The Collision Theory | Remus...

By AsgardianMarauder

2.2M 88.4K 68.9K

They were reckless, she was not. They were loud, she was not. They were graceful, she had los... More

01. Possibly the Worst Thing Ever
02. Back Like The Prodigal Son
03. Leaky Cauldron? Leaky Hell.
04. Puppy Dog Eyes Will Be The Death Of Me
05. Patience is Key
06. Latecomers and Soft Landings
07. And So The Year Starts
08. Blood Traitors' Fame
09. In The Name of Feminism
10. It's A Riddikulus Start
11. Ignorance Was Bliss
12. A Common Occurrence of Rarities
13. Audrey, Wolves and Chocolate
14. Farewells to sweet sixteen
15. Invitations Compulsory To Accept
16. The Moon Can Make You Loopy
17. The Realisation of No Happy Endings
18. Fort Knox... or Blanket
19. The Affects of Adrenaline and Karma
20. Space Face and Impending Humiliation
21. The Consequences of Sneaking Out
22. Words That Hit Close
23. Spychos
24. The Domino Effect
25. And Now We Wait...
26. A Little bit of Mischief
27. Pour Your Heart Out
28. At The Most Inconvenient Time
29. Tis The Season To Be Jolly
30. Homeward Bound
31. Shopaholic
32. The Mysterious Case of the Redhead
33. A Thousand Memories
34. Mistletoe
35. The Art of Avoidance
36. If At First You Don't Succeed...
37. Eve of Celebrations
38. Gryffindors Have Regular Stupid Ideas
39. Christmas With New-found Family
40. Two Left Feet
41. The Broken Family
42. The Cold Aftermath
43. Hello 1977
44. New Year New Me
45. Quite Wolfish
46. And We're Off
47. The Amateur Thief
48. The Collision Theory
49. Pretty Smells and Revelations
50. Another Candle To Blow
51. Dammit
52. Claws
53. Cheesy Letters of Love
54. Party Planning
55. The Collision Theory Revisited
57. Son Of A Bludger
58. Don't be such a witch
59. Good Remmy, Sit.
60. Get Your Head In The Game
61. Snitches Get Stitches
62. Some people just can't hold their liquor
63. The Astronomy Tower
64. Mummy's Knitting Obsession
65. To Whom It May Concern
66. A Trip To The Ministry
67. Truth Or Dare
68. Inventive Truths
69. Everything goes to shit
{Public Service Announcement}
70. A Bark Isn't Worse Than The Bite
71. Sorry
72. The Pure Brilliance of Miriam Novak
73. Brothers
74. An End & A Beginning
Public Service Announcement- SIKE

56. A Series of Unfortunate Events

21.6K 850 519
By AsgardianMarauder

"Gryffindor against Slytherin, the day of judgment dawns," James says darkly on a Saturday morning, plopping himself down beside Sirius. He raises an eyebrow at Lottie, who sits on my right, "the Badgers are on our side, right?"

"I'm not the representative of my house, but I assume most of them will be. I hear the Ravenclaws are rooting for Slytherin," She shrugs, making me realise how many matches I missed this year.

"Well, training starts in ten, y'all are welcome," James stuffs a roll into his mouth and gets back up, jogging out of the Hall.

I turn to Remus, who's more interested in a book than his plate, "Do you wanna go?"

"Hmm?" He looks up from the pages, slightly dazed.

"Go to watch James? We could make it a day."

Remus frowns, his voice a little quieter, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, it'll be fun."


There's a light drizzle as we walk towards the quidditch field, all fighting for space under Lily's umbrella. James and the team are already on the pitch when we reach the stands, doing little warm-up exercises.

"Go Jamesie! I love you baby! Make me proud!" Sirius shouts, cackling when James turns to give him the middle finger.

"We've got contest Remus," I laugh, "for the cutest couple of the year."

"Oh please," Sirius shakes his head, "it's always been me and my hairbrush."

"Brushie isn't much of a talker, though," Peter sighs, pushing Sirius forward for more umbrella space.

"Oh my God!" Lily screeches, drawing our attention back. We frantically search for the cause of her hysteria, but it becomes clear when she leans over the barrier to yell, "James you dick! Stop doing somersaults!"

"Sorry love!" He calls back, and I'm pretty sure that he's grinning ear-to-ear, "Though it's nice to know that you care about me!"

Lily's cheeks are as red as her hair as she shuffles back under her umbrella, and when I laugh, she hisses, "Not a word."

"I wasn't going to tell-"

"Silent. Or umbrella privileges go."

"Fine, alright," I don't try very hard to mask my grin, and turn back to the session, resting against Remus, who holds the umbrella up since he's the tallest. The seeker zooms past us as the snitch just skims past, and for a moment I feel the urge to reach out-

"Easy there, you'll drool on your cloak," Remus laughs, and I realise that I've been staring out in the direction of the snitch like a kid at a sweet shop.


