Two Into One (Clexa)

By Kashymcgraa

88.7K 2.2K 434

Lexa doesn't take the alliance with the Mountain Men and fights alongside Clarke. Lexa gets injured in battle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Seven

3.6K 98 12
By Kashymcgraa

I own nothing
Lexa wasn't sure how a simple walk around camp could wear one out so much but she was exhausted all afternoon and lay curled into Clarke sleeping the sleep of the dead. Not even the consistent sound of cutting wood, thumps in the ground and shouts could wake her. It really did prove to everyone that their Heda, who usually woke at the soft tread of a shoe, was indeed very sick.

Clarke was intrigued by what was going on but as the afternoon passed and the wind picked up then heavy rain could be heard she was glad for having an excuse to stay inside.

She watched as shadows moved around the tent and at 3 when a slightly drenched Octavia came in with a snack she asked what was going on.

"Just doing what Heda instructed to do. Finally got the poles up. We didnt exactly bring building tools" Octavia answered cryptically before leaving the tent.

An hour or so later a large shadow came over the tent and the rain practically came to a stop besides a few drips. Well now she really was intrigued. It was close to 5.30 when Lexa woke and looked around.

"Wasn't it raining earlier" she asked and Clarke shrugged

"Still is. Edge of the storm has come in. Wind has picked up too"

Lexa listened hard in concentration and realised Clarke was right. So if the tent wasn't being effected it meant the men and Octavia had prepared the camp as she requested.

"I need to get up" she informed, struggling to push upright.

"Of course you do" Clarke sighed but helped her up gently and assisted her getting dressed before dressing herself. She insisted Lexa wrap herself in a rug before heading outside.

As soon as they stepped outside the drop in temperature was obvious and Lexa shivered despite being rugged up. She could see her guards had been busy protecting the camp as the clearing on the camp side of the pond was totally protected by the hessian nettings from the tree line to over their tent and out to the fresh water pond. A small gap in the netting giving access to fresh water.

It wasn't a huge area and under normal circumstances she would expect her men to do it quite easily in half the time with half the men. However she knew that was with tools that hadn't been provided on this camping trip. She knew all they had were an axe and a couple of camp shovels.

Looking around she noticed they had made poles out of branches and smaller trees. Somehow managing to dig holes deep enough in the earth to sink them into and was secured by large piles of rocks at their base. She shuffled over to one and gave it a shake, unable to budge it in her weekend state. She hoped that meant it would hold. From the poles they had tied the hessian netting to cover the camp site. They were currently working on the last net.

She was not surprised when Octavia spotted them first and called out


The others turned then and echoed her cries. She held up a hand to quieten them and indicated they should get back to work. She was aware of Clarke standing behind her and turned to face her. The blonde was watching her with a mixture of amusement and concern and Lexa sighed.

"Bath?" she asked and had to bite back a smile when Clarke rolled her eyes but gently wrapped an arm around her and started to guide her up the protected path to the Pool. Lexa doubted she would have protested, even if she wasn't as weak as a newborn.

After a nice soak in the pool they returned to the tent. Heated rocks had been brought in to warm up the inside. Lexa was over having the salve applied and in pain asked if she could just have the other needle and take the tablets for a while.

Clarke, heartbroken at the pain Lexa must be in to make such a request said she would check the wound in the morning and make her decision then. Lexa hoped her wound showed some improvement. She couldn't take this torture much longer.

Clarke lay beside Lexa and stroked her back, outlining the brunettes tattoos was one of her favourite exercises and Lexa seemed to like it too. Clarke hadn't really thought about tattoos before, certainly not for herself but she certainly liked them on Lexa. She didnt want her covered in them, wanted a bit of natural flesh to admire, but if Lexa wanted more she wouldn't be objecting too loud. She would ask Lexa once she was well.

Soon Lexa started to calm and Clarke pressed a kiss to her sweating brow and said she needed to bind her back and that would be it for the night. Lexa didn't so much as grumble and with assistance sat up. Clarke bound her as quickly as she could and was just tying it off when Octavia called out requesting entrance.

"Enter" Lexa bade and quickly pulled the rugs up to cover herself.

