his arm around my shoulders. I almost stumble on the extra added weight, but recover quickly.

As we get nearer to the village centre, I can hear Christmas music, and what sounds like Little Drummer Boy playing. We take a sharp turn left to see massive crowds of people within the square, their breaths turning to steam in the cold.

"Mulled wine anyone?" Mr Lupin points to a little stall handing out the warm drinks for free.
I will never ever say no to free food. Or drinks.
He passes them around our now tight group, and my glasses stream up as soon as I bring the cup to my face.

"Lin, you alright?" Remus laughs.

I shove my glasses in my pocket, "Fine thank you Moony."

"Just don't go walking into things now." He smiles smugly, before walking over to his parents.

"Short-sighted, Lupin! Not blind!" I call after him, gulping down half my cup in a moment of anger.

"Steady on, I don't want to have to carry you home." I turn around at the voice, to see Peter smirking.

"I have a high alcohol tolerance." I want my hand dismissively, "Found anyone yet, then?"

"We still have time." He shrugs, sipping his drink.

"Lin!" Miriam's shrill voice stops whatever my reply was going to be, as she appears from the crowd, and clutches my hand, "My favourite song! Can we dance?"

"Ugh fine..." I down the last of my cup and give it to Peter before Miriam drags me into the little opening in front of the musicians. I smile as she sings along to Rocking Around The Christmas Tree, and turn her around a few times. She tries to imitate the dancers from the fifties by failing at the Charleston, "Mim you're going to twist your ankle!"

"Shut up and dance!" She holds my hands, jumping up and down excitedly to the beat of the music. I'm out of breath by the time it finishes, but for some strange reason, Miriam looks a lot more energised, "Come on! Just one more song!"

"I think you've tired her out little one." Sirius says from behind me. Miriam begins to pout, but he quickly adds, "I'll dance with you."

"Are you sure?" I whisper to him.

Sirius nods eagerly, "Chicks dig the caring older brother look."

"Oh my God." I groan, leaving the two to dance. I get another cup of mulled wine before rejoining the group, "Where's mum and dad?"

"They're dancing." Mrs Lupin points to my parents, who are dancing terribly and busting out moves like there's no tomorrow. I don't look Remus' mum in the eyes, still kind awkward from our conversation.

"My dear, would you be so kind as to dance with me?" Thank Merlin I don't have to talk to her any longer because Mr Lupin starts pulling her towards the musicians.

"Lyall, please, I'm not well."

"Come on, live a little!" He kisses her on her cheek before practically dragging her to dance.

"Oh for goodness sake!" I huff at James and Lily, who are fidgeting on their spot, "Leave us, go dance if you want!"

"Thanks!" They cry out, rushing over to dance, the worry of leaving me totally flying out of the hypothetical window.

I sit on one of the benches, watching them as they twirl and bounce around.
My suddenly expanded family, they're so happy. And I wouldn't want them to feel any other way.
My family.
A warm little feeling settles in my chest at the word, and with a sigh, I sip my mulled wine.

"A toast to happiness, or two left feet?" I jump in fright, being pulled out of my daze by Remus as he sits beside me.

"Family." I smile, and gingerly take his hand in mine.

His cheeks flush and he looks almost surprised, but squeezes back tightly, "To family then."

We watch for the next to songs as they dance, James taking pictures with his camera, mostly of Lily as she laughs at him. It feels nice to sit in each other's company, to just sit, and watch the world turn around us.

"Lin," Remus says after a while, though it's more of a whisper, "would you like to... to dance?"

"Sure." I let him pull me up and lead me towards the opening where people are now dancing slowly. With a last check that my parents are preoccupied, I place my hand on his shoulder and he places a hand on my waist. The muggle melody is slow and soft, making the world feel separate from us as we sway, "Err... nice tie?"

"Thanks," he laughs as I only just notice the tiny little wizard hats on the grey tie, "my mum got it for me."

"Looks great. You look great."

"And you-"

"No need to repeat yourself." I smile, "You said it quite loudly."

"It's true." He smirks, twirling me around before pulling me closer.

I feel my face go red as I press myself against him, "Remus..."

"I feel insanely lucky to be yours." The words make my breath hitch in my throat and my heart hammers against my ribcage like it's trying to break free.

I pull away slightly to see him with a small smile, either the warm lights of the town square or the mulled wine making it seem as if he has a halo around his wild curls, "As am I."

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