The End

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I was going mad. Feyre had completely shut me out. I could see her before me but she had put a slid wall between us. Was she hiding something? Or did she just want to spare me he despair if things didn't go the way we all hoped. I cringed at the thought. She had to win. She couldn't die. I was gittery, frustrated and panicked. I stood helpless to do anything other than watch as my mate whirled in fury at a foe three times her size and the superior warrior by many centuries.

In the arena below I watched as Feyre moved with a speed that blurred each movement. She was fast. Faster than anything I had ever seen. Yet despite that she had not landed a single blow upon her opponent. I frowned. She should have at least managed to land one strike on Agros. Maybe she was trying to wear him out. I didn't know her strategy and I was worried that the easy wins she had against us had made her complacent and overly confident in her abilities. The soldier before me moved with a precision and brutality that I begrudgingly admired. He moved in a way that preempted every move. Her fist would swing right and he would dodge left, her knee would come up and he would step back. She would kick right and he would turn right and deflect the blow. It was like they were dancing, not fighting. An elegant dance of limbs and turns and rolls.

I watched as a knowing smile grew on Agros' face. I had the disturbing feeling that he was playing with her, taking her measure, and now he was done. His movement stilled to a halt as once more Feyre's fist flew towards him. He smirked and then his hand came up lightening fast and captured her fist within his. I watched on in horror as he twisted her arm back in a cruel wrenching motion. I couldn't breathe as I waited for the sickening crack of splitting bone and the scream that came after. A moment later I instead heard a loud thud and a scream of anger as Argos hit the ground.

A feral yell of triumph had ripped from my lips a moment before as I watched my graceful mate feint down to the ground as he twisted her arm, only to slide tackle his legs out from under him and twist free of his clutches as he crashed to the ground.

She shot me a small cocky smirk and I knew instantly that I had underestimated her. She was the one taking Agros' measure. She was the one toying with him.

Agros was only down a few seconds before he rolled back into his fighting stance and started swinging his club in rage. He was moving in a deadly onslaught of blows. I watched as Feyre ducked and manoeuvred out of his way. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't seem to land a blow. This continued for a few more moments before I began to hear the Hybern side cheer in triumph. I looked up confused and then looked down to find that slowly but surely she was being backed into a corner with no where to retreat.

Get out of there!!!

I mentally screamed into the void. She had blocked me so thoroughly that there was no way that I could get a message through to her.

I looked on in horror as she moved inch by inch backwards into the trap that was being set for her.

With a loud thud she slammed into the wall and her eyes went wide with shock.

The Hybern soldiers roared in a delirious frenzy as they anticipated the spray of her blood.

Agros raised his club and as Feyre's eyes rose to size up the blow his foot came down with a sickening crack and her knee bent backwards in the wrong direction.

A scream of pure agony tore from her and I wailed as I watched her crumple onto her knees.

Agros didn't hesitate as he swung the finishing blow down onto her with all of his might.

I heard the shattering ring of metal as the club came down and made contact.

There was a roar of confusion as the side of the arena splintered and shattered under the blow.

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