A Court of Tears and Starlight

By Spinlight

71.5K 2.3K 893

Sometimes we have to give up that which we love most so that it can be saved, to be enjoyed by others, but ne... More

The gift of the Willow
A deal's a deal
Welcome to the Night
The dress
Dining with devils
Secrets in the Night
Dark Dreams
Wild calls to wild
Spying at Night
The message
Sweet nothings
Nothing ever ends
The death of a star
Home sweet home, no more.
Reading between the lines
The Letter
Throwing daggers
A case of terrible timing
Pillow talk
Deep in the mines
An unlikely alliance
The Awakening
The secret council
You set fire to my bed
A push in the right direction
Comings and goings
Note From Spinlight
Unexpected gifts
Preparing for the worst
The Great Rite
Note from Spinlight
Fighting hard
Queen for a night
When lightning strikes
The millennial treaty
The Challenge begins
The End
Lost time
Final gifts
Violet stains
Your heart is my home
Missing pieces
Forever family


1.5K 51 34
By Spinlight

Hello Lovely Readers,

One week to go till we get the real thing! So excited for the next book and in the lead up I thought I would give you all a little something to tide you over till the book release.

Sorry for errors- I wrote this on my phone!

Hope you enjoy this little ACOTAR fix.

Much love and excitement,

Spinlight  xo

I couldn't breathe, my chest burnt and my throat tasted of vomit. I gasped and gasped as I clutched the walls of the bathroom. I felt a warm arm wrap around me and soft fingers sweep my hair back off of my face.

I wept as Rhysand drew me firmly against his chest and gently rubbed my back in soothing circles.

"More bad dreams?" He murmured into my hair, his lips pressing softly against my head between each word.

I lied, nodded my head and breathed a sigh of relief as I felt the final wave of nausea pass and exhaustion take its place.

Rhys' strong arms delicately gathered me up as he carried me back to bed.

I nuzzled into his chest and smiled as I felt his heart accelerate in response. I still couldn't believe this was real.

I heard him chuckle as those violet eyes twinkled down at me.

"Oh it's real alright. But after last night I can understand how you might mistake it for a dream."
Rhysand's smile transformed into a fully fledged smirk as a light blush stained my cheeks.

I rolled my eyes but secretly loved my infuriatingly arrogant and sexy mate.

Rhys lowered me onto the bed and I found myself cocooned in his warmth. His arms wrapped tightly around me and I felt butterflies flutter in my tummy as his hand unconsciously stroked my stomach.

He didn't know.

I hadn't found the right time to tell him. I knew it was cowardly of me but I was terrified about how he might react. He still saw himself as a monster and I knew that becoming a father would awaken all of those doubts.

I sighed as Rhysand's soothing fingers and breathing lulled me into a deep contented sleep.

I awoke refreshed and amazingly comfortable as I stretched out in our cloud like bed. I expected to hear Rhys' mocking retort as I took over the whole bed, yet as I stretched out I found no nearby competition.

I sat upright in the bed and squinted as the moon shone brightly in. That was the problem with this evernight - I had no idea what time of day it was.

I smiled as I caught the soft alluring fragrance of a night orchid and turned to see it laying on my bed side table.

Rhys' perfect calligraphy stood out on a note pinned to the flower.

My Queen,

I smiled at that teasing reference. He knew how it irked me to be reminded of my few brief weeks trapped as Pyrithian's Monarch. Ugh- nothing could be a bigger gilded cage than ruling over the fae. Especially when I could never openly love Rhysand. Now my days were spent outrageously draped across him and fending him off for his totally inappropriate displays of public affection. His court found his raucous behaviour hilarious. I would never quite come to terms with the Night's scandalous acceptance of secret trysts and salacious affairs. Rhys crooned every time he would cause my cheeks to turn red and would savour every minute of my discomfort, gathering me tightly to himself as I tried to squirm away in protest.

I chuckled as my eyes went back to the note.

My Queen,

There's something I have to take care of.

I'm not sure when I'll be back.


My smile became a frown as I re-read the note. It was so scant with details that I felt immediately panicked. What the hell was Rhys hiding from me and why did he have to take off so quickly.

