with your love || h.s.

By queenmichaels

1.7K 74 17

It's funny how everything can change in the blink of an eye. One second you're having dinner with your family... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n

T w e l v e

72 4 0
By queenmichaels

To say I was embarassed about last night was an understatement. After Harry dropped me off at my house, I did nothing but sit in my room and draw. I recieved a text from him saying to dress cute but casual. Time was passing quickly and when I checked my phone again it was already seven o'clock, giving me one hour to prepare for my date with Harry. Date with Harry. Just a mere 24 hours ago I wasn't aware we were on the same page with feelings and now we're going on a date. It's so surreal to say the least. I pushed myself off my bed and went across the hall to Louis' room.

"Louis, I need your help." I whined. I flung myself on his bed and I heard him laugh.

"What's going on?" I picked my head up and looked him in the face.

"I'm going on a date tonight...with Harry." His eyes widened and I could see him holding back a smile. He folded his arms under his head and leaned back.

"A date you say?" He taunts. I groaned and smacked his arm playfully.

"Yes! I'm so nervous Lou. What if I mess this up?" I thought of every possible scenerio of how this night could pan out and none of them ended well.

"You'll be fine. Just don't think too much about it. I bet you he's more nervous than you are!" He laughs. I glare at him and go to walk out of his room, but not before giving him the finger.

I started singing Still Into You by Paramore quietly to myself as I rummaged through my closet to find a "cute but casual" outfit. It's nearly the middle of autumn so I decided on black and white aztec printed leggings, a dark grey sweater and plain black flats. I quickly ran my straightener through my hair, twisting it the ends slightly to curl it. I applied some mascara and light eyeliner to highlight my eyes. By now it was seven fifty and Harry should be here any minute. I grabbed my small black bag and threw it over my shoulder. I said my goodbyes to Louis before he tried, and failed, to give me condoms and a sex talk. To which my face heated up and I ran for the stairs.

As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard a car door slam and a few seconds later there were three light knocks on the door. I opened the door to see Harry standing there with his hands shoved in his front pockets and a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Hi," He reached out his hand.

"Hi," I took his outstretched hand and he led me to his car. As he got in the front seat I was able to fully see what he was wearing. His normal black skinny jeans, a light tan sweater and black boots.

"Like what you see?" Harry winked. I scowled and he lughed as we drove off down the street. I knew if I asked where we were going he wouldn't tell me so I just decided to keep my gaze out of the window. I was still imagining the way this night could end and now without Louis making me nervious than I was, maybe it'll turn out all right. We weren't officially together even though we already confessed our feelings for each other. I was snapped out of my daydream of being Harry's girlfriend when I felt the car slow down. I looked up and saw we were at a small resturant that I couldn't pronounce the name of.

"I hope you like Italian," He said.

"It's my favorite," I laughed and he let out a breath I didn't realize he was holding. We exited the car and walked up to the entrance but not before Harry opened the door for me like a gentleman. Once we were inside a short, bald man greeted us and took us to our seats. The place was warm and cozy. A big fireplce adorned the back wall with a fire burning inside, couples were sat in booths whispering to each other and drinking their wine. We were seated in a booth in the back near the fireplace, only one or two couples near us.

"This place is so cute! How did you find it?" I asked. I looked around some more in awe because this place was so old fashioned looking.

"I pass it on my way to work everyday," He chuckled. My eyes widened in surprise. He had a job?

'Where do you work?" Surprise was evident in my voice.

"Don't sound so surprised! I actually work as a trainer down at the gym,"

After the waiter came and took our order, we continued talking. We ended up playing twenty questions and talking about our childhoods. I learned Harry's father left his family for another woman when he was a child and how it was just him, his mother and sister. I told him about how every Sunday my dad and I would go fishing at the river by our house, how my mom and I would have weekly shopping trips, how my little sister and I would go to the park and swing for hours. It got a little much for me and before I started crying, I stopped. I couldn't let that happen again.

"It's okay, Anna, you'll be okay." Harry reassured me. He slid over to my side of the booth and put an arm around my shoulders, allowing me to lean into him. My eyes burned with unshed tears but I refused to let them fall. He stayed with me and the waiter came and asked if we wanted dessert.

"Actually, could we get two hot chocolates please?" Harry asked. The waiter nodded and smiled before walking off with the order.

"I love hot chocolate." I laughed quietly. I looked up at Harry and saw he was already looking at me. He smiled and kissed my forehead, his lips lingering for a few seconds.

"Here you are," The waiter said a few minutes later. He set down two steaming hot mugs of hot chocolate and walked off again. I looked at the mugs, then to Harry, and over to the fireplace. He must of understood beacuse I soon found myself and Harry sitting on the couch infront of the burning fire drinking our drinks. As I gripped the handle of the mug ready to take a drink, I noticed a woman looking at us from the corner of my eye. I looked over to get a better view and saw a brunette sitting a table by herself, glaring in our direction, clearly not affected by me seeing her.

"Harry, there's someone staring at us." I looked at him and flicked my eyes in the direction of the woman. He looked confused but he looked and when he did, his face paled.

"What, what's wrong? Do you know her?" I set down my mug on the table in front of us. I took Harry's face in my small hands and forced him to look at me. By now he was full on staring and his face seemed to be losing more color by the second. I was getting worried.

"Harry?" I lightly tapped his cheek and his gaze snapped back to mine.

"That's Sarah, my ex."

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