A True Sky

By Cielo27deVongola

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It's time to choose the rightful heir that will take over the next generation of Vongola. The Sawada twin's s... More

Author's Note
A TRUE SKY: Scene 01


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By Cielo27deVongola

Tsuna wake up early to prepare his own food knowing his mother wouldn't do it for him anymore. He didn't prepare a lunch box though and decided to just buy outside using his own money. Well, his problem of having nothing to spend his money for just disappears.

He glances at the clock one more time and finds it was time for him to go since Nana will wake up any minute now. He was by the door when he felt a powerful presence outside. It was as if a wolf was going to chomp him down if he opens it.

Slowly he swing the door open alert on whatever is waiting there.

"Ciaosu," a squeaky voice greeted him. He looks down and finds a baby with fedora wearing a suit and a case in hand. What a sweet coincidence?

"What do you want baby?" he asked though knowing the truth.

"Are you Ietsuna?"


"Ah so you're the dame twin," the baby said, reaching his conclusion.

"Hai hai. I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi, a pleasure to meet the greatest hitman Reborn on my front door," he said in a friendly yet dangerous voice and in a blink of an eye, a gun was pointed at his forehead. He didn't even see him jump on the fence, as expected of the number one hitman.

"You...Who are you?" Reborn asked unleashing his killer intent.

"I said I'm Tsuna. Let's keep this a secret ne? Just come inside, I'm off to school. By the way, why aren't you using your partner Leon?" Tsuna knows he's playing with the fire but he just love the heat especially now that it's so near him. He just has to be careful not to burn himself though.

"I can feel you're dangerous but aren't a threat...yet. Leon's tail falls off the moment I stepped down the plane so I can't use him. But don't even have an idea that I can't take you down"

"I know. Bye-bye," he said before walking away to school. So Ietsuna is the chosen Vongola Decimo. He just wish everyone good luck.

Only a few students are in the school when he came as usual. He loves the peace of Namimori up to its last minutes until all the rowdy students came so he always goes extra early.

One thing is different though that morning. It's when Hibari Kyoya came barging in to their classroom startling some of his early classmates. He was also startled though he managed to stop himself from showing it.

"You," he said with his tonfa pointed at the brunet who was blinking innocently at him.

"Me?" Tsuna said keeping in the smirk that is itching to show on his face. It seems he gave away his identity last night.

"Follow me in the office," the ravenette said before turning away.

His classmates start a whispering conversation that is too loud to be called whisper. Obviously, they were talking about how dead and how dame he is to attract the skylark's attention. He just ignores them and follows the scary prefect.

"Are you him?" Hibari asked straight to the point when they were alone in the disciplinary office.

"Who's him?"

"Don't mess with me Omnivore. He talks exactly the way you talk when we first met"

"Gomen Hibari-san but I really don't get what you're talking about," he said complete seriousness in his voice and face. It was really fun to mess with people's brain.

"Hn," the prefect said after a long stare. Guess he isn't an effective liar.

He sent him back to class without anymore question though he could feel his eyes burning on his back as a silent declaration that he's under his radar now, strictly watch.

"Heh. You're still alive Dame-Tsuna?" his brother said when he went back to the room. News sure travels fast but other than that, he didn't even enjoy his peace!

"Why aren't you bitten to death Dame-Tsuna?" one of his classmates, Masuda Kentaro, said. He mentally sighs at that and went back to his seat. Why does everyone gets disappointed if he isn't in danger?

Sitting on his place and shutting everyone out, Tsuna was about to sleep when a huge killer intent spill from the tree near the window. In one of the branch, the baby with fedora is watching him and his twin.

"Oi Dame-Tsuna, what are you staring at there?" his twin asked who surprisingly noticed his fixated gaze at the tree.


"Tch. Really a dame. Just so you know, I'll be a future boss and you're the very first one I'll make my slave whose job is cleaning the dirt in my shoes," Ietsuna declared while his classmates laugh.

"He might damage your shoes Ie-san. Just give him the job that a dame can do," another remark from his classmates.

His classmates seem not getting tired of their antics that it was starting to bore him. All they did is call him a dame since they really don't know anything, good or bad about him that could be an insult alternative. He was tempted to teach them how to do a little research.

They just stop their nonsense talks when the teacher came in. Unfortunately, the lame insults thrown at him didn't stop and guess what, his teacher just stare at him and shake his head.

"I want to talk to you," Reborn said who came out of nowhere while Tsuna was watching the school from the rooftop at lunch.

"Hello there Reborn-san"

"What do you know about the mafia?" the hitman asked ignoring his carefree behavior.

"Those I need to know I think. Why are you asking information from me anyway? Don't they provided you a background of who I'm supposed to be?" the boy asked pouting at the little hitman. He very much knows his information on the CEDEF files. He had read through them before and all that are under his names are his failures.

"Everything about you there is the opposite of what you're showing now. It's either Iemitsu is messing with me or he just don't really know what's happening"

"Save your guess to yourself coz I don't know myself. Ne Reborn-san, are we having an alliance?"

"What's the catch?"

"You're so blunt you know. The only condition is you wouldn't tell anyone that I'm not a dame. Not even to Vongola Nono or to my brother"

"I want to know your real identity first," the baby insisted but the other just shakes his head.

"Maybe some other time Reborn-san. But you should know that I mean no harm to the Vongola"

"I'm still going to watch you," Reborn said before he disappears.

"Hmm. Why do people want to watch me?" he asked himself innocently or at least that's what his appearance says.

Hibari Kyoya is standing in front of his office window staring at the brunet alone in rooftop. He knows it was him, 27thSky. He appears weakling to other but now that he thinks about it, he only trips when there are a lot watching him fail. Once he's alone he had the confident look in him that says no one could bring him down.