I swallowed hard. Perhaps he knew. We Fae could smell these things could we not? I leant down and sniffed along my shoulder and arm. Nope. No change in smell that I could detect.

I heard a bemused chuckle from the side of the room and before I could look up the dry mocking voice followed.

"Does someone need a shower?"

My eyes swept the room until they narrowed on the source of that voice.

"I'd be surprised if anyone in the Night Court couldn't smell that," he chuckled darkly.

My heart froze in fear.

Oh Cauldron! Everyone knew.

My frown became a glare as I noted the smug look of satisfaction on Lucien's handsome face.

"They can not!" I protested like a petulant child.

"Can too!" He retorted.

"It would be hard not to smell such a lazy booge worm. I mean it's 3pm and you're still in bed!"

Oh...maybe he couldn't smell that I'm pregnant.

My pillow flew across the room and whacked him square in the face. I heard a loud curse and then ducked beneath the covers to hide from the oncoming onslaught.

I squealed as the covers were ripped away from me and Luce dragged me by my ankles down the bed and then threw me over his shoulder.

"L-uuuu-cien!!!" I shouted in protest as he swung me around. I felt the waves of morning sickness return and I covered my mouth and whacked his back in protest.

He came to an abrupt halt and my whole world continued to spin as he stood perfectly still. I heard him draw in a long sniff and then gasp in shock.

"By the Cauldron Feyre! I can smell you and you're Preg- "

His words were cut off as I spewed all over his back and down in to his shoes. He yelped in protest and almost dropped me onto my head, his hands quickly grasping my legs at the last moment.

"Ugh this is SO disgusting!" He snarled as he carried us both into the shower and turned the tap on. Warm water gushed over my body and I groaned in pleasure, despite my now entirely soaked night ware. Lucien had lowered me to the ground and was busy washing the vomit from his clothes and legs. I lowered myself to the floor and looked up at his outraged face.

I know that what had happened was totally gross and that I should be so embarrassed right now... Except that if anything I just found the whole situation hilariously funny. I mean c'mon- I just spewed on Luce and he was behaving like the precious princess he is.

A treacherous giggle escaped from my lips and rang out loudly due to the showers acoustics. Lucien's head swung round and he glared furiously as I broke into uncontrollable snorts of laughter.

"This isn't funny!" He growled at me.

"It is a little..."

"No it's not!"

"Well it's your fault anyway!"

"How is it my fault?"

"That's what you get for swinging around a pregnant lady!"

As the words left my mouth we both stilled and looked at each other. Lucien's face softened as he looked down at me. Fae children were rare and treasured by the whole community. I could already see how much this news meant to Lucien.

"Are you ready to be an uncle Luce?" I asked quietly.

He grinned wickedly and drew me to my feet, swallowing me up in a giant hug.

"Who else is going to corrupt your children?" He laughed into my shoulder.

I clung on tight. Needing this reassurance. So happy to no longer bare this burden alone since Alis was so very far away and now Rhysand was off cauldron knows where on court business.

"Wait... Does Rhysand know?"

"Does Rhysand know what???" Came a loud growl
from behind us and had us springing apart as fast as we could.

I spun to find a fuming Rhysand glaring at us both. Rage, jealousy and hurt flashed across his face before it went completely blank.

"Rhys, what's wrong?" I asked stepping forward and gently reaching for him.

His hand slapped mine aside and his eyes coldly appraised Lucien and I.

"How long has this been going on for?" He asked in a cruel emotionless voice.

"Wh-h-h-hat?" I spluttered as I looked around trying to work out what he meant. My eyes widened as I realised the compromising position I was in and the conclusions Rhys had jumped to.

Lucien laughed out loud and shook his head as he turned off the steaming flow of water.

"I'd hardly want your left overs." He scoffed.

I glared up at him and frowned from the sting of that insult.

"Although I'm now doubtful that you have even managed to claim her - given that you think we are fooling around and have failed to notice we are still fully clothed."

Rhysand's face darkened at his words and a small snarl escaped his lips.

"My romantic tryst normally take place naked," Lucien added with a wink.