"You getting quidditch withdrawal symptoms?"

I roll my eyes, "You make it sounds like I'm an addict."

"That's what quidditch is," Sirius turns around, sighing dramatically, "a dangerous high."

"Ever the Drama Queen." Peter rolls his eyes.

"That's why I'm a commentator, Sweetie."

"Why does Potter have the beater's bat?" Lily groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. We turn our attention back to the pitch, on which James is swinging the bat precariously as the beater tries to grab it. Something stupid is gonna happen, I can sense it.

James almost topples over his broom as the beater yanks the bat out off his grasp, and his voice is carried over the pitch, "Oh come on, Maisie! Learn to joke around a bit!"

"Joke around? You won't be joking when I bash your head in!" The beater, Maisie, yells.

"Alright alright! I'm sorry!"

Maisie seems to calm down, now not as intent on beating up the team chaser. Maybe my senses are off, as everything calms down. Well, as calm as quidditch can get.

"Snitch!" Sirius cries as the golden ball whizzes over us, followed closely by the seeker, "Oh and Hollen is quick to move! Our boy has taill got it after all these years-"

Hollen, the seeker, shouts as he swerves around the keeper, "I'm not old, Black!"

"I beg to differ, mate!" Sirius grins, "Anyway, he's closing in, only centimetres from that lovely little golden treasure, cutting around Maisie Lau, over the hideous Potter- SHIT!"

The cause of the profanity is James, who decides to turn around at the wrong time, causing the most painful looking crash between himself, Hollen and the snitch. My eyes are glued to the scene; James doubles over his broom, clutching his face, while Hollen isn't so lucky. I see him lose his hold on his broom as it flips, but am pulled into someone before I see the seeker hit the ground.

"Someone get Pomfrey!" I think it's Lily shouting, but it's hard to make out even I'm being held so tightly.

"Don't look," I realise that it's Remus holding me back, and for good reason. As my mind processes what has just happened, I can almost feel the phantom pain of my once broken ribs, the feeling of hitting the ground with a sickening crack, and the ten seconds of agonising pain before blacking out. It's like living the whole thing again. Remus runs his hand down my back, "Lin..."

"Remus," it's like the image of the accident is burning through my eyelids, and I'm feeling light-headed, "Re- I can't- Remus-"

"Ssh, deep breaths, look at me," He pulls back, not letting me face the pitch, where I can hear shouts. I can't think straight- it's not me that's fallen- why did it feel like it's me?

"What's happening?"


"Panic attack."

"You serious?" I frown, accepting a chunk of chocolate from Remus, who hasn't left my side for the last two hours.

"I am Sirius, and being serious," Sirius grins, but drops out when I give a disapproving tut, "but it's nothing to be embarrassed of, these things are natural and can happen to anyone."

"And you would know?"

He seems to falter on his words before answering, "It-it happened when I used to get nasty letters from my parents."

I cringe at my stupidity, "I'm sorry."

"No need to be," Sirius smiles, sitting down on the sofa on my right side, "now Moony, shower Novak in affection, she's had a hard day."

"I've already given her chocolate, and she's stolen my jumper. What else is there really?" Remus huffs as I bury myself deeper into the jumper I might have forcefully taken from him.

"Speaking of hard days," I turn to Sirius, "how's James?"

"Got a bruise on his nose and forehead shaped like a snitch," Sirius shrugs, "but other than that he's fine. He told me to leave as soon as he realised that Lily was practically gushing over him."

"Aww poor Sirie, the third wheel," Remus grins, "you're always welcome with us."

"What are we then? Strangers?" I mock scold.

Remus' eyes widen, and he starts to stutter, "That's not- I didn't mean-"

"Ooh, problems this early on in the relationship? Not looking too good."

I laugh as Remus takes the pillow behind him and leans over me to try to smother Sirius to death, "Sirius Black, you home-wrecker!"


The news of the accident appears through the school like wildfire, even on a Sunday when most people are sleeping in. The Slytherins are whooping and cheering down the corridors at the knowledge of a lack of seeker, which will almost certainly mean a shameful defeat in the game for Gryffindor.

I trail after Marlene on Monday evening into the common room, only to find a mass of people crowded around the noticeboard and James.

"Good Lord, he's standing on the table again," Marlene tuts, and heads in the direction of the girls' dormitories.

I'm about to follow when James starts to speak, "My dear witches, wizards and mages! You have surely all heard of what has happened to our brave seeker Hollen, and the grave danger we now face. If you are interested in trying out for the team, write your name down. Don't be shy, look, someone's already written their name down."

I squint at the paper he's holding up, and for a moment I think my glasses fool me. But, clear as day, in Potter's scruffy handwriting, is written:


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