"Just as well" Clarke grumbled making the brunette smirk before Octavia entered carrying a large platter. Clarkes mouth started to water when she smelled roast pork and saw a pile of heaped meat with some bread and potatoes. Oh thank God, a decent meal.

Octavia placed it on the bed in front of them then returned outside where a guard stood with two mugs of water. She thanked him and re entered the tent, placing the mugs down in reach.

"I'll be back later for the dishes" she informed

"Stay. Go bring your meal and eat with us" Lexa requested surprising Octavia and Clarke alike. Octavia beat a hasty retreat and Clarke turned to Lexa in surprise. "What? She is our guard. I should get to know her"

"Ha. Three days ago you wanted to kill her" Clarke muttered, organising herself to sit behind Lexa so the woman could rest against her. Lexa shrugged and reached for some meat. She had to admit it was a lot better than their previous meals and suddenly her appetite returned and she attacked the meal with gusto.

Octavia, who returned and sat at the foot of their bed noticed this and shared a smile with Clarke. Maybe the Heda was on the mend.

The following morning after a surprisingly large breakfast of bacon cuts on toasted bread Clarke checked Lexa's wound then looked up into begging green eyes.

"OK we will see. But you will need more baths and today I need to go pick seaweed to make tea and a supplement paste. This one won't sting but will take longer to work" Clarke informed her "If you go backwards you get the second needle and we go back to the salve, ok"

"Sha" Lexa smiled relieved and stated "the pond and the stream leading out of it should have plenty of what you are looking for"

"Fine, no complaints about me not taking naps with you either" Clarke warned. Lexa was disappointed but agreed.

So the day was set and when Clarke wasn't assisting Lexa with her baths or meals and during her nap times she would be collecting the seaweed she required. She instructed Octavia and the guards that they would be staying a week, possibly longer and to expect supplies in a couple of days.

She requested they boil water for Lexa's meals so she could make tea for her. They nodded their understanding and Clarke left while she had a break in the weather to collect the seaweed.

The rest of the day followed suit, collecting seaweed when she could, making tea and paste which she treated Lexa with. The paste was cold and slimy but Lexa dared not complain.

When they went to bed that night Clarke was relieved to see that there may indeed be a small improvement in Lexa. She held the brunette closer to her as she let herself relax completely for the first time in days.

The next two days followed the same pattern, with Lexa resting less and less and Clarke treating her with the alternative medicine.

Clarke and Octavia shared relieved looks that night as they retired.

Back at Camp Jaha they were incredibly busy preparing for the upcoming winter. Bellamy had honestly never been so sore. He worked side by side with Indra and could barely keep up with the woman. She was a machine.

On the third night Nyko informed them Clarke and Lexa wouldn't return for another few days and he would be sending Lincoln out in the morning with fresh supplies.

The temperature was dropping so rapidly he was sure it was going to snow soon. He hoped Clarke and Lexa would be warm enough. He wondered if there was anything he could send them but figured they were resourceful.

He sighed as the heavens opened up again soaking him within meters of the Ark. That was so typical. Oh well he was already wet he might as well detour to the new tent they had built to see if it was surviving the torrential downpours they were having.

As he approached from the outside he could see it stood firm in the wind and rain. He would just check the inside for any leaks and then head home to get dry and warm. He figured maybe Indra had already made spot checks on the place but figured he owed Clarke to do it too.

As he entered the tent he realised immediately he wasn't alone and upon seeing the person sighed. Well shit.

"What are you doing here Abby?"

The older woman turned to him slowly, eyes distressed. He wanted to feel sorry for her but he just couldn't. She had made her bed. Now she had to lay in it. Clarke was a big girl, grown up and 100 times the leader she had ever been.

"I heard through the grapevine Clarke would be away for a few more days" Abby sighed "I know they have gone somewhere so the Commander can heal. Which means it must be bad and they dont want the people to see" she paused and Bellamy could only offer up a nod.