Rhysand was now seething. He looked like he was ready to tear out Lucien's throat.

"Besides what the hell were you thinking leaving her alone when she's - "

I screamed, cutting Lucien off and blocking out all other sound.

It was not the best thought out plan but I was tired and sick and frustrated and this was not how I planned to deliver the news to Rhysand.

Both males looked at me in total shock as I continued to howl with an earth shattering scream.

Once I knew they were both speechless I stopped and then glared at Lucien.


He didn't need to be told twice. I could see from the flash of recognition in his eyes that he realised Rhys didn't know. I could also see that he was worried about the baby and didn't want to see me in such a distressed state. So he did the most un-Lucien thing possible and slipped out of the bathroom without a fight.

Rhysand stood there staring through me in a look of bewildered hurt and distrust.

"Rhys, please look at me?" I pleaded.

His face turned to me and I saw a flicked of longing in his face.

"Rhys, ask me what happened?"

"What happened?" His voice was dull and disinterested. It hurt. It hurt that he would speak to me like that. Even though I knew he was only speaking like that because he had thrown his walls up high.

"I threw up on Lucien."

I saw confusion flash across his face and then his eyes widened in disbelief.

"He pulled me out of bed and accused me of smelling like a booge worm and I... I ... Well....I spewed all over him..." I finished lamely.

Rhysand's cold face transformed into pure delight as he howled with laughter.

"It's not funny!" An indignant Lucien screamed from the other room.

Now it was my turn to growl.

"LUCIEN!" I screamed in warning.

"Ok, ok - I'm gone!" I heard him mutter as he left and the bedroom door slammed shut behind him.

"Wait- you were sick again?" Rhysand asked as concern filled his eyes.

I tried to step back as he pulled me forward into his arms. I pulled back protesting, trying desperately to not wet his perfect clothing. Rhys sighed in exasperation as he over powered my attempts and pulled me hard against his chest.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you," I murmured into his hard chest.

"I was hardly upset," he scoffed.

"Oh - so you weren't jealous then?"

His growl vibrated through me and I chuckled quietly, loving that he felt so possessive of me.

I looked up into his stern face and gently cupped my hands against his cheek. At my touch his walls crumpled and he looked down at me with unshielded love and apology in his eyes. It was too much for me. I went up onto my tip toes and my hand slid behind his neck and tugged him forward as I crashed my lips into his.

He moaned as his hands slid down over my wet shift and settled on my hips.

I pulled back teasingly.

"So... Maybe a little jealous then?"

Rhysand met my comment with a cocky smirk that annoyed me as he shrugged dismissively.

I pulled back away from him completely and folded my arms across my chest.

Rhysand chuckled seeing that his hit had found its mark and that he had managed to stir me up.

On a usual day this tiff would have ended with me mouthing back and then finally taking it too far and spraying him with the shower. But today I was particularly hormonal and emotionally irrational. I had woken up sick, been worried unnecessarily but his unexplained disappearance, been rudely man-handled by Lucien and then accused of having an affair.

I stood quietly fuming as Rhys continued to chuckle at me.

"Why would I be jealous? Hmmm?" He teased.

I pouted and refused to answer him.

"Oh c'mon Feyre, I'm sorry I over reacted but I would know if there was something going on right under my nose."

I laughed at the irony of his choice of words and then rolled my eyes.

"Clearly you nose isn't working very well then," I muttered under my breath.

Rhys frowned at my words as he tried to make sense of them. I saw his eyes widen in shock as his whole body froze and he stared at me in disbelief.

His eyes went from my face, down to my tummy and then back up again.

He wasn't moving.

I swallowed hard knowing that this was exactly what I had feared the most. My fears jumped to the worse possible conclusion.

He didn't want this little girl.

His eyes snapped out of their daze and his face broke into the most beautiful dazzling smile that I'd ever seen.

"A little girl?"

I grinned and nodded at him as he swept me up into his arms and twirled me around.

I laughed as he bristled with excitement, kneeling down in front of me and pressing his face to my stomach. The only time I'd ever seen him like this was when he was about to fly.

"I can't feel anything." He frowned in disappointment and I laughed out loud at his eagerness.