"Carnivore acting herbivore," he said to himself.

"Kyou-san!" his vice-chairman Kusakabe Tetsuya came barging in his office.

"Tetsu, how dare you disturb me?"

"I-I'm sorry but I found a message card for you. It looks important," the man said unfazed of his threat.

He takes the card and found a 27 imprinted on top. He looks back and found his prey still at the roof but is now facing their direction. There's no way it's just coincidence.

"Buy me two strawberry shortcakes," he orders between gritted teeth.



"Hai," answered the pompadour then scram away.

"You're playing with me Omnivore," Hibari mumble while opening the card.

[8:27 PM same place. Bring the cake K-Y-O-Y-A]

Tsuna, on the other hand is eating a sandwich he brought in the cafeteria when his business phone vibrates. He bent down and takes it from its strap on his leg wondering who would contact him on his scheduled 'busy hours'.

"Yo 27thSky"

"If it isn't the young Chiavarone Don, what could I do for you?" Tsuna asked making sure the perimeter is clean of eavesdropper.

"Hey is this really your voice. It sounds so raspy, I thought you're just around 20 years old," the young boss on the other line asked earning him a throaty chuckle.

"I didn't know you're this idiot Bucking Bronco. Do you really think I wouldn't make precautionary measures? Especially that I'm dealing with people who could shoot my head off any minute?"

"You're so mean Sky. By the way I'm going to Japan in a few weeks to visit someone, will I be seeing you now? I've already travel on almost every part of the world yet you're not in any of them"

"Ah so that's why you're talking Japanese to me, last time it was Russian," the brunet said remembering their conversation in another foreign language which is mostly Dino telling him where part of the country he is and asking when he will show himself. If he decided to go on killing spree, the Chiavarone Decimo will be the first to be killed on his list. He always wonder who could be anymore idiotic than a Mafia Boss giving his exact location to an anonymous hacker.

"Come on tell me," the man demanded.

"Dino-san, don't forget the possibility that I could be sitting behind you now or anywhere around you. Maybe you have actually met me but you just didn't know"

"Are you saying you're an Italian?"

"Who knows? Ja Dino-san, bye-bye," Tsuna said intending to end the call since the bell will be ringing in a few seconds. He was actually right when the bell goes off right after he kept his phone.

The day went on normally for Tsuna without anything unusual if being watch even when he goes to the bathroom is part of being normal. Reborn is turning into a stalker. He must be really pissed to be given wrong information.

Even when he went home, all he could hear is his brother's yelp from pain. Poor Ietsuna who is at the receiving end of his tutor's frustration.

"Get out of my way Dame-Tsuna," Ietsuna shouted when he run into him in the living room.

"Oi Baka-Ietsuna, respect your family," Reborn said before landing a kick on his twin's stomach. That must have hurt a lot.

"Tch. That dame isn't my family. Okaasan just letting him stay until he is legal to live on his own"

"What did you say?" asked the hitman who seems even more pissed.

He leaves them alone after the memory of yesterday came through his mind. He almost forgot about it just like the other things that he keeps throwing at the back of his mind to spare himself from pain.

He locked himself in the room shutting everyone off his mind and he get to his laptop. He isn't supposed to be feeling anything but then he isn't like his disk drive that he could simply delete the unnecessary content.

Incoming Message

Hacker51: About the Vongola Decimo...

27thSky: I know. The hitman Reborn is in the house tutoring him. You know it was fun messing with him.

Hacker51: You're not planning to give away your identity are you?

27thSky: I'm not...yet. You know sometimes, the more the clues are, the harder to figure things out.

Hacker51: Dame-Sky. You're dealing with the number one hitman. One way or another, he will know which are real and which are not.

27thSky: I have it under control. Unfortunately, Kyoya is another case.

Hacker51: Kyoya? Don't tell me the skylark?

27thSky: Bing bing. Correct. He could be a good ally but he's always biting me to death.

Hacker51: How idiot can you be, Sky? You're playing too reckless. I'm having stomachache.

27thSky: Don't be so worried Hacker. I'm logging out. Bye-bye.

27thSky out.

After securing his computer network, he hides it again under his bed. He then throw himself in the bed lying sprawl on his back when he notice a green jelly-like thing on his ceiling.

He keeps on staring at it while it also stares back at him. It was as if whatever that thing is, was thrown on his ceiling where it smudge. Moments later, it started to detach in the ceiling and falls on him.

Tsuna covered his face not wanting to be smeared by the green jelly but what fall on him is a chameleon and a pair of mittens with 27 design in it. How accurate.

"So this is why you can't be used huh? You turn into some yucky looking green jelly. Are these mittens for me?" he asked after recognition and the chameleon seems to understand him, nod his head before crawling on top of his hair.

"Oi, I'm not a nest you know," the brunet said while poking the green lizard. He takes the mittens and hides it just at the same time when Reborn barge in to his room.

"Did you see Leon?"

"In my head. Little lizard crawl down now," he answered while poking Leon in his hair again.

The chameleon jump from his head to Reborn's fedora and rested there while the hitman eyed him up and down before leaving his room. How did he even get in? He makes sure it was locked.

The brunet walks to the door and find the lock destroyed. What a pain having an impatient hitman in his house.

"I'll call for its repair tomorrow," the squeaky voice answered his silent prayer.

"I'm sleeping then. Don't bother calling me for dinner," he told him before slipping back in his room.

He still has roughly three hours before he meet Hibari so he just inspect the mittens. Base on what he learned from Dino Cavallone who had been tutored by Reborn too, his weapon, a whip, was also from Leon after his tail falls off. He wonders what his mittens can do.

Maybe he could ask 'him' if they see each other again.


Leave me feedback on your way out.


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