Abby sighed and threw up her hands "I could have fixed her here" she muttered and Bellamy shot her incredulous look. The Heda would rather die. Abby shrugged and continued "I realised they must be camping so I came to Clarkes tent to see if she had any warm clothes I could send. Imagine my surprise when I found this"

"It's a nice tent. Suitable for Skaiprisa" he informed

"The Commander too it appears. They are serious about this merger business"

Bellamy sighed. Time to be brutally honest.

"Anyone with eyes can see the Heda would give up her life for your daughter. Her ways are harsh but I have come to learn she is not a bad person. Not around Clarke anyway. For that reason the others and I accept her" He admitted "Nyko informs me they have become close at the camp"

"What?" Abby croaked shocked

"You heard me" Bellamy kept his gaze level on the brunette "They care for each other. They built an alliance out of necessity, then a bond formed built on trust and respect. Then a friendship. That friendship is turning into something more, you can see it every time you look at them together"

He paused as she turned away but continued on. "This week, away from camp, they are getting to know each other as Clarke and Lexa, not Skaiprisa and Heda. I can't say for certain on a merger but I've been informed they will be happy with this tent and will share it."

He watched as she made her way over to a chair in the corner of the tent and slumped into it like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

"For whatever reason Clarke has forgiven you for what you did to her father" he paused when she stiffened "She is a better person than most of us here and it's only because of our respect for her as our leader that you survive even now" he took a step forward while trying to control the simmering temper the loss of his mother caused. Abby looked truly scared of him for a moment before she straightened her spine.

"I would advise you not to do anything stupid or rash. I will be watching you and if I am not I can guarantee Indra and the grounders are. You're only hope is to accept Clarkes decision and get to know the woman your daughter cares for better. Clarke will choose the Commander over you so don't delude yourself. You are outnumbered Abby, even Kane approves of the match"

She didnt look shocked at his admission so he figured she already knew herself

"Listen Abby you're an asset to us, all of us. Skaikru and grounders alike. You're our healer and we need you. But you're more of an asset to Clarke. You're her mother and she needs you. All she wants is your approval and a kind word. Not to mention your acceptance of her as a leader. Just think about it Ok" he stated and when she just sat their mutely he gave a heavy sigh and left the tent. What was he going to do?

Lexa and Clarke were sharing a bath on their 4th morning and were relaxing quietly when Clarke asked suddenly

"How old are you?"

"How old do you think I am?" Lexa teased tipping her head back on the Clarke's shoulder and chuckled at the raised eyebrow Clarke was giving her.

"I have seen 20 summers." she finally answered. It was just the latest in a long line of questions and answers they had been playing for the last day or two.

"So you became Heda at 14?"

"13" Lexa corrected picking up a hand that was wrapped around her waist and playing with the fingers. "How about you? How old are you?"

"Ha ha like you can't remember the others wanting to make a big deal out of my 18th" she grumbled and Lexa couldn't help but grin. Yeah she did. Clarke had hidden at TonDC most of the day.

"So 13 is young to become Heda" Clarke questioned further and Lexa could only shrug

"It isn't unheard of."

"Weren't you scared?" Clarke asked next


"Don't lie" Clarke scowled down at her.

"I'm not. I was already Anya's second, had seen battle, killed. She trained me well" Although she sounded quite calm Clarke could feel how tense she was. Losing Anya had been very hard on the brunette. Trying to lighten the mood she chuckled

"She sure liked to smack me around the head" Clarke smiled at the memory "It was just as well I liked her"

"Yeah she had a mean whack if you weren't paying attention" Lexa's lips twitched

"Oh. What distracted you?" Clarke teased and felt Lexa's tension return. "Lex?"

"I ... Costia. She was 3 years older, a good warrior. I'd get enrapt watching her train. Anya would catch me and make me pay"

"That I'm not surprised at" Clarke mumbled and watched Lexa closely, watching to see if there was any further tension. "Did Costia show interest back?"

"I was 13" Lexa snorted "Though I had made it plainly obvious and she knew she made me wait 2 years before even saying hello back. Another year after that before she made her interest known too"

Clarke smiled at this, hardly surprised. 13-15 was far too young for an older girl. Leaning down she pressed a kiss to her shoulder and asked

"How long were you together?"

"A year" Lexa pulled away suddenly buffeted by memories of said time and what had happened to her former partner.