I cupped his cheeks with my hands and turned his face towards my own.

"I lied," he said, his face contorting with a mixture of such overwhelming emotions, "I feel everything."

I smiled as I pulled him to his feet and kissed him fiercely. I knew exactly what he meant. The feeling of having this life inside of me was wonderfully overwhelming.

Rhysand pulled his lips away from mine and I whined in protest.

"This doesn't make it ok for you to shower with her God Father."

I looked up at him and chuckled in disbelief. How did he know that's what I wanted. Was he serious? I mean Rhysand couldn't stand Lucien.

His firm no-nonsense peck on my lips stemmed the flow of words that were about to pour out. I looked up at him and smiled at the grin that was spreading across his face.


"I just wish I'd seen his face when you spewed on him. But I guess I will just have to wait until our daughter does," he chuckled darkly.

"Rhys!" I smacked his arm. "Being a God Parent isn't meant to be a punishment."

Rhysand chuckled and shook his head.

"If she's anything like us it will be."

I groaned and closed my eyes. By the cauldron! What were we about to let loose on this world???

* Almost 4 Years Later *

Sibeal squealed in delight as she she spun around in the middle of the circle. Her lovely violet eyes twinkled mischievously as her twirling came to a halt. She stood in front of the hulking Fae warrior who sat cross legged on the grass before her.

"And you, shall be my third faerie princess!" She declared as she lay the wreath of springtime flowers over Tamlin's curly golden hair. I tried not to laugh as he pretended to tolerate the wreath, yet secretly was over joyed by the attention Sibeal was lavishing on him.

Today was her third birthday and Rhysand had commissioned for her the most adorable little crown out of night gems. I rolled my eyes but knew better than to point out that he was spoiling her again. I grinned wickedly as I watched him now reap what he had sown. Sibeal had loved the little crown so much that she had set up a kingdom where all of her "friends" could also be faerie princesses with their own flower crowns. She had forced all of them to sit cross legged in a circle while she twirled around and performed the crowning ceremony for each of them. It was very sweet and completely hilarious given that her "friends" were Tamlin, Lucien, Rhysand and Aeden. I watched on as each now bore a vibrant flower crown of glorious springtime colours.

The four hardened warriors had sat timid as little kittens as my tyrant daughter bossed them all around and dressed them up as faerie princesses.

I had watched as she crowned each of them, knowing that while her chubby little fingers were laying flowers on their heads, that her enchanting personality was claiming each of their hearts. She was so loved.

Things had always been slightly awkward between Lucien, Tamlin and Rhysand until Sibeal came along. She didn't care for the political differences between courts. As far as she was concerned each of the men sitting before her were "mine" and therefore how dare they refuse to come and play together when she asked them to. She had them all wrapped around her little fingers and she was a formidable force to be reckoned with. It was lucky that Rhys and I had been blessed by the cauldron and despite the rarity of Fae children, we had another on the way. I smiled knowing that there was nothing like a sibling to fix a spoilt child.

I watched as Lucien was "chosen" to be Sibeal's noble steed and she was hoisted up and rode upon his shoulders down toward the starlight pool.

I felt Rhysand's arms materialise around me and his face nuzzle into my neck. I sighed into his warmth as his hands came up protectively around my stomach.

"She's so like you," he murmured.

"Actually- she's such a faerie princess that she must take after you," I laughed, my eyes flicking up to the flower crown still on his head.

Rhysand laughed and yet did not remove it. His pride was nothing compared to the happiness of his little daughter.

"She makes the world full of wonder and delight."

"So do you, my love."

He grinned as he looked down at me in adoration and gently stoked my stomach.

"I hope our little prince, is just like you," I sighed.

A cocky grin flashed across his face and he raised an eyebrow an me.

"Well maybe not exactly like you," I corrected.

"I mean I hope he's better looking than you or he will never ever get a girl."

Rhysand laughed as he nipped playfully at my neck and had me dizzy with longing with every single touch of his lips.

"What were you saying?" He whispered.

"Nothing, Princess." I smirked as I tweaked his flower crown, knowing that Rhysand always got the last say, and that a delicious punishment awaited me later.

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