"Lex" Clarke reached out to her but the brunette shook her head.

"I'm tired. I need to sleep" Lexa claimed and Clarke sighed knowing that was a load of BS but letting her go anyway. She was stronger now and could move around on her own. She waited until Lexa was wrapping herself in a rug for warmth before getting out. She was aware that Lexa's eyes flicked to her, raking over her body. She saw the eyes darken and nostrils flare as her body responded to the stare. Clarke was unashamed and stood there letting Lexa look her fill before the brunette looked away and walked off.

Clarke hurried to dry herself and get dressed before heading after her. As she headed for the tent a noise from the forest caught her attention. Hers and the guards as Octavia and the four men rushed out forming a barrier around the tent. Clarke could quite easily hear the clip clop of hooves and the rumble of a cart. She hoped it was Lincoln with more supplies but she would stay braced, hand going to her gun, then swearing when she realised she left it in the tent.

The Horse and cart broke through into the clearing then and it was as Clarke had expected. She smiled when Octavia called Lincoln's name and hurried to him, embracing him as he jumped down off the cart. She decided to let Lexa have time to gather her thoughts and headed over to see what supplies they had been brought.

As she approached she could see Octavia was occupied still with Lincoln.

"Octavia" she called and the woman jumped and turned "You have a job to do. No distractions"

"Yes Skaiprisa" Octavia nodded and pulled away from Lincoln who frowned. Clarke couldn't help but go easy.

"Since the Heda is not here I will allow it this once. But don't ever get distracted like that with the Heda around. You have been warned, no distractions until night time" she nodded at Octavia who nodded back, lesson learned. She was glad the Heda wasn't there to see her slip up.

"What's going on?" Lincoln asked confused as he watched Octavia go to the cart and start unpacking.

"Octavia has accepted the role as the Heda's personal body guard. Mine too. She will guard us from the moment we step out of the tent until we retire at night. No distractions. No exceptions" Clarke informed and Lincoln looked stunned. "Except in war when she will follow Indra into battle"

"That is a huge honour and never been done before"

"The Heda must remain safe and it puts Octavia in a dangerous position" Clarke Informed. "You must not distract her while on duty"

"Sha skaiprisa" he nodded fully understanding the responsibility that had been given his girlfriend. He was proud and scared for her all at once but knew she was strong. He had seen it when he met her. Indra had seen enough to make her her second. She was a great warrior.

Clarke went to the back of the cart searching for more medical supplies and upon finding them scooped them up and headed for the tent. Upon entering she paused upon seeing Lexa was indeed passed out in bed. Surprised by this she was as quiet as she could be before leaving her partner sleeping and heading back out to sort the rest of their supplies.

Many hours later Clarke was sitting in their protected shelter and keeping an eye on the tent. The wind had picked up but no rain so far. It was cold, freezing and Clarke figured they would get sleet or snow. She saw Lexa pop out of the tent and she automatically stood as the woman looked around then disappeared behind the tent.

Clarke went over to wait for her and caught her coming back five minutes later. Green eyes met blue and there were apologies in both

"Hey" Clarke whispered "you feeling ok now?"

"I'm sorry. I just don't like talking about her. I don't think I should with you either"

"Lex she was a huge part of your life, of course you can" she paused and offered a sad smile "But only when you're ready. You need to remember the good times" she offered her hand "but for now, if you are feeling up to it, come join us for dinner"

"I shouldn't" Lexa looked to where everyone sat talking "I am their Heda" but she still took Clarkes hand.

"I am their Skaiprisa. They still show me respect" Clarke squeezed the hand she was holding. "You're still human Lex; it's good for you to get out there and amongst the people. You don't need to change your ways or your rules but they could respect you more if you show you have time to at least sit with them"

Clarke took a couple of steps backwards so their arms were extended and then paused. Lexa either came with her or went back to the tent. It took a while and Clarke watched her as she flicked a look at the protected shelter then at Clarke then back at the tent before taking a tentative step forward. Clarke grinned and led her to the shelter and the warmth it offered, letting go of her hand as they entered knowing that was pushing Lexa too far.

Everyone stood on their entrance but Clarke waved them to sit again as she took up her old seat with Lexa sitting beside her.

Lexa had to admit it was warm inside the shelter, as warm if not warmer than the tent with the roaring fire going.

The smell of roasting pork hit her and her mouth watered as she looked hungrily at the large leg of pork being slowly rotated by a guard over the fire.

The conversation seemed stilted in her presence and she felt awkward for them. She was interested in how the camp was going and decided it was one way to get her people talking.

"Lincoln?" she called to him and watched him jump.

"Sha Heda?"

"How are winter preparations going for the camp?" She queried and noticed straight away he looked nervous.

"Good Heda. The skaikru and grounders alike work hard. We will be well protected and have plenty of food for a while" he informed and she nodded. He was still edgy.

"What is it Lincoln?" He looked at Octavia nervously and she nodded at him.

"Indra has prepared a new winter tent for you Heda" he seemed nervous like there was more to come. She raised an eyebrow at him so he continued "she has filled it with items from your and skaiprisa's tents"

"What?" Clarke asked stunned. They had done what? Even Lexa's eyebrows rose at the comment. Indra was pushing her luck without her approval. She would have to remind the woman of her place upon her return.

"Indeed. Tell me more" she requested.

They learnt from a very nervous Lincoln that not only had Indra built them a new tent she had torn down their old ones and used the spot where Clarke's tent had been to build the new one. Lexa nodded, secretly she was pleased at the outcome as it gave her a great excuse to get Clarke to stay with her. The place of Clarkes tent had been prime position too and well protected. However Indra had overstepped the mark not waiting for her approval and pushing the merger idea to suit her.

Indra was a great warrior, a great General but she was not the Heda and it was time to remind her.

Realising it was quiet and everyone was waiting for her reaction she looked around. What were they expecting her to say? In desperation she asked

"What do you think Clarke?"

"Of?" Clarke shot straight back knowing full well what Lexa was doing.

"Of what the people have done for us?"

Clarke snorted "You mean what Indra has done?" Clarke shrugged "I think they are trying to make their Heda happy"

"By forcing you to share my tent because she has merger on her mind?" Lexa replied and everyone watched with interest

"All due respect Lexa but we already share a tent" she nodded at the tent in question.

Lexa nodded. That they did.

"I will observe the tent first before deciding on Indra's punishment"

"Punishment?" Clarke was startled.

"Not only has Indra taken down both our tents without permission she has built only a single one in return trying to force your hand. My hand"

"I could always stay in my cell in the ark" Clarke shrugged and when Lexa shot her a look smiled and winked

"Still she has overstepped the boundaries" Lexa informed

"You can't punish her. She was only following my orders. I left her in charge, Bellamy too. I told them to ready the camp for winter" Clarke was adamant and Lexa turned to her angrily

"Who was it that once said to deal with my own people and you would deal with yours" she reminded the blonde "Indra knows exactly how to prepare my tent for winter. It does not involve tearing it down and building a new one. It does not involve tearing down yours and it doesn't involve forcing you to make a decision you aren't ready for and know nothing about"

A stare down ensued. The shelter was deadly quiet as they waited to see what the two leaders did next. Clarke eventually looked away. Lexa was right, Indra had gone too far in her presumption. Although it was the right one, well except the merger, she needed to know more about that but she did want to be with Lexa every night and this was a perfect choice.

"Don't be too hard on her. She is a needed General" was all she would say. For now anyway.

"Of course" Lexa nodded and turned to the others who were watching intently, not often did they see someone stand up to their Heda. "So" she sniffed the air "Who's burning my dinner"

Everyone stared and then turned to the guard who had forgotten to rotate the pork while watching the back and forth. Another guard hit him hard and he jolted before realising he had erred and started turning again while looking at his Heda.

Lexa looked at the blackened meat and sighed "Just as well I like my meat well done" she grumbled and Clarke couldn't help but laugh causing Lexa to turn to her, laughter in her eyes.

Lincoln nudged Octavia who was watching the other couple with a smile. She turned to look at him and he nodded his head in disbelief at the Heda and the way she was interacting with Clarke. Octavia smiled and nodded while mouthing 'later

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